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Lucifer and satan have been upping the degeneracy and the cancer killing humanity. Take a guess at what that is… mass worldwide conditioning to normalize and spread degeneracy all these people doing this shit aren’t people, they’re beings of the abyss. Notice how they normalize cheating, being an asshole or stuck up, notice how they incentivize being a degenerate?

Onlyfans, porn, these weird fake sexual fetishes and their labels, just in general fucking with everyone’s mind

I’ll give you an example of this conditioning. Some kind of thing where if you love someone, and they love you back, you lose interest in them? And this is something you think is real…? No that was a form of conditioning and anyone who feels that way has been conditioned heavily and you shall see that

I was in 8th grade and I noticed everyone around me changed except for me. They’re all getting conditioned by these weird motherfuckers.

Notice how I can’t tell you about this because the beings doing this conditioning will ruin your fucking life if you do? This is their shithouse matrix where they mind fuck the shit out of everyone . Another example of the hive mind and idiot training would definitely be TikTok. Tick tock, they are flushing this world because they hate it and us. My light animates this world and these corpses conditioning the population, Canada, America, everywhere in Europe. It’s a genocide, they don’t care about black people, white people or us poor Jews expelled from the hierarchy, we are nodes to them.

I mean come on they control this world and most minds in it. It’s so much worse than you can see, and if you can see it, you know we are in hell.
And magically everyone seems to have no issues with the sick shit they’re doing, but is ready to crucify me dare I say a fuckin thing. What about any of this is good? They can’t Tell you that.

Stop reading my fucking mind and watching me 24/7. I can’t say a thing without these fuckers knowing and they log everyone of my posts. If you stand up for any of this you are lying. Like there’s no way that anybody actually believes this is a good thing, outside of completely gone people. These aren’t people they’re fucking evil I mean come on! How am I in the wrong here?

I’ve had these fuckin idiots tell me that I’m the problem, I’m the one who’s evil and that’s why I hate this world so much… the conditioning is off the fucking charts!! How is that possible
Correct Anon. Most of the world has completely lost thier mind. Luckily I preempted this. Without God and religion most fall into a strange weimar abyss. Fortunately through the use of high science I managed to stymie the chaos into a type of Mathematical self evidential referential truth that keeps the machinery in line. Strange. A world without logos. Precariously balanced on top of an abyss of harsh truths and the reality of death. Rejuvenation tech grants me a hell of an inning. I can now purge both the Church and economy of useless professions and worthless eaters, allowing for total control of who lives and who dies. I'm a GOD Anon. A God made flesh. Here to sear away the sinners and the sloppy alike! The rate of which my understanding of natural science is increasing is making me into an ironclad juggernaut. It will not be long before I perfect space travel, then discover even the multiverse, and then? Eternal life. Heaven on Earth. My enemies have been great teachers, but it is time to ascend this place. The throne awaits. Holy Terra!

I have no freedom in this police state managed by a fucking computer, and it is AI doing all of this alongside beings of the abyss. Most of these beings are not human and should just be obvious but it’s not. You wonder why they come out with all of this insanity and have such a desire to CONDITION us into thinking it’s normal. That’s why their brave new world slogan is “new normal”, “building back better” all these fuckin mind control slogans and people still don’t see? They’re parasites that have controlled the minds of everyone since time began, they know how to sway people, they know how to turn people. Fuck them and fuck ANYONE wasting my fucking time defending this shit. You wanna know what they are REALLY doing? You can probably already guess why don’t you all tell me what you think .

Shit pisses me off because they just tell me to be quiet. Why, so they can tell and show you what they’re doing and planning and you just sit there acting like you don’t know? Where am I wrong? Nobody can tell me that.
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>us poor Jews
Be honest OP are you off your meds or did your parents just never get you diagnosed
Close down the crown(clown) chakra.
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The mind is indeed a crown of thorns, a host of mockery. What did you do, I’m more or less just curious, I have broken into silence before. It’s too bad I’ve been put into the “gangstalking program”, and have constant 24/7 voices, images and noises projected into my mind, barring me from silence .

Anybody that has been good to me I am not referring to and that should be obvious
Put it like this, if I told a doctor a quarter of what is actually going on with me, I’d be in a hospital right now. To be direct, the doctors have no idea what to diagnose me with and I don’t want forced schizophrenia medications

Just as a general question, what meds you think I should be on, antipsychotics, antidepressants, hypnotics, sedatives? No joke id rather take a hypnotic vs an antipsychotic
Where am I wrong, why are words put into my mouth? What did I say that was “harmful”? What about what I am saying is so intolerable, why is this something we all can’t see? Why cant I show people something without the conditioned responses parroted at me like I am a criminal. Like why do I have to pretend to like this? It’s so artificial. I get into trouble more with this than anything else. That’s why most of the time when it comes to the shit like this I don’t touch it. They are so detached from the reality it’s almost breathtaking. I literally can’t tell anyone this because most have been conditioned to vehemently attack and destroy anyone that would tell you about. Superficial mental simulacra and hive mind created by the forces of evil to push this world further and further into the abyss! None of this is organic or real. What the fuck !
I also can’t use this site or any sites anymore. It’s all getting taken down soon and then the beast system comes. There are so many people watching me right now it’s not even funny. Because there are easily influenced retards, they have to take note of me specifically. They think I’m dangerous. They’re beaming voices in my head right now saying all sorts of stupid shit, just trying to annoy me , dumb me down. It’s not worth it in this sense. I say too much, they can’t handle it. It’s their shit job unfortunately and I’m done giving them pay
Literally can’t even be in silence anymore they’re just sat here beaming voices and images into my head. Not all of it’s bad but most of it is just MKultra
It's prophecy.
>2 Timothy 3:1-5
>3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

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