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In the United States, Canada, and other countries, there exists entire blacklists which span whole industries with the intent of keeping certain people outside of employment indefinitely. It’s even easier to have a system like this nowadays, considering how many larger companies are beginning to use AI to sift through applicants.

Targets who submit applications digitally will have their resume deleted by spam filters. In person, the resume will simply be discarded. There are few instances where a target is ever able to be interviewed, however in some cases this will happen to either keep an illusion of normalcy for others or to screw with the target’s head – as it’s incredibly easy to make a person belive that there is something fundamentaly wrong with them if they can’t seem to get hired anywhere despite their best efforts.

In the rare cases of a target accidentally being hired, they will be abruptly fired within a few days and escorted off the premises with security guards or even police presence to create a scene. Their employer may then create a narrative as to why the target was fired to justify it and move on from the incident.

Sometimes an employer will be allowed to hire target(s) as brief disposable labor, as they will only keep a target as an employee up until the end of the probationary period, the length of which depends on jurisdictions. This often happens in seasonal work or at fast food places.

Someone on a blacklist will have a long history of being unable to keep a job for longer than 1 week to 2 months. Anyone who is legitimately on a real employment blacklist will NEVER have a job longer than this. To anyone else, it will appear that the target is simply unemployable or a shady character, but this is part of the entire targeting program in the first place – destroying credibility and creating additional hostility toward someone.
This tactic is sometimes utilized as a “last resort” for targets who are high-risk to the system/Masons/small town corruption/etc. Just like how there are a myriad of reasons why someone becomes a T.I. in the first place, there are numerous reasons why someone may end up becoming blacklisted from being employed ever again.

What usually ends up happening to a blacklisted person is they will either end up on welfare, or trapped in a codependent relationship with a spouse who they are financially dependent on. The latter of which happens to a lot of female T.I.s in general, and domestic violence is all too common in plenty of T.I. testimonies one can find all over the internet.

In extreme cases, the target ends up homeless. Once a target is homeless, they are essentially off the radar to most people, and unfortunately become background noise to most passerbys. The homeless are at risk of trafficking, murder, and accidental death, and T.I.s will continue to be targeted even after becoming homeless.

It’s dark to think about, but this stuff goes on all across America. I’d even go as far to say that every single concentrated population area with more than 10,000 people has at least one person under some level of surveillance or community harassment. There is a reason why even in the smallest towns, there exists a Masonic temple.
Blackmail is an excellent tool to get people to do what you want if you’re a perp “in the know” or already “enlightened”. If that doesn’t work, targeting campaigns will ensue and lead to crimes such as this.
Of course employment blacklisting is one of many common tactics used against targets. There is a reason why very few T.I.s will end up owning a car or driving in general.
Where's your evidence that it's the Masons who do this? All the Masons I know are salt of the Earth people who work their asses off, almost always have families they take care of AND who go to Lodge AND work with charities. Doesn't leave a lot of time to be out "stalking" people.

Again, what's your source/evidence/sauce on this being done by Masons?
It is pointless. You should also have noticed by now that the slave camps of the worker colonies are all being dismantled by the Pharaohs, who this time have told us nothing about the end of the world and want to prepare for it secretly and alone, while keeping everyone else in the dark and in the end simply abandoning them and leaving them in the lurch. "They" no longer need our manpower, because they have already had their security vaults built. They will simply drop what we call our civilization. That is why housing, food and other essentials of existence have become unaffordable, they no longer need to keep us alive because the machines we have built for them will now replace us.
It's all run by the META corp and its because Mark Zuckerberg is the chief principle of the metaverse. I hate it bros, the truth is, there are evil people in charge of this Earth.
Holy fuck, this is me! I am clean cut, have a good work ethic, do not smoke, drink, or do any drugs, no tattoos, and have never even been arrested and yet have applied for literally hundreds of jobs. Out of the hundreds I have applied for, I can count the number of interviews I've had on one hand. Meanwhile, I know actual alcoholics, drug addicts, and ex-cons who never have any trouble finding work. WTF? Sometimes I will walk into a business that has a "Help Wanted" sign in the window only to be told that the position has been filled and they just haven't had time to put the sign away. Next day the sign is still there.

Why would someone do this? How could I have pissed off soneone that powerful?
>Why would someone do this? How could I have pissed off soneone that powerful?
These freaks hold grudges for eons.
They also manipulate local groups such as the Masons, Block parent/community watch programs, HOA, Boy Scouts, etc, to turn people into perps to keep an eye on targets.

A lot of people are involved in it when they don't even know what's happening overall. They gossip about targets and create narratives about them and no one cares because it doesn't affect them personally - meanwhile the target is eventually disliked for 10 different reasons.

Sometimes you can become a target simply by pissing off someone who's a higher level Mason, or someone who's overtly Satanic. It causes a ripple effect from there, and in rare cases you end up on blacklists for jobs, housing, etc.
>There is a reason why even in the smallest towns, there exists a Masonic temple.
why is that?
good thing i'm not a target
i've had jobs upon jobs and opportunities and good ones too
and i'll have them again
there was a point in all this where i was an asset.
don't forget that, and don't forget that the next time you call me "not smart"
your words, through steve crawford, not mine
now you want to revise history, that's fitting
you're experienced at that
the problem is you never ran into a "target" like me.
it's like you ran your entire intelligence into a giant brick wall head on
you guys having fun yet??
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(That is run by Israel and other usury entities as well as the hostile foreign corporate entities set up by the grammar fiction banking entities that pose as each respective former nations central bank. Remember all glow ngrs and their agents have oaths of office written in grammar fraud, charters and contracts written in the same grammar fraud. After watching the fiction corporate paradigm that poses as biblical Israel to all the low (in)formation people out here poison all its own people and then false flag them to maintain power well. It’s literally all lies enforced by dumbasses that sell their own children out.) Lololololololol, what a shithole this world is!
I'm not saying there was anything good about falling into this
but you don't put someone you want to permanently blacklist into a path to have a career in the building trades, literally among "you"
that's logic
and I was supposed to do my 5 years and move on with my experience and get into something real like hvac
if i'm such a huge "target" and a bad guy, why was at frontier fire? that was cushy, why did you put me on track for a great life?
fucking clowns, fuck all of you
not a single "target" has adapted and grown from the abuse like i have
i took everything you threw at me, and made it a strength or began working on making it a strenght
you wanted to destroy me, in some ways you did, but you destroyed me in ways that are temporary
you inadvertently built a behemoth.
I didn't even start breathing correctly until a year ago, lmao. I didn't even have a smile until a few months ago.

I haven't even started yet. There are few people my age, that aren't taking exogenous testosterone, that feel the way I do, that move the way I do.
You bit off way more than you were prepared to handle, and that's the problem
There is not a single man on this planet with my resilience (that isn't on drugs or has rich parents)
White people and men are openly discriminated against, this isn't even hidden.

Licensed professions have to shut up or else lose their license, again this is completely out in the open.

Secret lists I could well imagine but if the algorithms to hide your CV became public it would be a happening so I doubt it.
seeing nordic furniture giant make tv commercials where a nordic woman grows up to live into elderly years with a black man.. and another commercial where there's a kid portrayed with furniture, but surprise surprise the kid is asian ethnicity, and not nordic/european
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(Usury is responsible for it all!
Enjoy the death of civilization, these people can’t create anything or run anything for that matter, hence what happened to western rome, if the west wants to survive they will have to adopt the measures that allowed the eastern roman empire to survive another 1000 years after the west collapsed.)
nta but what did east romans do to survive/prolong?
Have better access to food sources (Egypt, Asia Minor), provinces nowhere near as ruined by Huns as back in the Western half, have better generals and leaders (on the whole), etc. But they kept many Roman traditions going into the Middle Ages.

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