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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Lord of the Seeds Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.

Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
I don't remember how many days I'm on of nofap. Probably been a week now. The idea of cooming is actually starting to become repulsive to me. I'm a lot more aware of the fact that I'd be touching my hand to images on a screen and not actually fucking a woman. Isn't that interesting?
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>have massive crush on girl
>she posts thrist traps nonstop when im on srg
>doesnt post for like 3 weeks abruptly
how... how do they know...
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Not even counting my streaks anymore, SR gives me a level of peace I didn't know could exist.

The struggle is over.
Newfren OP, you need to learn how to pastebin. I'm not sure why you hijacked SRG when we had a clean setup for years, but if you're gonna avatarfag, can you please learn to construct a general?
Not the current OP here.
I was the baker when the OP got fatter.
Honestly I don't see the need for a bin with 6 posts, but I'm cool with it.
Can you recommend a good and lasting bin? Is pastebin still cool?
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Sup' baker. Are you gonna see Deadpool 3?
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I've noticed that if I don't... Have Release for over a week that the women I see on a daily basis at work seem more flirty and communicative towards me. Is that my own delusion, or do they sense something from pheromones or some shit?
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oh yeah they can smell it
Bump for based thread
If i hadn’t stopped cooming already this would definitely cause me to stop because that is terrifying

I can believe it, but are there any studies that support this? would be interesting to read.
Daily reminder that pretty much all of the thunder gods (gods of enlightenment) wrestled with a serpent and won.

Nice try tranny
All of the thunder gods are literally based on THE God that got corrupted into an idol. The Bible mentions that I think in the letter to the Romans. Yahweh = Jowe JOVE, the serpent is Satan
Type in “Robert Sepehr” in YouTube. He explains what the serpent actually represents.

Broscience says that the more testosterone you have the more your body releases pheromones. That’s the best explanation I’ve seen to “magnetism”. Although that doesn’t explain online magnetism/attraction some experience here.
Everyone is about to get real fkn horny
I have never had a wet dream.
They're nice actually, don't deserve the hate
Do you actually make a mess of cum in your underwear and have to clean up?
That sounds kinda annoying to deal with after the wet dream
a little bit
Shit works facts fr fr ong also fuck you

Can anyone explain the metaphysical impact of SR in regards to magnetism pertaining to female attraction IRL vs texts/phone calls
>have massive crush on girl

Stop having crushes. Having a crush is setting yourself up for failure. Having a crush is not being able to keep your emotions under control and letting your subconscious run your programs.

>Can anyone explain the metaphysical impact of SR in regards to magnetism pertaining to female attraction IRL vs texts/phone calls

I never did SR for the benefits, in fact, always thought it was exaggerated. I did it for the sake of discipline and achieving my goals (just feels better retaining anyhow) but I can attest that the magnetism is real. But I think it's more due to the fact that disciplining yourself changes you internally and awakens a dormant Super Saiyan within you which in turn attracts people.
gaze, predator eyes
Text/phone calls
clean aura(which is electromagnetic field), deeper voice, them perceiving you as a chad
What do you guys think about the nobody? I feel a very dark energy emanating from these nobody generals.
Why do you even bring that up here? Just ignore dark energy if you feel any. Who gives a fuck about dark energy, let them wallow in the shadows like the cowardly faggot entities that they are.
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What's the average streak length in these threads? I'm coming up to 8 months here with 2 wet dreams in between
I just checked this general out for the first time.
To be completely honest I’m not convinced.
I think you should just let it all go.
How is this meme supposed to encourage semen retention when destroying the ring was necessary and the fact that he didn’t was a testament to the weakness of men… this meme alone has single handedly convinced me that semen retention is a psyop. Thanks feds.
I think in the context of /x/ the meme just indicates retaining your seed is powerful along with all the nuances that power gives, bilbo used the same ring with relatively minor consequences
i've been experiencing the benefits and all kinds of improvement, now i find my self having to deal with relationships and it's become a lot of work.
I mean on one side i have the crave for lust, on the other one is refraining from attachment.
is it supposed to be like this? i mean at this point the goal is to control and use this energy to look for stability or go along the adventures that i find myself in?
Are you kidding?? The nigga was heading towards the same path as gollum who was also once a hobbit.
You have confirmed my point: the power men think they will receive from holding in their seed is the exact thing that will destroy them in time, as it separates them from their very nature. But of course that is the temptation that these fools fall for, they want to be supermen, something more than a man. When will you learn that perfection is right there in front of you right now.
I have been here for at least 7/8 months (my streak so far) and almost nothing changed except for the last 2 days when some faggot decided to leave out a lot of info. I mean A LOT, all the scientific studies, the tips on wet dreams, the PSA… I would say 80%. Nobody batted an eye, some called him a faggot, but I didn’t see anyone else restore it, until I stepped in. The posts mentioned don’t need a pastebin, except for the one with scientific studies, but let’s be real, it hardly makes any difference. That is all. I won’t continue this discussion (again) any further.
No. I don’t watch movies.
Leave him be fren, he’s concluding his opinion on a meme and not the content. It’s an obvious shill. They are pretty active today.
Memes reveal what cannot be spoken. The trick is up. Multiple lurkers have already seen my posts and have seen the truth. Thank you kind adversary.
>but let’s be real, it hardly makes any difference. That is all
im not attacking you or something im genuinely curious, what did you do for the majority of that time? did you do prostrations, or tantric practice? im sure you meditated, did you meditate on the process of cristos raising? kundalini? anything?

were you celibate for 8 months or were you still pleasuring yourself?
it's not a tranny, it's a joke account run by a guy. the pfp is also stolen
fuuuck I just lost again. Earlier this year I've been able to reach 2 months streak, but I hooked up with a succubus type girl and now a few weeks after breaking it off with her I can't even reach more than 4 days. FUCK
None of the things you mentioned. Stop looking at porn, ignore women with lustful behavior, don't touch my dick seeking pleasure, eat/drink healthy and maintain a certain sleeping position during full moon. I also think maintaining peace of mind by not participating in (length) discussions not worthy of my time. Basically, enjoying life as much as possible without the sexual experience. Anything else is not worth noting, except that it's pretty easy from my perspective.
What are your guys' thoughts on sexual fantasies?
I tend to see most people who practice SR are very much against it as they claim it is the cause for wet dreams or relapsing so not only do they practice physical celibacy but mental celibacy as well. But some others say that wet dreams are caused by sexual repression, I've had days that I exercised, meditated, cold showers, yoga etc and tried my best not to think of anything sexually yet I'll still get a wet dream that night.

I've struggles with wet dreams since starting SR (3-4 times a month) however usually when I think about making love to women in my mind the wet dreams die down a lot. So I decided to indulge in sexual fantasies, just to mention I do not masturbate (haven't for 4 months) and never will again and I just use my imagination and imagine I am making love to whoever I can think of. I usually do this before going to sleep because I take a long time to fall asleep and sometimes the fantasies start to feel vivid and real which is pretty cool, eventually I'll get bored of it and forget about it.

So far the wet dreams have gone, I wanted to mention this because with SR whether it's here, reddit or wherever I tend to see guys trying to go down the pure celibacy path however reading and watching things like 'The Perfect Matrimony' and 'Sex The Secret Gate to Eden' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jRUBzyFzbU
makes me realise is that we are sexual beings and we need to express it in some way, all that matters is that you do not eat the forbidden fruit (orgasm) you can touch it but do not eat it.
Once I past a few months with a clean streak I'm gonna delete the counters and forget about this period of my life.
You aren't the usual op, are you?
I sometimes fantasize about the afterlife, superpowers (like flying, miraculous strength/resilience), anything that would make life more interesting/fun.

Sexual fantasies were only interesting as a coomer/virgin. The desire as a coomer is obvious, but as a virgin it was the unknown. Once I was able to shed light upon this unknown and realized the act is overrated, the sexual fantasies became very boring and dull. No thoughts, just being. The only usefulness and progress I can imagine is babymaking (except I have no interest in procreating, but that's an individual thing). Other than that it's just like taking a drug to forget about the world for a while. Because that is what fantasies are, but not the realization of one. If I were to realize any other fantasy other than sexual ones, I'd be making progress in many ways.
No, I'm not. I only made this and the last one.
semen retention is retarded
how about just not thinking about sex all the time like it's a legal requirement?
you ever thought about that?
Well, that's part of the goal anon.
if you think life is boring you are not paying attention amigo
If you often make wrong assumptions, you’d best upgrade your reading comprehension.
oh yeah didnt read your blogost
Like with all things, an eternal dance between the opposites.
Bros, every weekend I'm a go out and approach as many cuties as possible. I'll let you know on what day I start to see results, if I do.
>When will you learn that perfection is right there in front of you right now
Empty platitude.
I tend to agree. When I'm out hiking I see very beautiful women and end up having vivid sexual fantasies about them that last a few seconds or moments. It seems to satisfy me in ways I can't describe. I also notice I won't have any wet dreams when this occurs. As a coomer I was unable to even imagine something like this, as if my imagination was wiped out and it was nearly impossible to have images in my mind.
Does anybody feel like their innocence is coming back while on SR? I honestly feel like I'm back in 2004. I have no worries or anxieties hanging over my head, and when I was watching porn and masturbating, I was constantly feeling guilt, shame, and angst. It's a strange feeling, I cannot put it in words.
Congratulations to anyone hoping on this thread, facing themselves and seeking freedom. May god bless you
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Just remember that every cuck who's shitting on SR and calling bullshit, opened up his browser, went to the /srg/ specifically to talk shit, wrote his little message, typed out the captcha and clicked post.
Don't reply to them, they're either bots or retards.
Day 9 here, 0% porno.
Emptiness always underlies any fullness yea.

I came here because I actually respected SR but the meme used in OP changed my perspective entirely almost instantly… why use such a meme? What is going on here? I’m not even in a rush to start jerking again but seriously guys. And the way you all talk about it… it’s like AA or something. Cult type stuff. I don’t even think you guys mean to be like that, I think it’s just neuroses. Like you MUST have something wrong with you that your activity battling against all the time. Gee whizz literally just don’t jerk off if you don’t enjoy it, it’s not that difficult.
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Damn bro you got me I guess I’m one of God’s chosen people…
Robert Sepehr is fishy desu
>it's not that difficult
Some people are far more addicted than others and need daily motivation to begin to break the patterns and habits of masturbation to get to that point of "it's not that difficult". Don't be so daft.
>why do it
>mental clarity
Can someome explain this one to me? It's the opposite for me. When I do semen retention it's like if my brain was surrounded by mist, and after ejaculating I get complete clarity.
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oh snap
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i started peeking a few days ago and coom'd last night. the streak was over as soon as i gave myself the permission to look at that material again. i noticed a feeling of boredom and disinterest with porn, i realized it was all just empty and meaningless, so this addicted or frankly what feels like a demonic part started getting desperate and rushed to the most degenerate stuff possible just to get some reaction. it was pretty disgusting, looking at how people demean themselves each other in those circles of the internet, and it really hit it home that i did the right choice by choosing to distance myself from them.

even then, out of a sense of curiosity and desperation by this addicted part of myself, i did find some material that wasn't as degrading and ended up cooming. the pleasure just wasn't there anymore, it felt empty. i'm not angry or disgusted with myself, barely even disappointed. this was a learning experience for me, and i realize now that there is no going back to my old ways. that level of craving and clinging to pleasure was disturbing to say the least, and i'm not going to feed it anymore. it's not worth losing the energy, confidence, clarity of mind and clean conscience that come from not wasting my seed on meaningless pleasure.

thank you for listening to my ted talk.
I've always felt Bob Sepher is a glownigger operation, just a hunch maybe I'm wrong?
I feel you bro. Maybe you saw a provoking image somewhere and it stuck with you silently. It continued to scratch the back of your mind until you felt that sweet rush and even though you well know it's poison, it was already too late. Before you realize you're already taking hits of porno and jerkin it.
It's good that you're at a stage where the whole process of masturbating to the screen feels empty for you.
Continuous peeking only leads to one road: pornoland. Next time you feel the rush, become aware of your state of mind and "meditate" on it in your own way. Instead of letting that spurt of energy become lust and pornlonging, immediately get busy with something else and navigate the energy towards that. Remind yourself that you should take it one day at a time and that this current day will not be the day you fall.
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it's a stupid fucking meme holy shit some people are truly lost
Good job anon, that means you're healing and rewiring your brain. Keep it up bucko.
You're either watching some type of porn/stewing your brain in arousal in whatever way, or you are very used to jerking it and you need to lay off for a longer amount of time if you want any type of clarity on semen retention.
Edging/enjoying porn(that includes shit like instagram and any other arousing content you can think of) while on semen retention will make your brain foggier than if you'd just do a good ol quick crank on your regular site.
Are you saying "I'm not convinced because you find our arguments lacking" or "I'm not convinced because I have already made up my mind on the subject before reading arguments"? If you want to honestly hear the benefits of semen retention out, then good on you. If you are a paid shill, then nice try Lucifer, but I'm not touching my penis no matter how hard you try to convince me.
Having been in this thread for a number of weeks now, the average time that someone spends on a streak is about 2 weeks. Currently on day 313 (not including wet dreams) for me. For the first 3 months, I only had a wet dream less than once e a month, but it seems that the longer you retain, you will eventually reach the point where wet dreams regularly occur twice a month, depending on late-night habits like browsing social media or eating/drinking before bed.
>other than that it's just like taking a drug to forget about the world for a while. because that is what fantasies are, but not the realization of one
Well said, the fiction (like all make believe and the imagination) is taking a break from reality. The trick is to eventually come back down and to not stay in dreamland forever. Getting lost in books/movies/video games/daydreaming can be a real risk if you have too much free spare time, since you will miss out on what reality has to offer.
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Good luck anon. But remember, when you find a woman, make sure she is worthwhile and you can both create a happy, healthy life together. Do not think with your penis alone, think with your brain and your heart.
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God bless you too anon. WGMI
I had my first one on a long streak on my 30s
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Let's discuss QiGong/Internal Arts for transmutation.
Want to read experienced anons.
Also pls recommend good books/videos/resources.
I'm feeling learny.
Not working
Encouraging others to be evil, is the greatest form of evil. Good luck with whats coming to you.
You will be raped by BAAL tonight
Fuck you
Imagine the shitty childhood this guy had and still hasn't processed it. Turn to God and look for healing.
Men are born to suffer. Some "men", however, are born just to be insufferable.
You should really be careful, you never know who knows black magic these days.
If I was wearing a hat I'd tip it. Well said, fren.
4chan doesn't let me post a specific reply for whatever reason
>the fact that he didn’t was a testament to the weakness of men
nice try retard
weakness is being controlled by your urges, not the other way around.
try to do semen retention for a month and then ask yourself who the real weak man is, you literally cannot stop cooming
>inb4 but i want to
yeah, and if you didn't want to you could not stop, if you truly are in control then surely it'd be easy for you to stop feeling that way? or does your body possess you? (it does)
>The nigga was heading towards the same path as gollum
gollum is literally a coomer social outcast;
weak, disgusting, weird, pathetic.
of all the people on this thread it's obvious you and this guy
38453015 38453139 38453151
38453169 38453186 38453296
are the closest to him both mentally and appearance wise
>they want to be supermen, something more than a man
they want to be something more than a shadow of a man
>as it separates them from their very nature
it's perfectly natural to hold your seed you literal caveman, what's not natural is being a porn addicted freak
Checked. Try being cryptic or do some funny word salad.
i think it's some sort of mass reply filter
Black magic is useless, Ephesians 6:10-18.
Why I’m not inclined to believe this, is that even in the overly sexualized culture and means of communication, that this would have been a more talked about topic, or trend. I find it hard the believe that women would talk about anything sex publicly, in front of screens or cameras, but neglect this phenomenon. It has yet to also be explained how they can tell the difference between sex alone, and if someone masturbated. Usually SR truthers don’t twist half truths to back their arguments, usually a shill’s job. Yet if this is such a hard thing for people to do, they will believe anything to help them further their pursuit
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I've been doing semen retention for a couple years now. Longuest I've lasted is a couple months.

In my personal experience I've found that nutting once every 7-10 days is best. As long as you abstain from relapsing you'll see the day after cooming your livido (understood as will to live, not lust) will twofold.
>In my personal experience I've found that nutting once every 7-10 days is best.
Lol, shut the fuck up you low IQ porn addict.
>I've been doing semen retention for a couple years now. Longuest I've lasted is a couple months.
>In my personal experience I've found that nutting once every 7-10 days is best.
don't believe you :^)
fpbp based
That's some shill-melting acid right there.
It is the smell of dried up semen on your underclothes. Definitely has a strong smell.
Prolactin comes with a variety of companion pheromones. It's mainly prolactin and other pheromones being smelt by them bitches.
SR becomes easy once you attain a Darwinist viewpoint. According to which sex is for getting a woman pregnant. No woman, no sex. Simple, and you don't need to even think about it. It's biology, it's Darwinism. Sex fulfills one functioon and one function only and that is reproduction. So I will refrain from any sexual activity indefinitely until I find a woman who can bear me children. It makes sense. It makes sense.
Wow, either you are a retard and lack basic reading ability to reread your message so it is consistent or you are a bot. Shill begone.
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For a creativity refueling practice I don't see a lot of SR-related memes here. Here's another one by yours truly. Tell me what you think.
The purpose of sex is reproduction. A secondary purpose of sex to bring the man and woman closer together so they can better raise the child, since children need both a mother and the father to properly grow up, with anything outside of that standard relation of a loving mother and father having problems.
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Checked and kecked.
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>Hello my fellow retainers

Iv seen people in these threads say that their lives have changed drastically in even the first few months but never elaborate.

Can someone give examples of how their lives changed for the better?
>Some guy i don't know on the internet posted a simple joke image and it rubbed me in such a wrong way that i completely changed my mind on a complex multifaceted subject that i was holding in high regard.
Out of respect for human intellect i am gonna assume you are a shill or troll and not actually this retarded.
What is this Semen Retention inc. where every anon's post or a joke is an official statement for entire practice and people that paritcipate in it. People that aren't using internet even moreso 4chan and memes.
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Basically more energy. My sleep improved massively. I wake up,basically spring out of bed immediately. Music sounds better. I even play Vidya better.

Everything is just more direct. Little to ZERO procrastinating.
Any tips on how to overcome withdrawal effects? I feel like I am procrasting more compared to when I was viewing and masturbating to porn. I understand that this is a normal instance, but how can I better mitigate its effects?
Seriously, why is the word "semen retention" even a thing? Why is it even a movement? It's just absistence. abstaining from all sexual activity. And that's literally the norm for men. If you don't have a woman, what do you do? You do nothing! You abstain, that's what you do. You just go on with your life, working your job, growing some plants, fishing, posting to 4chan, whatever is your thing. So the entire "semen retention" movement kind of sounds pathetic. It's inventing a solution for a "problem" that was a nothingburger, a problem that was not a problem at all.
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>>even play vdya better
>>little to zero procrastination
pick one
Roasties can smell from 10 miles away if a guy had coomed recently, but somehow can't smell the domestic abuse and rape tendencies of men they choose to hang out with.

Really makes you wonder.
Oh piss off already redditor.
>It's just absistence. abstaining from all sexual activity.
Ideally, while also retaining, you are learning how to focus your retained energy toward your personal goals. This is an inherently spiritual process that requires research and reading and well as self-improvement. Meditation and prayer are important and essential aspects of this process. It's not just about controlling your base sexual desires, but re-channeling them to work for you instead of against you.
>And that's literally the norm for men. If you don't have a woman, what do you do?
The norm more recently has been porn and masturbation, which is a waste of your prana.
>Any tips on how to overcome withdrawal effects?
Sunlight. Meditation. Hobbies. Reading. Prayer. Touch grass (unironically). Volunteer. Anything productive and creative.
It's not the norm. The norm is masturbating. Most men masturbate regularly. SR is just a more spiritually inclined version of nofap, where the focus is about sex energy and transmuting it. It appears like nothing because the real secrets are strictly hidden by mystery schools.
>The purpose of sex is reproduction. A secondary purpose of sex to bring the man and woman closer together so they can better raise the child
On a more base level, what is reproduction? It defies the law of entropy. Everything that has come together degrades to a state of equilibrium. Alloys rust. Wood rots. Flowers wilt. Forest becomes desert. But humans have a literal capacity to deny the physical laws of the universe and create life. This is not just with childbirth, but with the acts of our lives. Sure childbirth is very, very important. But we have the ability to procreate in every act we undertake. When a road is built, we defy the laws of the universe. When a metal is forged, we defy the laws of the universe. When we plant a seed, we defy the laws of the universe. Procreation is not just about sex. Even if you have children, you can waste your essence to create.
>It's mainly prolactin and other pheromones being smelt by them bitches.
No, it isn't. It's paranormal. SR is the cultivation of man's true power to create.
>but it seems that the longer you retain, you will eventually reach the point where wet dreams regularly occur twice a month, depending on late-night habits like browsing social media or eating/drinking before bed.
Not the case at all. Wet dreams are a function of your interaction with the spiritual world, imo. Got to about 6 months without one. Then didn't have another one for 7 months. Then something happened to upend my spiritual calm and I had two in 3 days. About 16 months in and haven't had one for 3 months now, only three the entire time. All times when I lost control of my emotions. Control you mind. Control your emotions. This will help you control wet dreams. Meditate and pray.
>I've always felt Bob Sepher is a glownigger operation, just a hunch maybe I'm wrong?
Anyone on YouTube that hasn't been banned isn't a threat to the present system of control. Sepehr seems to be a rank and file Mason that hasn't explored the darker aspects of the philosophy he espouses. He's interesting and one of the few that put out good content. But esoteric concepts really require self-study. You won't find spiritual growth on YouTube. You have to earn it.
He's complete garbage and he's been debunked many times.
How do you debunk someone that's just giving their opinion? Unless you can render a more substantive and logical statement on Sepehr other than this trite drivel, no one should listen to anything you have to say.
>he wants le reddit tier debate with FACTS and STATISTICS
I will tell people he's a fraud and there's nothing you can do but cry about it.
Honestly, I think whoever uses the word "debunk" fits in the same category as Snopes-users. Opinion automatically discarded.
Brother, everything you do is an urge. The urge to *not* being a porn addicted freak is still an urge. So haha you are being controlled by your bodily urges you fucking baffoon… I bet you eat and sleep and shit as well you fucking loser… i jest of course but hopefully someone gets my point. But yea if u wanna retain seed then do it. That’s cool. I’ve done long stints multiple times, it was nice. But truely, addiction is a myth. Everything is choice. Meditation and self-inquiry is a lot more beneficial than just holding in your nut. You could hold your nut for 1 million days but if you’re doing it for the wrong reasons (getting power) then it’s useless. You just die with big balls. Nice man, congrats I guess.
The overt hostility directed towards anyone who might be mildly critical of the practice points to something sinister hiding beneath the surface of this general. Like yous think there’s boogiemen around every corner trying to make you cum and take your vril when actually nobody gives a shit. Nobody is forcing you to watch porn and jack off. It’s just you.
>Broscience says that the more testosterone you have the more your body releases pheromones
i went out at a crowded event today and was honestly expecting some mires, as i've been looking good with the gym lately and on nofap for over a month. nothing.

weirdly, this has happened to me before and sometimes it takes me getting in a certain mood before something bursts and i get mires all over

but yeah i don't know what to make of this. nofap alone with nothing else doesn't seem to do the entire trick
Yeah dude, sorry you've been misled. You'll need to do actual energy work, meditations, or some sort of esoteric practise to realise said benefits. Otherwise, the extra vital energy stored up will simply dispel. You're the battery, and your semen is the power. You can increase the power but if the battery doesnt increase too, then the power just dispels.
At the very least, you're not delusional which is better than 80% of the lazy faggots here.
In the end all paranormal is misunderstood and misconceptualized science.
Simple memes are powerful, why pretend that they aren’t? It made me consider the reasons behind doing semen retention, why I have done it in past and why it gets pushed in circles such as this one. Self-improvement is masturbation as my boy Tyler says… so really by focusing on not wanking to become “better”, you all become the biggest wankers imaginable. I know you guys like fight club haha maybe not anymore.
Unironically, go outside and pick a fight with someone who’s pissing you off. Get beat up. Get a few good punches in yourself. A nice slice of humble pie will do good.
Meme magic is real.
does using a dildo to rub my prostate still count? asking for a friend
I wouldn't say it is a denial of the laws of the Universe, but rather a continuation of life, another law of the Universe.
i think it's just watching weird porn that's bad
>it's just
There are oh so many layers of purification.
sure sure, i guess im thinking purely from the strategy of optimizing materialist human male experience, or something like that
You can tell SR is bullshit because the only people who frequent this general is christcucks and esoteric nazis. Both are the lowest form of spiritual enthusiasts on /x/, even the retards who think gangstalking is real are above the retards here
In reality, there's nothing special about SR at all. Yes, magicians practise SR but they give it 0 thought, they spend most their time occupied with a real esoteric path. The laziness and arrogance of this place never fails to make me laugh though. Great little zoo for us actual practitioners to observe.
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Checked, I get you. You could assemble a gradient of "badness" and surely watching weird porn would be at the top, along with rape and some other degeneracy.
I'll take your advice, thank you anon.
>even the retards who think gangstalking is real
lame shill
You are a loser who is rots in its room all day. The government doesn't care about you. The only affliction you have is the typical narcissism of this age combined with a meth/weed addiction.
>a loser who is rots
>t. illiterate glownigger who actually cares and obsesses about me
You are a fag.
As i said, narcissism.
What energy work should be done to cultivate the power?
>Verification not required.
>151 replies
>0 results
This is a scam, guys.
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Reminder that fasting and SR go hand in hand. Just be aware of the consequences.
Oh look, the Pornhub shill has arrived.
Can you recommend me material to start off?
I've been retaining for nearly 90 days now. This morning I was at a crowded coffee shop and an attractive girl came in looking for a seat. Every table was occupied so she walked past me to ask the person at the next table over if she could share with them: a greasy-looking literal tranny software engineer, broad shoulders hunched over a laptop covered in anime stickers.

I don't want to jerk off ever again, but over the past 3 months I've seen no evidence of any sort of "magnetism". I had originally assumed it was like an unconscious horny LoA type thing. Now I'm more thinking it's either just somewhat handsome guys paying more attention to mires they already were getting, or Indian and Arab guys interpreting literally everything as attraction.

I also feel like the benefits have stagnated. I maybe have a little more energy and willpower still but thats about it. I've been pretty consistent in trying to channel whatever extra energy I have into positive things, but lately I've also felt discouraged by the lack of tangible results. Any advice would be appreciated.
Rejection is protection, and is often for your own good. You're probably overthinking too much, and looking for results when you should just be. Search for your own peace and joy, do not look to others to fulfill that for you.
>lately I've also felt discouraged by the lack of tangible results
If you want to go back to being a coomer, go back. But I'm sure deep down you don't want to. 90 days isn't enough time to rewire your body, mind, and soul from years of self abuse.
hey robert, i like your vids
i'm about one month in and got lais 3 days ago, i swear it works STOP JERKING OFF
Have any of you had success transmuting sexual energy into money?
Not really, I'm starting off too, but I recently found this: retarddit/r/qigong/comments/185iugy/where_do_i_start/kb2bqwt/
I've heard the saying that coomers attract coomers, and healthy attract healthy, as sexual degenerates become attracted in some manner (body language) to other sexual degenerates. You probably dodged a bullet
alright then. if that meme affected you so much you want to waste away jerking off, go ahead... i don't give a flying fuck anout you, i'm still bot doin it.
>Unironically, go outside and pick a fight with someone who’s pissing you off. Get beat up. Get a few good punches in yourself. A nice slice of humble pie will do good.
unimaginable levels of low test cringe.
cool. still not gonna jerk off.
t. poster from eglin airforce base.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are merely different flavors of Satanism.
Just by your post I can tell you haven't made it yet. You're still getting your feet wet. Keep pushing and keep working on your goals. There's gonna be a moment where everything clicks and that's when the magnetism comes (as a byproduct). But you can't go seeking that magnetism. It HAS to come as a byproduct. For me it took at least several months. I can attest that I was practically invisible to most of them, although I did get lucky a few times. Now cuties are calling me babe after just meeting them. I also think you have to start putting yourself out there tho and getting used to that feminine energy along with it, you can't just sit back in the corner expecting them to come to you. You gotta put yourself in a place to be seen by them. Best of luck my dude, keep going and trust the process.
Do you do transmutation?
Women have preference to be around gays and troons because they won't attempt to call her shit or put her into place, plus the psychic dominance.

Also, SR is not a ticket to pussy but rather for mental and spiritual improvement. Work on your priorities.
Dry fast, cold showers, carnivore for peak.
I did SR accidentally for well over 2 years due to intense depression and experienced no differences compared to when I fapped. I have never liked porn and always preferred my imagination though, if that matters.
Thanks frens, but I think my memes just keep summoning more of them here. It’s like they’re also magnets for shills.
No. I'm talking about the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy. Like exists in defiance of this.
>I have been here for at least 7/8 months (my streak so far) and almost nothing changed except for the last 2 days
This is bullshit. Check the archive you stupid faggot.
redpill me on testicle breathing/microcosmic orbit
You're right. Just checked the archives. Have a (You) autistic faggot, you earned it. Although that still changes nothing as I noticed the stickys grow more detailed as time goes by. SR knowledge/wisdom is nowhere near complete as many questions are left unanswered.

If anyone gets triggered by the "abundance" of information, feel free to bake one with less posts and more pastebins, but don't leave useful info out.
>In the end all paranormal is misunderstood and misconceptualized science.
No it isn't. Science doesn't understand fuck all about the universe. You are faught just enough about the universe to maintain the machines and societal processes that enslave you. Any true knowledge is suppressed. Science is a system of false beliefs used to turn you into a cow and harvest the energy of your consciousness. Science is less real than religion.
True and real, how the fuck can't people see past "SCIENCE" is beyond me
Had a wet dream last night. A milf barmaid succubus got to me. Strange, this is only 9 days in whereas before I got to 40 days without this happening.
Am I progressing here or is it just a matter of falling victim to dream lust? Stay strong bros
I'll tell you how I was introduced to magnetism. A year back I found some book on SR, but it is purely about materialistic shit, and he mentions boxers and successful people who used SR. It clicked for me and it made sense.

So I start doing it and 2 weeks in I'm just living my life, going home on a bus, fairly tired. So these 2 real cute chicks enter, and I see them looking at me and giggling, but I just ignore and mind my own business. One of em sits next to me and agressively leans on me with her back while she's turned towards her friend. Spends the next 20 minutes leaned against me.

So after a few days I discover this thread on /x/ and ask whether people react differently because of SR, and anons mentioned magnetism.

Prior to this I was not aware of the concept, and shit like that never happened before. I've had similar shit happen after I was familiar with the concept, but the truth is, whenever I am after it, or I need it to be here, it is not here, and when I am just doing my shit and not giving a fuck about unimportant things, some shit like this happens.

Anyways, I think it can not be controlled and is a byproduct of a mind that is doing SR for itself, and not for outside gains.

It also can fuck with me, when I get some unreal attention I'll start thinking that I am great or that I am the shit, and it goes away and the universe bitch slaps me, like it's bait to test humility.
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I second this, >>38458162
Red pill yourselves, read "Cultivating the male sexual energy - Taoist Secrets of Love"

Testical breathing is an exercsise with cold energy, there are other ones with hot energy, you pull it up from the balls to the head and train your body to develop these energy paths and eventually you can move it with your mind, apperently.

This way you transmute it, and you are able to fuck indefinitely, because when you are about to cum, it's just hot energy building down there and it needs to go out, for most men it is ejaculation, but allegedly you can bring it up to the head, and the urge to cum goes away, and this is the real secret of these teachings.

When you pull it up all kinds of shit happens, read the book, it is not to be taken lightly.

You need 30 days of no cumming to have enough chi in your balls to actually feel the energy and start the real work.
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i need your help. so im on day 62 now, exercising 3 times a week, going for a run once a week, cold showers, i eat healthy and have a good social circle. but since i started nofap, i am so horny and crave erotic imagery so much it really starts to get detrimental, i even do take cold showers, go for a walk and do this breath technique, nothing helps. any help?
self discipline in any field will give you benefits and there is a large amount of people who might walk their spiritual journey using some catalyst of desiring to grow into something more.

How do you think those "actual practitioners" started their journey? They saw examples or had a spiritual influence affect them and stuck to it.
If you consider out of all the junk on this board the topic that tries to improve the mindset of coomers a "great little zoo", a lot of higher beings have some bridges to sell ya
Based and checked
Ignore the shills
From my own personal experience , please read The Coiled Serpent
You'd be doing yourself a huge favor
When you breathe in, pull you balls up, when you breathe out, relax your balls. It's literally that simple. When breathing in, visualise yourself drawing energy from outside, and revitalising your balls with chi. Then when breathing out, imagine that sexual energy moving up the spine and to the crown, as a bright white light where sex energy is transformed into higher energy,

Opening the microcosmic orbit is an advanced taoist practise. I am not too sure myself what it is, basically it happens after building the lower dan tien which is a classic /x/ practise you can search the archives for this info
You can read mantak chia book but dont push the perineum pressure point as it can cause irreversible damage to the reproductive tissue.
Stop feeding the shill
There are practises to develop magnetism. Animal magnetism aka mesmerism is a whole thing in itself.
Dont wait around for what is a mere side effect, many people experience nothing because simply doing SR is not a reliable way of experiencing magnetism when there are actual practises that cultivate magnetism.

Simply put, real magnetism is basically advanced spiritual development. I saw one /x/ user say it happens at step 4 of Bardon's path, which takes at minimum 2 years to reach.
On the other hand, there's a host of chaos magic you can do to achieve this. I've had reasonable success with glamour magic.
When I go on higher SR streaks, YouTube spams me with div reading videos about attracting success and lots of lovers. When I jerk off all of that goes away. Why?
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Thank you, chads.
>meme changed my perspective instantly
like a leaf in the wind
Ah, I understand. Then yes, while entropy drags down all life, life has a unique ability in comparison to inanimate objects to defy entropy during its lifetime.
>When I go on higher SR streaks, YouTube spams me with div reading videos about attracting success and lots of lovers
Consciousness harvesting. It's a thing. When you stop feeding the demiurge (best term I can think of for it, but I'm not necessarily gnostic), the demiurge fights back. It's the source of the "magnetism" stories that people experience in months 1-2 of SR. Basically, you stopped beating off so the demiurge is trying to teach you how to plap spampigs to continue feeding it. Ignore the demiurge. It goes away eventually.
I mean it when I say, I probably have cataloged 100+ videos just from recommendations alone from the last 2 years
play video games/make lists of things you want to do, paint something, get a camera and shot pictures. Get a hobby and spend time on it.
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Truly inspirational
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And I mean it when I say the exact same thing has happened to me. It also happens when no electronics are around. It's a weird phenomena. I know the videos you are talking about becasue they popped up in my feed too.
Pythagoras believed demons/spirits could communicate with him using bronze and water. I'm guessing YouTube and smartphones also work for such communication.
You're waffling.
>self discipline in any field will give you benefits
True. Still not something /x/ related
>How do you think those "actual practitioners" started their journey? They saw examples or had a spiritual influence affect them and stuck to it.
They dont start because they were degen coomers who quit kek.
>If you consider out of all the junk on this board the topic that tries to improve the mindset of coomers a "great little zoo"
That's what it comes down to. Quitting your degen sissy porn addiction is not /x/ related. Go to pornfree communities with a bunch of normies.
Instead, you have a bunch of degenerates who unironically think not masturbating makes them equal to a buddhist or a GD practitioner who spends hours a day meditating/doing rituals. It's so arrogant. Again, and i cannot emphasise this enough, out of all the generals, this place has the least knowledgeable people.
You had no real response to what i said and just went on a tangent. Dont think i never noticed.
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God, give the strength necessary fkr me to rid myself of my earthly urges. I can barely hold them at this instant.
Use your pubococcygeus (pc) muscle to "swallow" the sexual energy upwards.
I stole this pic on reddit and i dont care. He said there were 4 months between the pictures. The increased T levels are undeniable. Transformed from a modern alien rag to an oil painting.
I notice that although his hairline hasn't reversed recession, the texture appears noticeably thicker and stronger.
I think when you look at everything as having a certain energetic field, which can theoretically be penetrated and influenced, either directly or indirectly, it makes sense. Think of it like, the spirits can mess with the technology directly, which causes a change of information (youtube starts recommending you or literally everybody specific videos that cater to your conscious/unconscious desires). It is the same for a human body: Weaker will power, low vibrations and weak energy would mean that you become prey to these types of anti-God and low vibrational spirits. Which is why you might feel like garbage when you jerk off so much. Basically in the simplest sentence possible: Everything is a form of medium. Literally everything.
My face looks way different too, people keep saying I've transformed 200%
How much is just tan from daylight? I believe 60%.
Currently have 233 days at my SR belt, my brother, No one is a believer more than me in this thread. I just think that fagdittors overreact about the practice for the wrong reasons.
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Unironically, I just begin to go into some detail to God about what I'm feeling. He already knows what we're going through, so just tell him.
The other day, I was on the toilet because I had been fasting for a long time and just said, "Jesus, I ain't know how you did this for 40 days, when I am S T R U G G L I N G. Surely you didn't poop your pants as well, what the fl*p man."
Most of the time just telling God these things, the feelings are more than often just removed. Another way to combat lustful urges is to listen to praise music.
>degen coomers
you mean like you?
i don't ever see you fags complaining about the succubus general
>who unironically think not masturbating makes them equal to a buddhist or a GD practitioner who spends hours a day meditating/doing rituals
literally no one does this, you're just projecting your insecurities
>It's so arrogant.
>"hurrr i'm better than you because i meditate! hurr durr but YOU are the arrogant one!"
okay fag, i'm sorry you've accomplished nothing in life after all those years of non-stop sitting in your ass alone in the darkness of your bedroom and wiccan reddit rituals
>this place has the least knowledgeable people
you don't know shit, you wouldn't be a loser if you did
just the fact that you HAD to come here to flaunt your suppossed superiority speaks volumes about who you are and your real pursuit

tl;dr: you are fat
what books do you recommend on mesmerism?
"I don't deserve or entitled to anything, stop acting like a little bitch."

This is what I told to myself this yesterday morning at work and I feel fucking fantastic. I know for fact it's been couple weeks but I'm not counting days anymore. This is it, this is my lifestyle. It also help to reduce your time on 4chin also and control your diet.

Stay strong.
>wah wah wah
whiny little bitch
Nta, but maybe start with the guy the term came from. Franz Mesmer.

I apologize
projecting again?
>no u
i mean you're the one coming to a thread you're not welcome in to whine about your ego being hurt >>38456431 >>38460004

Men, it is really difficult to find info about mesmerism. I guess the only effective source in this case will be the original source. Thanks.

Stop littering the thread, you know who you are, you couple of queers.
Why would my ego be hurt by a bunch of clowns. You actually think, God is gonna give you some divine reward for not jerking off, and that alone is something special and profound. All this proves is that ur all degen coomers. Multiple times people have admitted to being close to being trannies here.
Day five. I'm so frustrated. I've yet to find something more enjoyable than indulging in the stuff. I feel sick, weak, I can barely stand. My workweek was over at noon and I've spent the five following hours bedridden. I will persist. I've eaten salmon, eggs, and I will lift tonight.
I wouldnt suggest digging up books on mesmerism, it fell out of fashion. It's just hypnotism stuff but for curing illness.

So just you standard autosuggestion would work, LOA type stuff too. There is also magickal seduction if you just wanna go straight to getting pussy although this is not really ethical.

Book red: mental fascination by william walter atkinson
For the people reading this who aren't sure about nofap/semen retention:
Porn is poison. You need to quit right now. It ruined my life.
I'm in my late 20s and have absolutely nothing going on for me. I feel sick. Physically and mentally.
I used to be a regular guy. Hang out with friends. Be relatively social. Then I discovered porn and my whole life started to get drawn into a downward spiral.
It happened gradually, not all of a sudden. It kind of sneaks up on you which is why it's so hard to realise that porn addiction/MO addiction is the root of your issues.
Don't become like me. Get out of the porn spiral while you still can.
This stuff is like meth. Maybe even worse since it's so readily available 24/7.
Imagine being a meth head with a magic device in your pocket that can give you meth for free at any moment with just a push of a button.
That's basically what porn addiction is.
Folks, dont just learn to retain your semen, learn to retain your energy and stop giving it freely to trolls. Let them be the pathetic demon-addled coomers they are and just ignore them. Besides, it's almost Shabbat and you'll get a 24-hour break from them shortly.
Mental Gymnastic General, where delusional men get tricked by a placebo effect powered by shame and self loathing.

>Now I'm more thinking it's either just somewhat handsome guys paying more attention to mires they already were getting
That should have been your first assumption as it's the obvious one, it's called confirmation bias. These guys just start noticing things that were always happening as more significant because their mind is now more primed to notice it. A common example is how when people buy a certain car they start noticing how many people are actually driving that kind of car, when before they never really thought about it (they had no reason to).

The mind can very easily play tricks on all of us. A lot of the "magical effects" that so many guys in this thread claim to happen are really just a placebo that they are exaggerating, because their minds are literally exaggerating the experience of the effect for them..

>Rejection is protection, and is often for your own good
Now this, is gaslighting lol. It also shows a high level of delusion and excuse making - "If the magic semen retention attraction powers don't work, it's because they weren't supposed to work in that specific case" lol.

>Just by your post I can tell you haven't made it yet
More gaslighting - "The only people that have made it are those who don't doubt or criticize this delusion belief system with zero proof". Talk about a fallacious framework, by that logic it's infallible and can never be proven wrong if it is wrong.

Don't ever let anyone gaslight you out of using common sense. Ignore retarded posts.

>I saw one /x/ user say it happens at step 4 of Bardon's path
You have to master a specific exercise in Step 3, and it's not gonna take 2 years unless you are some kind of gifted super genius who is born special.

>I've had reasonable success with glamour magic
What book?
>You have to master a specific exercise in Step 3, and it's not gonna take 2 years unless you are some kind of gifted super genius who is born special.
You can complete the entire book in 5 years. You can do it in 1 year, if you have a teacher.
>What book?
No book just google it its easy stuff
People who unironically think masturbation isn't harmful have absolutely no clue about how dopamine works.
Educate yourself before you post here ever again.
It really isn't. The psychoanalysts all studied hypnotism before they decided they needed to mask their esoteric research in "sciency" terms. Psychology is basically the continued study of mesmerism and if you really want to find out where that evolved to, just find a research scientist associated with MKUltra and head over to Google Scholar. Seriously though, Freud literally published academic work on hypnotism and you should check it out. If you want to use this knowledge to be a dick and fuck with people, go ahead. Just be warned karma is gonna send it right back to you. The system has controls already in place to deal with hackers. And the system has been in place longer than you could ever imagine. That being said, it's a worthwhile endeavor because it gives you a peek behind the veil of reality.
>You can complete the entire book in 5 years
What do you mean by "You".

Have you completed it?

Anybody that has completed that book should very easily be a millionaire or atleast a six figure earner if they don't want to draw any attention to themselves.

I won't believe any wage slave that says they've actually completed (mastered) all of the exercises in that book. I've read the entire thing, I kinda know the book front the back, the things you can do from just mastering up to Step 5 alone would make you a God among men, much more the entire book.

So sorry, I don't buy it. Most people don't even get past the concentration exercise in Step 1. Even I am still stuck on that lol.

Ironically I'm stuck on it despite progressing in my occult training in other ways, as if the exercise is mocking me. I might have to fight with Franz Bardon if I ever meet him in some other dimension some day lol.

>No book just google it its easy stuff
There's always a book and your response is ridiculous because you don't know if you are just gifted or you happened to stumble upon by luck the most effective method. So telling random people to "just google" as if whatever random shit we all find will work just sounds naive as hell.

Not all methods/sources are created equally.
>Semen retention will give you benefits
No lol.
Semen retention will simply make you normal again.
It will restore your baseline.
The more you indulged in porn, the bigger the change will be.
But it's not a "superpower", it's just the absence of you gimping yourself.
Don't interact with it bros...
A humble person, if his opinion is asked, gives it in all simplicity and then leaves others to give theirs. Whether they are right or wrong, he says no more.

This. If people don't want to grow, you are just throwing words into the wind.
Also Shabbat Shalom
>Have you completed it?
No, but i have spoken to people who have completed it.
>Anybody that has completed that book should very easily be a millionaire or atleast a six figure earner if they don't want to draw any attention to themselves.
Sure, if divine providence allows for it.
>So sorry, I don't buy it. Most people don't even get past the concentration exercise in Step 1. Even I am still stuck on that lol.
Same, ive heard a lot of bardonists recommend Mouni Sadhu book concentration. 10 mins of no thought is fucking hard kek. Gonna try out the mouni sadhi book
>There's always a book and your response is ridiculous because you don't know if you are just gifted or you happened to stumble upon by luck the most effective method. So telling random people to "just google" as if whatever random shit we all find will work just sounds naive as hell.
The book i got it from is called postmodern magic. But it really is just simple stuff, its just getting into trance state then visualising a symbol and implanting into your aura its just chaos magic its like a cheap little trick nothing like step 5 bardon
I mean no disrespect, but could you not find a more lyrically initiative song outside of rap that pretty much says the same thing? A poem, even.
>Sure, if divine providence allows for it.
That's not how it works, You have either mastered the exercise or not, that's the best thing about Bardon's training, it's not subjective or illusory, it's objective and methodical. What you are doing right now is placing his writings under a fallacious framework like all other other nonsense I came across before his books.

By fallacious framework I mean they are "infallible". The methods cannot be proven false, because if it doesn't work you'll just tell yourself "well divine providence just didn't allow me to use any abilities that could be the result of self delusion and placebo effect". That's not how Bardon's training works, and that's not how he talks about his training or his way of magic at all.

It's sound more like you are talking to new agey people who are re-interpreting his writings rather than taking them literally at face value as he intended.

None of the abilities he has described as being things that divine providence would get in the way of.

>ive heard a lot of bardonists recommend Mouni Sadhu book concentration. 10 mins of no thought is fucking hard kek.
Go ahead, hope it works for you, already tried it. It's just more concentration exercises, it's the same thing really. But if you are willing to spend a few months trying maybe they'll start working for you. I'm trying other things to see if I can just induce certain occult awakenings to begin with, which I hear actually help you with these things and make them "natural" and even "effortless".

Of course I'm sure this will mess with my "balance" in my abilities, as Bardon says he' wants you to be balanced with respect to Mental, Psychic and Physical. But why the fuck would I care about balance in something I'm not progressing in anyways. I'll worry about re-balancing things once I'm actually making progress.

Honestly if I knew of a method to just forcefully awaken all of my chakras now I'd have used it already lol.
>visualising a symbol and implanting into your aura
Wouldn't it have to be implanted on the other persons aura, how would implanting it in your own aura glamour someone else?

Anyways, I'll check the book out, maybe it will make sense when I read it.

I'm really interested in magic that has to do with controlling others, because it's the easiest to obtain undeniable results in.

Your mind can play tricks on yourself, but if your mind plays tricks on someone else, that would be magic lol.
If you can walk around and have women lusting after you when you are just some average loser, magic becomes and undeniable fact, and that absolute confidence in your abilities will likely multiply any other ritual or occult thing you attempt next.

I don't have any pets right now, it would be much simpler to test things on a pet, like making the pet feel fear with just a thought and then feel happy in an instant with another thought. Animal minds are likely easier to influence than human minds and that would also be another obvious in your face undeniable result of magic (if you do it multiple times in succession).
I've been on a rap kick recently. Asked God to give me new music as I step more away from my old songs, and fell into rap (which I normally don't like), actual praise, and classical.
While the music might not be for you, it still spreads Gods' message, which is the most important thing.
It's better when listened to - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8d3429XP3E
>That's not how it works, You have either mastered the exercise or not, that's the best thing about Bardon's training, it's not subjective or illusory, it's objective and methodical. What you are doing right now is placing his writings under a fallacious framework like all other other nonsense I came across before his books.
Not what im doing. Read the second book. Quite literally says word for word, you'll be granted great wealth if divine providence allows for it. Have you even read his books? Its quite a basic principle. Perhaps you'll lose your lust for wealth as you progress, perhaps there will be a genuine need for you to have wealth and serve others.
In fact, the very first sentence says, if you do this book thinking you'll achieve great wealth, you will fail. The mysteries protect themselves.
>It's sound more like you are talking to new agey people who are re-interpreting his writings rather than taking them literally at face value as he intended.
No. But you can think what you like.
>None of the abilities he has described as being things that divine providence would get in the way of.
Incorrect. Lots of people fail at it for a reason. Divine providence intervenes to protect you from it. The changes on this path are profound and not everyone has the appropriate karma for it.
>But why the fuck would I care about balance in something I'm not progressing in anyways. I'll worry about re-balancing things once I'm actually making progress.
Balance is how you progress safely. It's also the entire goal of the book, at least the first half. The spiritual equanimity is the entire goal of the book. For someone who speaks with such certainty, it seems you've not read it properly and cannot grasp the basic purpose either.
>Not what im doing. Read the second book. Quite literally says word for word, you'll be granted great wealth if divine providence allows for it.
I've read all three in detail, and you are paraphrasing and missinterpreting. The 2nd book is about evoking entities, some of which can help you acquire wealth. But I'm talking about the abilities in the first book. For example, if you master Step 3 by the end of it you should be able to manipulate people directly (influence their thoughts and emotions), you could make a killing in sales very easily, the income would literally be effortless, everybody else working in sales would be both jealous and confused by your success lol.

But when you say:
>Sure, if divine providence allows for it.

You are making it sound like divine providence is going to disable your ability if you try to use it for certain things that benefit you, which just sounds like some troll shit lol, not magic.

Divine providence is not described to operate this way in any of his books. It affects you AFTER the fact (in relation to karma) not before any act can be committed. You have complete free will to use your abilities as you please, as you worked to attain these abilities, however you can be punished or face difficulty, based on how you use them.

But there is no instance in his book that describes divine providence stepping in and disabling your abilities that you have already tested and observed.

You guys are just making shit up at that point, there is nothing like that in any of Bardon's books. You guys are creating some artificial "proactive" form of karma in your minds that he never spoke about.

I accept it and I hope your streak gets blessed
>You are making it sound like divine providence is going to disable your ability if you try to use it for certain things that benefit you, which just sounds like some troll shit lol, not magic.
Not even close. I think you enjoy arguing for the sake of it. Respectfully, you also cannot step 1 so im gonna stick to what people who've completed it have told me. I wish you all the best.
>In fact, the very first sentence says, if you do this book thinking you'll achieve great wealth, you will fail.
Please start quoting the book right now, give me a page and the edition, I'm pretty sure you are just interpreting whatever new age beliefs you want from the book at this point.

For example, the book even says there is no such thing as good and evil.

3rd Edition 1976 Wuppertal / Western Germany - Page 19
"Religions have always imputed the good to the active and the evil to the passive side. But fundamentally spoken, there are no such things as good or bad, they are nothing but human conceptions. In the Universe there is neither good nor evil, because everything has been created according to immutable rules, wherein the Divine principle is reflected and only by knowing these rules, we shall be able to come near to the Divinity."

That's one of the first quotes that stood out to me when I read the book, because it means the book and methodology was neutral, rather than RHP or LHP.

It seems like you are trying to force some kind of RHP angle where there is none.

>No. But you can think what you like.
Same goes for you.

>Divine providence intervenes to protect you from it.
Never stated in the book, that's you making personal shit up, try again. Or atleast provide a quote or something.

I'm starting to think you read some new edition that added some shit in.

I always look for the oldest edition I can find for occult books for this very reason, things get changed around.

>Balance is how you progress safely.
I already said balance was important, but balance doesn't matter if you aren't progressing at all. It's better to progress and then re-balance, than to remain balanced and stagnant.

>For someone who speaks with such certainty, it seems you've not read it properly and cannot grasp the basic purpose either.
If by grasp purpose you mean try to interpret or make shit up, then I think you are master of grasping purpose.

>you also cannot step 1 so im gonna stick to what people who've completed it have told me
You have no observable proof they've completed it lol. Do you not see how delusional you sound, have they done any of the extreme feats stated in the book in front your face?

Or is someone merely making claims over the internet enough for you?

You have just as much proof that I haven't mastered Step 1 as you have of these people having mastered the entire training lol.

Use your brain for once.
Emch nu kers.
I watched the movie The Cure (1977) some weeks ago and I want to be on what they where.

Magickal Seduction and Mental Fascination it is then.

Neve really thought about it that way, you are right. Amen, anon.

>Just be warned karma is gonna send it right back to you. The system has controls already in place to deal with hackers. And the system has been in place longer than you could ever imagine.

I'm just sick of being passive. I want to make my life more interesting.
Very true. The energy you feel when you are porn free for weeks or months is the same type of energy our ancestors felt farming the land, fighting wars, or staying up late at night creating new inventions. We are just going back to what men used to be capable of.
>captcha: RSRS
The mysteries protect themselves. good luck dude.
>The mysteries protect themselves.
LMAO, the power of Christ compels you. Let's just say random baseless mystical phrases while were at it.

People like you need luck, not people like me. And I'm willing to bet by this time next year you'll still be right where you are, and I'll already be at Step 2 because of the other things I've researched and tested.

You can keep all the luck to yourself, you'll need it since you have the mindset of a blind follower.
No, they can smell it. They're just stupid enough to think they can fix the guy by being a "bad bitch".

Stop derailing the thread faggot, this is SR general
Just step 2? Come on, really push yourself. I bet a leader like you, with all your research, will be finishing up step 3 by next year! you got it dude.
You type like you just jerked off. Did you wash your hands at least?
>No, they can smell it
No they can't, you retards need to stop pedastalizing women as mystical intelligent beings with some kind of super awareness and senses.

Women's senses are no different than men's. They get tricked all the time, just like men get tricked all the time.

>Just step 2? Come on, really push yourself. I bet a leader like you, with all your research, will be finishing up step 3 by next year
1. I would never underestimate this training like that

2. Not people a follower doesn't automatically mean you are a leader. You must be one of those co-dependent types that can't do anything in a solitary way if you didn't think of the third option - Nomad (Lone Wolf).

You do realize that occult spaces (especially online) are just mostly filled with larps right?

A lot of whom look for people like you to trick them out of their money.

Notice how you never said anything about the proof you got from these people that they completed Step 1 much more anything past it? lol.

I really hope you aren't paying for "guidance".

>this is SR general
Ok, so I've actually made the thread about something interesting and useful, rather than a pointless placebo effect for losers who wouldn't even be doing semen retention if they had sex lives?
No you, you are extraordinary. Cant even complete step 1 but look how confident and sure you are of yourself! You are special. You can even do step 4 fully by next year. I believe in you.
>Does anybody feel like their innocence is coming back while on SR?
yes, in a way. well, not innocence. once we lose our innocence we can't get it back. we cannot unsee what we've seen. but we can get back that purity of consciousness, and that vibrance of life, when we distance ourselves from dark energy and shameful behaviors.
>No they can't, you retards need to stop pedastalizing women as mystical intelligent beings with some kind of super awareness and senses.
Chill out, nigger. I'm merely jesting.
I keep seeing more deflection from your own claims of super gurus giving you advice and yet no proof lol. Are you going to keep dodging the question, what was their proof?

Why are you still stuck on the same level as me, and only just about to try a book I've already trained in and found on my own without anyone recommending it to me?

Shouldn't your master gurus have already given you a superior training method I haven't already used?

>Chill out, nigger. I'm merely jesting.
Google "Poes Law", you really can't tell anymore, especially in spaces like this where there seems to be some kind of "internalize male self hatred" culture.
>oh yeah they can smell it
for everyone arguing with this as if its a literal statement. replace "smell" with "sense"
>oh yeah they can sense it
this would be more accurate. besides smell, taste, touch, sound and sight, humans also have the ability to sense energy, they can sense emotion, they can sense confidence and power. if you're a porn-addicted gooner, you're going to give off multiple signals that women will pick up on, subconsciously. they might not even think of it like, "oh that guy masturbated recently", they'll moreso get a vibe off you that you're weak, ashamed, degenerate and pitiful. If you're constantly giving yourself pleasure from something you're ashamed of, its going to fuck up your spiritual / psychic energy very badly. Seriously. That's why porn is so destructive.
Let me ask you this. If you were invited to a whorehouse, and they said, "you have two choices. You can have sex with a prostitute. Or you can watch another man have sex with a prostitute while you jack off in the corner." Obviously, you would NOT pick watching another man fuck a chick while you jerk off. That would rightfully disgust you. But that's what porn is. It rewires your brain to get aroused and to orgasm, to another man getting laid. It's just literal cuckoldry. Anybody who tries to say porn isn't that bad needs to just admit, "Yes, I will continue to derive pleasure from watching other men fuck women." Seriously, say that to yourself every god damn time you look at that shit. Just be honest with yourself that you're disgusting and degenerate.
> Are you going to keep dodging the question
You never asked dude. You were just patronising me this whole time. Hoping i'd say it on my own.
> what was their proof?
Not tellin ya
You dont need to know anyway. You're the chosen one.
i have literally not slept in 3 days. help? i dont feel tired.
How many days of SR are you on?
>oh yeah they can smell it
I think this only applies to guys who don't shower in the morning before they leave the house lol.

A woman with bad hygiene literally smells like rotting fish and you won't notice the smell unless you get close enough to her crotch, so there's no way women are smelling jizz after you've taken a bath.

Also, there's no way for them to distingush between jizz from masturbation and jizz from sex, so why wouldn't they assume it's the smell of you having sex.

It just doesn't make sense.

>You never asked dude.

Exhibit A
>have they done any of the extreme feats stated in the book in front your face?

>Not tellin ya
Translation - No Proof


>You're the chosen one.
What?, me?

No, you are the one chosen by super gurus letting you attempt the same methods that someone like me have has already done.

Wait....... are you sure I'm not one of your gurus? ;)

It's you that's clearly chosen. I'm sure you'll have mastered Step 3 (when you actually gain useful abilities) in the next 30 years. Atleast your old age will be an amazing time for you.

Have you decided on a retirement home yet?
>Translation - No Proof
No. Your mind is filthy and i will not dirty my knowledge with it. Last (you) from me. you're insufferable
>Your mind is filthy and i will not dirty my knowledge with it.
So I guess you are skipping that Mouni Sadhu book then?

Wouldn't want to share the same knowledge with someone as filthy as me right? ;)
It's been over a week now. I'm doing great bros.
Daily reminder that if you quote a shill you lose.
I win.
These generals reach limit faster than toilet roll, who cares, sometimes its just fun winding up retards
>a shill
>pointless placebo effect for losers who wouldn't even be doing semen retention if they had sex lives
I half-agree with you on this. I do think these guys saying "I'm only gonna bust if its in a marriage, to make children!" is frankly ridiculous. 99% of guys who get laid regularly would not say that shit. I only come to SRG because I haven't seen a nofap / pornfree thread on this site.
I will say, when these guys talk about "superpowers", you have to understand something. Jerking off to porn, for these guys, is constantly linking pleasure to shame. Maybe it doesn't work like that for you. But if you're constantly getting surges of pleasure by something you're ashamed of, its going to fuck you up psychologically. So when these guys abstain from porn & bustin', their mind heals from that twisted pleasure/shame cycle, and they feel so much better. Maybe they just feel how a normal human is supposed to feel. Energetic and confident. But you shouldn't shame these guys for being happy about that.
But you also have a point. Semen retention alone isn't going to make you some enlightened mystic. Just like quitting alcohol or any drug isn't going to do that. It just might be a necessary step in a person's journey.
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Lost a massive streak. Trying to pick myself up, but it's too soon for me to see the light right now.
Each stage comes with it's own unique challenges, and I feel more equipped for the ones I stumbled on today now.
Kinda in the dumps. Pray for me brothas.
I lost my precious seed from thinking of her. ffs.
Bruh we posted a Lost post nearly at the same time. Lmao! >>38462295
You'll be alright. Don't relapse again, dont go back to gooner mode. Just start again. Remember, masturbating once after a long streak isnt so bad. Gooning is.
>Jerking off to porn, for these guys, is constantly linking pleasure to shame
I know, I said that too, that's one of the things I always point out in these threads.
>Mental Gymnastic General, where delusional men get tricked by a placebo effect powered by shame and self loathing

The entire NoFap / Semen Retention movement is about internalized male shame and self loathing for not "getting your orgasm the masculine way" (which is through sex and female validation).

It's about group think and feeling "less than" among your peers.

But for people like myself who are already natural lone wolfs, who doesn't give a fuck about what other people think about them, we don't experience any shame or self loathing from masturbation at all. Masturbating is no different than eating fast food, and once we have the resources and outlets to get a "steady and healthy diet", we'll just simply stop "eating fast food".

It's that simple.

I just find it funny that these guys won't do "No Alcohol" before they do "No Fap", when masturbation literally harms them in no tangible way and doesn't put their life at risk, whereas people die from alcoholism every single die (even outside of drunk driving accidents).

Alcohol also fucks up your liver and your kidneys and ruins your overall health over time. I'm willing to bet most men in this thread drink alcohol, but for some reason they think that overcoming their sexual urges which don't harm them at all is the battle they should focus on.

>Maybe they just feel how a normal human is supposed to feel
A normal person should not feel ashamed of their own sexuality and sexual desires. These idiots gaslight themselves because society has set them up for failure by making sex artificially more difficult to acquire (on a permanent basis) than it has ever been in history.

Prostitution is illegal, women can work and earn resources so men can no longer leverage it to "trade" for sex (which is what we basically always did), etc.
As alway, get back up. You failed ? Good. You learned. Now succeed until you fail again, and learn from that mistake.
If you have trouble, alway remember porn steals your time away that you will never get back. Your brain is playing tricks on you to make it seem more appealing than it truly is. Masturbation is self-abuse, while defiling your soul, and your mind. It's never worth it.
Also restarting at day 1 isn't fun either.
> masturbation literally harms them in no tangible way and doesn't put their life at risk
Already at the finish line.
lol idiot materialist, you don't know shit
go back to /sci/ or whatever shithole you crawled out from
He's just your average ASPD retard, ignore

>thinks there's a finish line

This is what masturbation does to your brain
tbf there is a finish line where you just become impotent kek
thanks guys. I feel absolute shit, almost feel like vomiting and crying for some reason. Weird I know but it's true.
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I'm not even bothered by all he says, but the reddit spacing... it hurts my eyes
>Dude dies in Police custody penniless.
>Master the 5 steps of his path which isn't really a path and was never published and you will be uber successful.
Might be the dumbest thing posted in this thread.
>lol idiot materialist, you don't know shit
What an amazing argument you've given, you are definitely more believable.

>This is what masturbation does to your brain
Have you ever jerked off and busted onto a woman's face?

I have, does that count as masturbation or just because the nut landed on a woman's face is it now sex?

Are you seeing how convoluted and retarded this all becomes when you really think about it and think it through.

Why would stroking your dick to an arousing visual "do something to your brain", but if you are stroking your dick inside of a woman or in-front of a woman, with her being the arousing visual, all of a sudden it does nothing?

The problem isn't masturbation, the problem is the retards like yourself that edge for 3+ hours a day and use death grip, and fuck your dick and "sexual threshold" up lol.

Please don't compare me to the rest of you guys. I masturbate at most, once per day, at night, before I go to sleep, and I wake up fully well rested without any negative side effects.

I've never edged, and I never will edge, because it's a waste of time. I've never done death grip because it honestly doesn't increase the pleasure since it's still just your hand, all the pleasure comes from the foreskin anyways since no hand feels like the inside of a vagina.

If you guys had practiced moderation from the start, you'd never had stopped masturbating to begin with, you wouldn't feel the need to.

>there is a finish line where you just become impotent
If someone masturbates like you probably did, then yes. I'm sure death grip and/or 1hour + edging sessions everyday can lead to impotency.

But for guys like me who just masturbate like a normal person we wake up every morning with full erections, and experience none of the negatives you retards talk about.

>Le reddit spacing
Anon, why haven't you stopped drinking alcohol or stopped smoking yet?
>Anon, why haven't you stopped drinking alcohol or stopped smoking yet?
Because that would mean I need to start doing both.
so your argument is:
>busting a nut on a woman's face
>standing in a corner jerking off while watching another guy bust on a woman's face
are indistinguishable from one another, because in both instances, you're using your hand?
so let me ask you this.
if you had to choose between a lifetime of
>a) busting nuts after women sucked and fucked you
>b) standing in corners masturbating while you watched other people fuckin'
you're going to tell me you wouldn't choose option (a) 10 times out of 10?
and as for your analogy - "I'll eat fast food until I can get healthy food. Then I'll naturally start eating less fast food." I mean, I hope that works out for you. But that sounds like a completely delusional excuse to keep indulging in a habit that you know is subpar and that you shouldn't be doing
and by the way I don't think you're shilling. I think you make some cogent points. But I do think jerkin off to porn is not a good habit. I also don't think pure "semen retention" is the right alternative. I think you should refrain from porn specifically for psychological reasons, and you should abstain from masturbating so that you use your pent up sexual energy to drive yourself forwards in life AND to motivate you to get pussy and not settle for jerkin off to porn.
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Temptation is absolutely everywhere it makes me sick.
Everything that you are preaching against you are using as a weapon yourself. You are preaching against shame but shaming and mocking others yourself.
And you don't even know what you're talking about, speaking as if masturbation has no downsides. That is easily proven false by anyone that tries out SR for themselves for many reasons but the most prominent is that we all have more energy and aren't as sleepy during the day when we retain.
I don't edge for hours when I masturbate, yet it causes me issues.
As for more "supernatural" benefits, it has gotten to the point where, like clockwork, I can predict that everyone will start looking at me more after three days.
Everbody's... body is different and we all have different experiences and challenges. Some people struggle more but receive more benefit, others struggle less and receive little benefit. We are all different ages and everything.
Anyone telling you its okay to watch porn is a shill. Ignore.
New special thread for retainers only!

>are indistinguishable from one another, because in both instances, you're using your hand?
Never said it was indistinguishable, I said it isn't really going to do anything to your brain. You guys get mentally fucked from porn for different but related reasons that you can control but you don't practice moderation:
1. Duration (edging for too long)
2. Intensity (death grip)
3. Fetish (weird and extreme fetishes that desensitizes you, and makes vanilla sex "boring")

If someone avoids the above three things (or other things in their those categories), they won't experience any of the negatives you guys talk about, and they won't see any need to do NoFap / Semen Retention.

You can keep trying to dodge this obvious point, but I'm going to keep pointing it out.

It's not masturbation that's the problem, you guys are the problem, you guys are your own problem.

Have you ever really thought about how most men, like 99% of men masturbate and don't experience any of the energy drain, etc you guys talk about?

Why do you guys never talk about this glaring hole in your theory and belief system?

>you're going to tell me you wouldn't choose option (a) 10 times out of 10?
What one wants, and what they have available are not the same thing.

If I can only "eat fast food" right now, I'm not going to starve myself, I'm going to "eat fast food" (masturbate) until I can gain access to a "stable and healthy diet" (consistent sexual access with a partner).

There is no logical reason to starve yourself of sexual pleasure, it's all some emotional reason with no hard science or logic behind it (like religion, delusion, conspiracy, etc).

>But that sounds like a completely delusional excuse to keep indulging in a habit that you know is subpar and that you shouldn't be doing
1. You don't get to use the word "delusion", please at least try and be self aware, your position is the delusional one.

2. Who decided that we shouldn't do it? You?
and actually, I'd be willing to bet you that there are physiological / neurological explanations for the stuff I'm saying. when you bust a nut, you release prolactin and you get tired. in an evolutionary, it would make sense for mating and pair-bonding, if right after fuckin, the man and woman fall asleep or at least go into a daze where they cuddle or some shit. now, if you are just repeatedly bustin' all the time, and releasing all that prolactin, and getting tired, and you're not ALSO receiving the reciprocal pheremones and signals from the female, as well as all the psychological validation that comes from fuckin a chick, then you're just maxxing out "one side of the equation". As an analogy - we are wired to like sweet sugary foods because we evolved to eat fruit. So, when you just take out the most pleasurable part - the sugar - and you remove all the healthy shit - you get candy and soda. Which you can consume a shit ton of and get obese. So, candy and soda are to nutrition, what fappin with porn is to sexuality.
>There is no logical reason to starve yourself of sexual pleasure
kek. Retainers, we're so back.
>you should abstain from masturbating so that you use your pent up sexual energy to drive yourself forwards in life AND to motivate you to get pussy and not settle for jerkin off to porn.
Most guys are going to end up killing themselves if they have to wait that long to have another orgasm starting from today.

Especially on this forum. Most of the guys posting here are losers in life, I mean what are you expecting?

Why do you think you see posters talking about copes like becoming a monk and never having sex at all to "transcend", etc.

That's the next step in this delusional movement for these men, because a lot of them know deep down that for them, it's masturbation or nothing.

Some guys will literally never get laid, or they may get laid once or twice a month, and some it will be once or twice a year.

It's unrealistic to tell adult males with an active and healthy sex drive to just starve themselves for long periods.

This is why most of these guys on this thread are going to keep playing this "I relapsed" coping game which depends on "plausible deniability".

"I made a mistake, I just happened to "relapse" when I couldn't resist any longer, and I have conveniently allowed myself a sufficient release to last me until my "unintended" future "relapse" which I am not hoping will happen at all"

Lol, they are playing mind games with themselves, it's the relapse rollercoaster, and they always hop back on, it's just a game they play with themselves.

Nobody is honestly planning to go the next 5 years without a single orgasm if they knew they'd never have sex in the next 5 years.

>Anyone telling you its okay to watch porn is a shill. Ignore.
Ok, no ok, you guys are gonna just keep "relapsing" and doing it anyways, so why keep playing these dishonest mind games with yourself lol. You are only coping.
will you write the words:
"I derive pleasure daily from watching other men fuck women."
or no?
>Ok, no ok, you guys are gonna just keep "relapsing" and doing it anyways, so why keep playing these dishonest mind games with yourself lol. You are only coping.
finally he admits his own weakness.
>we all have more energy and aren't as sleepy during the day when we retain.
Are you guys sleeping like 4 hours every night or something, because this is just retarded.

You know there are construction workers that fuck their wife every night and then wake up and go do hard labor everyday.

But you just stroking your right hand, not using your core, not using your legs, no effort required like sex, is somehow ending up too drained of energy the next day? lol.

Just stop, just stop lol. Only an idiot would believe this nonsense.
and another question. would you mind if all of your friends and family found out your porn search history?
and on the other hand, how would you feel if your friends and family saw a text on your phone from a chick that said "I love the way you fucked me last night."
>finally he admits his own weakness.
What are you talking about. I could quit if I wanted to, there was just no benefit. I did it before. Woke up one day and realized that 3 days had passed without me masturbating (the urges aren't always strong everyday). Deciding to stop for 27 more days to see if anything would happen. Nothing changed over the course of the 30 days or at the end of it.

Resumed on day 31. I am in complete control. Probably because I never did death grip or edged and exposed myself to extremes of pleasure, IDK. But it's as simple as just starting a tv show up when you feel aroused and focusing on it, the arousal goes away really quickly when a show is good. You guys make this shit sound so difficult lmao.

It's a placebo, it's purely psychological. You guys feel strong shame for masturbating, so when you stop, your mind makes you feel great because the shame is gone.

I don't feel any shame, so there is no placebo effect whether I masturbate or not.

Why would I do something without any benefit?
>will you write the words:
>"I derive pleasure daily from watching other men fuck women."
Why are you only applying this logic to sex, why no apply it to your wage slave work life
"I derive pleasure daily from making another man wealthy from my labor"

Why not apply it to entertainment, like action movies:
"I derive pleasure daily from living vicariously through the amazing lives of non-existent characters"

That's another thing I notice about you guys, you only apply logic selectively, you never apply it in ways that "hits close to home", because that allows you to make special exceptions for yourself, for the "vices" you don't want to live without.

This is why I always bring up alcohol, weed, cigarettes, etc, in these threads. Because a lot of you are doing it, and these things are actually affecting your physical health, and you won't stop, and you won't apply your NoFap logic to convince yourself to stop.

>and another question. would you mind if all of your friends and family found out your porn search history?
Just as much as I would mind if all of my friends and family found out how I like my dick sucked or my favorite sex positions.

I have to say you used a kind of weird example that doesn't fit. Maybe it's just me, but I don't want any friend or family member to know any explicit details of my sex life.

The fact that you used that text example just seems weird to me and it only shows how much you really care about peoples opinion of you.

I'm sure you would love a scenario where a text like that got leaked amongst your social circle.

It must be so annoying to have an ego like that.
will you write the words:
>"I derive pleasure daily from watching other men fuck women."
or no?
Second this. Write it out. Stop all this word salad you silly little narc
>Why are you only applying this logic to sex, why no apply it to your wage slave work life
"I derive pleasure daily from making another man wealthy from my labor"

Why not apply it to entertainment, like action movies:
"I derive pleasure daily from living vicariously through the amazing lives of non-existent characters"
these are absolutely great points. wage slaving is bad, mindless entertainment is bad.
work on stuff is good though (when its not wage slavery). and deep artistic experiences through great music and literature, are good.
just like human sexuality is great and fantastic, when you're not tying your pleasure to watching other men fuck women.
I've got this guy cornered. He won't write the words out. He will write 10 paragraphs but he will not allow himself to write those words out LOL, LMAO even
He still won't learn. The narc, much like a woman, has a fascinating ability to delude itself and convince itself of brazen lies. Its how the little narc protects its little ego.
>will you write the words
>Second this. Write it out.
1. Lesbian porn exists

2. This is a false dichotomy. You don't get to just randomly dictate the terms of what can be said in the discussion lol. You are free to stop responding.

3. All you guys are doing is admitting that the men are actually a focus for you in the porn you watch (or used to watch).

Honestly all of the videos I have saved the guys are mostly off screen, they don't make any noises, and the camera is always focused on the woman.

Your posts are kinda reminding me of those guys on porn video comment sections complaining about how ugly the guy in the video is. I don't even notice the guy is ugly until they point it out lol.

I'm starting to understand a bit more why you'd feel shame and want to stop. If I was noticing the guys to such an extent I'd probably want to quit too.

>I've got this guy cornered.
>He won't say that I'm right using the specific words that I demand him to say....... so that means I'm right. I have him cornered lol.
Ok buddy, I think you need to google what "fallacious logic" is. That's not how arguments work, that's not how debates worked.

If it worked like that, then I could say at this moment.
will you write the words:
>"I can't masturbate to porn because it brings up homoerotic feelings that I'm trying to suppress and avoid, because I zone in on the men while masturbating"

If you don't write these words then that means I have you cornered lol.

You have to see how retarded this sounds.
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>watching porn equals working for another man and watching movies
The mental gymnastics on this one are wild
>I lack the intelligence to comprehend analogies, in fact, I don't know what an analogy is, so I instead interpret them as literal.
Wild indeed.
you're cornered
>gets confronted
>nooo I don't mean it like that, it's mysterious and deep
KEK! The gift that keeps on giving. I'm glad you're here wasting your time and not watching porn/fapping
will you write the words:
>"I can't masturbate to porn because it brings up homoerotic feelings that I'm trying to suppress and avoid, because I zone in on the men while masturbating."
or no?
You jack your dick off while looking at another dick pleasuring a woman. You can use whatever autistic logic to get around this, but in your heart, you know the truth.
You are panicking.
It's kinda hilarious desu. Only a complete autist can come up with cope that gold
I won't write that statement, because that statement is not true for me.
But the statement
>"I derive pleasure daily from watching other men fuck women"
is true for you. objectively. LOL
You derive pleasure daily from watching other men fuck women.
true or false?
I just told you your statement was false.
Can you tell me my statement was false?

you're cornered
He is telling you to do write words that are objectively true. you are telling him to write something which is your opinion.
Nice try though faggot.
Except, that's not what I said, that's what he came up with, so maybe he is the complete autist. You guys need to learn to read properly.

>You jack your dick off while looking at another dick pleasuring a woman.
1. Again, why are you only applying this to sex.

Every form of entertainment in the world is experienced and enjoyed in the 3rd person.

Also, this would only feel like a negative experience if it was MY woman being pleased by another dick, but it's just another random woman, it's A woman.

Also, how far are you guys willing to take this thing along the train of logic. Are all of you planning to marry virgins. I know I'm just going to pump dump, I don't really want to get married, never wanted too. But 99% of you Semen Retention guys reading this very line, if you get married, it's going to be with a used up whore that was pleasured by another man's dick, multiple men's dicks, some all at the same time during college.

So you are completely ok with marrying and devoting your time and resources to YOUR woman who has been pleased by multiple men's dicks, but I'm supposed to feel shame for masturbating to A random woman being pleased by another random man's dick?

Like I said, you guys don't really think this through to it's logical conclusion. You always stop the thought process so that it doesn't hit close to home, so that all the things that you think you "can't live without" get a "special pass".

If you are going to marry a whore, it just seems kinda stupid to arbitrarily draw the line at "I can't masturbate A whore, but I sure will marry MY whore" lol.

2. Ok, so by your logic, if someone only masturbated to lesbian porn you'd have no problem with it.

If you'd still have a problem with it, then my response doesn't matter to you anyways, and you are just arguing a red herring.

>but in your heart, you know the truth.
You are panicking.
You are coping.
Again with the word salad. You've been told already you autist, this is all an incoherent fallacious mess.
You pleasure yourself with videos that include penis. This is an objective fact.
Someone here made a great analogy for all the coomers that come here.
It's like playing chess with a pigeon. It will strut around and start flinging the pieces off the board then pretend it's won. This is futile
>Again with the word salad.
If you want to avoid answering questions, but you want to keep asking, then yes, it's word salad to you.

>You pleasure yourself with videos that include penis.
So like you and everyone else here in your next relapse, or are you going to avoid answering this question like other ones I asked?

This entire line of argumentation is basically - "If you don't no NoFap you're gay" lol.

But by that logic, all the other 99% of men who have sex (and also still masturbate to porn every now and then - yes, that's most men), are also gay.

If that's the standard of gay, then nobody is gay, because 99% of men would be gay.

The entire argument doesn't really amount to anything once you think about it.

Guess that's more "word salad" for you, but I think that's just more logic you don't want to accept or think about.
Porn takes over the mind of men. Gooners are like those zombie ants that get killed and taken over by a fungus. They carry out the will of their mind virus.
Once again autist, this is fallacious word salad.
You watch videos that include penis. You pleasure yourself to it. There is no getting around this. Your attempts to claw at this, is pointless.
Do you accept this as your reality? Say "i accept this as my reality".
>this is fallacious word salad.
Fallacious is to keep avoiding my questions. I literally just answered, you haven't answered any of my questions.

Let me be specific.

Have you relapsed in the last 365 days from this very day?

Did that relapse include masturbating to "videos that include penis"? (lol, a statement that sounds kinda funny because of the wording btw, don't know why you phrased it like that, the irony of you calling me an autist with such wording).
>>384630You watch videos that include penis. You pleasure yourself to it. There is no getting around this. Your attempts to claw at this, is pointless.
Do you accept this as your reality? Say "i accept this as my reality".
>autist shits up the thread acting like hes mastered hermeticism
>autist then relentlessly defends watching porn
never change /x/. this is why im here
>This entire line of argumentation is basically - "If you don't no NoFap you're gay"
It has nothing to do with being gay. It has to do with you psychologically KEKING yourself by deriving sexual pleasure from watching another man fuck a woman. Now, the fact that you just wrote 10 paragraphs about it being gay... well if I was an unfair debater like you, I'd sneak in some assertion that you're secretly harboring homoerotic feelings that you're desparately trying to defend.
But I don't believe that about you, and I'm not going to use that tactic, because its a cheap tactic.
Next time you watch porn, you won't be able to ignore the fact that you're pleasuring yourself by watching another man fuck a woman. And you'll never be able to ignore it again. By desperately trying not to say the words, they've taken root in your mind.
Doing God's work anon. It'll haunt him and he'll become a retainer. Hopefully. Life is trial by fire for men.
At this point, the only valid response is "no u" lol. It's honestly suspicious how much you are dodging right now, and even the people who are on your side can see that.

It's really pointless to point fingers when you are doing it last month and will "relapse" and do it in the next few months. Maybe that's why you don't want to answer.

>autist shits up the thread acting like hes mastered hermeticism
>alleged autist made no such claims
>retard attempts to strawman alleged autist because he has no argument
never change /x//
>It's honestly suspicious how much you are dodging right now
You have no self awareness. Honestly there's no hope for you whatsoever. I genuinely pity you at this point.
>It has to do with you psychologically KEKING yourself by deriving sexual pleasure from watching another man fuck a woman
How is it cucking when it isn't YOUR woman.

If this is the angle you were taking, then it's a pointless angle when you take into account what I already said (which you guys keep conveniently avoiding and refusing to address):
>Also, this would only feel like a negative experience if it was MY woman being pleased by another dick, but it's just another random woman, it's A woman.
>Also, how far are you guys willing to take this thing along the train of logic. Are all of you planning to marry virgins. I know I'm just going to pump dump, I don't really want to get married, never wanted too. But 99% of you Semen Retention guys reading this very line, if you get married, it's going to be with a used up whore that was pleasured by another man's dick, multiple men's dicks, some all at the same time during college.
>So you are completely ok with marrying and devoting your time and resources to YOUR woman who has been pleased by multiple men's dicks, but I'm supposed to feel shame for masturbating to A random woman being pleased by another random man's dick?
>Like I said, you guys don't really think this through to it's logical conclusion. You always stop the thought process so that it doesn't hit close to home, so that all the things that you think you "can't live without" get a "special pass".
>If you are going to marry a whore, it just seems kinda stupid to arbitrarily draw the line at "I can't masturbate to A whore, but I sure will marry MY whore" lol.

>its a cheap tactic.
It's literally no different than the "you are cucking yourself" angle lol, it's still a cheap tactic. Do you have zero sefl awareness? Is your reasoning that selective and convenient?

You guys are delusional honestly.

How will it haunt me but not haunt all of you that are destined to marry whores, which is actually you cucking yourself?
God completely nerfed your brain. I am going to pray for you. I am being sincere man
>I am going to pray for you
My friend, if prayers worked you guys wouldn't need to create a virtual circle jerk support system online to not masturbate, you'd simply pray and all the urges would be gone. Try and be more realistic and honest with yourself.

Well it's actually time for me to go to bed now. I thought the post limit for threads was 300 but it looks like it's more now.

You can wish me well with your prayers, I'm going to wish all of you guys a pleasurable experience on your next inevitable "relapse" lol.

Until next time.
>I'm going to wish all of you guys a pleasurable experience on your next inevitable "relapse" lol.
All that negative energy will rebound back to you, x10. So Mote It Be.
It's okay retainers. We're protected.
>>38463187 and >>38463200

Holy fucking shit. Get a room already.
porn fucks up your mind, ejaculating wastes your energy. you can still coom but do it while having sex with a female individual and learn to do the actual cumming up your spine instead of out of your dick by squeezing your ass as if you were trying to hold a shit in when you're about to cum.
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