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They are so focused on Sp’s and cars they totally ignore the metaphysical reality of things.

They don’t realize what they are missing out on lol

You are in a lucid dream nigger lmao

Your life is a private universe with God himself guiding you through it and you worried about some broke ass don’t even want you lmao
bump for further insight
Strange dream… but then again what am I comparing it too?
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Just let them obsess over women and sex like a bunch of virgins and keep doing your thing. It's pointless to help those dumb fucks
It’s like Your experiencing the Wholeness of other people because one part contains the whole of existence
But because you are locked behind your eyes it’s your universe which is just interacting with everyone else’s

Yeah it’s like they listen to 2 hours of Neville and then they go on Reddit and start couching people
They have all these limiting beliefs and you can tell they never actually studied what he was really saying

They are just soooo obsessed with the idea of someone that don’t even want them that’s all they can see
It’s really funny but sad that they are shitting on Neville’s legacy
>It's all about he said she said bullshit
maybe tell it to them instead of gossping here
Sorry about your expansion opportunity anon
Not my problem lol
I can fuck your sister for the fun of it though idc that she’s dead ;)
even better she doesn't exist so I don't know create a different reality kill her then and then fuck her? lot of hussle lol
How do you know what happens in someone else's private dream? You can only observe what happens in your own
>You are in a lucid dream
>some broke ass don’t even want you
If it's a lucid dream that broke ass will be rich and want me if I say so
To be honest I was like that too at first.
Worried about jobs and money and shit... Discovered LoA and other similar reality bending techniques to get the shit I wanted.
But then you start wondering... If I can do this shit purely with my mind, what does this say about reality?

There is no "reality". As this anon said >>38452017, it's not a dream with a "waking up" stage that comes after. All of it is under your control if you want to control it. If you want it to be a dream from which you will wake up, you will be a dreamer waiting to wake up.

It is fully under your control, you just need to stop trying to control it.
It's easier to hack the matrix when you acknowledge that you are the matrix
>It is fully under your control, you just need to stop trying to control it.
/LoA/fag that’s been studying the last year here, I have a tendency to overthink a lotta things and “try” to control my reality but how can I break that habit and come to conclusion?

I have manifested a few things but I noticed the thing holding me back is me
>They are just soooo obsessed with the idea of someone that don’t even want them that’s all they can see

I think we have to acknowledge that we are surrounded by a system that is built on generating a sense of lack within ourselves to fill with products. And making that a default state of being means we have been divorced from the ability to fulfill needs that require more than a simple purchase. Most are extremely isolated and think that having a partner will get rid of that emptiness. So I get it, its sad but ultimately another reminder of how weird humanity is getting from exposure to the internet.
Stop “trying” to break that habit and come to a conclusion. Of course this becomes recursive in nature, stop trying to stop trying to stop trying… etc etc. it will probably “break” your thinking process if seriously consider it. That’s fine. Enjoy however you find yourself… layers upon layers of self-reference included.
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NTA but I really needed to hear this right now. Thanks Yodabro
Exactly. The main general just became pure entertainment for me since that sperg began shitting it up.
All good bruh it’s what I’m here for
It’s like listening to a Baptist preacher talk about God
Your hyper fixation on that is what will keep you from making the inward changes necessary to have real success
OP is reality shifting real? with limitations about personal live's causal past choices...but is it real?
What makes you so sure I'm hyper fixated?
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I think that my subconscious is the demiurge, it created humanity and is the cause for all this suffering and misery that results from higher thinking. It also prevents me from dying, fucking quantum immortality. Manifesting material shit is easy, everything I truly want feels so far beyond reach. If this universe was created by me I apologize, if I could I'd eagerly destroy it or at least reboot humanity to get a better position. If I figure out how to savescum life i'll make sure to post
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>Your life is a private universe with God himself guiding you through it
So why do I feel like a fucking background character? It's more comforting to not believe in a god than to think some being could be such a massive faggot that they'd not only create this world and populate it with humans but make you one and repeatedly remind you that you're not even the main character all while raving about how special and precious life is
Neville discovered one of the laws that govern reality and researched it. Then LoA retards gradually formed a cult around that, each iteration of their system of "methods" and "techniques" further and further removed from reason and logic (those which are based on esoteric understanding of the world) and from their prophet's reports. But most people lack this inner consciousness which allows one to step aside and look at his own mental workings, and consequently work out a way to fix mistakes such as these.
Cause right now the unseen part of you is creating a world that reflects your internal state of "feeling like a background character". All alone in the universe, conclusion becomes command.
He pulled me out of an icy ditch with his pickup truck one time, great guy
Gonna give you guys a secret to LoA: Internal Cleanliness (more willpower) helps with subconscious manifestations. Remember SR :)
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You're focusing on those around you, on the projections of their reality in yours, and comparing yourself to them.
God doesn't break people down for the sake of building up others, nor does he have a "main character". We're always going to be background characters in the eyes of others, but our soul is the true "main character" of our life; it can't present itself unless we use our body as a vessel for the soul, rather than a container to have it trapped inside of.
If you feel like a background character deep down, not just mentally, but all the way down to your spirit, then you're not paying attention to what you really want to do in order to feel complete. Start with arts, do what you liked to do as a child, and pour your soul into it like a child does when playing.
God doesn't write our stories, we do; God provides us more material to write, but there's nothing to provide if we don't have something already written to build off of, other than health and opportunities.
so the big insights by the morons in this thread is that YAHWEH and the jews are true? really?
The jews are true though, I see them every day on the street.
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They're too focused on what Neville taught and said, and denying anything additional that has helped others get results. They have no base, no structure, no belief system to rely upon, and yet they wonder why they're not getting what they want, enveloping themselves in a general devolving into shitposting, and ignoring advice that isn't part of Neville's teachings.
I compare it to Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do; it's a philosophy system adapted from Bruce's passion (martial arts), very flexible and meant to encourage learning as much as possible from everything, but has been systemized and made another martial art that McDojos can sell by idolizing Bruce.
Hell, this phenomenon applies to pretty much everything, it's the student's job to recognize when it's happening and take the necessary steps to avoid falling into the flytrap.
The problem with like 99% of martial arts/combat sport clubs today is just all the drugs + how competition focused the training becomes. Whatever happened to just going to the club to learn self defense and chilling the fuck out. Literal underage children start taking Hormones before they've ever seen a vagina or had their nuts drop. One time I was talking to some trainees son and he was like "Do you know how old he is?" and he literally looked like a 30+ year old with a divorce, 100 KG Bear. Guess what? He was a 16 year old and his dad sees nothing wrong with that. Not to mention that your body stops producing any testosterone at all, because you produce so much of it. Which means your literal only plan is to be on therapy for life. So many kids do this. It makes me a bit sad. Then they portray that toughness on social media. It is all one big, cock measuring contest
Lately I've seen a lot of (and this are mashed up together, also) "realistic self defense" dojos of JKD + Silat + FMA (kali, eskrima, arnis etc)
in real life, silat is a mix of indonesian shamanism with "no touch KO" or doing retarded shit like breaking mercury-rich lighting tubes, breaking bricks down on a sitted guy's head, breaking tiles set on fire ,etc for FMA you can't carry sticks around, dog brothers seems fun and good fun but the REAL self defense of FMA is pakantulan+ Kinomutai
>IMO the best thing is do neck bridges, punch poles or trees and shin-kick them as conditioning, be able to sprint and jump a lot, then learn basic boxing , K1 or muay thai and then judo or sambo or throw-based art
Anon, you're focusing on a branch missing the tree. Not that it's not a conversation that shouldn't be had, and I have so much to gripe about when it comes to how much martial arts have been bastardized for the sake of commercialization, but it's not the place or the topic at hand.
I used martial arts, Jeet Kune Do specifically, to explain the phenomenon since it's where I first noticed it happen, and learned to just train on my own instead. It was referenced because I like fighting and training, not because it's the only thing wrong with how martial arts have been handled.
>then you're not paying attention to what you really want to do in order to feel complete
>tells you what to do
worldview discarded
>Cause right now the unseen part of you is creating a world that reflects your internal state of "feeling like a background character"
and what if the world was like this beforehand and that's what caused me to feel that way? why didn't the "unseen part of me" create a world where i wasn't worthless when i didn't think i was?

i think you fags just gotta accept you don't know shit, as per usual with wannabe /x/perts
Giving advice on how to start by looking in a certain direction is not the same as telling them what to do. You don't have to follow a suggestion if you already have an idea, but if you have no clue where to start it's good to have something to at least consider.
But go ahead and do/think whatever you want. No sweat off my ass.
>if you have no clue where to start
then it's not "what you really want to do in order to feel complete" :)

keep up the gaslighting though
Read Universal Line if you want an answer to this, either the current document or the old I AM LORD KRISHNA RIGHT HERE V5
Yes to everything but the private universe, you share this existance with others and it is communal manifestation that is the most powerful
Claiming you are somehow alone in your own personalized universe is just a way to keep you small
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Well then, enlighten us, nigger. Explain to us how your self-defeating attitude to life is better and grants more results than our so-called delusions and faith. Nobody has claimed to be an expert at anything, yet you seem to know more about us than we do ourselves, so give us your wisdom, o' Grandmaster of Faggotry.
Bitching, moaning, and throwing a tantrum because of "what ifs" and "why do I have to do the work myself? why wasn't it fixed beforehand?" only displays your lack of resolve and unwillingness to struggle through discomfort in order to improve; wallowing in comfortable misery to play the victim of a cosmic force.
You've chained down your soul by convincing yourself God is not looking out for you for "not making [you] the main character of life", and you have no desire to get better or search for a way out. You can be better than what you are now, if you're willing to stand back up whenever life knocks you on your ass.

Don't bother responding if you're not willing to improve though. If you still want to argue that it won't work, then this isn't for you, but for someone else who actually needs and wants to improve.
Yet it's somewhere to start from. You sure as shit won't find anything by breeding pestilence doing nothing.
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Listen anon. They're all lonely retards with no money. Of course they want an sp and lottery wins. Also they sperg out about second causes so its impossible to get into any advanced stuff.

I really stopped trying to help them when I realized they were showing up from reddit. Kek. Literally nobody reads Nevilles books, they all read reddit posts that have Neville quotes, so they think they've read his stuff.

Hello anon. I'll toss you a bone. Essentially you need to figure out your frame work for reality. What do you believe the world we live in is?

Op says its a private universe with God guiding you. That other anon >>38455197
says its a dream. What do you believe reality is? You have to figure that out and see how it's effecting your day to day life.

It comes down to your beliefs, but beliefs about what? .you need to map out what your beliefs about [x] are.
[x] can be anything.

So if you're having issues with control you would ask yourself.
What do I believe about control?
Who is in control? Is it me, if not then who?
How much control do have?
What is control?
What does control mean to me?
What is in my control?
What has to happen for me to gain Control of my life?

You figure out your beliefs and change them to alter your reality. That anon >>38455197 spelled it out for you. You want control then control it. stop trying and just do it. Believe that's how it is and it will be.

I live in a really fucked up reality tunnel. Some of My beliefs are
>We live In a hologram
>God wants me to grow through experience so he'll manifest anything i want.
>All I have to do to manifest is Pray, ask for something to happen or invision it in my mind during meditation.
>I'm a extremely lucky and always get my way.

If you want more info read up on Robert dilts and reframing to change beleifs.
Also his work on Logical levels. Logical levels are the framework of your reality. Change them and you'll alter your reality tunnel.

Good luck anon.
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Second cause
Oh the


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