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I am posting this here more as a conspiracy than something paranormal. Please help me gather information on all the shady activity the red cross conducts around the world. I will start by posting my findings so far:
1. The blood business
The blood you donate to the red cross is SOLD to hospitals, not donated. Depending on the country, this costs the hospital between 100-150€/$.
They pay for this using your tax and insurance money. In some countries like the US, the hospital will charge patients a fat premium on the already expensive blood.
In other countries like Austria, hospitals are required by law to buy the blood from the Red Cross, there is no competition.
My issues with this system are 1. People who donate their blood are being misled, they think the blood goes to people who need it for free | 2. The Red Cross sells it way above what they need to cover their own costs (which would be fair) and | 3. They present themselves as a charity while making HUGE profits - either you are honest about your profits/business, or you act as the charity people think you are and only cover costs. | 4. The organization is seriously bloated and wastes money left right and centre.
Even normie outlets report on this:
What is most fucked up about this is that the blood you "donate" is being paid for by YOUR tax/insurance moeny. You essentially PAY to give your blood away
2. Haiti Donations / Disaster relief in general
An earthquake in Haiti in 2010 destroyed large areas of the country. The Red Cross gathered around $500 Million in donations with the main focus of building houses. 5 years later only a handful of houses were built on nobody quite knows where the money went.
They are on of the largest charities and get some of the highest donation sums, whether they funnel that money to profit themselves or are just a huge bloated incompetent organization (or both) is not clear since their finances are not open for review.
3. Investing in MBS and CDS
Every organization that works with large sums of money doesn't just let it sit in a bank account. They invest north of $500 million into MBS, CDS and other financial instruments essentially running a hedge fund. This is not uncommon because you need to do something with the money, but people would be rather suprised to hear this.
Always look out for (((doctors))) who want to take away some part of your body and make you pay for it. The instances are many and common, you just need to keep this pattern in your mind to recognize them.
4. No insight into their finances - how much money actually goes to the causes?
The Red Cross's finances are not open to independent investigation. Nobody knows how much of the money is used for the purposes they state and what percentage goes to administrative costs
I appreciate any information and insight into this organization, whether this be personal experience, research or /x/ like theories
forgot to mention another point - the money spent on blood takes away from other services that insurance could be covering and makes it more expensive for everyone involved. The Red Cross is basically a parasite leeching off insurance and taxes while offering subpar services and not allowing for competition

>what if soliphism

U bore me to shit, with this dreary crapulence.
Do you have examples?
>either you are honest about your profits/business, or you act as the charity people think you are and only cover costs

This is going to seem really confusing to people but “non-profits” are (legally) allowed to generate profit, it just can’t be the main focus of your organization.
Thank you for adding valuable information. Your input is greatly appreciated
There needs to be more public awarness around how these organizations are being run. I don't mind them making profits, but using the "non-profit" name to create a more favourable image is perverse.
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korean division of red cross sends mail that highly resembles regular utilitiy bill, tricking uninformed elderlies into thinking it's a mandatory to pay when it's not. scummy practice. also they receive all the addresses and personal info needed for this direct from government
Wisdom teeth (unless they cause problems), circumcision, "trans" surgery, liposuction are among the common examples.
Most of this wouldn’t matter if you abolished money or made free medical care a human right.
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As much as I dislike boomers, seeing them being scammed by jeets, goverments and "charities" hurts
There is something gut wrenching about doctors wanting to mutilate bodies for profit, especially by lying to their patients to make it appear necessary.
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You can bring a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Non-profit status is primarily meant for tax benefits.

The only reason I know this is because I considered turning a charity I made into a non-profit in 2020, but decided not to after reading about some of the legal constraints the status imposed.
How exactly would you run the world without money? Free medical care is also not feasible, it takes a lot of work, machines, transportation costs, etc. - Medicine shouldn't be about profit, but covering costs is completely understandable
Most first world countries have free medical care, so it’s clearly not impossible. The money is all made up anyway, your taxes only pay off the principal interest of the national debt, the rest of government expenditures are just printed by the federal reserve when the treasury/congress tells them to.
so original, as always.
What sort of constraints are we talking about?

Physical ones, surely.
>Most first world countries have free medical care
It's not free anywhere. You have to pay a substantial amount of your income towards it. The US is not the entire world either.
In my country Australia we have this healthcare but it doesn't, mean it is the best.
>doctors, nurses and other personnel work for free
>vehicles and buildings are maintained and repaired for free
>medical instruments and materials are produced and delivered without one cent involved
It was a Covid relief charity, I gave away food, hygiene products, hand sanitizer, PPE kits and basic over the counter medicine like ibuprofen, cold medicine, etc and I ran a call center and website and I developed a phone app to manage cases and distribute tasks to volunteers, but I would’ve gotten tied up with something like medical malpractice for distributing medication without being a doctor, even though it was shit you could go to literally any gas station and buy, or find in a first aid kit at work/school. I didn’t want to be beholden to some kind of legal mumbo jumbo financial monitoring so I just said “fuck it we’re doing it live” and I refused to accept donations and just paid for all of it out of my own pocket. I blew several thousand dollars over the course of that summer and just ran the project until I ran out of money/supplies.
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almost like real help is not wanted
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Nigga I live in a country with healthcare and I pay money on a monthly basis into a fund. If I do get sick, I don't have to pay for the doctors visit and certain therapies. Others are partially paid (10-20%) by the insurance. I can't tell if you are trolling or not
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Healthcare doesn't mean shit in relation to OPs point tho. Still costs $300 a bag of blood. About $50,000 2x a week for a small 200 bed hospital
>captcha Jka
Healthcare sucks even when you have to pay for it.

I live in the US and I got hit by a car a few years ago and broke several bones and I still had to wait about a month before I could get surgery to set the bone. Many Americans would’ve considered my healthcare plan a good one but I still had to pay for a lot of shit out of pocket even though I had insurance.
All utopists are delusional. Deep inside they are aware that their little world cannot be realized, so they just ignore all inconsistencies and force themselves to believe that everything will just magically happen despite everything.
The whole thing was really gay. I did a lot of networking with other charities in my city and around the country and I kept running into a bunch of retarded scenarios, kvetching, legal hoops, and handwringing.

The whole experience really soured my opinion of non-profits so I basically just did it illegally and crossed my fingers. If I had to do it again I probably would’ve just gone through churches since they didn’t really give a shit and we’re eager to work with me.
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That sounds like a better deal than what we have in the US.
Exactly. Costs could be cut by 50% and they'd still be profitable. They are essentially a middleman charging outrageous premiums on blood paid for by tax/insurance payers
that's fucked up
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Taxes literally aren’t paying for it. They just print the money and spend it. How does this guy not understand how the federal reserve or government budgets work when he’s larping as a Fed?

The US spends more money per year than it takes in via taxes, how could that be possible if they weren’t just hitting the print button?
Also no one actually cares about whatever the real debt is because no one actually plans to pay it back. They just service the interest on the national debt and kick the can down the road until the economy collapses.
lack of real world experience. You don't practice the creative process (turning ideas into reality) in school.
Seems like you need a group of likeminded people, very difficult thing to do on your own. Interesting that churches are willing to collaborate. The church in my country is as big a scam as the Red Cross if not bigger.
You have the highest amount per capita spent on medicare in the world with some of the worst health outcomes. You can unironically thank Obama for that - government paying for it all means you can hike prices as much as you want, same thing happened with student loans. The government basically turned into the lender of last resort for medical treatment, student loans and more. Look up regulatory capture, it is everywhere
>Trust the plan
There is no plan. They’re going to rugpull normies and hope God sorts it out.
Taxpayers pay for it through inflation which might as well be considered a tax on anyone not holding assets
>Seems like you need a group of likeminded people

I searched for them. There aren’t any. The Libertarians don’t believe in free gibs, and the socialists are afraid of cops. Anarchist groups are all fed honeypots. Churches won’t help fags, prostitutes, or druggies (so unironically most homeless people). Everyone else is too selfish, too retarded, or too much of a pussy to do anything useful. Esoteric circles are basically all just closeted satanist DnD groups.
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> The government basically turned into the lender of last resort for medical treatment, student loans and more. Look up regulatory capture, it is everywhere
I know. Death to America.

Stop using fiat, End the Fed.
Ah yeah the conundrum of one side not having the knowledge and resources to change anything and the other side not caring
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they are corrupt and incompetent to the core
>The Libertarians don’t believe in free gibs
This never made sense to me. Free gibs through governments are bad, agreed, but what is the issue with doing it privately?
They view “the free market” as the highest authority to justify whether something should or shouldn’t be done and so based on this world view they ultimately see the poor and homeless as losers who suck at playing this game we call capitalism and because of this reason those types tend not to sign up to do charity work because it’s “not their problem” “git gud” etc.

They run this psychotic mental gymnastics subroutine in their brains that basically believe charity is what causes homelessness when it’s really just the credit market, AKA: Usury.

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