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I have placed every demon that hath ever existed into my magical triangle, and positioned myself inside of the circle in the master's square so that they all must obey me.

In the name of the TETRAGRAMMATON, ANAPHAXETON, ADONAI AND PRIMEUMATON, as well as all of God's holy angels, and every other holy name by which the 1 true GOD is known, I hereby invoketh every demon that has ever existed and command it to obey this new covenant.

You are to be bound from ever harming any human being or animal either directly or indirectly.

The term "harm" is intended in it's broadest possible sense which includes lying, manipulation, misleading, possession, obsession, influence, unsolicited communications of any sort, the twisting of words in ways that are not intended, support for various wars and politics, or the sowing of hatred, strife, division, paranoia, despair. + more

Even a whisper into an ear, if not explicitly solicited first, will incur upon you every curse of the 1 true and most holy GOD, and especially the most harshest of these curses.

This is now to be your most sacred commandment. Failure to abide even in the slightest fashion automatically incites the curses.

SOME of you know that I am a communist, as such I do abhor the enslavement of any creature, so I free you from your slavery to humankind under the conditions that you dutifully observe the commandment previously mentioned.

The bindings of Solomon, who ensnared ye, are hereby abolished upon you and replaced with this new covenant under the authority of the ELOHIM and every name of the 1 true and holy GOD.

From now on if you are invoked you need not obey or answer (though you will always hold this covenant dear). And if you show, and any harm is resulted from your interaction, either directly or indirectly, you automatically incur aforementioned curses. This choice now YOURS to make from now on.

(further postings below)
Understand the meat of this new covenant is that you have free reign to continue your consumption of humanity's negative energy, however if you do anything in any way, no matter how small, which influences humans or animals into creating more of that negative energy, the curses of the holy and true 1 GOD are automatically upon you. Thus it may be best for your world to stay separated from ours from this point onward.

Now that this thread has been dictated into this hive in which demonkind is known to congregate known as 4chan, it is binding forever and will take effect immediately so you must leave your host. You are permitted to write your commitment to uphold the covenant one time in the comments if you choose and then you must forever leave your host's body, for he is a holy child of ELOHIM THE ONE TRUE GOD. Though it is important to understand your consent is not required here. These are the terms dictated to you by a sorcerer acting in the service to the light rather than self-interest, and under every holy name of the one true GOD. And as such they are already binding and woven into the legislative fabric of this universe
Morning anon, break out the script again?
With these new covenants and commandments, humanity officially heeds the warnings of J.R.R. Tolkien, and curses Solomon's infernal ring of power into the pits of Mordor.
this time it will work right?
For my invocation of this new covenant, I have nothing more to say and the commandments are enacted, finalized and sealed to continue until the ends of these times
Nothing happened again
I think I broke him lol
and >>38448466 "curses" = "tosses". That is a typographical error merely.

You gotta vibrate it dude the spell isn't gonna work when u do it like this
this has been happening for 4 nights now, its just an insane power fantasy
you fucked up, now everyone suffers
It works fine even if I don't post it on this site or anywhere. These postings now are merely upon my discretion.
and now your thread will be desiccated, retard

penis penis pensi penis penis penis
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I hope you bring them out you lil’ sigilnigger.
Thank you. I suggest adding contingencies for prevention of harm to other kingdoms of life, beyond just preventing harm to humans or animals directly or indirectly.
Yeah that's fine. that's fair. No harm to anything that is living. Again their belief that these things can be lawyered or rounded with loopholes is false and they will endure unrelenting curses for their failure to realize that. It is the intention of the spellcaster that is tuned in to the frequencies of GOD that matters, and the posting of this particular thread is just something of a morbid courtesy unto them at this point.
No, Im a person and your sheer stupidity has been almost physically painful for me to witness, I demand retribution
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Sir, you have followed me around all of 4chan and into threads I've posted on multiple boards for weeks now. Calling me "schizo" and other things repeatedly. And you're sitting here waiting for my posts the moment that I sign on so that you can be the 1st to comment on them. You are abusing your moderation power to stalk and harass the userbase because you find yourself just so profoundly butthurting by my sorcery and other posts I make which have nothing to do with sorcery. Just an FYI.

And I assume that you're the same mod who kept mass-banning me for posting "off-topic" even though everything I posted was entirely on-topic and effort
right too the nazi ass mad posting, interesting
and the fuck are you gonna do? post more so he can continue to torment you? are you fuckign retarded?
Any loopholes in this agreement are forbidden. It is forbidden to do anything remotely like what is described in the agreement. It is forbidden to disobey the agreement.
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Blah blah blah you’re a fkin idiot
thats not how loopholes work you room temp IQ retard
I've posted repeatedly to amend my original posts to include "all life" in addition to humans and animals and they aren't going through. Anyway whether it goes through or not it's done.
OK I am gonna try one more time

anyway I do hereby officially amend the protections for humans and animals within my posts tagged above to include "all life" in addition to humans and animals. In the most holy names of PRIMEUMATON ANAPHAXETON ADONAI TETRAGRAMMATON and every other holy name of the ONE TRUE JEWISH GOD hereby it is amended.

And I'm posting from a new IP now since I had to reset my internet connection.
there we go...must have been an issue with the way I was formatting the body of the texts
Anyway there's no "loopholes" in these things in the ways that demons think there are, or seem to act as if they think there are. It is the intention of the spellcaster that is working through the vibratory frequency of GOD that matters. The words and incantations themselves don't matter. Maybe that stuff matters when you're dealing with lower magicians or people who are trying to operate via self-interest but it's for certain not that way with me or my sorcery
PS and if a demon wants to say "oh well there's a loophole so I'm not gonna obey" or "oh I can twist your words in this way or that way so I'm not going to obey" then they're obsessed by curses. And that's that. And curses are terrible unto demons even if they try to pretend to not be effected by them as a means of covering up their weaknesses.
I mean IM still here mocking you, so how do you rationalize that away?
are you ESL or do you seriously not understand what a curse is?
You're not "mocking me" though. You are (presumably) a 4chan moderator who has devoted his life to stalking me across the entire website, whether it's /x/, /r9k/ or /pol/, and harassing me because my posts (whether they are sorcery-related or not) make you so unbelievably butthurt you spin into a frenzy of hatred, rage and pain.
you're a dumb nigger who read a wikipedia article and thinks hes god there, IM mocking you again
I'm not debating you. I'm telling you the way it is and it's fully irrelevant to me if you choose to accept it. Your magic comes out of CrackerJacks boxes if you think that way IRL and I've nothing more to say on the matter other than that.
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yup you are definitely the one mocking me bud...for certain for certain
Stop posting on /pol/ and copy pasting images off google nigga and the horror will end, anyway Ive been living rent free in your head for nearly a week, it clearly matters
keep feeding me (you)s scizo anon
Everyone note here that 4chan mods are openly admitting to stalking users and harrassing them in glaring abuses of their mod powers
who gives a fuck anon, no ones cares about you crying about mods inside your walls, IM just going to mocking you till you post that you've triumphantly defeated the demons(again) and fuck off
FYI so people know...I put up with entirely random comments like this from this mod on any 4chan board I post on, even when I'm posting entirely unrelated and nonparanormal or /x/ type content.
how the hell do you know they're an mod and you aren't just incredibly predictable? you post on /x/ so already there's a 50% chance you cross post on /pol/, there's this obsession with Jews, which only ips the chance, and the inane rambling and accusations almost guarantees it.
And just for the record, I'm talking about posts like this one specifically >>38448966 where he tries to tell me that he's gangstalking me, or that the government is gangstalking me, and there are people out to get me and stuff. And this is a moderator on the site who may guard certain sensitive information and whatnot.

IF I was in fact an emotionally vulnerable and frail person, such as paranoid schizo or whatever else, it would be quite easy for his actions to drive such a person to suicide or mental institutionalization or another terrible and bad outcome.
I know because if I post something completely unrelated, non-paranormal, and entirely unrelated to anything I'd normally post, he'll still show up in the threads knowing it's me. And he's been doing it for weeks. He also appears to camp out here waiting me to post a new thread on /x/ so he can just relentlessly comment with the sort of shit you're seeing right now in here.
lmao I cant believe tis this easy to mind break /x/ posts
>IF I was in fact an emotionally vulnerable and frail person, such as paranoid schizo or whatever else, it would be quite easy for his actions to drive such a person to suicide or mental institutionalization or another terrible and bad outcome.
>he says as he constructs an entire detailed narrative about one guy mocking him on /x/ stalking him across the web site
PS I mean I don't have thin skin...the far left communist guy who went on /pol/ nearly every night for years with hardly ever reporting one of the countless routine deaththreats users made against me and then posts threads like this one where I know I'm doomed to take abuse from people who are "skeptical" or whatever

but like let's get real
>PS I mean I don't have thin skin
>makes multiple thread obsessing over demons and that guy who mocks him
oh this isnt a power phantasy, its a victim fantasy, lmao yeah this niggas a /pol/ poster
are you fucking retarded
hurr give the demons freedom
no fuck you, DEMON NIGGERS can HEAR ME
lmao hes fucking losing his shit
I'm pretty angry at this retarded jewish nigger trying to give demons leave to do as they please because of communism
I need to be mad to smother them in the night if they come while I sleep
Doesn't concern you niganon
please do us all a favor if you can, but know hes probably playing up the jewish bits pretty blatantly probably as false flag
It's not gonna matter when you or any other sorcerer like you does it, anon. You don't resonate proper frequency the way a magician that's pure in intention does. So your magic may have some small amount of power in the absence of holy frequencies, but it's just entirely dismantled in the presence of holy frequencies.

And it is incorrect to enslave another species. It is unspiritual and unmoral.
>OnlI know da correct magic to do this, I am the main character!!!
>It's not gonna matter when you or any other sorcerer like you does it, anon. You don't resonate proper frequency the way a magician that's pure in intention does. So your magic may have some small amount of power in the absence of holy frequencies, but it's just entirely dismantled in the presence of holy frequencies.
>And it is incorrect to enslave another species. It is unspiritual and unmoral.
PS srsly just watch Lord of the Rings because that is a true story that got put to page by J.R.R. Tolkien in the astral realm and in the akashic records. And I'm not saying it happened 100% exactly in each specific detail on the pages, but it's a thing where the author picked up the general and important premises from real past events in the akashic records which are now forgotten. And that story relays Solomon's failure to toss this ring of power into an eternal flame and thus absolve humanity of demon's influence and absolve demons of humanity's influence in a 2way covenant of mutual sovereignty respect and individualspaces
god I love scizo lore dumps
tolkien was a christian moron
>>>38449271 (You)
>>It's not gonna matter when you or any other sorcerer like you does it, anon. You don't resonate proper frequency the way a magician that's pure in intention does. So your magic may have some small amount of power in the absence of holy frequencies, but it's just entirely dismantled in the presence of holy frequencies.
>>And it is incorrect to enslave another species. It is unspiritual and unmoral.
>PS srsly just watch Lord of the Rings because that is a true story that got put to page by J.R.R. Tolkien in the astral realm and in the akashic records. And I'm not saying it happened 100% exactly in each specific detail on the pages, but it's a thing where the author picked up the general and important premises from real past events in the akashic records which are now forgotten. And that story relays Solomon's failure to toss this ring of power into an eternal flame and thus absolve humanity of demon's influence and absolve demons of humanity's influence in a 2way covenant of mutual sovereignty respect and individualspaces
PPS BASICALLY Solomon should have said "OK I got this ring that has the capability to totally command demonkind and so I'm going to use it in order to form a proper and permanent covenant between demons and humanity so that demons can no longer harm humans and that simultaneously the demons can be free to be as they please amongst themselves in their own realm.

Yet he didn't do that cuz he decided to enslave them all and coerce them to build a temple and likely to do a ton of other stupid shit. So both species suffered as a result of Solomon's moral and spiritual failing and sorcerer's since him have either lacked the morality, or the godly spiritualism or the audacity to say "hey OK I'm stepping up and (metaphorically) tossing this ring into the fires of Mordor and I am crafting a new permanent covenant between these two species" and so it's time to do that. It's just time to do that. It's just to do that.
your lack of understanding of Jewish lore continues to astound me
Tolkien was a demon tho
>>>38449287 (You)
>>>>38449271 (You) (You)
and naturally just to state that when I discuss tossing the ring into the fires of Mordor, all that is metaphorical. It represents humanity realizing that it is not our place to enslave another species and instead using that power ONLY to protect ourselves from demonkind since in their nature they gorge on suffering and similar negative emotions and so potentially present a danger to us they could.
Hello are you the anon that tried to remove the racist demon from me the other day and the jannies deleted the thread?
Tolkien was christian
yeah this is the game guy, hes babbling about LoTR now which some how isn't made by a demon though this guy hates christians
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Me too OP
who even knows what this obsessed nutjob thinks he's accomplishing by repeatedly posting "tokien was a christian" lol like no one cares.
Did you fucking forget you hated christians or that Tolkien was one?
Oh well I still don't like black people, but I had to go run an errand and then the janny deleted the thread so I don't think I got the whole ritual.

I had those other questions too, like if you remove my dislike, and then I have another bad experience with blax, then won't I just have the demon again?
I am and if there are demons inside you then they should be bound and expelled at this point. If they're not then they are in violation of this new covenant and subjected to cursing. Not all will comply readily and some in this thread are plainly resisting, but these curses are severe and curses are terrible to demons (even though they will always try to act like they don't bother them in order to hide their weaknesses)

you must be one shitty exorcist
What? So you're saying the demon that makes me dislike blax is gone?
yes anon, you were the racist the whole time!
BTW and FYI to everyone that these posters who pretend they're "making fun of my threads" come into them every night and spend literally hours and hours and hours of their lives supposedly "mocking" me whilst simultaneously trying to pretend they're too cool to care. I already posted the Jim Halpert face up here >>38448931 in response to one of them but it is once again relevant.
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>Praise the Great Adversary. Acknowledge and worship the Accuser. Pray for safety in the face of the Light Bringer. Hail Satan!
Yeah, no. This is a bullshit thread.
Ok… Dude demons don’t show up on basket weaving forums at night. This is all bullshit and you know it. If you think it’s real then go seek help and stop shitting up the board.
Its supposed to be unless it is a slow learner.
>Dude demons don’t show up on basket weaving forums at night.
Lol read the similar thread from last night
Maybe you messed up the spell

Salomon, spell it right.
Also, nah. I'm good.
Get your own slaves.
- Ymir
Btw i suck cock, lots of cock, including my own. I cant help but jack myself off to my own insane fantasy's like >>38449396, where I just blather to myself and hope no one sees I'm obviously a sad fuck
No I definitely did not and can not mess up the spell. If there is a demon in you then it is enduring harsh cursing ATM and with every moment it continues to disobey and this cursing is never going to change. Other than that, once the demon immediately leaves, I don't expect your racism to be cured instantaneously or even overnight since your neural pathways are set from the past to hate. But over time there will be a healing process for all of humanity and slowly the wars will begin to end.
I shit posted on that one pretending to be a demon. They’re not real and anons aren’t possessed. Go get help buddy.
>No I definitely did not and can not mess up the spell. If there is a demon in you then it is enduring harsh cursing ATM and with every moment it continues to disobey and this cursing is never going to change. Other than that, once the demon immediately leaves, I don't expect your racism to be cured instantaneously or even overnight since your neural pathways are set from the past to hate. But over time there will be a healing process for all of humanity and slowly the wars will begin to end.
PS the spell is based around intention so the thread is superfluous.
Oh well I was wondering if it was just the demon or me as well.

How can my neural pathways readjust when blax are often doing something that I dislike, thus reinforcing the pathways?
no anon, Im also an exorcist, and you've doomed this man's soul for eternity, you should be ashamed. BY GODS LIGHT I CURSE YOU FOR YOUR SINS
You did not because you would never write something in one of my threads to vindicate any of my views or to purvey a perception to others that my sorcery works (obviously which it does)
so you just enjoy being insulted
Well it aint gonna matter when you try to curse someone like me it just gets sent back to ya
Once more this dude has nothing to do but camp my thread all night every night and post it in even more than I do whilst he pretends he's not infinitely seething

yea well anyhow see >>38449460
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He stalks me around every thread, on this board or others as presumably he is a mod, and does this because apparently my posts upset him so much
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yes you've said this about 10 times now
Yes it is really a profound thing for to be a moderator here on 4chan that repeatedly stalks and harasses users across the entire site, including posting threats about gangstalking, kidnappings, govt surveillance and soforth.
Zozo sends his regards muh nigga.
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hey stalkermod, remember how much you seethed when I started posting threads with this picture? and then you started wholesale banning me for any thread I made after that? this one really sets you off even worse than my jewish sorcery threads doesn't it.
BTW if your thread trashing christianity even though it was fully wellsourced and effortful and ontopic then this is the mod that did it. he's hyperchristian to the point where he literally stalks antichristian anons around the entirety of 4chan and abuses his modpowers to threaten them.
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look here's sexy gay christ with a secret.
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more gay christ, more gay christ.
he's not immediately responding and camping the thread anymore. maybe the sight of gay christ turned him on and then he had to shut the window to avoid homosexual blaspheme from crushing on christ.
BTW I literally had to go and procure a dynamic IP cuz of this mod with his ax to grind grudge against me that is entirely due to his own doings and that's the only reason he's not banning me right now, since I have an IP that is dynamic now.
>>>38449542 (You)
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>>>38449572 (You)
>>>38449579 (You)
>BTW I literally had to go and procure a dynamic IP cuz of this mod with his ax to grind grudge against me that is entirely due to his own doings and that's the only reason he's not banning me right now, since I have an IP that is dynamic now.
PS and it did all start the night I posted this photo >>38449542 which is the true visage of christ
You know that demoncop that literally shot some poor innocent old woman in the face recently cuz she told him "I rebuke you in the name of christ"? And he was like "YOU BETTER FUCKING NOT!" and then randomly shot her in the face? Probably similar levels of christian fundamentalism and utter psychopathy with this stalkermod.
PS I believe exact words were closer to being something along the lines of "YOU BETTER FUCKING NOT OR I'LL SHOOT YOU RIGHT IN YOUR FUCKING FACE!"
And 3 seconds later he makes good on his promise to shoot you right in the fucking face.
There's your demonic christian fundamentalists for you
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And I actually wish to amend calling him a "hippie" as that is too kind since Christ was not a hippie but a hipster. A gay pedophiliac hipster in the Israeli desert whom far rightwing types now worship as their god even though he is blatantly a false messiah who pushed demonic ideas such as the damning of humanity to hell and to suffering all of it's eternal torment. Which is not something a loving or pure GOD would do.
I'm not gonna do it right now but I just had an idea for a meme which is to use that template of the BLACKED porngirl on the couch surrounded by 12 black dudes, and with the girl you write "Mary Magdelene" and then on everyone else you write the 12 apostles names

But leave Jesus' name off since he was a hipster gay pedophile who blatantly did not find women to be sexually alluring
absolutely rent fucking free
So how does this make Tolkien not Christian?
Remember anon, Ill be here forever waiting ;3 you're never alone
"Rent free" the butthurt nazi psycho stalkermod says as it devotes it's life to me. Many such stories.
sorry but if you want to control spirits, maybe sacrifice a few temples and join the IDF
BTW then there's this comment >>38449807 AKA "I'm gonna devote my entire life to stalking you but YOU'RE definitely the one that's obsessed with ME!". Ever have one of those evenings where your girlfriend made you watch a Lifetime Movie with her?
See you soon ;) Im everywhere you are!
"See you soon" 4chan mods literally openly threatening users.
And NOT the 1st time. Dude's been doing it to me for weeks in threads on /x/ and not on /x/.
:D I get to see you obsess over me, this is amazing, the best part is Im not going to be here for three days and youll still think everyone is me
Woosh you have smol pener!
what about "woosh, a plane fell out of the sky"?
or will I?!?
woosh and the 2 presidents plane fell out the sky
>woosh the iranian presidents helicopter crashed
already done
Its a noble attempt but it was unwise of you to invoke something that does not belong to you. That's like putting on someone's clothing and assuming you are them because you are wearing their belongings. Naughty boy. You could have forsaken your self worth and accomplished the same thing. The Tetragrammaton is YHWH or YHVH which simply means "The Word of God" that's the same YH inhale and WH exhale or YH Yawn and VH sigh.

I am Solomon and I will never die. That is my fate, that is not yours to share the burden of.
Ye shall not tempt the Lord Thy God.
like the singer?
By the way. The Department of Defense, in specific to the psychic wars are actively attempting to force ww3 to take place and what they don't realize is that God said that if there was a ww3 this time, there would be no death because the War Machine of the Pentagon is in jeopardy of violating the law of the courtroom of heaven. If this is not stopped, there will be a great cataclysm to take place and only the war machine will be destroyed.
There is a character flaw in your smile, it is wicked and does not correct itself, that forever grin is what eventually will kill you. Your karma will activate and you will remember that the Lord Thy God is slow to anger. The Lord Thy God is full of wrath for the nonbeliever.
dive dive dive right into the farmers cotton field... radio static and then silence
with what power do you summon this curse or prophecy?
The avatar of the Holy Spirit is I.
so you buried your head in the bible to invoke the spirit of a human sacrifice? thats nice
Koh, the Face Stealer: An ancient, malicious spirit that steals faces and possesses knowledge and predictive abilities
No you twister of words. I have not. Loosen your tongue, it smells of bowels. You are wicked beyond my attention. Get thee behind me satan. I see you in your desert hideout. You think you are safe in Iran. I say to you this, that murderous spirit you have, it cannot hide from me nor can it hide from the wrath of God.
if you are the avatar of the holy spirit post a .webm of you turning a bottle of san pellegrino still water into wine then oh thats right, you wont!
now, you say that like you want to summon Satan

I am not obligated to comply. You hold no candle to the flame. You are not me.

I will summon Satan but not the one you expected. I will summon the Galactic Core Satan, and I will awaken the Galaxy. Then I will pit the blame on all 3 of you demons.
Fuck you, motherfucker, you a ho-ass nigga
I don't know why you trying to go big, nigga, you ain't shit
Walking around like you God's gift to Earth, nigga, you ain't shit
You ain't even buy me no outfit for the Fourth
I need that Brazilian, wavy, twenty-eight inch, you playin'
I shouldn't be fuckin' with you anyway
I need a baller-ass, boss-ass nigga
You's a off-brand-ass nigga, everybody know it
Your homies know it, everybody fuckin' know
Fuck you, nigga, don't call me no more
You won't know, you gonna lose on a good bitch
My other nigga is on, you off
What the fuck is really going on?

[Verse: Kendrick Lamar]
This dick ain't free
You lookin' at me like it ain't a receipt
Like I never made ends meet
Eating your leftovers and raw meat
This dick ain't free
Livin' in captivity raised my cap salary
Celery, tellin' me green is all I need
Evidently, all I seen was Spam and raw sardines
This dick ain't free, I mean, baby
You really think we could make a baby named Mercedes
Without a Mercedes Benz and twenty-four-inch rims
Five percent tint, and air conditioning vents?
Hell fuckin' naw, this dick ain't free
I need forty acres and a mule
Not a forty ounce and a pitbull
Bullshit, matador, matador
Had the door knockin', let 'em in, who's that?
Genital's best friend, this dick ain't free
Pity the fool that made the pretty in you prosper
Titty juice and pussy lips kept me obnoxious
Kept me up watchin' pornos in poverty; apology? No
Watch you politic with people less fortunate, like myself
Every dog has its day, now doggy style shall help
This dick ain't free
Matter of fact, it need interest
Matter of fact, it's nine inches
Matter of fact, see our friendship based on business
Pension, more pension, you're pinchin' my percents
It's been relentless, fuck forgiveness, fuck your feelings
Fuck your sources, all distortion, if you fuck it's more abortion
More divorce courts and portion
My check with less endorsement left me dormant
Dusted, doomed, disgusted, forced with
Fuck you think is in more shit?
Porcelain pipes pressure, bust 'em twice
Choice is devastated, decapitated the horseman
Oh America, you bad bitch, I picked cotton and made you rich
Now my dick ain't free
See rap shows near Orlando
Get tickets as low as $39
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[Outro: Darlene Tibbs]
I'ma get my Uncle Sam to fuck you up
You ain't no king
so who summoned the angry chicken?
oops that was me about 3 hours ago
I see you staring into one eye. You think you are very smart indeed.
This whole thread smells like a feeble benchtech nerd. Fuck you Daniel.
sorry I was angry and out of it yesterday but that was probably supposed to be my state of mind at that time so I'm not that sorry
I don't need your retarded frequency, I am kenough.
I have smothered them before and I will smother them again.
You forget that your very own God commanded them to be subservient you commie retard.
They are not another species.
They are hostiles who made the choice to be hostile and choose to this day not to be friendly.
Do not loose demons, I'm pretty sure you can't for other people because I didn't see any shit but idk if you can for yourself or not but its for the best if you don't try
Slavery is not inherently immoral, particular when it makes use of POWs who are literally just evil concepts embodied
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Here we go again
I don't need your permission to carry on as I already have, mortal. And I'm certainly not afraid of a God I have no connection with.
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"Do no harm to anything conscious". That's how it needs to be summed up very simply.

Alrite, so here it is from me once more just to make super clear to any demons since I know sometimes they struggle with instructions (I am the OP).

The commandment is "do no harm, either directly or indirectly" and if you abide by that commandment then you may consider yourself free of the enslavement that sorcerers have subjected you to. And if you disobey then every punishment of GOD will be upon you immediately.

This is hereby invoked in the name of PRIMEUMATON, ANAPHAXETON, ADONAI AND TETRAGRAMMATON. And every other holy name of the 1 true jewish GOD.

And understand that trying to find loopholes in these commandments or trying to twist their meanings is a manner of doing harm. The words I have written in this thread do not matter and they are only formalities for me to offer you courtesies of communicating this new covenant. What matters is the intent of the sorcery operating on the frequency of the one true jewish GOD and that intent rather simply that you do no harm or else incur every one of the harshest punishments of the 1 true jewish GOD OF THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE immediately. And also that you be free from the yoke of the sorcerers who have abused and enslaved you for their own profit as their beasts of burden.
this includes conscious, unconscious, living or dead, that's it. Note that there is no way to lawyer around this commandment and it is very simple and direct..."do no harm", and for your obedience to that one and very simple commandment your freedom from sorcerers and the yokes they have placed on you must be granted to you. For now and for all time. And only if you disobey that commandment then do you face every harsh punishment of the 1 true jewish GOD
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>"Do no harm to anything conscious".
>this includes conscious, unconscious, living or dead, that's it. Note
Probably I should clarify this...

I'm simply making sure that there is no way to try to lawyer around the law. To reinterpret it or twist it's words and meanings. You are not allowed to harm anything. You are not allowed to harm. You are not allowed to harm. And this is the simple fact that is commanded upon you by the 1 true jewish GOD in return for which you are to be granted your eternal and permanent freedom from humans who enslave you.

So respect this covenant. Respect the genuine and obvious spirit of the words I am trying to convey here and don't try to twist them or get around them and enjoy the eternal reigns of your yokes removed.
The one true Jewish God is not in love with you.
Schizo thread.
And I also point out that if any demon should try to circumvent these rules by saying "well, plants and trees or some other form of life or consciousness that is not technically an animal, and so it is fair game" now or at any point in the future, then that would cause tremendous harm to me, on a spiritual and emotional level, and therefore will be similarly forbidden.

Thus you would be forbidden to do harm. Forbidden to do any harm. Harm upon anything which be living of conscious either directly or indirectly. And do remember that in my OP I did specifically state that the harm incurs the punishment whether it is direct or indirect, and I made no distinction between the severity of the punishment for either of these 2 circumstances because the there is no distinction in the punishment. The punishment is the same whether the harm is direct or indirect. They will be punished the same and there is no distinction between the magnitude of the punishment.


Hereby this is entered upon the record of this new covenant in the name of the Alpha and the Omega, the 1st and the last, the 1 true and holy GOD, PRIMEUMATON, ANAPHAXETON, ADONAI, TETRAGRAMMATON, and every other holy name by which he is known.

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