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Instruments aboard NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft, which nine years ago exited our solar system's outer reaches, have detected a faint monotonous hum caused by the constant vibrations of the small amounts of gas found in the near emptiness of interstellar space

Given the sparceness of matter does not exclude the presense of a quantum field. Furthermore, if gaseous molecules are constantly vibrating with matter being laid out so thinly in outer space, there is still an exchange and a presence of energy flow.

When matter is excited, it causes faint ripples and interference in waves from wave particles being produced.

Pic related is an example of smaller wave sources "cancelling" each other out to form a convergent wave.

Given 13,000,000,000 years from the formation of galaxies for a grandfather civilization to emerge and achieve quantum physics supremacy when humans may achieve this in under 300 years.

Said civilization would be able to utilize quantum tunneling and entanglement to excite a field of deep space gaseous molecules to "squelch" inbound and outbound wave communication, obscuring their presense.

You are living in a bubble.
So they're using space itself to obstruct detection is pretty much what you're saying?
Checked but physics was many years ago for me, can you dumb this down about 35%? Thanks.
Not OP, but basically by using what very little residual matter remains in the void of space surrounding our solar system, ayy's are using entanglement to isolate our solar system so we can't receive any communication from those who may be trying. Likewise, our messages are also blocked from reaching the stars.
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not a problem if u know how to get signal in or out.
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This theory solves Fermi's paradox and explains the Voyager phenomenon in one. It also reinforces the presense of Kardashev civilizations.

Our current, very early understanding of quantum physics for quantum entanglement is that sub-atomic particles have to interact short-term and data can be transmitted instantaneously between the pair when separated. This inplies ayys had to "tangle" the universe before expansion.

However, all matter was one condensed into a singular point, hence the Big Bang. If a form of long-term, permanent entanglement exists, and given a primordial ayys that have had billions of years to flourish and advance technology to understand and manipulate this factor, a communication "mute" around Earth would not be impossible.
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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. Outer space is a complete meme. Voyager probes were an obvious psyop.
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>>38448855 (You) #
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So...what are the implications?

>he fell for the flat earth meme
it's literally a psyops to keep you away from the truth that the earth is hollow
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which faction is doing this?
First American/retard of the thread lol. There should be a rule requiring high school graduation to post here.
None of the above. It would be a primodial gigabrained Karda-V. The administrator, even.
Federation is keeping the system under lock and key so they can continue paying off debts to the reptilian malevolents.
Louche and adrenochrome as well as human DNA itself is a highly valued commodity on the galactic black market and the Federation set up this system as a farm so the malevolents would stop kidnapping millions of citizens of the Federation.
Yes that means we're just cattle to them and that they won't save us unless saving us means keeping us dumb and ignorant for another 1000 years of farming.

Divine God and ask Him if the Galactic Federation is truly as good as some of these channelers on rumble claim.
It should concern people that the very first group to show up which isn't a part of the Federation, the Urmah, are described as equal in strength to the Federation and far from alone in being that strong.
Yet they're benevolent.
If they're that powerful, there must be civilisations more powerful. Perhaps just singular entities, like the universe's Firstborn. Oldest souls in existence.
The Federation would really hate one of those infiltrating their little indoor anthroponics farm and feeding facts about their operation to the outside through quantum entangled implants.
It will completely destroy them. The bureaucracy alone, numbering several quadrillion people, will be exterminated for what they've allowed to happen.
That's not the Federation's judgement. They are denied the right to choose their way out. The Firstborn gets to decide that, and he's pissed off.
I see these kinds of patterns on the inside of my eyelids and I have schizophrenia and hear internal and external voices.
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cool story
oh yeah i hear this shit all the time, like constantly. imagine a reefer unit parked down the end of teh street you know, that deep constant hum thats almost below what you can hear. it kind of makes your brain itch. it's like that.

fucking universe man, so fucking annoying.
>be me
>empty space
>chilling, literally.
>not empty?
>be you
>be made of atoms
>mostly empty
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>digits: checked
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything
vibrates."--The Kybalion.

The great Third Hermetic Principle--the Principle of Vibration--embodies the truth that Motion is manifest in everything in the Universe--that nothing is at rest--that everything moves, vibrates, and circles. This Hermetic Principle was recognized by some of the early Greek philosophers who embodied it in their systems. But, then, for centuries it was lost sight of by the thinkers outside of the Hermetic ranks. But in the Nineteenth Century physical science re-discovered the truth and the Twentieth Century scientific discoveries have added additional proof of the correctness and truth of this centuries-old Hermetic doctrine.
I agree. Space is fake and gay. There is for sure a dome above our heads. Satellites are fake and so is space travel, ain't nobody ever been to the moon.
They are good at making cartoons though.

odds of self-differentiation outside terra for civs that old are slim to none it just IS the admin
Explain the presence of visible stars at all. The fermi paradox is about why we see any stars in the sky instead of billions of infrared black body radiation from the dyson swarms that must exist for a 13 billion year old civilization that has mastered interstellar colonization. Your theory here only applies to low energy signaling it wouldn't block light. False sky? It explains transmission silence but not the existence of the virign wilderness of stars the spectra they all give off suggests.
Also if aliens wanted to isolate us, on this planet forever, it would make more sense to just give us a black sky from the beginning. There is no explanation for visible stars if we are being sequestered.
There at 200 billion trillion stars, not all of them will have dyson swarms. Some stars disappear unexpectedly too, theorised to have turned into black holes. The radius of the universe is also 46.5 billion lightyears. If a star at the edge of the universe turned into a dyson swarm/sphere, it would take 46.5 billion years for it to be observable from our position relatively close to the centre of the universe.

Furthermore, a dyson swarm would need a very high calibre deep space telescope to see in high enough definition for tiny objects circling stars billions of lightyears away.

Light is bound to the speed of light. Matter is bound to the speed of matter.
Quantum entanglement action is instant.
they want us to build our own boat to escape our own island into the ocean.
mah boi chud in the corner chillin like a real g
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Are they gonna go to the iss psyop swimming pool in florida and film it?
they're gonna film your mom in the pool in florida and think they were at the zoo watching hippos
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Lol that’s funny, nice! We love filming your mom, she has nice fat ass, mighty fine. They call her bbb, that’s not the better business bureau, it’s big beautiful booty!
My favorite was when that one dude from the psyop called nasa, said “we lost the technology”. Or when they put the original (((moonlanding))) tapes in a defunct mcdonalds and “lost” them. Where is the footage of this iss being built? The greatest achievement of the “goyim” and there is no thousands of hours of footage of it being built?
I can go down the street and watch a pool being built.
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i bet thats almost true you nigger. too bad all our claims are wrong and anyone can find for themselves the evidence to prove it.

your faggot days are numbered you lying disgusting queer.
Ah a fellow high school dropout i see!
What is the goal when your species becomes so advanced that it control the universe itself, doesnt that make you a god? or does the concept of god even trascend that? what is your purpouse to exist in that moment? I don't understand if it could be something that goes beyond our understanding and we aren't capable to grasp yet, but the idea of it kinda just wanna makes me wish things remained simpler, perhaps evolving truly was a misstep in evolution
They'd merely be participants in it still, quantum manipulation is just another layer to the game.

Maybe this. Eventually, we'd have the technology to do this ourselves.
Then why not quantize the entire sky visible from earth to be a void with no stars? That would silence all investigation from the beginning and be a real veil. This does not explain why the aliens, should they exist, let us see a sky with any stars.
Stars exist to our vision, therefore aliens can't. There is no rational explanation for a partial veil. The only rational explanation is the fermi paradox is very real, because we are either the first intelligent species anywhere or the only intelligent species everywhere.
There is the same fallacy, that the universe is already at an "end point" yet humanity's understanding, your understanding, of the universe around us is still evolving.

Have you considered that Dyson spheres are maybe unachievable with any technology? Clearly not.
>Dyson spheres are maybe unachievable
Maybe by the time a civ can feasibly create a Dyson sphere, the value of the sphere has been supplanted by an alternative technology, or modality of existence that no longer requires it. Or achieving that modality only requires one Dyson-ish thing, and we haven't spotted it yet.
they dont seem to mind photons getting in....

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