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/x/ - Paranormal

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Ok so, a few years ago I bought a copy of the necronomicon in a book exchange fair along other things (asterix comics, local books, recipee books, etc...), and it was a compilation of short stories by lovecraft and his circler and the final chapter some spells for shits and giggles, to make it seem like a magic book.

Ok so, recently (literally a week ago) I was talking with a friend and told her I have a copy of this book and sent her some pictures. Then, for shits and giggles, I did some of the hand signs, mainly because I had to carry some heavy stuff (firewood) and needed to move my fingers, tought it as an excercise.

.....a few minutes later, friend say i'm looking more cute than usual. During the next days, friends, coworkers and random women have said I look good (I haven't done a change, in fact, I look worse than before because I lost my hair cutting machine).
Also I found more offers and deals at the supermarket
Also I'm more "powerful" at my job, as in, people do as I say instead of shutting me up.
Also fights in my parent's house have decreased to the point is nice to go there
Also I feel more healthy and fit, despite not changing much stuff (other than eating less to save money)

....did I do a fucking spell?
This fucking book is plastic cover and cost me 5 bucks, and it was the same shop where I bought ecchi manga to laugh with friends.
Is it the power of suggestion? I always saw these as just some flavor pages to make the book more fun, like when a movie has 3D effects
>eats less
>women find him more attractive
>did I do a fucking spell?
Yes, Anon.
Started eating less since 2 week ago mate and haven't done much workout, last time I checked getting thing isn't that fast, it takes months if not years of constant hard work to see the results...and I still stress eat a burger with sprite once every 2 weeks
People can feel your mental state and will react accordingly. Eating less brings you in a more positive state.
Before the next date tidy up your bureaucracy (e.g. sort all letters into folders), clean your room and fap to vanilla porn. You'll notice a strong improvement in how the girl perceives you.
No you dumb ass you just started self improving, its not some fuckign magic its called restraint
I already clean up my room at my rented apartment...and the apartment itself. And also clean my room at my parent's house And also i'm in charge of my office due to my boss stress so I arranged everything in folders and every email in different tags (but this since months)
And in porn....trying to watch less and replace with writing and going for walks....still watch from time to time. Either lovey dovey vainilla doujhins or plot centered spy/scifi shit, mainly to see how they made said machines and cinema tricks
Does it have more power if you let him believe? It becomes magic in that case. Don't take away this power.
do yourself a favor and leave 4chan for good, your life will improve 10 fold
not that anon but why haven't you left?
self aware addict
that and Im retarded enough to think this place might still occasionally have good thread
I mean, I only come here from time to time, either because i'm bored at work or wanna see if there's a new toy I want in /toy/ or some leaks in the megaman megathread in /vg/

read above
Doesn't it from time to time? What other boards do you use?
/tg/-nothing really but culture wars and mindless shitposting
/k/- still ok but the sheer amount of /pol/ niggers makes it a chore
/x/- I mean do I really need to tell you why this place is awful?
It's absolutely sufficient to understand that e.g. /pol/ does not reflect the average because it focuses so much on dramatic stuff.
Also it's good to know that there are some users here who see it as some kind of activism to be as toxic as possible to others. Mostly that's people who think 4chan is evil and they think being toxic to others will create more infighting and hatred.
/pol/ represents /pol
/pol/ also is the loudest and most active board on the site and its users NEED to let everyone know they hate everything, and it has infected almost every aspect of this site
>....did I do a fucking spell?
That book will fuck you up
eat the book!
>eating less
>working out (moving heavy objects)
>stable job
>stable house, renting
>found different offers at the super market? What the fuck?
>more hair
>women checking you out more

And you think this is all because you did some hand signs in a book from the dollar tree?

You fucking moron , deaf people have way more complex hand signs and you don't see those fuckers running the world. You'r just getting older and independent.

You simply became more observant. Reading that book as well made you dumber. So now you can relate more.

Meth addicts have the same capacity and time to have read that book and you don't see them summoning spirits and shit.
>they hate everything
What are you talking about? Why are you lying?
Ok but what about the job
Last week coworkers would shut me up, choosing to be right instead of being optimal for the thing to get done (and I don't work at a company, I wok at the govt. so it's not a matter for "for muh profit" but rather "for muh nation")....and now that fucker has been in medical leave for god knows how many weeks and everyone listens to me and now we're being optimal and shit. What about that

And in supermarket...idk how to say it in english, but basically, the weekly grocery cart who costed me 50-60 bucks now is 30-40...and I even added shit
>I mean do I really need to tell you why this place is awful?
Seems very condescending for no reason. I also asked if it does occasionally have good threads.
Stupid faggots. /pol/ has no power here or in other websites. You idiots are just letting them live rent free in your fucking heads. That's the whole point. Most people head into /Pol/ and then leave no problem, but faggots like you get affected deeply and it messes up you're brain.
Yiu could make any thread better by ignoring them. Instead you're empowering their negativity by pointing them out and giving them an excuse to shit up boards even more.
/pol/ isn't the problem. You are. Kek.

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