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/x/ - Paranormal

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What if we actually are in a simulation ran by aliens that live in a much better reality? What if we're never getting out of the reincarnation loop? We've likely been doing this over and over for trillions upon trillions of years, and we're no closer to the truth or escape as we were on the first run.
That's basically what reality is, except it's not a simulation. The "aliens" are on a plane more "real" than this one.

There's a way out.
A simulation is a model that we run on computers in order to save time. The universe, as you may have noticed, is not saving anyone any time.
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Not reading that
you should be doing as much as you can to try and fuck with it then
force lots of physics generation to happen to the alien computers
go to a pool and just swim around for a while so they have to simulate all that shit
Up to you. There's good reason why some of you are going to be stuck here forever - it was your choice.
Irrelevant. Our aim should be, as a collective and as individuals, to make this reality better and just like usual we will still not do this. Nothing changes either way.
We’re in simulation, but demons run it, not aliens.
Some minds are fit to be granted an immortal light body, and travel to distant worlds, and others are bound to stay on Earth, toiling for the landlord.

The very notion of being "in a simulation" is completely nonsense, and nobody even knows what it means.
Who is "inside" of what? A simulation has no "inside".

The closest thing there is to an "inside" is to observe a part of the simulation and believe that it's you. Which of course is an illusion.
So the "inside" is an illusion. There is no inside and no outside.

It's easy to string those words together, but not one person who ever said "inside a simulation" knows what it means.
It is literally a game, the latest iteration of R* games.
It is real, as real as it can get, but none of it matters, there is no good or evil, it’s all part of the entertainment, not all of us are playing, most are “NPC’s”. When it is your time to disconnect, you will remember and laugh, and you’ll probably dive in again… we’re addicted to this shit.
It might reset in May/June.
>There's a way out.
how? how do i get out?
I don't like the whole "simulation" thing, everything we experience is simulated by the senses, if we're experiencing a controlled environment run by "aliens" that live in a different environment, their environment is also a simulation as long as they're experiencing it through sensory channels. My main problem with the simulation thing, is that it's always talked about as "trying to escape it", well, you can't escape simulations, if you get out of one you land in a different one, and i don't even that's completely right, that's why i prefer to call them environments.

Can you elaborate please, sounds like Descartes' Evil Demon concept.
i don't think he can. whether it's demons or aliens is the big contention that's still left up in the air

if it's demons, then individual escapism is only way out

but saying there's aliens gives this luciferian false hope that some "good ayy race" is going to save you eventually
No I would never choose to live in this retarded hell world
Jokes on the aliens when it turns out they are also living in a simulation
Just remember that you volunteered for this mission and you can pull out whenever you want
Then they are fucking pussies. How many people have called them out over the years? Pussies won't even 1v1. I'll slap their dumbass alien face. Suck my dick aliens. I fucked your mom in the ass
Don't tempt me with a good time, anon uwu

I suggest Isaac Arthur's videos on ancestor simulations. Basically he breaks it down that if we are in a simulation, which is quite likely, then we are most likely being prepared to eventually be brought out of the simulation. The sinulation serves a purpose by helping to raise a new generation who retain their humanity. The idea is basically that the real humanity has long progressed past their limits, but when they reproduce, they don't want their offspring to automatically be born with godlike powers, because they would basically be spoiled brats. So they have us live in a simulation until we can learn to be humble and see things from a grounded lerspective.
Thanks for the bump
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No, the end of the simulation or a reset.

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