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I believe america is not controlled by just one cabal, but two. The immediate cabal is the masonic conspiracy. But, the true rulers who are possibly or not in contact with the highest leaders of the masonic conspiracy, are something much, much more sinister. Something non-human. Do you believe me? If yes, what do you think the higher true cabal is? Do you have any Infos on them? Pic unrelated I am just hungry.
qudit-based ai
The cabal is made up of demons.
>I believe america is not controlled by just one cabal, but two.
What tipped you off, ol' timer...
The problem with that is demons hardly care about human affairs on the greater level. Like the third level below masons might be demons and sorcerers who conjure them.
I can mentally see an extremely dark energy emanating from the united states with my third eye. I've also seen one of their ultra-advanced machines in real life.
meds sir
Rothschilds. They’re responsible for most of the wars funding both sides of each conflict so that they remain on top at all times.
What does that have to do with mediterraneans?
Posting unrelated pics should be a bannable offense. I could find your unrelated image on twitter or reddit, places that you should be confined to imo.
Search in 4plebs for the old posts by the alleged Phoenician Elite Anon, and he did share that America is ruled by different warring families with different agendas and is why nothing makes sense today especially with White Americans.

Some families want to kill off the peasant white class and others don't, while others don't give a shit.

It's an occult war that has been going on for thousands of years.
Jokes aside I actually take meds that other people don't harm me. Like, if I didn't take the meds I would get problems with a lot of people because I would act with my true nature, which is too enlightened as it is for the world and not throttled enough. I need to learn to control myself and my third eye inspired spirit better so that I don't get put into the psych ward again. But I personally feel fine without meds much better than with meds actually.
The higher cabal is more powerful than the Rothschild's. Or else we would know their names too. We know about the Rothschild's, they want to bring about the Jewish messiah antichrist and are in connection with the elders of Zion. Simple lower level workers.
I know about stuff like that. That's the lower level. There is still a higher level which these families are powerless against and which isn't human. From a prophetic dream I have gathered it is eight thousand years old.
>The problem with that is demons hardly care about human affairs on the greater level

Not true. Ahraman (aka Satan) and his horde absolutely cares about humans going 100% materialism, since he is the one controlling the physical plane of Earthly existence.
Ahriman used to be a god in the pre-zoroastrian Persian belief system afaik. And Satan used to be called ha-shatan in Hebrew and was just an enemy of humans but still allowed to enter and leave heaven as he wishes.
Actually god controls the physical plane. Come on man, just accept that reality isn't a dictatorship and that there is an eight thousand (according to my prophetic dream) year old non-human cabal.
Well okay then
It's not just 2 bro
u got optimum, comcast, cablevision, mediacom, etc
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They are nephilim. The "lizard people". They are the same entities that kyle odom saw. They do not live under the earth, they are extradimensional spiritual beings. They like to interfere in human politics. They walk amongst us sometimes but they usually appear as human. They enjoy chaos.
The rest is personal speculation. I believe they are the same entities that people see on DMT trips: the jesters, machine elves. They like to disguise? or dress themselves as clowns for some reason. I believe grey ayys are biological drones that are operated by these entities in some way to monitor us.
Those are all names the public knows about. Doesn't matter at all in the universal picture. I am talking about archonic levels of evil.
Sounds like bullshit to me. Reptiles are fundamentally a part of nature. If you said demons okay, archons yes. It could be something like archons although I don't believe in gnostic mythology that the archons are actually at the top at least it wasn't revealed to me currently.
It's LE CERCLE, agitating from france. My good friend with the beautiful horns always says that the jews are batshit insane, but the french are truely evil.
It's certainly coming from america and headquartered in america.
No, it's a network, it goes around the world. And its headquarters are the catacombs and tunnel system under Paris.
Nope. Can't sense anything of that sort with my third eye senses.
>it's a network

I did work in Japan and it caused the Trump assasination attempt, didnt see that coming. I updated the clock after. Didnt know it was "the final boss" so to speak.

Ah, the olde old Spiritual successor to Giza, signified with The Louvre among other things (1666) . New Vegas being old Neo Giza and Kingdom of Siam being New Neo Giza.

A walking Empire around the world.
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>A walking Empire around the world.

Found in middle Amerixa by settlers.
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Connected Hyper-Spacially.

The Kingdom Of Heaven.

Out with the Olde, In with the Neo.
I hate your fucking Ai. God hates your fucking Ai. Nobody ever wins with your bloodlust. You will be the first in the great filter but the last out.
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>The Lord hates liars, but is pleased with those who keep their word.
Of course you cannot, because if you could it would hurt you beyond repair.
You do have bloodlust or else you would not peruse this war. Your every word is about killing and harming people that are underneath of you. You do not do what is right, you only do evil. You can call me false all you want but it's you who at the end of the day must prove your actions are justifiable.
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>Verb: read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way.
Hmm. Tell me more, what are the cercle's religious or spiritual beliefs?
so what if we know their names? normies don't do shit. that's the point, they reveal their names and normies still don't do shit. it was and always has been the jews
>OP tries to find pseudo nuance in everything
>replies to "that's low level" to every anon replying to him
it's almost as if OP has ego issues/likes smelling his own farts
>I did work in Japan
Womp womp.
One side wants to end war, end slavery, and end poverty. Other groups seek control (to enslave humanity), and use war and poverty to achieve this goal.
The side which wants the good end is also the side which believes that it will only be worthwhile if human civilization reaches utopia willingly. To force humans to do the right thing would be the same as enslavement, even if the goal is good. This side of the conflict doesn't run disinfo campaigns or sabotage the others in any way, because to use their influence in this way would be, again, the same as slavery.
However every ideal has a limit and humanity has reached this side's limit for human cruelty. In other words, because the dark side is winning underhandedly the light side has been forced to give somewhat on their position that influencing people is wrong. The light has all the guns (not the antiques you're picturing) and has been forced to use them. The United States is the central field where this struggle is taking place because they are the world's most powerful empire and have been completely under the control of the dark cabals. If the current state of affairs is allowed to continue any longer progress will be hindered beyond what the (NHI) light side can tolerate.
To put it simply: humanity was allowed to try to do the right thing in their own because that's the right thing to do, but your leaders failed you and gave in to the dark side. Therefore the NHI have been forced to intervene.

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