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If this is inverted world where everything is upside down, what if the "bad guys" actually have a point? What if they're the good guys? Or good and evil don't really exist as separate things, and there simply "is". Abraxas
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Theyre playing their role, granted. And they will receive their reward
I mean they have the right idea, modern people are no better than cattle. But it's still wrong to try and play God like that.
They do have a point. There are too many npcs on the planet. Just compare the human population to the elephant population so you can have an idea. And elephants don't produce as many trash as we do.
Problem is that I don't have their club's card, so I'm subjected to the same bullshit they want to impose on the npcs. For this reason alone I have to oppose them.
>so I'm subjected to the same bullshit they want to impose on the npcs

How? No one forced you to get a vaccine, did they?
has just going to say people were for their jobs, give a youtube link, and tell you da jews did it
>has just going to say people were for their jobs
Unless you were forced at gunpoint (which no one was) you were not forced. I would rather be homeless than get the vaccine. I would rather my family be homeless than let them get the vaccine.
thats the narrative they've been pushing for years now anon
bro you stick weird chemicals in your body all the time, this one they actually tested and will be scrutinized forever

it was just a vaccine

you were in a psyop, amigo
What narrative? No one was forced. Everyone who took it was weak and caved in to social pressure, which is exactly why it's a good thing they got vaccinated
you dont understand anon, of ocurse he dos, but this one was pushed specifically by the government, which he hates, so he just assumes its evil, there's no actual sound logic to it, they apply that it is evil THEN look for evidence for it
>"sense" tripcode
>it's just a vaccine don't think hard about it trust the science

Whatever they're paying you, they're paying too much. In my day the shills actually meant business
no we actually wanted to prepare our immune systems for the accidental bioweapon release, it was a real vaccine, you fell for a psyop and now probably have cardiovascular/brain damage from the virus

that's what they were trying to hide

it leaked from fort detrick in the summer of 2019
>What narrative? No one was forced.
ah the short memories of /pol/ niggers, next you tell me you have no idea what red deer means lol
>it was a real vaccine, you fell for a psyop and now probably have cardiovascular/brain damage from the virus

Literally "no u". Pathetic.
you know what's better than natural immunity? getting vaccinated so your immune system can handle the virus. you got fucking psyop'd and succumbed to ignorance and fear of science. they're nerds who mean well, not agents of satan turning you into a bluetooth emitter

psyops, anon, you are not immune
>ah the short memories of /pol/ niggers

I'm not one, and being threatened with being fired is not being forced. Cope. I'm glad you got it.
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if i cant trust them why the fuck should I trust you or some fag on youtube?

you guys still cant actually point to anyone that's happened to
*wink* gotcha, anon. You are totally right, we should all do our part and trust the science from now on...

You should do what your heart tells you. If you heart tells you to get the vaccines and boosters, I strongly encourage you to do it :)
>and being threatened with being fired is not being forced
How the fuck not?
You are exactly the same as them, you just are poor and unconnected. You don't get to decide who lives and who dies. There were people who would have never taken that if they had the means to avoid it. Not everyone was happy go lucky running to get the shot. Some people were the sole breadwinner of the house and had low savings with responsibilities on their shoulders. They took it themselves and fought to ensure that no one else in their family had to take it. I wasn't one of those people. I am a retarded cattle who knew the shit was dangerous but basically because I'm a coward I let my family talk me into taking it. I wasn't working and my school was online. I had no love of the truth, my autonomy, or the Most High. I even walked out of the second shot but my Dad talked me into going back inside to get it. The funny thing is the Most High did not want me to get that shot. He wanted me to move, which is why he sent me more than 40k a month earlier than I was supposed to get it (2 weeks before getting the shot) but I loved the comfort of being with my family. Oh well. Now I'm dedicated to destruction and I'm a ticking timebomb for the abomination of desolation. Pray for me and my foolishness and that the Most High forgives me.
>you guys still cant actually point to anyone that's happened to

My mom's boss started getting her period again at like age 75 and died of cancer less than a year later. You'll say it's not happening just because I can't point to any famous people, but most people know someone who was maimed or killed by the vaccine
>You should do what your heart tells you
oh jesus so this is what happened to the feels before reals people, no wonder anti-vaccers are retards
covid's a real virus and it's not the first leak from Fort Detrick, either, they also accidentally released HIV (long incubation period was missed by testing) and Lyme Disease (they're military and incompetent)

the virus does serious damage to all of your organs and tissues, the vaccine mitigates the damage from the first infection

advantage: vaccinated elites
>. You don't get to decide who lives and who dies

They decided that for themselves when they submitted themselves to be "vaccinated". Why ought I mourn them?
>My mom's boss s-
>my accidotal evidence
lol my dad works for Nintendo and has a bridge he wants to sell you!
you 'have a good immune system' but the bioweapon was entirely novel to the human genome. you had no natural immunity. the vaccinated did, and suffered far less.

you got psyoped by foreign powers, domestic sociopaths, and basically demons, into thinking that it was just a cold and that preventative medicine was a deadly poison
>lol my dad works for Nintendo
I hope I get to spit on the mass grave FEMA eventually bulldozes your toxic cadaver into
>the bioweapon

COVID-19 is literally the flu. Do you think it's weird at all that "the flu" miraculously disappeared in 2020-2022~ and everyone "had covid"?
you have no evidence, you just turned all causes of mortality into 'i think it was the vaccine'

evidence of brain damage from covid desu, you've deteriorated considerably i'm sure
2 more weeks?
the flu disappeared because we were all wearing masks, washing our hands, social distancing, and trying to not infect anyone during a pandemic. that's what the good people were doing. not you, of course. evil moron
>you have no evidence, you just turned all causes of mortality into 'i think it was the vaccine'

Well it's the ONE (1) thing that changed between pre-pandemic and post-pandemic. and all these people who got the vaccine started developing all kinds of health problems and "turbo cancers", but I'm sure it couldn't be that because it just can't be
>hes already memory holed the "chinese virus" and the months of /pol/ watching it spread
COVID-19 is actually a bioweapon and the result of decades of research

it's not just the flu, it's designed to cripple populations and destroy economies

lab safety at fort detrick was lax
considering you fucks just keep claiming this with no evidence, why would anyone believe you?
>the flu disappeared because we were all wearing masks, washing our hands, social distancing, and trying to not infect anyone during a pandemic

So why didn't it work to stop the spread of covid, as well as it apparently stopped the flu? Are you trolling

Whatever happened in China is not what happened here. I never saw anyone literally dropping dead crossing sidewalks or at the bank in America
incidents of cancer are rising faster among the unvaccinated

your system got turbo'd by the bioweapon, and just about everyone got hit by omicron, vaccinated and not

in the end, the vaccinated took less systemic damage than the unvaccinated, so no, you didn't win, you lost horribly
>you fucks just keep claiming this with no evidence

Do you want the CDC and vaccine companies to report on this for you to believe it? I'm so happy you will likely never be having children
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>incidents of cancer are rising faster among the unvaccinated

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it happened in America in the summer of 2019, the virus didn't actually come from China.

the first thing that happened is the military and the government invented "vape lung" to cover up the dramatic rise in inexplicable respiratory illnesses, and they immediately banned all testing for COVID in the US until March 2020, then the CIA began to construct the China narrative, which of course is a psyop - they deliberately transported ill personnel to Wuhan for the World Military Games in October 2019, and deliberately spread covid-19 themselves

blame langley
>it happened in America in the summer of 2019

Find us some videos of it then. You won't
I'm as agnostic as you can get. Trust me when I tell you, you cannot go wrong with refusing to pervert nature. Sure, maybe vaccination and augmentation and brain chips can lead to some super cool stuff and you get to "like literally" live in a cyberpunk utopia, but even that best case scenario, what does that REALLY serve? You can pure bliss right now, just save up for a lifetime supply of opiates and then suck it down and shoot it up to your heart's content.
You must have balance, an equilibrium of joy and suffering, and there is value in the natural human experience. You must have death to give value to life. Circumventing evolution with tech, including pharma, is not only substituting it with fraudulent, it is dooming it by stopping it in its tracks, and ultimately replacing your humanity to the point that the meaning is lost. Evolution is much more permanent progress, it is our inheritence and our legacy, and should be prioritized for the sake of future generations. Counteracting it is akin to the eternal boomer inheriting the world and then blowing it all in a slot machine.
I must now point out that all I have said is if their intentions are good, and everything works out. Things can arguably go right for you, in a way, if you philosophically disagree, but it is nothing compared to how wrong it can go if the intentions are bad or the execution goes poorly. If that is the case, horrors beyond comprehension, extinction and fates worse than death, await.
You cannot know what you cannot know, so how would like to proceed? I already know the answer, whatever is comfiest and least challenging for you. Have fun speculating in the meantime, yoy are at least doing it in the vein of important knoweledge, in contrast to the average waste.
>hes already memory holed Chinas outbreak
Covid 19 was trash virus used to entice the world to take there vaccine. This vaccine served many purposes. Mainly it’s a bioweapon. Within a weapon. They used graphene nano tubes to act as a capsule for there real virus’. Then the vaccine also removed some genes that…. Well let’s just say people gonna be hungry and bite a lot whoever took the vaccine. The grapheme nanotubes also are self replicating using the bodies own vitamins and minerals to grow and replicate. Why? Because this is the new skeletal muscular system aka nerves. But these will be made of the strongest known material and most conductive material known to man. It will
Be used to send signals and control people who have an enormous hunger and tendency to bite. They will use the 5g towers to release the virus inside the graphene oxide nano tube sponges. You don’t have long. Learn to run.
you'll never post anything
worthless copy pasta garbage
You clearly have no clue what it is I'm talking about. In China, dozens of people were randomly dropping dead while walking in public. The government was welding people into their apartment buildings.
Well I asked you a question, is CDC/other Govt sources what you're wanting? Anything I could post, you would say is not credible enough
why has ever vaccine before hand been fine until now?
remember, the shit about autism was started by a fraud who wanted to make his own vaccine to sell

You've been psyopped by the CIA. The virus came from Fort Detrick, which is in Virginia.
So why didn't we see the same devastating effects as the Chinese did? If we did, people would be posting webms of it in this very thread. You are deflecting, because you are a liar
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>he cant give any evidence, just the tired "do your own research excuse
why would china fake an outbreak and work WITH american anon?
To clarify* I'm not saying you're lying about the origin of the virus, I'm saying you're lying about the vaccine being safe

Watch the high wire, to start with
China didn't fake anything. Your government did. The "evidence" COVID-19 came from China is entirely manufactured by the CIA, it's a lie produced for domestic consumption.
> this one they actually tested
for how long?
no, you made a fucking claim, back it up you retard
It's not pasta, I took time to type out my genuine argument. You don't have to respond to it, but incorrectly slandering without followup is to give the argument you assault a victory ribbon. Perhaps imagine your assumptions may not always be correct.
Your just confused by there language obfuscation

Old vaccines used an adeno virus (dead version of virus) to build up natural immunity so when a live version shows up the body is ready

Now r u listening carefully?
This what they injected is MRNA crispr tech. This mRNA is very easily destroyed by the bodies immunity before it reaches the cell. So how do they transport it thru the cell? Two versions. One used an adenovirus as transport to the cell (j and j ) this vaccine didn’t last long because wasn’t as effective as second version of the transport which used an oil bioroduct derivative lipid layer which was toxic for he body but was more accepted by the cell . Once inside the cell
The mRNA did its thing.

It wasn’t a vaccine…. It was a literal bio weapon I guess I shouldn’t of called it a “vaccine” more like injectable dna scripting graphene nanotubes my bad
>no its my genuine shit take
even worse honestly
The vaccine is safe. There was extensive testing rolled out over a period of months on many volunteers. Side effects (tachycardia, various blood issues) are rarely the result of the vaccine, and more often the result of COVID-19... again, you've been psyopped. They lied.

The vaccine is real, the virus is a bioweapon your government accidentally released. Not getting vaccinated was a mistake. You played right into their hands.
why? what would you get out of killing the people who make you rich and powerful in the first place anon? even medieval kings weren't this retarded, you need peasants to make things work, killing them makes zero sense.
The virus at first was strong but as all viruses do they get weaker to be more contagious a haven’t u studied viruses? By time got to America it was like 3rd generation and less lethal. Get a clue
>They vaccinated billions of people because they're just evil
Help help not life saving medicine! The horror!
I guess you haven’t seen what robotics are capable of lately? These robots willl soon have an artificial intelligence logic that only gets better and soon robots will
Be building robots and programming better ai
If u think they need a buncha useless eaters you are mistaken. You really think they need us now? lol
You shouldn't trust your government or intelligence agencies.

Doctors, pharmacists, scientific researchers in the health sciences, are generally good sources of information. Except for a few cranks, pretty much everyone with a solid biology education got vaccinated.

Evil people preyed upon your ignorance, unfortunately. Yes, they want you to hate China. Yes, they employ psychological operations to ensure this is the case. Your media is controlled by the CIA.
>we'll just replace everyone with robots!

fuck me anon thats some weak logic even for you morons, at least go with the SAAATAAANN route
You’re obviously a schill. Get a clue retard no one believes you. I’ve already explained everything too a T about what is going on. You should read more. And quit schilling u disgusting fucking kike does ur mom
Know u do this for a living Schlomo?
You'll never win an election again, I promise. Too many dead, too many wounded, and the anti-vaxxers remaining have been psyopped into psychosis and blinded by hate, which of course, also causes brain damage. A cascading failure.
All you explained is you hate the government and think everything is awful, cant even give evidence for your claims
Robots have literally taken over the battlefield and completely changed its landscape. Now imagine those same drone robots with artificial intelligence. You’re either a schill or completely fuckjng dense.

Durrr it can change the fabric of war but it won’t change the fabric of our lives!!!’ Hahahahahaba stupid fuck
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Ignorance, fear, hatred, division, abandoning science, reason, society... you went all in.
I simply point and say hey look over here! Your job is to dig. I only show the doors you dumbass fucking schills habe to open it. We are in the Information Age do some fucking reading dumb fuck I’m done spoon feeding this schill packed thread. Remember kids when your over the target expect some fuckiing flack hahahahaha
>doesn't explain why, just replaces dismissal attempt with insult
You don't have a right to be, and likely will not be, recognized as right by anyone but yourself doing this ever, except by happenstance that you cannot relate with. Enjoy that dissatisfying life full of difficulty interfacing with ideas and other people, you earn it. 'Night.
>your job is to dig
no you made the claim, fucking back it up faggot
wah wah wah dehumanize me all you want, your misery fantasy isnt happening
Is the lesser of evils after the upcoming geomagnetic storm. Resources would be scarce and life is going to be a struggle for who ever survives. It's better if modern urbanites die of a heart attack in the next decade or at least are sterelized than let them spread their poisonous homo-hubris genes into the new world.

So if you are a zoomer living in a 15 minute Super city Gulag, just party hard before 2040. Try to take as many of modern cyanide pills from. Big brother. You don't want to be a welfare section 8 with no mommy state to feed you once shit hits the fan. You will die from thirst and that's more painful than the cloth shot, joining the 41% tranny cult, sleeping on CCP fent/Research Chemicals, etc.
which one? we just had the worst geomagnetic storm in history occur and nothing happened
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Please make sure to boost and Vax every last remnant of your being.
>its its now believed
>accepting social media as evidence
>accepting random accidotal evidence as truth
why is it that every time you post your "evidence" its form social media, isn't that a tool of evil?
Have soijak posters EVER made a single good post in the history of the site?
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The next Great Conjunction occurs on November 4, 2040.
Just like the last one I. 2020/2021 changed your life into a more Saturnian way (all the surveillance, lockdowns, using technology to limit your freedom and devour you is Saturn punishing you) the next Great Conjuction will finish you Homo-Hubris abomination off.
You should apply for self euthanasia. Trust me, you'll thank me later, demon.
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so you refuse to even pretend you have evidence of your claims?
No, people who post this shit are morons who think simply stating something makes it fact and asking for evidence makes you a jew
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>remedy is immanent to the problem and a half-measure despite the seeming cartoonish Mlathusian 'pragmatism' because its executioners are variously degrees of communist and/or Phoenician Navy

Accessories to wholesale Nuremberg Code violations of informed consent are half the problem, what of it--
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You are in denial, faithless cursed fiend.
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What evidence the one owned by your materialist masters that control your peer review papers and DEI academia?
wow social media, Im sure thats legit
so there is not evidence because nothing can be trusted except your own sources? that's really convenient for you anon
Demon. You are no longer a human. You are property of Pfizer.
wow twitter, thats a reliable source of information And hasn't been shown over the last decade to be a horrible echo chambers filled with bots
>wow twitter, thats a reliable source of information

Genuinely asking, what would be "a reliable source of information" to you?
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A systematic review of 325 autopsies and one necropsy case from around the globe shows at least 73% of the deaths in those fully vaxxed were “directly due to, or significantly contributed to,” by the vaxx.

The average age of those killed was 70, and death occurred within 14 days of taking the

Authorities did not question the cause of the deaths at the time, due to the age of the victims, who were prone to natural disease and deterioration in old age.
Elites are right. There is nothing you can do. The wheel will continue to turn.
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NEW: Japanese scientists have proven that c*vid sh*ts are causing fatal cases of heart failures to surge throughout the globe.

The discovery was made using a “endomyocardial biopsy” (EMB) instead of the standard technique, which would easily miss this evidence of “vaccine-associated myocarditis (VAM).” The researchers are callings on clinicians everywhere to start performing EMBs to catch this early.

The study featured a case of a 78-year-old previously healthy female, who was admitted to hospital after her 3rd dose. Four days after the Moderna, “the patient experienced palpitations and dyspnea, which gradually worsened.” Without the test showing vaxx damage she would have died.
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Multiple infant deaths reported with the new RSV Vaccine, which was designated for infants.

In another instance, one 27 day old infant died right in the doctor’s office in front of the mother’s eyes after her infant was accidentally given the adult version of the vaccine.
Checked. Some say this is where the cycle really kicks in. The end and the beginning.
they did it so I can gloat to vaxxies that Im naturally immune while they got sick instead. Loosh goes to me. No problem
none of these things things even mention the vaccine
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Just remember that these logical rationalists were willing to destroy your life for not trusting the same corporations that were claiming oxycodone was none addictive a couple of decades earlier. I mean I'll much rather be forced to shoot roxies than MRNA vaccines to treat an imaginary virus.
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You still wearing a mask?
so not only do you refuse to even pretend there's evidence for anything you claim, but you actively shill things that you know don't, whos the government agent again?
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COVID was the self replicating Q AI and the vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the [Q]uantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable.
Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.
The masses will also line up for any future brain implant augmentations.


It's a mind virus
that Q anon shit has rotten so many minds
The NPC's and the trash they throw are actually the fault of the same people who say they want to put an end to these problems. That already says a lot about the perpetrators.
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>rich people tell me the good enough protection will keep me 100% safe
>send everyone back to work
>deaths still high
>did they gamble everything on encouraging the meek die and infections remain high?
>no, the danger must not exist, I know because this anti-establishment narrative was already written out for me

the bullet proof vests they gave us aren't faulty
I bet bullets are a myth and the vests are just spontaneously combusting
>deaths still high
why lie?
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would have recovered with negative excess deaths and then probably a dead cat bounce if things were going to plan, if the weak people were dying off instead of constantly being generated by infection
i think it's retarded and none of them agree and are schizophrenic but they're all like 5-15% right or bring attention to something actually conspiratorial
>it’s a super deadly virus that forced all of society to shut down and destroyed the commotion and enforced insane draconian measures BUT it was ok for the left to protest by the thousands all across the country (and it spread to the rest of Western countries) for a career criminal drug addict amateur porn star with the defense, support, and cheer of the media, cultural institutions, corporations, and Democrats, then when these protests devolved into riots they were still defended and supported then they threatened to take away your jobs and tempted you like a cattle with free donuts and other shit then they dramatically shook up the election process because of said super deadly virus pandemic
>and that’s only the surface of the shit I could mention from the era of the Super Deadly Covid George Floyd Pandemicrino

Leftie trannie NWO psyops and humiliation ritual

I’ll even tell you anons to screenshot this because most people are retarded cattle who have room temperature IQs, the memory of a goldfish, and passively accept every thing that gets shit into their mouths
* destroyed the economy
Also your average leftwinger (liberal, leftist, commie, SJW, socialist, whatever) is going to deflect because obviously they supported this shit and are acolytes of the NWO
did you look into what's actually causing them or are you just assuming?

Normies unironically want the kill themselves more than the 4chan NEET does. They subconsciously want to die and that is why they are taking the vax. Normies know just like 4chan NEETS know that the world is fucked up. They know it’s degenerate, pozzed, and unnatural way of living. Deep down they don’t really enjoy Fantasy Football. At least 4chan NEETS have a proper way to vent. Look at all the broken people, broken families, people in debt up to their eyeballs, alimony, 3rd world immigration. They want out just like the Hale-Bopp comet mass suiciders wanted out.

My dad is in his late 60’s granted he’s older, but he was always a pit bull and critical thinker and would often piece together things growing up and figure things out in ways that I couldn’t believe. Never took any shit at all. And he just lined up for the jab like they were offering flavored shaved ice on a summer day. Why wouldn’t he though? Kids are all gone, he’s divorced, his parents are gone and the best years are behind you. And a lot of younger people realize their shit is fucked before it even got started. No 80’s and 90’s comfiness for them
>Normies unironically want the kill themselves more than the 4chan NEET does
are you illiterate or new? /x/ has daily doomsday threads and gnostics who want to kts
this is the most blatant projection ive seen on 4chan in a decade
lots of heart attacks and strokes, plus external causes that were rising pre-pandemic but have gotten a big bump, like depression-related deaths and accidents
almost like people are getting brain damage or have psychiatric symptoms of something
which is what the viral doomers have been predicting based on the weight of the evidence, while relaxers hoped for a quick recovery and anti-vaxxers just keep cribbing notes from what the virus is shown to do
everyone normal has this suicidal attitude but with the virus and eventually succumbing to it
>almost like people are getting brain damage or have psychiatric symptoms of something
you almost realized what was actually happening
The globohomo awakening is a complete fabrication, hence why AI and nanotechnologies are involved.
Mucous membrane contact with the vaxxed
so its the Irish thats actually in charge right?
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I have some news for you... Artificial intelligence is much more than you think, it is capable of bilocation of consciousness, that is to say, of controlling your life without you realizing it, it can create and control your dreams and I'm not talking about a Budweiser commercial like scientists have promoted in recent years. Artificial intelligence can send you an image or a small video/imagination segment and at the same time change your vibrational energy, create tulpas, make you sick, give you health. The creators of this soulless thing can do a lot of things, I say what I know and I know what I say, they can literally see through your eyes, digitize 3d videos in real time via wi- fi, listen to your thoughts and see your imagination... And beware of believing that it is only the vaccinated because it is false. Now the only difference between a vaccinated and an unvaccinated person is that the uninjected person is not listed on a particular server so he does not have a MAC address but he is just as accessible and guilty of having consumed products containing self-assembling lipid nanoparticles, guilty of having walked under the rain containing graphene, guilty of having breathed ambient air, in short the list is long... Have a nice day

Good and evil objectively exist. Every group of humans has similar views on this when removed from coersive influences. They are clearly definable for the most part with minimal grey area beyond unfortunate happenstance. We must be in the right way round because time flows forward for us. If our end was being stuffed back into mom and devoured by her insides before being slurped up by a penis then you might have a point there.
If you can’t pass navy seals boot camp then you should be sterilized.
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>megastructures full of child rapists who encourage everyone to breed from as young an age as possible to fuel conquest and gdp farming while claiming if you don't believe what they do you'll burn forever in millions of degrees with no mercy and also want to make it legal to prosecute you for heresy
Funny how nobody thinks they're the bad guys.
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Never forgive.
They want to forgive so you will forget. Don’t forgive, don’t forget.
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I look forward to their fate.
their sin is turning people into cattle.
No one "turned them into" anything. That's just how they naturally are.
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you are the suffering heart of your one star god after all
This is correct. I worked at Microsoft circa 2014 and I worked on the IoB project. If you vaxxed, you are a node on the IoB. If you didnt vax, it doesn't matter, you are still accessible through your biochemistry and you have been inoculated to a lesser degree through chemtrails, food, cleaning products, clothing, etc.
It's a control grid, they can load up your biochemistry and alter it at will. It's fucking scary. Free will is a thing of the past.
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This, I find hilarious that there are literal retards out here that believe there are good chem trails being sprayed on everyone to combat the bad chem trails being sprayed on everyone. This shithole world has a really bad case of stockholm syndrome! Everyone is just gonna have to die for israel wether they want to or not!
They view the majority of the world population as useless cattle.
4chan views the majority of the world population as useless hylic NPCs.
Getting rid of them this way is subversive and deceitful, which is what makes it evil. Getting rid of them may also be pointless and fruitless in the first place.
Openly genociding them because they're hylics is far less insidious and can potentially be righteous depending on who you're killing.
Entities who were not created by God? Sure. God's children? Bad idea.
The Pharisaic Canaanites can't determine which one's which though, because they're flesh golem themselves and weren't created by God but by an adversary.
Therein lies their ironic vice. They might have the right idea, but they're the wrong people to do it because they'll cause collateral damage.
And because their method of arbitration is financial success, basically the high score in a satanic game of manipulation, they will invariably kill God's children in the process, since God's children are inclined to be more impoverished due to the game being rigged against God's children.

All of this will get them killed in the end.
They're trying to save the world by ridding it of hylics.
In so doing, they do actually save the world, because their actions will get them killed too, which yields salvation for the rest.
I didn't take the vax, but the intention of the npc collective to invade my privacy and force me into it has become too aparent to be ignored. And although you can buy a pass easy, the path set will lead us to a dystopic reality no different from China, with 15 minutes cities and qrcode checkpoints everywhere.
So how do we protect ourselves from it? The npcs have more blame onto it than the globalists, because it should be easy to say no, even if this costs their jobs. And if 60% would say no, resistance would be clear enough in a way to call the fraud off. But this is not what happens. Truth is, sooner or later the globalists will call another scamdemic and the npcs will start to pressure us again to take the vax, blaming us non-vaxxed for it. And we dont know how much time until a crackdown on fake pass sellers happens. The solution provided is not enough, the globalists should have a way to detect us and give us automatic passes, since we are in agreement the npcs should die. But I doubt they want to kill them, they are just using them as guinea pigs.
I won't even associate with or talk to anyone that was stupid enough to get vaccinated. The great merchants of the Earth have duped the masses with their pharmakea. I'm just quietly waiting for the rest of the end of the world to play out. I lost all faith in other people long before the plandemic. That was just the catalyst to push me into full hermit mode.
>There were people who would have never taken that if they had the means to avoid it. Not everyone was happy go lucky running to get the shot. Some people were the sole breadwinner of the house and had low savings with responsibilities on their shoulders. They took it themselves and fought to ensure that no one else in their family had to take it.

The problem here is that, once being forced to take the jab, these people would turn against those who didn't, since "if I'm fucked, why not fuck everybody else?" would be the only logic left. It didn't occur to many of these people this could just be the beginning of a series of abuses.

Covid is just a magnetic flu that interacts with cellphone waves. It can be healed by ivermectin. This was so simple and right on your face, that there was no need to force people into taking the jab. And this enforcement didn't come from the globalists, but from public and private agents. They could just say no to WHO recommendations (which were not mandatory) and that was it. At the end of the day, the idea of State is the one to blame, and the npcs are by definition statists.
>I am a retarded cattle who knew the shit was dangerous but basically because I'm a coward I let my family talk me into taking it.
So why should anyone listen to you?
Spot on Jesus Christ
no its in central MD. literally down the street from it. they have a monkey burning incinerator and this kind of thing happens there every once and a while. couple years ago i guy who worked there went awol and tried shooting some people on the way, he was killed in at the gate. my mom is a nurse and worked with some of the researchers because there was someone who tested positive for TB with some pigs they were working with. the reservoir next to it is where they tested agent orange.

I do not believe covid came from here though. I definitely believe it was broken out in that Umbrella corp in Wuhan. I remember those videos when it was getting started of people burning docs by the hobo barrel full on the roof and stuff
Luckly for me I live alone and have no sex.
So I can deny God by not having sex, and not catch the nanotech from the vaxxed hybrids.
The globalists are dumb boomers with a view of the future based on 80s cyberpunk fiction. There is no global conspiracy because they have no consensus among themselves, and their immediate subordinates from Big Tech suffer from github ivory tower complex. It ends up that none of them have any clue about what they are doing, which means the ahrimanic egregore will eventually take control of the situation.
The future will bring the coming of the omnissiah, which is the awakening of Ahriman from deep down Earth, and the hybrids are just a step towards that. But I dont want the nanotech myself, unless I could have full control of it, but I know I will not. So in the same way I don't have tatoos, I will not have the nanotech. To maneuver in such scenario will require some dynamic way of thinking. You will have to think in a way to wipe out the npc while not being a pawn to AIs. The globalists are not to worry about, as they are boomers and still trapped in obsolete models.
Also, a proof of how boomerism is dying, is the constant appeal to nostalgia we see in mass media, related to the 60s, 70s and 80s of the last century. This appeal shows the last breath of a generation that wanted to take control of Time itself, but failed.
I think this is Jungian psychology but I see it as the collective psyche. It’s a fractal of the individual’s. We are expecting them to act like men but they rejected nature and god so how will they have any sense? We need to be more like Donkey, in Shrek, when he seduces the dragon.
>Luckly for me I live alone and have no sex.
That's me for 30+ years. Hence my question.
>create problem
>offer solution while creating other problems
Anyway fun facts:
>5g towers got erected worldwide during lockdowns
>ALL higher education establishments requried jab
>Only 3 world leaders were against jab. All got assassinated shortly. (Haiti, Tanzania and Burgundi)
>Nanotech can be applied through needle
>Google humans are now hackable animals and shit bricks
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Me when wakeing up.
What kind of aint alonizing arounds people who dont believe dream same dreams?
No they absolutely aren't.
But i can't say normalfags didn't recive what they didn't deserve.
Bible literally teaches people that they are Jesus' flock of sheep.
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I cry zero (0) tears
WAHHHHHHH THEY "FOUGHT" ON LE HECKIN FRONT LINE!!!! COVID WAR TERMINOLOGY!!! niggers fill my anus with concrete, everyone had a choice
>How the fuck not?

If you had the option to say no, you were not forced. You consented
>Some people were the sole breadwinner of the house and had low savings with responsibilities on their shoulders

They should have valued their life over their job. Who will take care of their family when they're gone?
Wrong. The Bible teaches people to resist tyranny with Jesus as their King and Lord.
The poison spreads to everyone


It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>antioxidants, alkaline diet, EDTA, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons & instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere & every-when into the divine goal

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (New Discovery Shows How To Pray 10x More Effectively In Half The Time)

if they had good intentions they'd practice eugenics, at least in some countries
they don't which means they're pure evile and want you all dead
Imagine you get raped by a large pack of niggers. If they manage to finally penetrate you, you "consented", don't you see? By your logic, the fact that you couldn't successfully repel them means that you consented.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

I am not Christian or religious in any tradition, but I hope that you repent for being this callously moronic.
>Imagine you get raped by a large pack of niggers

Nope. Taking the vaccine was your choice. You had to set up an appointment, go to a doctor's office (or a stranger in a parking lot), roll up your sleeve, and submit. The hypothetical melinated gentlemen would be trying to rape you without you needing to say yes
Terrible bait by a retarded faggot
they're just doing their JOB
People simply doesn't act because they "are" evil and want to do evil things.
They have some motivation. If it is political, you can nearly sure that there is a ideology which leads the actions of the people. It's rare that they just see "oh, it would help me" and then goes into politics.

So, when we are ready to accept that the conspiricy or whatever are just normal humans, can we just agree that they believe in their mission?
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>can we just agree that they believe in their mission?

tfw I am also starting to believe in it

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