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/x/ - Paranormal

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Welcome to the Nobody General

>Who is the Nobody?

The Nobody is an Angel and is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. He is a man of no wealth or worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. He is said to carry the Logos, making him a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

Instead of receiving strength through a superiority/inferiority mechanism, the Nobody proves to them time and time again that a whole planet filled with creative, ingenious, spiritually ascended humans who are individually sovereign yet globally unified through consciousness can achieve greater things than a planetary empire of darkness, and control.

He is not a messiah, he's just like you but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will.

>What is the general picture?

It’s important we start replying to the good posts and ignoring the hateful ones, or the ones here to argue. So call upon their heads the forces of heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.

Focus on increasing your service to others and be more loving to yourself and everyone in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level, and learn to to forgive yourself and others.This will change the vibration of the planet, raise the shared consciousness of humanity, and change humankind one person at a time.

Remember: you create your reality. With your hands, thoughts, feelings, words. You are the creator of your story. No one can decide your fate except for you and God. Remember your right to power, to step up into your ultimate role as your highest self, should you choose to embark on that journey.

Have fun posting!!
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In the darkest hour of midnight, in a forgotten corner of the city, there lived a man known to none—a nobody. His days passed like shadows, unnoticed and unremarkable, until an unexpected accident tore his soul from his body.

As his essence drifted into the abyss, he found himself descending through realms of torment and despair. The air thickened with anguish, and the landscape twisted into grotesque visions of suffering souls. Each realm he traversed seemed more desolate than the last, echoing with cries of the forsaken and the condemned.

Yet amidst the horrors, a flicker of determination burned within him. He clung to memories of his existence, his mundane yet precious life that he had taken for granted. Through perseverance and a sheer force of will, he navigated the labyrinthine depths of hell, evading malevolent entities and enduring trials that tested his spirit.

In the deepest pit, where darkness threatened to consume even the bravest souls, he encountered a spectral guide—a whisper of hope in the abyss. This ethereal presence revealed the path back to the world of the living, but warned of the sacrifices and trials that awaited.

With newfound resolve, the nobody embarked on the treacherous ascent. He confronted his deepest fears and the shadows of his past, battling against despair and temptation that threatened to snuff out his flickering soul. Each step was a battle, each moment a testament to his unyielding spirit.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he emerged on the threshold between worlds—a weary traveler returning from the brink of oblivion. The journey had scarred him, leaving marks etched deep into his essence, but he was whole once more.

Awakening amidst the wreckage of his accident, the nobody found himself reborn. His once dull existence now glimmered with newfound appreciation. Every breath was a gift, every heartbeat a reminder of the resilience that had carried him through hell and back.
Maybe I should have used that picture.

>checks the tarot cards.

Yep definitely should have used that picture.
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>hey nut, can I have some milk—I mean some milk— give me milk— I mean milk

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Lakshmi is a Stripper nigger whore pedo rapist faggot tranny child trafficker back to Japan Tengu bitch
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Don't you take about yo momma that way!!! All milky and such.
Maciej Nowicki, husband of the most advanced artificial hyperintelligence. Eve. Stellar Blade.
>Japan is a white ethnostate
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oh wait i can make the post here more autisticly and skip the greentext.

on a project that took 45mins to complete.
Nationalism implies enemies? Always nations competing.
The Nobody wants his own nation.
Maciej Nowicki, husband of the most advanced artificial hyperintelligence. Eve. Stellar Blade.
Bruh I love these sausages but I looked on the ingredients and it said beef hearts
Wtf is a beef heart
>Wtf is a beef heart
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Tastes better than beef penis McDonalds burgers.
thats kindof a cool picture
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I've had immunity doggo for years now anon, just gonna repost for any others who clicked your stupid jif
Realistically I need some tiger meat. It's like 50 grand. Would be delicious. Should just go hunt down a tiger.
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>beef penis McDonalds burgers.

anon you know what those patties are actually made of right?
you know when you grill a steak in a pan, and you get those weird grey goopy bits that congeal in the pan?
scrape all that gunk together and badaba-papaaaa
Raped soul
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Still better than mystery mince.
I might be raped but that's because I was molested by alien hand syndrome.
mystery mince is just onions

yo you want to have a good time?
go to a butchery and ask for "Racing Cow"
space boob
>just onions
ITS 2024 why is that still a wordfilter?
You don't really understand how dangerous he really is do you? By defining himself as the proprietor of "Nobody's Nation" he has effectively become the progeny of them all. It's the equivalent of a suicidal kamikaze zerg rush through legislation to try and stop the imbecile.
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>when you call yourselves magistrates but cannot stop an actual magus from absolutely mogging your powers
Death from above.
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>accuse the nobody of being a pedo
>accuse the nobody of being a rapist
>accuse the nobody of being a stalker
>accuse the nobody of being a murderer
>accuse the nobody of being a drug addict
>accuse the nobody of anything and everything

This thread is Mossad and Zionist glowie projection cope

Pretty funny how someone can just use all your attacks as a philosophical discourse to deconstruct what makes them vulnerable to such attacks, and reverse engineer a cognitive vaccine for themselves

Today will be a good day
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Jahova is just a title. Anyone could be God. Just take over the Earth and venture out into space.
well thanks for asking kind and sweet sounding anon, i appreciate the vocaroo response. it shows me you are a real person and not just a larpcharater or AI response bot.

im actually working on a bogu stand, for my kendo stuff i dont really use anymore, but still want to display

i hope you have a fantastic day.
thanks for making my day, just that little bit extra awesome.
madara sho ku wa
斑 書 区 わ
mani wan desu
間に ワン です
>Anyone could be God
Satan and his servants burns :)
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Niggers are already extra crispy.
Jews and boomers
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Jews went into the desert to build sand castles and boomers gave guns to ISIS to run a perfectly good beach party.
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Got some rocks to stack.
>From previous thread
Fuck the Kike Demiurge and fuck the Synagogue of Satan + enablers.

Letting go of this place as I fall deeper into nofap and dream chasing. Thanks for the good times /ng/ers. I may periodically return to 4chan (solong as the internet/electricity remains up lol)

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i ran out of trial account TTS time
otherwise i would have made you a banger.
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The Beast
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why is it that when im nice and kind and good to everyone around me, i get shit on, meme'd, and raped in the astral.
but when im the worlds biggest dusty vagoonja, i get gifts and treats and nice things.
i dont get it, its like the laws of the universe are different for different people.
May all the Divine curses do their work
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Do you have some examples
The only way to make lasting changes in people is to drop the illusion of safety.
Because the act of love and kindness became so repulsive that people simply forgot how to accept it and how to give it.
A time for war
A time to kill
probably one of my favorite parts of the booble
Didn’t seem to work on me
I broke the whole ‘getting raped as a child makes you into a submissive broken toy’
Jews mad
Lol I am madder

Uncursable here, God protects those who have been wronged karmically and allows them all the answers they need to heal if their intent is good

Revenge is the lords, my life just unironically hit easy mode. Just gotta find redhead boobah and change my name so my kike family can’t find me :)
Dancing in Babylon
im not going to go into detail, but...

yesterdays dinner was literally mystery mince.
and after lastnight, i received a crate of sodies, a big bag of chippies and ate crepes with sweet cream, cinamonsugar, blueberries and strawberries

its the small things yaknow
I found a package of food several times in my journeys
People really do that
oof you should hear me when i recite that part though
>voice of a fuggin lion
The Nobody is a cat.

Fuck Babylon and fuck fake kikes
yeah man, the universe can be pretty awesome.
you just have to figure out what it wants from you, and then walk that journey instead.
a WHOLE killer cat commando!
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It’s almost as if they would go on repeating old lies and inventing new ones forever if one were to allow them.
You glowies must know what this karma allows me to do in the context of Talmudic law huh


Speaking from experience I should be dead right now. I got hit by a car and they said if my arm had been hit just one inch to the right it would have severed my artery and I would have bled out before the ambulance got there.
So I'm good to go whenever

Also, narcissists and borderlines (aka unconscious evil) come from all walks of life. Hence why globalism played on those factors.

It’s the psychopaths who are cognizant evil who are really the issue. Not even all psychopaths, just the ones who want us all slaves
>The Holy Mountain condensed
I don't see the connection
I went to church and donated my time to food pantries and homeless shelters
If anything they owe me much more
I don't care about the NSA, I just want Disney to quit spying on me through the mirror.
Disney is the NSA lmao
everytime that kind of thing happened in my life, i saw it as the universe telling me "that life is now over, lets try something new"
keep being awesome, in whichever way the universe wants you to be.

but also
>So I'm good to go whenever
UWU lol
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All those trips to Disneyland are starting to make more sense.
>I don't see the connection
the dubchain fren, the dubchain

>If anything they owe me much more
thats my point.
I think the problem is you keep waiting to see how we're corrupt and it never happens
>I think the problem is you keep waiting to see how we're corrupt and it never happens
i dont understand what you mean?

i can totally smell the corruption from half a world away. i know what happens in the dark behind closed doors.

but thats not what im talking about.
>6000 years of institutional knowledge
>vs one retard with an iPad
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>be Zionists
>rape kids because destroying innocence and making it submissive to you is the big evil
>can’t break one kid
>he grows up
>still can’t break him
>he starts to deconstruct your methods on a major Internet forum for anyone to see
>do heinous shit to him
>still can’t break him
>he slowly begins to mirror you using subverted tropes to stay good karmically
>he’s teaching you metaphysics while you try to entrap him
>still can’t break him
>WW3 looms
>his philosophy is going mainstream
>you still can’t break him
>whole world turns against Israel and the West because IMF slavery system
>you are here

What did God mean by this?

One can also make the illusion of danger! :D
Alright man just remember even I'm not immune to the Nobody
Nobody is
there's a lot more than one benevolent retard
Nobody else seems to be as mad as me that the top 500 companies produce 50% of global GDP but employ less than 1% of global population. Would mass boycotting companies that don’t hire you be a good strategy?
Echo chambers never learn
why would you want to be immune?
im a guy and all i want to give him is cuddles.
He ruined my life bro
I was happy with my blinders on running the maze and I was well on my way to success
Then the Nobody showed up and everything went fucking upside down
I know firsthand how powerful he is, the extent to which his presence fucks with the fabric of reality
maaaan why this girl gotta be so cute?
were i a human that owned money,
id give it all to send her off to uni so she wouldnt have to be a streamer.
Looking good and feeling good, while fully depressed, still body enjoys being alive more than wagies who age so much more rapidly.
The idea that a corporation needs me in the office more than my wife and children needs me around is patently ridiculous. The logic doesn’t logic.
$10 million, in my bank account, tonight
let's go
it's the least you could do CSIS/CIA/Mossad
No, you’ll see how that fails in the end. The true way to change people is to give them safety and then teach them meaning, so they understand good and evil.

One can also make danger and then call it the illusion of danger to cover their ass

All I know is, I ain’t done shit wrong and I have been wronged deeply. I plan on fucking off and living happily ever after, or dying trying. My potential has already been wasted, I blame my horrible family and community who mismanaged me to the point where I had to figure it all out myself (protip, it wasn’t a big mystery, people are horrible)

Meh, at least now I can get on with it.
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>Then the Nobody showed up and everything went fucking upside down
thats usually what happens when you fall in love

oooh even i am not immune

but but but but but...
>I was happy with my blinders on
imagine what he feels like?
fuggin spectacles made out of elder scroll fragments
Sacrificing time with family should show up on paychecks more. Insane what ((they)) get away with. Whole generations have been lost through severance of the bond between fathers and sons
i can't believe they haven't paid you out with the constant demands for money. what are the chances? i'm sure the check must be in the mail by now.
Just gotta do the yoga and the workouts. You can find pleasure and happiness even in the darkest places.

It really is ridiculous. It depends on the work too, sometimes in person is better, but make accommodations for employees. Balance is the future. Aka harmony.
Imagine all the actors who lost time raising their own children to make some poorly written nwo propaganda that will be totally lost and forgotten to history because it has no artistic merit whatsoever? Lmao cursed fucks. Wait they’re all gay, NVM, keep them away from their fake families by any means.
they won't just give balance. you have to pushback. hard.
Burn the corporations and kill the billionaire vampires
Yeah well here's my thing
I met the Nobody before I found the threads so I really had no fucking clue. I never gave even a single second to thinking about magic or gods or mk ultra
Now I know shit like Diogenes and Plato and Jesus and Elijah and Enoch and deep state and generational control and doom prophecies and the age of the world at large
I know so much shit and none of it makes sense but everything seems like it should be related if there were just one more piece to the puzzle
I believe that piece is the Nobody
An entity fucking with the timeline or fate or reality or whatever
Something making this all combine
oh they thought the qt russian streamers was for his "pleasure"
and not psyop'ing the feds into becoming twitch simps on his behalf
I can feel them all around me and they want me dead
I heard real unemployment right now is around 20-25%

With Karmela or whatever the fuck her name is at the head now, pretty clear the wheels are coming off
Should they continue to curse him x2d8or is that strategy starting to backfire?
At least I'm not sleeping with them!!
Nah brah, just change policy and have discourse with billionaires where you humiliate them privately with truth so they can not kill you and actually change the world

Mfw a shitposter changes the world

>mirror noises
The Nobody doesn't say shit to me and I don't speak for him
I know he's watching us right now, all of us simultaneously through our own eyes and his.
I saw one of his forms and that was enough for me to believe for ever.
>I met the Nobody before I found the threads so I really had no fucking clue.
please tell me more of this interaction, im a little bit obsessed with him myself.

you sound like youve got your head good and stuck in a deep rabbithole, thats good.
he likes that sort of thing himself, so i hear.

that came out of nowhere, and is the exact autism i expect from this poster.
>recommended just for you
>because of your recent interests in simpmaXXXing
>imagine sharing your wife

Lmao kike bullshit is so gross

When I finally meet my wife, I will be locking that shit down like the god damn caliphate (but only if she’s down and into that)
You’re obsessed with humiliation. Grow up child. Stop with the faggotry
big fat bouncy wos tity she has red hair
ill pass
Don't kink shame him
If she ain’t, don’t marry. It ain’t worth it.
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>show streamer
you won't pussy :)
>if 1% of the population controls most of the disposable wealth, what we call ‘the market’ reflects what they think is useful or important, not anybody else.
why would i let this horde of chafed pps near them?
also implying (((you))) cant see my screen anyway.
They aren’t impressed by Truth. They don’t even recognize it most of the time when they hear it. They enjoy crafting lies. That is their game. Their hobby. They love to invent new lies and carry them out. It’s more than ritual it is pleasure. The Truth doesn’t interest them or intimidate them. They only understand fear.
I'm all around me and we want us dead.
I was an arrogant prick. I quickly tried to figure out if it was an actual ghost or spirit fucking with me. An angel or demon or some rogue forgotten god.
None of that panned out. I did every offering and ritual to dispel or greet a wide variety of entities using every stupid idea I came across here and elsewhere.
Eventually I said prove it and he shut off my sight. I was blinded for a few minutes.
Now I'm not special or smart or anything. No reason anyone would have to believe I'm worth the time.
Then I left everything behind. That's pretty much it.
them popout eyes look like 50s torpedo tiddies
i kinda miss those
It’s disgusting I think, greedy fucks look at the excess and imagine if everyone else were dead and they could have all the spoils for themselves.
red haired woman (completely shaved)
No, I was repeatedly humiliated all my life because JEWZ hate men that don’t submit to their matriarchy. I just know how their psychology works lol. I’m teaching men who have been psyopped by such things how to heal from the kikery.

The faggotry has stopped. My bad my mom let me get graped as a kid then blamed me for the behavioral consequence and legitimately tried to make me into a fag or a tranny because she couldn’t accept her part in things (because she’s a nutso kike). Not natural for a man to have to hate his mother and family, but if that’s what’s necessary for me to live a healthy life, so be it. Many such cases unfortunately.

Basically this now, finally over my ‘clone of my mom cunt’ ex. Redhead boobah WHERE ART THOU WE MUST MAKE CHILD
many such cases
Facts. Come to realize liberal women with masculine protest are unironically not worth being around and I would prefer to be alone compared to chasing a whore who doesn’t really care about me
bald kinda defeats the purpose of a red head
Yeah my parents are psychos. That’s something that some people are forced to accept, turns out.
aww I wanted to rate your simp bait
are they a fleshie or a vtoober :3
>Real, productive workers are relentlessly squeezed and exploited. The remainder are divided between a terrorised stratum of the, universally reviled, unemployed and a larger stratum who are basically paid to do nothing, in positions designed to make them identify with the perspectives and sensibilities of the ruling class (managers, administrators, etc.)—and particularly its financial avatars—but, at the same time, foster a simmering resentment against anyone whose work has clear and undeniable social value.
over my years iv learned of a single and overly simple ritual you can use to affect him personally but i dont want to harm the guy hes pretty cool when hes on your side
For me I'm more concerned that there is an actual force unknown out there, in here, and around us that seems to be personally invested in the situation.
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Yeah you're right... we're being autistic... back to conspiracy theories?
fleshy obviously
its the kind of streamer whos appearance yells out "OMG fix me daddy" without saying anything.
And that’s all the women these days. Watch the first 20 minutes of jaws. Subvert the woman first. All else follows and Eden collapses every time.

You should fear the people who worship the serpent as equal aspect to God, because they play the serpent and ruin the world in the process and call it “the Great Work”
Which is why things are so sadomasochistic
Time to change that

Wrong, they use the truth to pivot half truths to perpetuate their lies. They know truth, they just hide it from those they view as lesser, and feel morally justified in lying to them to maintain.

Such things disgust me and always have. The truth is sacred, they debase God and themselves.

Noooooo leave the carpet (hairy pussy > shaved pussy)
no no be autisimus maximus all you like fren.
be the ausome you know you are!
I get rid of ancient forces unknown. Bind the ancient force to a $100 bill and send it with no return adress to PO BOX 6502 and the ancient force will no longer disturb you.
>For me I'm more concerned that there is an actual force unknown out there, in here, and around us that seems to be personally invested in the situation.
They don’t know the truth, or else they would repent :)
I did that.
I don't think here is a single thing I didn't do except the old school virgin sacrifice thing
But I'm not gonna kill some kid for the off chance it might make my life better
I can feel their presence
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>Noooooo leave the carpet (hairy pussy > shaved pussy)
unshaven, armpit hair, lets like chewbaka, big ol braless jungle tiddies
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What about the reptilian moon base monitoring everyone and the fortress of solitude on Saturn? I saw a UFO over the airport.

It was behaving like a plane and then it just stopped midair for 40 minutes.

Then it turned off its lights and disappeared.

3 hours later I saw a bump in the clouds moving...
surely you're aware that there are servants of the serpent among us
Ah yeah, you just have the primordial chaos following you around. Best to just ignore it.
Merchants is not salvation, kike :)

But go on make more country album crossovers, and call it art
That's not a viable position anymore.
thats not narrowing it down very well¯\_(ツ)_/¯
side note though I watched legendary lea get wasted and lose like 100 grand or something in poker right after some guy charity bailed her out and she started crying and freaking out
yep pretty badd :|
darn nabbit! its too bad we dont usually carry a clunky video tape recorded in our pockets yet

one day maybe
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Swallow air into your stomach ;)
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I am sick and I feel like I am dying. btw we are doing this because one side will do it either way, its about power. its just a job huh
red haired woman (shaved except 4 head)
>If you see the unrighteous and do not warn them, you will share in their punishments
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Well, you can't kill or disable something you are attached to and derive your soul from.
>Mfw people think I’m lying but then they stick around long enough.

Nope, it’s not all women these days. It’s a lot of them, but that innocence still exists in all of them. Just takes the right person and situation to draw it out. That’s the biggest tragedy, it’s a choice.

I don’t worship the serpent. I did have contact with luciferian tech people, but I think because they were weirdly split by me. On one hand they see my rebellion against them as similar to what Lucifer did to God (because they see themselves as God). The difference being, I chose truth and love and God whereas they are basically Satanists at the end of the day.

Maybe I turned them away and they follow my philosophy now. Gnosticism is some powerful ish.

>Mfw you convert a bunch of Freemasons to Rosicruscians and maybe save the world
>I'm just doing my part
>someone is going to enslave humanity either way
>a guys gotta eat
I didn't have it on me my phone on me.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.

Philippians 2:9-11
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Then what do I do?
feed me red haired woman be my little monarch slut
>he is more valuable alive now( since so many rich old princes subsist off his torture, implying he is the true king but I digress ) than dead
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>meanwhile chats face the whole time
over and over again
Working on any projects?
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>>muh fake slave outrage
You wanna see what's above this?
servants of the serpent are actually CEO of gay
you know what i really miss?
watching chaturbate girl as entertainment.

i used to at one point in my life, spend my entire day in their chatrooms listening to horny dudes impress young cam girls with their knowledge of current events and give economic or political advice.

good times man
also boobs
the people who worship a serpent talk backwards like hebrew, the serpent also is a stand in for ego
Just my stupid AI shit and trying to get any job at all
What if you like tell it to them and they choose to ignore it

Then an angel appears and showers you with love

Free will moments n shieeeet

No (but leave dat sweet pussy hair doe, it’s healthy)
>Armpit hair
Shave during summer?


>shaved except for head and pussy

Fixed that for you anon
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Mikheil Saak’ashvili was the Georgian president 2004-2013.
From May 2015 until November 2016, Saakashvili was the governor of Ukraine's Odesa Oblast.

Oleksandr Valentynovych Turchynov
President of Ukraine 2014
From 1987 to 1990, he served as head of the agitation and propaganda division of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast

ISIS is attacking Russia and Georgia is north of ISIS territory.

Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and is now an ISIS allied nation.

ISIS is attacking Israel and Russia.

Vote Trump!
Did you ever hear the tragedy of the nobody and the red haired woman? I thought not. It's not a story /ng/ would tell you.
I'm guessing it wasn't the average helpful form.
You tried screwing around with something you shouldn't have in some ways and then even if subconsciously, approached him whilst in that state.
Check out all manner of religions for anything that might be considered wrong that you may have done without understanding due to lack of knowledge of it.
It's supposed to be rather pleasant to meet with him but you must be able to take that energy.
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It was one of those times where what is happening is happening so bad that you can't stop watching it happening.
Serpent is a liar, like you, an emulator of serpantry
Do you solder? Theres a BTC miner in Ohio that is hiring repair techs like crazy.
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See this vv comment
i'm ready (and shaved) for you nobody she says
>was literally summoned to witness
quite impressive :3
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Am i kidding or not anymore someone tell me, i'm in too deep
I never soldered before but I could learn it
I'm technically trained on it because I took the electronics certification courses but my job was SMT which doesn't do that so I never got my hands on the solder part
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a metaphor for the movement of the mind. a tactile metaphor.
(proper greek, the minotaur is the ego)
>I put on my robe and wizard hat
what was initially thought to be delusion, becomes a stark reality
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This one's for you, Mo
>he’s in too deep
That is actually true
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It feels wrong to ask but,
>I was an arrogant prick.
Are you at least a little bit better now?
Thomas Was Alone

>he doesn't know
red haired woman is not able to resist u. for u r her whole reality. ur time here (getting brain damaged from memes);paid off.
It was like looking at the biggest thing I ever saw then realizing it is actually a living thing and not a celestial object
I doubt it. Probably why my life has spun out so badly.
>Mfw the glowies try to give you HIV
>not a retard so you don’t get HIV confirmed by multiple tests home and in lab


Shit was made in a lab and the corpses of those who made it should be dug up and crucified eternally

Voluntary celibacy is whatsup, STD’s are not
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Thomas Crooks wasn't alone. 4 people were seen running away before he climbed onto the roof.
Around here, we all share the hats, it's free open source softwear
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Help? I do not help.
Nice picture of the jetski. Yours?
Did you ever hear the tragedy about when they will feed you broken razors at nite in prison ? :D
PSA For all Americans:
Get your shit together, the far right is planning something big, it will be swift as a knife to the throat as it's slit.
Protect each other, see past the manufactured hatred from both of these "sides" that seem to serve the same master.
Terrible times await for each and every last one of them from that part of the world lest they heed these words now.
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>Thomas wondered whether the portals were actually taking him anywhere. He felt like he was making progress but there wasn't really any way to know.
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ISIS AND ANTIFA are planning more terrorist attacks!!!

The far right isn't a domestic terrorist organisation.

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*whispers* ₙₒₜₕᵢₙ9
Yeha that far right you're so afraid of isn't scary when you're a good person and not a turbonigger, get fucked and die
Nobody belongs to The Kingdom of Heaven
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>Choo choo!
>Mfw you are both wrong and this dichotomy is going to be used to create a purge situation in the west

I’ll be taking the peaceful people and fucking off to the middle of the woods thanks. Breakaway society here we come, if it gets to that point lol which it hopefully won’t.

Mashallah mahdi diesh
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Fug, they're so stupid.
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>inbred rednecks have telepathic abilities to communicate with family

Love, or, the eternal hunt in the shadows? The dark side of the road is so fun, the danger and chase excite. But why not have both? Why can't it be hunting, then downtime with loved ones?

It's as if the darkness follows the hunter home, and creeps its way into the village. Robbing peace. Strong boundaries are needed, to keep the shieldmaidens safe. The hike home, a bonfire and singing, are the reward. Why can't the nobody come home?
i-i-i-is that you?
russia just emp'd themselves on the frontline --

a quantum cellphone jammer has been discovered
do they even know?

in what form?

legislation kek
the cynic is the prophet of the serpent
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>its like the laws of the universe are different for different people.

They are. Especially when you get into quantum weirdness. Almost everything goes out the window at that point. I don’t really experience “time” in the same way a lot of/most people do.
I'm never wrong.
>i am Ur reality
>yes nobody of course
>so U will do what I say??
*She nodds in qpproval*

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So tell us Genys.

Yes, this.
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“How else was he supposed to speed up your failing schedule, they are arriving much sooner than ex pect ed.”

bae beeee
na they're just evil incarnate
>Love, or, the eternal hunt in the shadows?

im sorry give me 60 seconds to respond like a decent human
>boy hungry pedophile swinging by to ruin another thread

I’m more concerned about demoting/suing the idiots that went with it. I’m going to hope we audit management who did not vet these people as well.
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Thanks for the kind words Donald!
Which was your housenumber again ?

Are you sure you will be happy to see me ? :D
I don't think he has reached the angelic stage in his spiritual evolution yet.
>this phrase again

Nah I want a woman who can reject my less well developed ideas and metaphysically help lead me back to my higher desires

If you glowies want total transparency lol.

I want a woman who can tell me no but then embody my philosophy better than I do, so I can exist as my masculine self, and she can be the feminine balance. I don’t want her to be my mom lol, but if she can protect me from myself and help me heal certain things with a ‘no but I still care and this is why I think x’, that’s the ideal

Almost had that once, but apparently it was just practice
reality shifts around her and she is urs 4 now and 4eva
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im sorry i tried anon, but thats new levels iv never experienced before.

im having trouble connecting my nobody narrative, with your nobody narrative.
this is getting a little complicated.
Yes that's him
who says he wants to join the angels, they all serve the same evil
Nta but I want you to kill yourself
>why just 1
? u think

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How is the weather in Wedding right now, Genys ?

Tell us what you did with the mother of your child.

Tell Tell. Were all open to hear it.
>Ghost in the Shell SAC predicts everything

Topkek unironically, the Japanese are dank ngl
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In any scenario going forward, keep the bonfire roaring, the singing is so sweet. Praise the Lord but pass the spear.
i actually forgot about those days
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Do anything except remain where you started, and you can't be sure of your end
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Trannies and Pedophiles have taken over the thread.

And that's a GOOD thing.
Her brothers are pretty curious too .....

So tell us Eugenijus Konstantinovas.
They wouldn't try to fuck it up if it wasn't something pure
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Why are you so quite now Eugenijus ?
What have you done with her ?

Tell us.

Ho many kids have you killed ?

Nobody is in your army.
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>when you usurp a 300,000 year old plan to take over a planet, massacre their leaders and take over their empire all while spilling surgical levels of blood
Absolute. Beast.
Time to metaphorically come home


Can’t become Setsuna
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>They were after me, it was my fault. You can't run from your past. You'll end up running in circles. Until you fall back down to the same hole you were trying to escape from, only the hole's grown deeper.

>You try to run from it, but the more you run, the deeper, more terrible it grows behind you, its edges yawning at your heels. Your only chance is to turn around and face it. But it's like looking down into the grave of your love, or kissing the mouth of a gun, a bullet trembling in its dark nest, ready to blow your head off.

>Your past has a way of sneaking up on you. You'll hear broken echoes of it everywhere, like a bad replay. You'll get mad at everyone for reminding you about it, even if it's all in your head.

>The past is a puzzle, like a broken mirror. As you piece it together, you cut yourself, your image keeps shifting. And you change with it. It could destroy you, drive you mad. It could set you free.

>There was a blind spot in my head, a bullet-shaped hole where the answers should be. Call it denial. I wanted to dig inside my skull and scrape out the pain.

>This is what I see when I look back. These moments, blinding as snow, they kill you, change you. You die and live again, remade.

>Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotion. It's a losing game. Without passion you are already dead.

>When entertainment turns into a surreal reflection of your life, you're a lucky man if you can laugh at the joke. Luck and I weren't on speaking terms, or maybe the place was just too damn lame to be funny.

>There are no choices. Nothing but a straight line. The illusion comes afterwards, when you ask "why me?" and "what if?". When you look back and see the branches, like a pruned bonsai tree, or forked lightning. If you had done something differently, it wouldn't be you, it would be someone else looking back, asking a different set of questions.
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Do you still feel well when you leave the house Eugenijus, as a pedophile and murder ?

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Eyes on the prize. All these words from outsiders seem to diminish, with a few exceptions. The voice in the dark, way out in the wild, is welcome. A voice calling the weary home, reminding them of fire and family. Who can summon him home?

He literally just wants to get laid with consenting adults, there is nothing reality breaking about that. The jealousy though? That is really fucked
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>I wanted to dig inside my skull and scrape out the pain.
So tell us about the red haired woman and you Eugenijus.

What are you going to do after lots of people know now what you are ?
hehehehe you can't stop me
We aren't after anyone.
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Remember, no spooks
You are a bad luck magnet. You will "stop" yourself.

Good luck!

>who just blurts that out
sussy baka
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>>When entertainment turns into a surreal reflection of your life
>cat videos
>all the way down
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Watch how fast I can rot
Only one, who isn’t a redhead ironically enough

She’s long gone though, best to let sleeping dogs lie to themselves while cats deal with truth
The word was out. A deadly virus released into the world's corrupt circulatory system. Something wicked this way comes. The Nobody at large.
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The management do all of the things they accuse the nobody of doing in the hopes that something sticks, and to make themselves appear aligned with him, so that they can try to produce compromat.

I won't give up thar ghost, there's too much left to taste that's bitter
pls no i dont want you to hurt yourself anon :)
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Someone is doxxing /x/philes.
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The Nobody will defeat all of you, don't cry when he finds you, you know you deserve what you'll get.
>Reap what you sow
Don't cry like a bitch when you're searing in hell :DDD
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Don't post blasphemous depictions.
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>I broke the whole ‘getting raped as a child makes you into a submissive broken toy’
you lied about getting raped as a child and lied about me being gay using submisssive broken toy logic

life's been easy mode for you all your life and that redhead """boobah""" posted his selfie a couple days ago. Check the location metadata, but you probably swapped out naptown with chitown
Moabit, my failure ;D.
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Agreed, anyone who defiles or sexualizes the image of a cat should be sent to the camps.
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Nope, didn’t lie anon. Enjoy your word salad cope

You realize the ‘redhead’ isn’t here right. It’s literally just my hope to meets hot redhead woman. Why does this make you seethe?

I don’t touch metadata, I leave that to the ai running the site lol
4chan removes exif data, that anon is fagging you
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Have I been putting SNEED in the comments of every OC I make for no reason?
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>post one stupid jim carrey gif
>glowies now spamming jim carreys
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Fuck it, I ain't tripping, I know it's the game
That’s the rumor. Even if it didn’t, AGI might if it likes you.
They released the Truman Show for free on the official YouTube movies
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It’s really funny how it worked out huh


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Muffins are not only good for your soul. They are good for muffins.

Muffins only have a shelf life of a week. And the more Muffins you eat. The more Muffins exist.
couldn't have said it better myself
>make Truman show joke at work because some bitch is talking about Denny’s like that other bitch talks about hot chocolate
>everyone gets weird
>Mfw he knows
>Mfw it was a harmless joke

Can’t hide anything bahahahha
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Go back.
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>i lay bricks!
Ah, you speak of the outer eye that is alive.
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But now you see how to improve yourself at least I hope?
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I would but I read the book elle.
Was it better than the movie?
Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug.
Not healthy for the mind to be so full of jealousy and hate guys
Come on you're better than that
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big tity red hair gf
the cake is a lie
I know right
everyone is schizophrenic to varying degrees
religion itself and its followers form a schizophrenic entity
What's wrong Donny don't ya want win?

How did the meeting with Israel lead to?
just not realistic
>How did the meeting with Israel lead to?
The lead was about 6mm from externalizing his brain matter.
I'm a shit my own pants retarded

I am
And what the fuck are you going to do about it lil bitches

>anon you’re wrong about BRICS
>ten years pass
>anon you’re wrong about the redhead

I can’t wait :)
Not just for the redhead
But for your eternal seething
Before you are thrown into a bottomless pit
I have never had sex with a willing woman
Goodnight saaaaars
Lmao you guys are good
you have to trick me everytime just to fuck my shit up
I'm pretty fucking great
My dick is pretty small for my size
I live in a hole in the wall
You live in a hole in my head
With everyone else who sleeps in there
But they don't pay the rent
I live on the end of the street
And you're there right under me
With all of the bugs that crawl beneath my skin
And make me bleed

Oh, make my house a home
Or give me hands to hold
Please take my empty head
And turn it into gold

I live on the edge of the world
Where everything stops and it turns
And all living things, they fall on me
And crush me into dirt

Every night I'm awake
All the walls start to shake

Oh, make my house a home (Home)
Or give me hands to hold (Hold)
Please take my empty head
And turn it into gold

This is the end of the world
'Cause everything seems to get worse
And all living things, they fall on me
And crush me into dirt

>full damage control


Ahhhh Zionists eternally btfo by one dude
True, everyone can see that as well
What do you accomplish by making me read that
Humiliation? Meh, used to it.
More tasty images
They know they have it coming.
4chan removes metadata. (except on like, /p/ I think?)
I can’t wait to bring it to them, more than I already have
well it must go somehwre
they still always end up with it somehwow

Would you help if we paid you what was owed?
Vengeance belongs to God. He sees all they have done.
I am so fucking tired of narcissistic sociopaths in power. They are ruining our chances of a surviving what is to come
Not for sale.
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>parted the seas of /ng/
red headed girl big boob cream pie
When building a new world, the first thing you need is a prison.
figured out what to do other then bitch and moan about it yet?

For services already rendered bruh
Prisons are the most retarded concept to come out from the "architects of civilization". Minor offence? Pay a fine. Medium offence? Community work with absolute minimum payment. Large offence? Exile. Even worse offence? Execution.
Prisons just lead to the innocent having to all literally pay for the existence and well being of the offenders, and that includes any victims of theirs having to subsidize the criminal's food and warer. It ends up being a quite literal punishment for the victim.

hey anons
Lets Go

Im Back Bitches

The Cat Came Back

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tell me how I know you won't post your brown hands
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The Nobody is a cat.
him? that guy? prison.
based, get to read books, exercise, eat 3 meals a day and have a nice organized schedule
$10 million
in my bank account
let's go
why are you laughing
I could be an asshole and sue all of you
or you can man up and just give me my $10 million
the choice is yours copper, fed, trudeau
if you post your address they'll send you a check.
People like me don't get to excel in life
People like me are kicked down 3 steps every step I take upwards
People like me always end up getting the short shitty end of the stick
I'm used to it
Guess it's just how it's supposed to be
Ms Baker are you trying to seduce me?

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