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So if I start thinking and repeating that I am smart and strong and brave, I will force the universe to making that come true, and I'll thus stop being a cowardly worm and charade of a man? Is this how Magic works?
emphasize faith more. but yes you indeed are all these things already. the only thing missing is perspective - if you should ever disbelieve.

this is a super innovative scientific org, does writeups on consciousness and all that shit. this excerpt is the reason im poasting
>The two key features that work as energy sinks of this background energy are symmetry and “recognition”. This was first discussed in The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences, but it also shows up elsewhere[2]. In particular, when you can interpret an ambiguous input as “expected given the context” then that sucks energy out of the background noise in order to energize a gestalt that binds together low-level features into a coherent high-level percept (e.g. Necker Cube). When this “clicks” it will radiate out its excess energy to the rest of the field, and also *constraint* the shape of the field such that it functions as new context that changes the probability for other ambiguous sensations to collapse into representations consistent with the new gestalt. In other words, on DMT you can go from what feels like “pure undifferentiated non dual consciousness” to “this specific carnival with harlequins doing acrobatics” by collapsing how you interpret slight imperfections in the field, which then snowball into instantiating an entire realm of experience where each shape resonates with every other shape (a “vibe lock”, as we call it).

do you understand the implications? heres another resource
but ya man. you really just have to believe and ball the hardest
listen to me
everyone knows i'm smart, i know i'm smart, you know i'm smart
this isn't a discussion and you'll never shake that from me
you should pray to god i never overcome this cummulative trauma, but i will, because then the flood gates will open and i will rain blows upon the savages that did this to me
i'll see you in hell
i'll see you here too but in hell too
'm a bad guy, i'm an unhinged bad guy don't forget it
God is a retarded sadistic tranny who forces me to act as the sole frame of reference for material reality and only persistently real person in the world so he can dominate and abuse me through everyone else on earth who he controls as a retarded tranny hivemind as he gangstalks me and rapes my mind every second of every day and terrorizes, abuses, harasses, threatens etc me for literally anything I do or think. God controls everything about reality and reality/God absolutely doesn't affirm my beliefs, God violently imposes his beliefs on me, he abuses me if I even think or fantasize about being anything but "a peasant" being abused and dominated by his retarded tranny hivemind. It's not "cowardice" to not fight back against an enemy that can't be defeated
stfu retard
gay ass copy pasta
>But you should probably focus on 'Start thinking'.
Not really forcing the universe to make it come true.
You're forcing your own organic harmonics to adapt to those wave structures.
And it's not really forcing, it's more like an instruction.
becareful trying to force things too much. the system has ways to install speedbumps.. either via bad luck, or random encounter with random NPCs that come out of nowhere, people you don't know, come asking you enough stupid questions to kill all your vibe. People that wouldn't have appeared had you not atemmpted to build your energy up
imagine making this big of a deal about a lowly courier
how high minded you all are
my energy stays because i'm not doing anything wrong
>i'm not doing anything wrong
then you're not doing it right
This isn't how the world works at all, God just imposes his hostile opposing will on me.

At least you're acknowledging that everyone and everything else in the world is controlled by God's retarded tranny hivemind and that they only exist so he can dominate and abuse me through them and that he will do everything he can to impose his will on me and force me to live an undesirable life as an undesirable person even if you try to deflect responsibility from God for his evil behavior
Psychic mindset.
Grow up, soul.
Only the most fearful are capable of the most bravery. Strangely ironic how that works. Courage is not the absence of fear. It is overcoming it. That is bravery.
>"So feel fear, my warriors. Let it reverberate throughout your hearts and out towards battle! Squeal! Shout! Scream! Wage a furious thing! Until the fear of being dead is outweighed by the fear of being a coward. Courage! Cower. Rage! Cower. Rage! Cower! Rage!"
Incredible post and resources, thank you
Hm, thanks for the link anon, I'll have to go in-depth with these new, for me, concepts.
>but ya man. you really just have to believe and ball the hardest
You think so, huh? Is the whole
>BEElieve in yourself
just what it comes down to?
>But you should probably focus on 'Start thinking'.
Yeah, fair point...
So you have to already have the potential inside, you say. That you can't "beelieve" yourself into something you could never be, but you can use it to become the best version of yourself?
Bad luck is a constant for me. I barely scrape by at the last second though, so there's that. It's how my luck's always worked. Sometimes I think that when we're born there's a backdoor program running that schedules how our life will go on broad strokes and that's what luck is.
But if you're so scared, how do you overcome that and take the first step even? I've always felt too weak and cowardly, and it got worse and worse throughout the years.
magic doesn't work
just because you want it to,
it will only work
in spite of you
Reality does not repeat cyclicaly lest everybody around yourself wishes about itself together.
But what if it feels inauthentic and sometimes i still go back to thinking im a nigger coward?
>"...is to be a creature of story."
Defining the purpose of a realm/reality, yes?
What if I have none, but I was nevertheless forced to observe one by getting stuck on this shithole?
>Courage is not the absence of fear. It is overcoming it. That is bravery.

When designing a reality, the entities one creates must contain potential.
Potential can be limited to either result in an entity which is evil, or one which is good, and to various extents.
However, there's also an option of making the entity aware of the existence (and thus the entirety) of potential itself. This makes them have no restraint on what they can conceive, beyond what their inhabited vessel allows them for.

When considering the most popular trope of this world, Christianity, I came upon a thought that in order for the judge (God) to be able to prove himself as just, he first needs to allow that in every circumstance where evil/good occurs, he'd make the fundamentally correct choice.
This also explicitly means that he'd be the one responsible for the allowance of all kinds of goods and evils for the sake of finally proving himself as something to the nothing that remains.

If this was a realm with a God that wasn't an absolute imbecile like in the example I provided above, they'd treat the relationship between the creator and the created as a journey on the subject of existence itself, making things happen for the sake of expanding one's own scope, for the sake of finding meaning in the act of existing itself.

I suppose it's also a question of how it affects entities when they're exposed to something that was undeniably irrational - which yet happened - and how it affects them when they contain all of that potential in simulated spaces (for obvious reasons this realm cannot be considered one). For a crude example, think of the difference between deliberately failing in a civilization building game, and the same thing happening in a realm destined to fail.
>For a crude example, think of the difference between deliberately failing in a civilization building game, and the same thing happening in a realm destined to fail.
Looking at this from another perspective, another thing which drives entities to take interest in good and/or evil is curiosity.

So the next question to answer is whether these things had to happen anyway, for some fundamentally logical (rational) reason I'm unable to conceive, or whether there isn't one, and all of this existence is fundamentally irrational for no true reason.
>Lene Marlin
Here's the thing:

In order to prove that God is just, he allowed for all of creation to suffer various tribulations so that in the end, when there are no more variations to observe, he can judge it all and prove himself as such.
Completely ignorant of the truth that one can see ahead of time and prove the ends of evils before they happen. You don't need to blow yourself up with dynamite to tell exactly what would happen, and even if you wanted to see what it would be like, you could recreate the given scenario in a virtual (non-material) environment.

It's a self-contained shithole controlled by an entity which shackled itself by a non-sensical rule, imposing suffering on all of creation for the sake of proving something that no one will have any respect for, if there will even be anything left to judge it for what it has done.

Except that they clearly don't emerge as "victorious", because the moment that entity comes in contact with this existence and is required to judge it, it'll be unable to prove that their methods were necessary, and thus be found guilty under it's own enforced ruleset.

Everyone else may be fundamentally unaware, but that does not make it right, nor rational, in the presence of a clearly superior fundamental basis for existence.
>So if I start thinking and repeating that I am smart and strong and brave, I will force the universe to making that come true, and I'll thus stop being a cowardly worm and charade of a man? Is this how Magic works?

What the entity in the comic is suggesting is that to be a God means to control potential itself, and to be free to manifest anything, however you desire. The fundamental rule is that it has to be observably true - so, if you have another observer there with you who shares the same existential foundation, he will observe what you have made and determine the exact same conclusion.

In other words, there is a difference between deceiving yourself to perceive order somewhere because you enforced it, and between seeing order because the environment itself is what causes that order to be.

You can tell yourself you are a "just judge" after allowing for countless sins to happen just so you could prove yourself as such. But the truth is, you were the one to allow for all of that evil to happen to begin with, and you did so in denial of there being a greater truth to embrace, one which did not require a flow of time in which evil happens to figure out it should never be allowed for.

As such, that entity can only be seen as guilty. In order to prove that it is, there manifested itself another being, which over time came to hold that truth. When the judge is forced to behold it, it can only judge itself as guilty according to it's own law.
I fear that’s the problems with faking it. When it comes naturally, it reinforces what’s already there. If you’re a weak cunt the universe won’t be fooled and the doubt will bring you back down.
How much do you guys actually "think" in a day? Like how much time do you actually have words running around your head, that are yours (not just you reading what someone else has written), that are unrelated to logistical shit like "what time can I go to the thing" "Its time to brush my teeth".

I'd guesstimate I have my own thoughts probably 3-4 hours a day
you have to believe it
No. You need to make a bunch of idiots believe in something that makes them act, that's the thing. They build a bridge because God told them when actually it was you banging the drums to sound like thunder, but the thing is they act upon a narrative, thus they turned a fairy tale into reality.

If you believe you're brave and start to act, then you have change. That doesn't means you're going to get magically stronger, but now you have resolve, you will see every new problem as the "enemy" trying to defeat you. If you're cunning enough to fight back (ie lifting, get a gun, whatever) then you succeed. Faith makes you act, but how you act is that what truly determine your success.

Faith is part of the whole, it can be the firestarter, the fuel that keeps the fire burning and the embers that makes you remember at the end of the day. But without cunning and resource it's nothing. That's why dumb but faithful believers in third world countries die in masse everyday, their hearts are pure but their means are pitful.

Now, a good wizard is someone who understands all of this and waves narrative into action through cunning. Think Merlin and Uther, the sorceror saw potential in a tribal leader, gave him an objective (unify the land) and a symbol of power to strenght his faith (Excalibur), but Uther was too hasty. So he started plan B, Arthur. Groomed from start to be humble and honored, he got his father's strenght and cunning, the high blood of his mother and with good education he became a fine candidate. But Merlin was not idle while boy grew, he waved the tale of the sword in the stone, honed people's faith in a savior, even changing Uther's legacy to make him look like a brave man that unified the land (when he was in fact a brute), thus making people wanting a new king in their hearts to bring back the "good times".



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Now you must ask yourself: are you a believer or a wizard anon? If you look too much behind the curtain faith will lose it's appeal. You can't be amazed at the magic show when you know the tricks.

Instead of looking for something to believe in, maybe you should try to understand how to make people believe. If you use this to achieve something bigger, for a purpose other than power and vanity, you will find yourself in a position of belief that is much stronger and nearer to the source than a simple prayer. However, if you let this power over people seduce you and start to manipulate people to personal gain, you'll tap into something nasty.

It doesn't need to be political power like Merlin did. Alan Moore says he's a wizard, that his words have power. And they do. He can reach people all over the world and make then act, his words have the power to change people's mind. Not every artist is a wizard but anyone can wave magic if their art makes people think, change, act. When you start to realize people's limitations you will understand the necessity of a narrative: you can't tell those tired, poor people of how important is to have a bridge now, before the river gets stronger again. They see the changes in the weather every year, but don't make the connection. They don't want more work, they can't see what good is a bridge when the river is so low it barely reachs their ankles, they can cross just fine.

So, you hatch a plan: at their gathering, in the next eclipse (that you know when it's gonna happen because you studied), you'll gonna make a shadow play, beat your biggest drums and speak with the voice of God that you demand a bridge, or else. It's a ruse, but a necessary one. That's how you get things done, that's the way of the shaman, the leader, the politician, the journalists, the media. You herd people into a better place through deception.
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You must be aware of corruption. Having this power can make one take advantages, everyone knows. What nobody WANT to know is that each step down is very hard to walk back, and after some depth you cannot return. If you choose to use this power to personal gain, you'll be surrounded but like minded people in no time and soon obliged to make worse acts to keep the wheels turning and your neck out of the nose. You can see how our politicians and media are right now.

But that's decision is upon you and no one else. Just don't play innocent when the bill comes.

This whole thing may sound trivial, it's just deception to make people act. But when faith becomes norm it changes culture, laws and our whole perception of the world. The more you act upon this perception the more you leave the real of simple manipulation and tap into real magic. People will see Jesus in a toast and walk miles barefoot, donate all their money and burn their houses, take the cool-aid after shooting their kids; building cathedrals that take centuries to be completed and stand for a thousand years, works of art that make people of all walks of life pause in awe and wars that change the fate of the entire world. Faith impose it's will upon their flesh and the world around them.

Miracles like a girl in battle leading a losing country to victory, a man without a weapon in WWII carrying hundreds of allied soldiers to safety on his back thus saving lives on the battlefield, athletes going over their limits over and over because they believe they have been chosen. Those things only happened because faith led them to it. There were thousands of variables helping them, but without faith they wouldn't have acted.

That's magic, right here. It may sound trivial to you because you are, after a fashion, a learned man. But he believer don't understand this, they LIVE those narratives. For us those are stories, for them it's reality.
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Gonna finish here because I got sleep. This whole thing I explained ties into the pages you posted, OP. Doom knows the power of myth, he tells Loki in that same story that his Doombots look like him because this creates deception. Who's Doom? If someone fights Dooms and wins, oh that must have been a Doombot, the real Dr. would never lose. Is he dead? Not, that was another robot. Be aware of what you say, may this is not a robot but the real Doom. You don't know. Nobody knows, and even Doom sometimes pretend to not know. This breaks the walls of reality, making things more maleable and easier for someone else to manipulate your perception. Apply these to other things, see how the whole american election is a mess where nobody really knows what's happening. Chaos is a power tool in the hands of magicians, it's hard to focus on reality when everything changes too fast.

So, to finish all of this, the whole point of magic is to change your perception, to make you believe without even knowing you are believing, you just accept the narrative as real. I don't think you can apply this to yourself and become stronger, but you can apply this to other and make them believe you are in fact stronger, which is the same thing if they act accordingly. So in the end magic is not having a gun that shots fireballs, it's making people believe you have such gun and make them act like it's real.
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Every one of them gave you shit advice.

What have you *DONE* to make it a reality?

Sounds like a whole lot of *NOTHING BUT HANDS OUT GIBS ME DAT*.

Now you have no wisdom but the insight to break everything.
Now you can beat up anyone but will go too far because youve never held such power over others.
Now you dont know when to say "No." to yourself, with the above you get accidental "Suicide by cop."

Love is a verb...

>So if I start thinking and repeating
Delusion, egocentricism...your "worldview" is no longer supported by society and you will be rejected by the Herd, but because youre brainwashed to be "Im Super Worthy FUCK YOUUUU!!!" you'll do that above thing and anhero.

>Is this how Magic works?
Yep, the disappearing Anon.
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Now you..

That part was implying you magically became Uber Mensch. No...you cnanot will yourself like that.

You have WORK at it as well, you literally a hideous troll brainwashing yourself to be treated by other a different way but because you didnt do the work, youre going to ve seen as a pompus jackass and be asking for a fight.

Why are you seeking conflict with strangers?
>Im not.
Then stop calling yourself strong/smart/brave when you are not......

Do brave shit. Become strong. Learn...


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