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It's stuck to my head for very long time Wondering why people enjoy watching monkey getting abused or killed? Especially monkey babies
This post is extremely low quality
ESL written all over.
If you lived in a country where you’re legally forbidden to even touch a monkey like India but they’re allowed to steal shit from you any time they please then you’d get it.
Let’s say you’re walking down the road checking your phone for texts when a chimp jumps on you, steals your device, runs up a tree to taste it, then it throws it back on the ground, breaking the screen in the process. Let’s say this is a normal occurrence in that place and people aren’t allowed to chase the animals because they represent the will of a sacred god or something.
After a while many people will get sick and tired of such shenanigans and will take illegal matters into their own hands. These people know there’s others like them but are too scared to do shit themselves. So they set up pics and videos to sell underground or put on obscure corners of social media to make money from the views of those desperate people.
But a lot of the people that watch that sick shit are from western countries and I really doubt people living in London or New York have to deal with macaques stealing their food lol.
You mean the shit skins from Calcutta using vpn’s to not get caught by the government when scamming elderly people and watching monkeys getting the Tom and Jerry treatment in their downtime?
>acting as if shit skins know how to use a vpn
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It's a primordial response I believe, they are close to resembling humans but there is something "off" and inhuman about them that distinguishes them as a threat. Their behaviour can be almost be somewhat relatable and human-like at times, deplorably so (such as greed, craving milk, attacking an individual who gets more attention etc)and their shrieks and squeals are invoke a primal response of hatred in our brains. They tickle that "uncanny-valley" aspect. Thus they are used as a proxy or a kind of eidolon to inflict torture or punishment towards. Something like that. It seems to only be macaques though.
It's also pedo adjacent, they take something thats defenseless, small and human like and take great joy looking at it being hut, tortured, etc.
I believe it could also a form of "cute-aggression" taken to the absolute extreme
*also be
no one cares grammar nazi faggot
I was correcting my own post actually anon
oh excuse me, my apologies fellow anon
>animal stole my thing
>therefore I enjoy watching it get sadistically tortured
Yeah you're subhuman
Reptilians have built-in in their basic instincts a gratification system for having been able to dubdue someone else, and the human species as a whole have their genes in our composition, that's why our cruelty is different from the other Earth animals'.

No species are inherently evil, though. Sapience is all about not being ruled by our primitive impulses, after all.
Monkeys are basically just selfish toddlers. It's male human nature to despise things that are not beneficial to our survival, so we are instinctively attracted to disposing of things seen as arrogant or annoying.
Of course its normal to dislike any being for being selfish or arrogant but not to torture them simply because of their personality
monkeys are just dissimilar enough to humans that torture (or 'punishment) isn't seen as a bad thing, like if you did it to an animal that couldn't understand what it does wrong like a dog it would be fucked up, to a human it would be fucked up, but a monkey is just the right inbetween of understanding
It's just white evil.

White people hate animals, that's why they extinct all of them on their continent.

Since they cannot take it out on other human beings, their mind looks for the closest thing to a human being to vent their evil. Pure whites are truly a horrible race.
Westerners watch it sure, but gooks are the ones doing the torturing
I think it is also because monkeys attack dogs, and these are the favorite animal of white people (although not even they are safe from white hatred).

Instead of seeing it for what it is, nature. They take it personally. Damn evil idiot race.
lol monkey torture is almost entirely a brazilian/south american/asian thing, wouldn't call those 'people' white
The Chinese eat the monkey, they don't torture it.

This thing about monkeys is something straight out of Western minds.
The videos were monkey torture is happening is by the gooks in places like indonesia, nobody forced them to do that

btw who the fuck eats monkey, the fuck?
It's because they resemble humans. The group in china who rape, torture, and kill cats harm cats for the same reason.
>he doesn’t know about the uma delicia that is sopa de macaco
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Are you Indian
because they're sadists and monkeys is the closest thing they can get to torturing humans which is what they're actually after without getting locked up forever or simply put to death
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notice how spider monkeys look like lunchtime rowdies. the empty dead eyes, the kinky short hair, the very dark skin. notice how RHESUS monkeys have more color and more aware eyes but still act robotic with just a touch of IAM?
which group of current "humans" is notably absent from the degraded monke?
those are the ones who are super into BMT. the repto hybrids. the ones who don't degrade as all other creatures do, because at the end of each cycle, the Gods who made Rh+ people clean house and eliminate the lizardy folks.
but they can't really get rid of the urban yoofs for whatever reason, they're just baked into the earth itself. frequently updated like all other major creatures.
samsara, look into it.
also monkeys are leftover people who never made the cut. all the gorillas & chimps you see at the zoo or on TV are fake, because the real ones are too psycho feral, too dangerous to be around.
vidrel is what i think is a real chimp, not some fakery. way too dangerous to have in a zoo or stage set.
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Why are the consumers overwhelmingly white?
because they're like people that can be bullied with minimal consequence.
>Why are the consumers overwhelmingly white?

as though you actually have any stats to confirm it.
>White people hate animals, that's why they extinct all of them on their continent.
what are you talking about? Whites love animals. all the animal protection laws were introduced in western society and most of the animal abuse comes out of asia. you don't have any clue what you're talking about.
I bet you turn a blind eye to farm animals and non-mammals after crying over "muh monkeys".
Whites are literally the only reason endangered species haven’t been completely wiped out.
Blame your own non-White niggerkin, take accountability you fucking subhuman.
ESL retard LMFAO
this must be why a good amount of whites in the west right now seem to enjoy ritualistically consuming cop footage or any kind of footage where blacks get shot
people who want to have sex with
monkeys are worse
Jeets are cursed in the first place to be jeets for previous monkey torture.
Because people have golem blood.
Humanity is the result of mixing of two other species: nephilim and golem.
The golem were aggressive creations by one called Hephaestus, one of nephilim. He used his golens against his brethren, but they betrayed him, and were expelled from the valley where he lived.
The golem then, mixed with the other nephilim, resulting in the human race, which is clearly distinct from monkeys. The golem loves murder and slaughter, and hates thinking and creating, opposite qualities to the nephilim, who in turn, taught the arts and sciences to the human race. The golem blood, though, manifests in humans sadistic pleasure with torture.
I'll give you my input. I really like animals. I would never torture an animal myself. Most animals tend to like me naturally. I do like watching baby money abuse though. It gives me an odd feeling of 'cuteness' combined with intense pity and nervous excitement. It's like going on a roller coaster but for empathetic emotions.
When I'm watching the videos most of myself self-inserts into the monkey. It's a feeling like, all of this monkey's awareness, all his mind, his entire existence is just pain and anguish right now. It's like a glimpse into what Hell might be like, and I find that entrancing in a way. I think it's fascinating how the behavior of the monkeys changes as the torture goes on. How as they fade in and out of shock and unconsciousness eventually they just lose hope and its like the pain can't even touch them anymore. Like they've achieved enlightenment from it, and are just watching the torturer with a sort of detached calm as he cuts off their limbs.

I used to have a big collection of videos, but I ended up deleting them after I got paranoid since I think they're technically illegal. I haven't sought out any since then.
theyre satanists. it gives them satanic pleasure.

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