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you ever experience something that FELT paranormal, but probably has a rational explanation, even if you can't put it together? I'll start.

>use to go for walks late at night, talking like 1-3 am
>one summer night when I was on my way home, maybe a block away, passing a cul-de-sac down the street from me
>start to hear what sounds like birds chirping, like hundreds of birds, all chattering, chirping, whistling, peeping
>sounds like it's coming from the cul-de-sac
>wind suddenly picks up like crazy, trees jostling, leaves flying
>feel compelled to walk towards it, kind of mystified, curious
>as i'm walking into the street to the cul-de-sac, suddenly have an overpowering sense of fear
>feel like I will definitely die if I continue where I'm going
>spin around and sprint the rest of the way home
>walked that way many times but it never happened again
Ok so what was your rational explanation for what happened? Some kinda machine that sounded weird because it was muffled ?
The most important thing when experiencing the unexplainable is to not jump to conclusions. Usually these are one-off events and as such any aspect of them could be coincidental.
Just remember it as it happened. Don't dismiss it as your imagination, but also don't try to make it fit any paradigm.
I mean it could have just been a series of odd coincidences and my own paranoia
thing is if I knew for a fact it was something paranormal, I'd have no answer for what it was beyond that it was something unnatural.
>3:33am on Saturday night
>watching the movie the exorcist
>picture of Jesus fell off the wall and broke in my kitchen
>thought someone broke in and grabbed the nine
>nothing but a broken picture of Jesus and an angel laying on the floor

I’m not one for coincidences but this is too weird to ignore
>Went camping as a child around 9 or 10 years old quite a distance from home for a semi-family reunion in northern Arizona
>trip was super fun
>first night, need to pee and it's really late past midnight, after everyone is asleep
>Mom has Uncle walk me into the pitch black woods with a flashlight
>we reach a spot and he points ahead and tells me to go for it, so I step forward about 20 feet or so and while nervous with how utterly dark it is, try to piss
>start going and nearing the end I start hearing a heavy breathing directly in front of me. no footsteps or rustling or anything, just heavy breathing
>my uncle who's still several feet behind to give privacy clearly hears it, too, and mumbles "what?" then turns the flashlight and points it in my direction
>directly in front of me, less the two feet away is a massive full-grown adult male Elk.
>his face is almost level with mine, but slight higher.
>I'm too stunned to even process what's happening and hear my Uncle say, "just step backwards very slowly."
>I don't say a word and do as I'm told, until I feel his hand touch my shoulder.
>He pulls me and start speed walking while watching Elk, who never stops staring but otherwise doesn't move at all, except the heavy breaths.
>Turn flashlight to find where to go and turn to walk.
>Hear loud rustling sound.
>Flashlight back to Elk and he's completely gone.
>We run back to camp with our hearts slamming in our chests, completely shocked by what happened.

>saw adeer inawoods
>but was it ghost
Yeah, I get really vivid dreams when I reach out to spirits and shit before going to bed.
>Next day we laugh and tell the story all day, still amazed at what happened, but glad it all was ok
>Night time comes
>That night, starting around 11-12, we hear a woman screaming at the top of her lungs from what seems like somewhere not too far away, but far enough to be unable to pinpoint.
>Scream sounds like crying, pleading, and pure terror, the kind you would imagine would shred your lungs and that you could only produce in a crisis
>the scream persists for hours, and even has a distinct human cadence.
>Literally everyone is awake. (around 12-15 family) all talking through tents trying to figure out what's going on.
>Family talk about one leaving to get a Ranger, but this is a secluded spot and while exploring all around during the day, we didn't see anyone else around at all, so we wouldn't even know where to send them.
>Hours go by with the scream happening, sometimes, stopping for 2 or 3 minutes, sometimes 5, only to continue.
>Near end it sounds like its getting weaker, more like a mourning howl, but still distinctly like a regular woman.
>Finally vanishes in middle of night.
>Next day family decides we're done and we pack it up.
>Went back since, (Mogollon Rim) when in the region, but never had anything weird happen.
Yes, yes, you're so cool. Fighting online to vent being a miserable faggot will definitely help. Look how level-headed and super great you are.
Do you feel better? Did you get it all out?
Go buy a Carebear and ask your parents for a hug, you insufferable fag. No wonder you need to lash out online. Who would want to be around you?
Man you all just sat there and went back to sleep without doing anything about it or trying to locate what that was? Also did you ever try and follow up on anything that happened in that area, disappearances ect, or bother to inform a ranger or something? Cool story but wtf
I was like 9 or 10. I suppose they were too worried due to how messed up sounding the screams were.
We went looking for nearby campers the next morning and didn't find anyone nearby at all. No signs of any camps or anything either. My family, in their attempt to rationalize it, somehow came to the conclusion it must have been some drug addict or something. You know, those random middle of the nowhere woods junkies you hear about?
We checked papers and stuff for weeks afterwards to see if anything popped up in the area and never saw anything.
apparently mountain lions in heat can sound like screaming women, but if you also heard crying and pleading that rules that out
I've heard that about other animals as well, and the adults even talked about it, but were all convinced, especially uncles, that it was distinctly human. Even though no one ever heard any speech or anything, the noises were all familiar enough, if that makes sense. More like screams with inflection, so like moans, and guttural cries.
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>>brother and i playing smash bros in my room
>>nobody is home but us 100%
>>us facing the open door
>>see someone walk by
>>he asked was that mom?
>>Idk man i dont hear anyone
>>yell out no response
>>sense of dread and fear crawls over us
>>run out to check the house turn on all the lights nothing
>>we each grab a gun go out the back door and circle the house in opposite ways meet up the front
a few years later 10-11 yr old sister runs up to mom and said she saw an old man walking down the hallway outside my room described him very well even a smell when dad got home we told him the story and he turned white she described his dead father she never met him.
>>i have more
I mean that ones just straight up a paranormal experience anon, I dunno how to rationalize that one away
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All of these are on the same property

>>walk into kitchen in the morning
>>all cabinet doors open
>>well someone was looking for something
>>everyone in the house deny
>>not a big deal
>>but it keeps happening
>>mom is starting to get upset/scared
>>both bro and i get grounded
>>keeps on happening
dad wakes up one morning and finds his dead uncle in the kitchen muttering to himself angry af opening all the cabinets dad said he just sad down and didn't know what to do or say
>>his uncle yells at him tells him hes a failure and that this was his house then vanishes in front of him
intuition, human irrationality, is in all irrational cases, the most rational thing.
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>>bro and i smoking cigs in the back at night
>>im watching the stars hes sitting behind me in the chair
>>talking about girls and school etc
>>i look back and i say wtf where did you go
>>he responds like hes standing next to me
>>hes says back where the fuck are you?
>>i keep on talking to him as i go look for him in his room
>>hes sitting on his bed with his mouth open staring at me like an idiot
yay useless one time telepathy
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>>sitting outside crying/praying asking god to tell me what the fuck is his problem
>>beg and pray more
>>i get up from the chair and a loud thunder Hollywood demonic type voice knocks me back down on the chair saying "Thank You for praying to OUR LORD"
>>I actually got so intimidated that i stopped praying especially after my friend asked what lord you praying ? and i honestly didn't know what to say just that i was just saying god.
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seeing the "biblically accurate" angels in the sky years before the ai renderings made it a common part of the pleroma zeitgeist
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I consider aliens and ufos paranormal

>>outside smoking cigs with bro looking at the starts
>>tell him we should concentrate on one and both send energy to it for fun
>>we cant agree on a star too many so i say fuck it lets just do our thing
>>point at a star and say "HI"
>>i yell at bro and tell him it fucking got brighter for a second
>>he starts freaking out yelling its getting bigger
>>sure enough in no time its a huge glowing white/yellow light floating right outside our fence area above the trees
>>I start walking backwards reaching for the door to nope the fuck out
>>bro grabs my hand and forces me to walk with him towards the object
>>start hearing running outside the fence
>>like human size running 3 or 4 of them
>>I yell "STOP IT" and start pulling bro back to the house
>>we walk into the house and immediately go to our rooms and go straight to sleep without mentioning anything like in some type trance
>>see him in the kitchen in the morning just sitting there staring into space
>>Did that happen?
>>Exactly what do you think happened?
>>he described it exactly as i remember
days later he tells me that night he had a dream aliens were in the house and they floated us outside and took us somewhere and was too scared to even mention it
>wake up one day
>wonder what time it is
>have a strong feeling it's 1:34
>time is 12:34 when i check
>wig out for the rest of the day
i close enough i guess
This one time at band camp, this girl with a flute did...
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>be me, 16
>lived near the woods alone with my dad
>often went out playing there at a small creek in a midsize-ish clearing
>put crayfish traps there, sometimes make a fire
>one day a friend (lets call him G) and me decide to camp, as a celebration to drink beer (legal in my country at that age) and grill
>we arrive at noon, dad helped bring our stuff
>dad leaves and we start to set up camp, throw rocks and in general just chill
>at one point we make a fire and we're both sitting in a chair waiting for it to get bigger and we're talking
>while talking, I see something over the other side of the small stream near tall grass
>it's shiny, like metal but not polished chrome, its a very "rough" metal, like those new year lead molts (pic related), and it looks like a cap small dome, peeking out the tall grass the the trees
>before I can say anything, "it" stands up just a tiny bit, and underneath that dome is some kind of dark, shadowy black head
>immediately my eyes start watering and I feel uncomfortable
>I say "hey what is that" (in my language).
>as soon as I say that my head starts buzzing very metallic, I never felt anything like this, it's like being at the dentist but the vibration is in my head and my throat feels numb
>friends suddenly stands up (he was across me) and asks me if theres anything with me since I'm crying
>the moment I look at him and look back, the thing is gone and coldness washes over me with sweat
>literally crying without control, feeling very embarrassed
>calm down at one point, feeling a lot more rational now
>tell friend everything, apparently from his pov I looked behind him, randomly started to cry and never said anything
>felt like 5 min to me instead of just a moment
>tell him i feel really really uncomfortable being here, call my dad to get us and he feels I'm a pussy and our friendship got a bit rocky from that. I never went back to that clearing since then, as I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it
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>>walking with my marine buddy at night
>>he gets a call on his phone
>>phone number says 6666666666666666
>>pick up
>>womans voice crying sobbing so much she can barely speak
>>he looks at me and hes says thats fucking arabic! immediately hangs up
>>later tells me some war stories and how he did some really fucked up shit and he believes its following him.
that was where you died, anon
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>Be me
>Used to be a delivery driver for pizza hut
>I closed on the weekends for the most part
>Just myself, one other driver and the shift manager after the CSRs leave
>had to take a last minute order, manager was being a huge bitch the whole night, other driver was some douchey pussy who shit talked me behind my back, and my car's ignition lock was being a pain in the ass
>needless to say, I was pretty stressed that night
>Finally get the store closed half past midnight, manager was incredibly slow
>Both of my coworkers leave, but my ignition lock refuses to budge
>I'm stuck with my door open for 15-20 minutes on a hot and humid as fuck summer night and getting seriously frustrated
>Finally unlocks, and I start my car
>For some reason, I decide to look over to my right
>I catch a glimpse of a young and petite blonde girl with shoulder length hair in what looks like a white sundress retract into the alleyway behind the building
>It looked as if she had been spying on me from around the corner of the building, and that she knew I had caught her
>It was almost playful how she moved, though. Almost flirty in a sense, where she had almost intended to be seen
>I stare at the spot for maybe ten seconds before I put it in reverse and drove across the parking lot to look down the alleyway
>There's a blue dumpster a few feet behind the corner that obscures a little bit of the alleyway
>Have my my hand on my handgun in the center console in case this is a mugging
>I'm in a mood, so I have no desire to fuck around with this. Not even scared, just plain tired.
>Fuck this, I'm going home
>Drive home without incident
It's anticlimactic and boring, and maybe I hallucinated it. Either way, I catch myself thinking about it from time to time and I can't help but wonder what I would've seen had I gone down that alley.
Pic related btw
>be me, 8ish years old
>hanging with neighbor kid in my room
>playing luigi's mansion
>we both hear a sound the gameboy horror makes when near a boo
>not in-game, but somewhere else on 2nd floor
>bro did you hear that
>mute tv to listen
>sure enough hear it again, definitelt not the game
>sounds like it's coming from parents room
>hear it one more time
>look all around but see nothing, don't hear it again
>Nobody else in the house besides us
It makes absolutely no sense, it sounded exactly like the in-game sound effect and we both heard it. One of those things that you'd think has to have some explanation but you can't think of any
>hanging out with dad
>in basement watching spoopy youtube videos on the TV
>basement has Christmas lights hanging around the room where the wall meets the ceiling
>end of the lights hangs down the wall to plug into the outlet
>not plugged in right now, just hanging there
>dangling end of the lights jumps up into the air
>as if someone scooped it up and tossed it a couple feet up
>we both look like wtf
>no explanation for it, we just keep chilling, doesn't happen again
Our first thought was our cats running around and knocking into things but they weren't down there at the time and never really run around down there anyway. There certainly wasn't any wind or a fan on that could have blown them. Makes zero sense. A couple other things have happened in that basement, such as a single tap on one of my drums. Pretty sure nothing fell from the ceiling onto them
>be me, chilling in same basement
>again watching shit on the TV with the old man
>corner of my eye, see something move
>immediately followed by a thud on the carpet
>a heavy cast iron pot was lifted off the mini fridge and dropped onto the floor
>just the pot, not the lid
>lid was still on top of fridge
>lid that is always kept on the pot
>somehow lid was lifted off, pot was dropped to the floor, and lid was put back down on top of fridge
Definitely the most significant weird event that has happened in that house. That was the spot where I had always kept that pot, it wasn't haphazardly placed there where it could fall off or anything
When I was 15, a 2 meter Female Humanoid visited me in a dream. Then later on I get deja vu in the same spot she appeared in, but without her actually being present. Spooky
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I had this dream a few nights in which I lived 3 whole days

>be me
>be really fucking bored one day and decide to go innawoods alone
>while in woods hear strange rustling following
>hear it start only when I begin moving
>I know it's not the sound of my own footsteps, because it has a 5 - 10 second delay from when i stop moving and start moving
>get freaked out
>speed walk home
>strange noise is still behind me
>100 or so meters away from the main road
>start sprinting
>keep running even after coming out of the woods
>reach house
>ffw a few weeks
>be in garden planting vegetables and shit
>out of nowhere hear someone scream "hey, anon"
>bolt upright, see nobody
>go inside and ask my parents if they called me
>both say no
>ffw to that night
>have a dream
>in my dream I wake up in my bed
>go outside
>go on the street
>on the street I see a girl, she is coming from the road that leads to the forest
>say hi to her
>she waves back
>ask her who she is
>idk if she said anything because I don't remember her name
>long story short, she introduces herself and I introduce myself
>turns out she has a heart problem
>there is a black circle with blue accents on her chest about the size of a quarter and 2 cm thick
>she says she has to charge that up every night or else she will die
>first dream day passes and I wake up again in my bed
>go outside again and meet her
>she is in front of my house
>she is talking with my parents
>my parents ask her who she is, where she is from etc.
>can't remember her answers
>we go on a walk together
>we talk about life and shit
> tell her about my problems
>and she tells me about hers
>third dream day
>I meet her again in front of my house
>she tells me her heart device won't charge
>device displays a "5%" sign
>"hey let me charge it for you at my house"
>she smiles and says "thanks, anon"
>we go inside my house and she takes off her device
> Sit down
> put favourite glass cup on table
> turn sideways to pick up book
look at table
> favourite glass cup is gone, never to be seen again
To this day i have no explanation of what happened.
separating when that happens was a big mistake.
Could've easily shot the other by accident.
>I place the device to charge on my night stand
>I put a movie on while we wait for the device to charge
>after some time we started cuddling on the couch
>the movie ends
>look at the clock
>it's 11:30 pm
>"oh god it's this late, I gotta go home before my parents get mad"
>she rushes out the door, but I stop her
>"hey, you forgot your device"
>out of nowhere she just stops and gives me a sad stare as she drops down her arms by her sides
>"it's ok anon, I can leave it here overnight if that's ok"
>I say of course it is
>"thanks for being such a good friend anon, I can't wait to see you again"
>as she finished her sentence she leaps forward and hugs me
>I hug her back
>after a few minutes we stop hugging and she goes home
>go to sleep
>now wake up in the real world
>think to myself "I can't wait to see her again"
>as I sit there i slowly realize that she isn't real
>she never existed
>no one like her ever lived in my village
>I fell in love with a girl who isn't real

Now, I don't know what any of this means. If any of you have some explanation for what happened please tell me. And if you guys have any other questions I will try my best to reply to them
I meant to say a few night ago in the beginning
dreams are weird

I remember this happening very well, as I definitely wasn't dreaming:

>Be me, walking down Market St in San Francisco one sunday morning (i.e, no one really there)
>30 something Indian guy with longish hair but no facial hair waves at me from across the street, starts walking towards me
>"Oh great here comes a beggar"
>Man starts telling me about his ancient yogic lineage, shows me a black and white picture of his clan (I regret I wasn't paying too much attention at this point, as I was waiting for him to get to his pitch)
>Asks me to play a game with him where if I have something of significance, I'll give him what he wants
>He hands me a crumpled saffron (or perhaps it was yellow) piece of paper
>go on, read it
> it's last 4 digits of my social security on it
>he's smiling at me, saying "I was right, wasn't I?"
>Me: "That's a very cool trick you have there, so what do you want?"
>Him: "Give me 20 dollars
>Me: "I really need that 20, will you take 5?
>Him: Okay, that's good enough
>walks off
>He vanished

To this day, it's still the most irrational thing that has ever happened in my life, though if one gives a really convoluted explanation (that is to say, he was following me around for months and learning all my info just for this opportune moment on this day I randomly walk down Market street) then I suppose it is possible

For a precise location: This happened approximate to the Hobart Building, about 2nd and Market
Id say you ran into a trickster, djinn something like that you did good to satisfy him 5 dollars to not be fucked with is worth it. Its the best explanation and brings a bit of magic into your life perhaps you should learn to embellish a bit and leave it a little more open ended
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like other anon said dreams are weird but if you want my interpretation you met with a spirit or demon you got tricked to letting them in ur house aka ur subconscious they leeched energy off you the movie was probably how they got you so confused and "in love" when in reality you were being sexually abused and tortured so it created a long lasting draining temporal leak that they can forever feed on until the "love" feeling wears off
This was just a couple days ago
>be me walking up the mountain in the woods I am all alone and nobody is parked or walking on the trail in sight
>I get to the top of the mountain and go out towards the power lines that go up the mountain in a patch where the trees are cut out
>I get a beautiful view of the Pennsylvania mountain ranges and decide to go home after I feel like im no longer alone / being watched
>I walk back onto the main trail and as I do I see a cleaned deer leg bone with another joint attached still all the flesh chewed off
>I stop and look in a bit of shock since I am very sure It wasn't just on the trail when I went to check out the top of the mountain view
>I normally look down a lot when I walk because this trail is full of rocks and roots and don't want to get tripped
>I feel this overwhelming sense that I am being watched / not welcome I start to examine the bone closer but the sense becomes overwhelming to the point where I roar as loud as I can into the direction I feel the danger sense is coming from back by the powerlines
>I tighten my belt to the third loop and book it as fast as I possibly can down the trail back to my home out of there
>I still feel the feeling of being stalked/watched behind me and start wondering if it's a bear or something
>Im a pretty tall guy and fast hiker so im making really good time down the mountain but keep feeling eerie and turning around to look behind me
>all of the sudden a guy just appears behind me to my right stopping me dead in my tracks I say "jesus christ where did you come from?" because I was just at the top of the mountain and this guy was nowhere up there and he mustve been moving really fast to come up upon me like that..
>for some reason he just stares at me and says nothing for a good 3-5 seconds before slyly answering in a very hushes weird tone "up there" he sort of glides past me and as he does I swear the sense of danger / feeling of being stalked followed he vanished up ahead
>Recently I was sleeping very poorly and had difficulty breathing through my nose.
>I had sleep paralysis.
>Sitting beside me atop a bedside table, there was an entity in the shape of man in a formal looking black suit.
>It lacked a human head, it looked like a head of stone with patterns resembling a masquerade mask, and it growled like a dog.
>I thought the name of Jesus Christ and shortly after I woke up.
If anyone has trouble with sleep paralysis pray to Jesus Christ for help, in thought if you cannot speak.

I think sleep paralysis is very different from an ordinary nightmare and is completely brought about by evil sprits.
In dreams, even in nightmares, the NPCs have no substance.
Even if you think its real at the time within the dream itself, they fade away and morph, appear and disappear out of nowhere, as if they were nothing.
The sleep paralysis entities you can very strongly feel there is a presence, even if you cannot see them you can feel the presence.
And it is the presence themselves that is unsettling and even scary.
yeah rise up tulpa bros
>captcha EDGE40
I would definitely be willing to listen to possible explanations for this, since it's baffled me since it happened. No history of experiencing paranormal activity.

>be me staying in a small hotel ~100 years old off the beaten path
>as far as I can research there is no history of any past activity or bad happenings
>zero bad vibes, just feels like an storied building with some character
>around 3 or 4AM, I wake up to use the bathroom
>once I finish, I get back in bed and start rearranging the pillows and blankets to try to get comfortable since I don't sleep well in hotel beds
>this is important because I chalk up most of the spooky skeletons appearing in anon's room to sleep paralysis (with which I am pretty accustomed to since I used to intentionally lucid dream; not the case here)
>I was 100% awake and actively moving around both before and after this happened, so sleep paralysis/dreaming is not a reasonable explanation; I did not fall asleep and kept the lights on until morning after this occurred
>around this time, I heard the very distinct sound of high heels clicking on the hardwood floor of the room. Not far away, but in my room. It was easy to track the path from the door, which was to the left of my bed, to the center of the room where my bed was located. The clicking stopped, and then the far right corner of my bed visibly depressed. I could see the mattress and sheets be pressed down. Maybe 10-20 seconds later, the bed went back to normal, and the clicking started again. It seemed to move around the room slightly and then fade off toward the door, but with less intentional direction than before
>there was no figure, shadow, or anything like that
>no negative feelings during the experience; if someone or something was there they didn't care or notice

I can excuse the footsteps with an old building but I've got nothing on seeing my bed move.
Some dream stories itt.
I will recount when last night, my dream ended with a vision of a clown, then preceded by clown-sounding laughter IRL! It was outside too. Most likely hypnopompic hallucination or schizo-lite.
However, I do have these recurring hypnagogic hallucinations where humongous spiders climb on ceilings or walls. Most of the time they're at hotels. Does that have any significance, if anybody can read from that?
I was crying and in a horrible mental state because reasons, I wanted to kill myself, I just drank 2 benadryl pills cuz I wanted to sleep it off. i still couldn't sleep, so as I was trying to grab my pocket knife my hands paralyzed like if someone or something I don't fucking know triedo to stop me by grabbing me by my wrists, it was fucking weird that from my wrist to my hands I couldn't move them as if something gripped me too hard that I couldn't move my hands, and I fighted hard until I could move them again. Unfortunately I'm still here and wondering what the hell happened
>be me
>falling asleep at night
>cev of a centipede
>bind in name of Christ
>cev of clown face
>bind in name of Christ
>cev of wacky wailing inflatable arm flailing tube man
>bind in name of Jesus Christ
>cev of crawling emaceeated fuck kikes and autocorrect man
>bind in name of Jesus Christ
>cev of tribal mask demon I got from playing Freddy fish in 2nd grade
>bind in name of Jesus Christ

I do this all night
Nice, anon, I got spooked.
>>>his uncle yells at him tells him hes a failure and that this was his house then vanishes in front of him
What an asshole ghost. I'd burn that place down just to spite/banish him.
>intuition, human irrationality, is in all irrational cases, the most rational thing.
That's very good, did you make that saying?
Either it was a prostitute ghost sitting down and leaving or you imagined things
>Be me
>About half past 2 AM
>Admittedly high on ~50-75mg of thc edibles, but I have never hallucinated on them before or after this event
>Coming out of my room to go to the kitchen and grab a snack cuz munchies
>I step onto the threshold between my hallway and my kitchen
>Immediately see a shadow cast from the light fixture above the sink and onto the floor a couple feet from my fridge
>All I can see is the legs, upper body is obscured by the island in the center of the room
>Island has shit stacked up high enough to block my view of anyone in front of the fridge at the time
>Whoever it is scurries in the direction of the sink, footsteps clear as day. Could even feel the vibrations through the floor
>Plant holder table thing next to fridge that my mom bought recently moves like someone accidentally bumped into it
>Don't see anyone near the sink
>At first think it's my dad or one of my two brothers trying to fuck with me and jumpscare me by ducking down under the island
>I make my way around the island, peek around corner quickly to catch whoever it is before they can jump out
>Nothing there
>Check rooms where dad and older bro sleep
>Both snoring, dead asleep
>Check little bro's room, only to find him asleep as well
>Spooked but I'm high so I go back to my room and keep playing vidya, eventually fall asleep
>Next morning I tell my family what happened
>Mom tells me she woke up around the time I saw the shadow thing
>Tells me she heard the footsteps but that she thought it was me
I'm not sure what to make of it. I've always felt a little unnerved about being in my kitchen at night. Another experience I have had in there was while I was high again and felt like something shoved me towards the computer chair in the corner. My vision darkened and my breathing felt labored, but I just chalked that one up to an anxiety attack. I do have another longer story from my childhood about my kitchen that I could put into greentext if anyone is interested.
Perhaps it was an extraterrestrial that was mimicking the sounds of birds to bait you into capture. It never happened again, because they were able to attain prey.
>Be me driving home
>About to take a curve that I always take going this route
>See a firetruck and bicycle on the ground
>Feel Death staring at me as I look at the crash site
>Take alternate route home
>For entire week afterwards, feel Death around
>One night at around 10:30pm, electronic deadbolt at front door makes electronic sounds as of someone is trying to unlock the door. I have a home alarm on and cameras installed everywhere outside.
>Check cameras, doorbell cam. Nothing.
>Cameras start recording. Receive clips of, nothing.
>A few nights later roughly around the same time as the night before, watching TV, a black cat is sitting outside my french doors, staring at me, turn on lights and try to scare it away, it does not waiver.
>Leave to Arizona days later hoping to shake the feeling of Death over me. Feeling better, but still feel the weight over me.
>About to Sedona for Phoenix, and I had a feeling that now was not the time, so I decide we're going to stay back in Sedona and just leave when it's actually time to check out. (I like to leave early on road trips)
>On the drive to Phoenix, hit a strip of downpour and it's getting really hard to see while driving.
>I feel Death, "it's here".
>I slow down (have my wife and kids in the car), tell everyone to scan the roads for me until stops raining.
>Look to the side of the road. A family car is flipped and the entire top flattened (didn't see anyone)
>About 15 feet forward a pick up truck was in the embankment, airbags deployed, front was completely smashed in, no sign of anyone.
>Look at wife, "that was supposed to be us"
You tapped into a parallel universe.
Hey anon, have you ever heard of the "Mogollon Monster"?


>In numerous reports, the monster has been said to emit a "blood-curdling" scream; described as sounding like a woman in "great distress".

As a native to the area (payson) it's something people into that sorta creepy shit know but i doubt itd be something popular that most would hear. Im not really into cryptid stuff so I dont know anything else but it's sort of a local legend. Your story just reminded me of it tho.
Had sleep paralysis a few times when I was a kid/teen, it is one of those intense feelings you hope you never feel while truly awake.
Life gets better if you allow it to anon, you deserve to give yourself a chance.
I had an experience that was almost definitely a dream but I just can't believe that it was.
>be laying in bed
>can't sleep because I'm having intrusive thoughts
>infant son was recently born, terrified of SIDS
>having this whole nightmare scenario playing out
>imagery starts becoming very vivid
>it shatters like a mirror, a giant glowing woman like Joan of Arc steps through
>She reaches for me and I feel her giant hand grip my whole body
>I am physically pulled out of this dream and now I'm somewhere else
>I'm in a field talking to a girl who looks like one of those Coachella instagram thots with flowers in her hair
>she looks normal except her eyes look like they're full of gears, like a clock
>I ask her why I am having nightmares
>"Because you never felt love like this before and you are afraid to lose it."
>She reaches out and puts her hand on my chest and says "Do not be afraid."
>Instantly I feel dozens of mind blowing waves of pleasure across my body emanating from my chest
>I fucking cum
>what the fuck I just fucking came and all I was doing was laying here dreaming
>slept peacefully through the night
>intrusive thoughts are minimal since
Was it just a dream? Probably. But it will stay with me the rest of my life.
>Over holidays with grandparents
>late night gaming on the laptop because theres fuck else to do
>hear clanging at bathroom
>ignore it and just focus on the game
>suddenly, for whatever reason, i pause.
>I just close my laptop and freeze
>something whispers my name and it has the voice of my father
>i could hear it perfectly, even through the windows
>turn around, nothing there. I hear a clanging once again at the bathroom.
>go to bed instantly
>ask my dad the next morning if he told me to go to bed

Either my dad was being a massive troll whilst going for a late night piss, or im slightly schizo and had an episode whilst my grandparents cat was fucking about. Or its a trolling spirit that went for a ghost piss and decided to fuck with a 9 year old
who knows maybe it was something nice watching over you? i wouldnt be so quick to just dismiss it. just be grateful and appreciative.

but you should at least clean up the jizz before going back to sleep ya know?
typo, my dad said he slept the whole night and didnt even go to the toilet
my 3 year old son is waking up exactly at 336am and 525am every night for the past week. At 336am he is waking up terrified and takes almost an hour to get him to go to sleep.
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>be with friends
>late of night and searching some place to eat
>found some mcdonalds that closes just 4 AM
>nearly empty
>asked our stuff and got on the 2nd floor
>chatting of whatever until it came about sympathetic magic
>talking about how strangely common it is here
>reading random stuff on internet and laughing
>until we got on some goofy e-book about ritual for the goddess Lilith to get your loved one
>Still laughing about its language, the poor jpeg images on the pdf
>until it started getting actually bizarre
>Friend reading started denying to read out loud and just kept jumping pages
>blasphemous invocations and nasty stuff
>At the same time the first obscure thing got on, we hear a noise from the speaker just above us on the ceiling
>a bit of static or radio tuning
>kept reading
>again, same sound, just some seconds
>until the point where my friend just stopped reading at all, just skipping pages
>i asked what was it
>take the phone, it was just at the moment i read something sexually related
>a deafening noise just blasted from the speaker
>probably max volume it could take
>at first, actually sounded like a scream
>them some siren
>them i could figure out was some kind of hard techno music
>would be somewhat disturbing on a regular volume, but it was blasting our ears
>we just run from there
>as i was getting out, just saw one employee that was at a dark room, that birthday spaces, probably on its break time, laughing at us
>entrance door was locked
>i saw what i suppose to be the manager, but couldn't fully understand him
>"the exit is to the other side"
>gone to the side of our car on the parking lot
>Music kept playing by some time
>friend deleted the ebook from his library

I can imagine they done it so to get rid of the last customers. But the thing is, it kept playing for some time, so they were just torturing themselves.
Most probably a coincidence, but a freaking bizarre one.
A similar thing (I think) happened to me once. Had a dream, I think I was about 14 at the time. I remember waking up after a dream that I still remembered at that moment, and feeling genuinely heartbroken. I don't remember the dream now, since it has been at least four years - I remember that that morning I still had short hair, and I've always had pretty long hair for a guy since I was about fifteen. Either way, there are only three things that I really remember - that it included me, sitting on a floor of tials with a girl with a dark-ish blue hoodie, that I woke up feeling so hurt that I tried to write the dream down just to keep it in memory (I can do my best to find the page, might be somewhere in my old notebooks) and that I called my dad, who is a man who knows all about lots of astrological, philosophical and spiritual things, if he had a book or something that I could interpret my dreams with.

Sometimes the fact that I've long forgotten this dream bugs me. I suspect that it probably had something that was pretty personal to me, since I never told dad the details, despite me always being comfortable about chatting and telling about whatever bothers me. For some reason, I didn't want to tell him about the dream, and I still don't know why.

I guess I must've convinced myself that it was just a stupid dream, since I never actually got around to trying to translate it, so to speak. But sometimes the feeling that I woke up with that morning - a crushing loneliness and a sense of loss is present, just for a moment.
I seem to recall a similar incident from my own life. While I was around fourteen years old, I had a dream. I was truly devastated when I woke up from a dream that I could still recall vividly. Although I do recall having short hair that morning—and I've had rather long hair for a male since I was fifteen—I can't recall the dream itself because it's been at least four years. Regardless, the only three details that remain in my memory are the following: first, that I was sitting on the floor of tials with a girl wearing a dark-ish blue hoodie; second, that I was so wounded when I woke up that I attempted to jot down the dream in order to retain it (I will search my old notebooks, but I doubt I will find the exact page); and third, that I contacted my dad, a man well-versed in astrology, philosophy, and spirituality, to see if he had a book that could help me understand my dreams.

It annoys me occasionally that I've forgotten about this dream. Although I am usually at ease talking to dad about anything that troubles me, I have a sneaking suspicion that it had something very personal to me because I never revealed the specifics. Despite the dream's significance, I refrained from sharing it with him for reasons I cannot fathom.

Since I never got around to attempting to "translate" it, I suppose I must have persuaded myself that it was simply a dream. But every now and then, for a little second, I still feel the same overwhelming loneliness and sadness that I felt when I awoke that morning.
>be 7
>play bloody Mary at cousins haunted house
>wind suddenly picks up after we say the phrase
>hear thumping noises on walls
>start hearing thumping noises on the floor
>strong whistling sound starts
>this lasts for over 5 minutes
>me and cousins start whining because we're scared and the only adult in the house walked to the corner store
>aunt gets home from store
>wind and thumping seem to immediately stop in conjunction with aunt opening door to house
>now that I'm grown I think it just became windy outside and we overreacted

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