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Places to meet /x/ girls?
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Me and my ex performed some witch craft together after uncovering a bottle in her garden filled with an evil spell. We tried to counter act it with our own spell... A week or so later we broke up, she changed completely as a person and my life has been cursed ever since. Be careful anon.
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First of all, wash your ass/be clean/smell good, wear clothes that look nice and flatter your body. Second of all, go to places where women hang out, and feel safe, like yoga studios, wellness retreats, arts & crafts/music venues/festivals/classes or events, book clubs, esoteric/indie book stores, dance classes, pottery classes/studios, wine tasting events, etc.

Have interesting hobbies beyond video games/internet/tv. Learn to cook. Be social, actively try to have conversations beyond small talk with strangers, if you need practice or more concrete goals then make a habit of talking to at least 5 women a day, of all ages, that you don’t personally know, without the goal of getting their number or asking them out. This builds confidence/charisma, and it gives you stuff to talk about/helps you get over the nerves of talking to women.

Smile, tell good jokes, or have a good sense of humor, be familiar with music beyond the top 40, be nice, avoid judgmental attitudes and avoid bringing up internet cultureisms, religion, or politics, if you don’t know if you share them with hers, especially if you get them from male dominated spaces.

You don’t have to be rich, super fit, or tall, it helps, but most guys in relationships are neither. I’m average in nearly every way and I do fine. You should have something going on in your life, or be working on yourself, or towards some meaningful goal.

Have a good relationships with, or positive views of the women in your life, in history, and in fiction, this goes far. Take interest in some of the things women like, like astrology, fitness, fashion, music, dance, art, books, comedy, etc. If the women you know are passionate about something then ask questions about it and take the time out to learn more about it on your own.

If you can manage what I’ve mentioned above then you’ll find it hard to keep women away. It’s not rocket science, it just takes practice, and you have to get over whether or not liking “girl things” is “gay”.
>tell good jokes
The bad thing is that most of my funny jokes come from the internet and I don't know if I'm, at my core, funny so I'm scared to let that go
actually good advice but not specific to /x/ girls. I imagine that you would have to be into the subculture, which I tried to get into in various scenarios but found it boring and the people were not exactly my type. Probably if I were younger and less judgemental, but it is what it is. those meetups did introduce me to some interesting divination tools, which I continue to study to this day. get yourself out there and it will happen.
the trick is not trying too hard to impress. your one liner might get a chuckle but not likely. a good conversationalist is someone who listens and responds in a relevant way. always talking about what you want to talk about or yourself is a guaranteed way to turn anyone off.

A sense of humor does not mean you memorized a bunch of jokes (although that can be useful in the right context). it means that you can interpret the current situation in a unique and personal way that others may find funny. you can make the situation lighter and shows that you are not just a square who takes everything seriously. it demonstrates intelligence (to interpret the current situation) and confidence (to be able to express unique ideas).
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I don't even believe in this stuff; but I met one. I met her at a CVS. We've been hanging out for around a month. She seemed normal, if a little edgy (as am I) and then she started talking about /x/ stuff (the Demiurge, space isn't real, rituals, spirits, demons, etc.). She seems annoyed that I don't think any of it's real, but I love talking about it with her from an academic standpoint. She's pretty fun to be around. It's probably pretty random where you would meet people like that. Maybe wear shirts with an esoteric symbol on it to spark discussions. Maybe go to a festival and find chicks that are doing psychs. That's my best ideas.
Women ask for too much, wtf happened to "be yourself"
>actually good advice but not specific to /x/ girls

What could be something more specific for /x/ girls? Which kind of places would they frequent?
Most guys unironically suck. If you don’t want to work on yourself, broaden your interests, behave nicer, and get leg up against your competition then you’ll probably have to settle for less. A lot of women work now or make their own money so being just a provider (wallet) isn’t really appealing for anyone who isn’t a gold digger.
this girl looks like she's shooting heroin in the sewers
All of the places listed are where I’ve met the most /x/ girls. Any place that involves some kind of creative outlet or hobby usually is riddled with the more esoteric types. They may not obviously advertise it, but sometimes you can tell by vibe, or their outfit, which can be a good opener. If you see a girl wearing a sigil on her necklace or some esoteric tattoo you can ask questions about it or compliment them. If places like clubs or music venues are not your thing then focus on quieter hobbies, like a pottery class or yoga or something.
I’d say just shoot your shot, and don’t be afraid to bomb or feel awkward. practice makes perfect, and it gets easier over time. If you enjoy comedy then go to local open mic comedy shows. This can help you sort of get a feel for what people generally find funny.
>actually good advice but not specific to /x/ girls.
Well unless you know of a local witch coven or magical order (usually male dominated) then those have been the best places in my experience to meet girls who are into /x/ adjacent subjects like magic/ayys/conspiracies/schizoposting.

They probably won’t be anything resembling “tradwife” so if that’s what you’re going for then I don’t really have anything for you since that’s not really my jam.
That’s just what I do, and it works very well for me. It’s by no means a strict guide, but I am sort of putting my money where my mouth is by sharing what I have done and what was successful for meeting the types of women I’m into (weirdos).
If you're doing what you're supposed to be doing women will start appearing to ruin your life
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You were lied to, so as not to hurt your feelings. Real game is no game at all.
>They probably won’t be anything resembling “tradwife

Could trad girls be considered /x/ adjacent or not really?
That sounds like a huge hassle.
I think I'd rather just die alone
this doesn't seem worth it

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