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I'm the Memphis Misraim Information Seeker Anon from this thread:
Previous Thread >>38385199

Freemasonry general is a thread for serious information on all things Freemasonry, outside of the usual conspiratorial talk you see on /x/.

I'm looking for practical, esoteric and ritual knowledge preferably on the Memphis Misraim Rite specifically, but all information on other rites is welcome as well.

>inb4 Muh Satanists
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Let's start where we left off on the last thread, my thread stayed up for a week but the moment i mentioned this Jannies nuked it, so i'l ask once again.

We see from Memphis Misraim documents that the higher degrees practice Voodoo, and when we look at Voodoo itself and it's Veve's (sigils) we see Masonic influence.

How come there are so many correspondences between the western esoteric tradition and voodoo? From the square and compass, to the drawing of sigils and even the checkered floor.
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What's the connection between Freemasonry and Memphis Misraim's higher degrees to the Voodoo tradition?

We also see Haiti Freemasons practicing Martinist rituals here: https://www.youtube.com/c/KnightofBenevolence/videos

So i'd say Freemasonry and Martinisim definitely had an influence on Voodoo. Or was it the other way around?
All roads lead to Babylon.
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Obligatory comment from a freemason that Memphis Misraim is a small clandestine rite that doesn't represent the main body of the craft and you're unlikely to find anybody here who is part of it.
That being said, I'd be interested in anything you find, so good luck. I never heard of memphis misraim before your previous thread.
Pic unrelated.
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The third degree teaches us that the original sign of a master was lost when Hiram Abiff died. I'm pretty sure masonry, like all religions, is an attempt to restore an older version of the practice of worship. My wife beleives that before language was the tower of babel, we were all telepathic. I share that beleif somewhat, in the sense that I think actions and words are telepathy. We've (humanity) lost something and we're all seeking to restore it through our own practices as best we understand them.
Per the hidden hand, I was super aware of that before I joined freemasonry and tried it myself, and I found it useful as a meditative practice to be aware of my heartbeat and slow it down. My understanding is it's a symbol attached to the york rite (which ends with the knight templar degree), which I haven't taken.
Per the catholic church, I've heard about a hundred freemasons repeat that the catholic church's policy of excommunication came out of it owing a bunch of debts over cathedrals and using that as a way out of the debt. If it's untrue, it's the lie that every mason believes.

If I can co-opt the thread, I'd like to know more about the Odd Fellows. There's some old documents up in my local lodges about OF who met with masons in this area around 100 years ago but none of the living masons know much about it.
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That was the first thing my wife asked when we found out someone we knew was a freemason. I wish all of /x/ could've been there in that moment. The guy 100% passed the vibe check and is now my best friend in the state.
There was an acutal Memphis Misraim Freemason here 5 years ago.

All i've found so far is on the previous thread.

Memphis Misraim has a lot of historical members read these posts to see a few:

Here is that Rite's lineage in chronological order:
START - Master Altothas > Cagliostro (Member of Weishaupt's Illuminati btw) > Michael,Marc & Joseph (From Naples these 3 brought the rite to France officially in 1814) > 1815 Samuel Honis > 1816 Gabriel-Mathieu Marconis > 1838 Jean Etienne Marconis de Nègre > 1881 Giuseppe Garibaldi > 1900 Ferdinando Francesco degli Oddi > 1902 John Yarker > 1902 Theodor Reuss (Brought the rite to Germany and became Hierophant of the rite) > 1905 O.T.O absorbed it for some time > 1909 Gerard Encausse (Papus) got a patent for it > 1939 Jean Bricaud > 1944 Chevillon but Germans assassinated him > Dupont > 1960 Robert Ambelain > 1973 Francesco Brunelli > 1981 Frank G. Ripel - FINISH.
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Thank you for your contributions but i think most of /x/ is aware of these facts already, this is why i said on my OP
>outside of the usual conspiratorial talk you see on /x/.

Thanks nonetheless tho.
I'm looking for practical manuals, books, slides, monitors and so on...
The Hiramic legend is a retelling of the story of Osiris:
Drinking Wine from a Skull is a Ritual in the Scottish Rite, source: https://ia802700.us.archive.org/6/items/scotchritemasonr02blan/scotchritemasonr02blan.pdf
Page 560

I wonder if the Skull is an actual real Skull or a cup imitating one...
Continuing on about Freemasonry and Voodoo, i've also noticed the colors of the higher degrees are eerily similar to the Black and Red colors of Haitian Voodoo rooms, Satanists also use the Red and Black color scheme.

So what are the connections between Freemasonry and Voodoo really? There seems to be to many for this to be just a coincidence, can anyone actually provide an answer?
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It could be an Alchemical thing but even then i'm not sure why Alchemy chose these colors in particular...

Black, White and Red, Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo...
i leave for 2 months and there's already a fucking masonry general.
jesus christ you old fucks must not have enough members for those bingo nights anymore, sadge.
fuck, wrong trip. whatever.
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Hello there trip-anon, have you come to derail the thread?
Higgins has some cool sketches. Do tell more about the Jehovah trapezoid

it's the KT degree where you drink from a skull
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Is that a York Rite or Scottish Rite Monitor?
In the Scottish Rite the higher degrees from 19º to the 33º are called the Knights Kadosh.
Their all covered in filthy germs aren't they Smithers!
Just stopping in to say if you call your General thread the Freemasonry Action General you can call it Fag. You’re welcome.
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Some public reading material on the Scottish Rite:

Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike:

Scottish Rite Illustrated Parts 1 and 2 (Ritual Monitor from 1º to 33º):

The Book of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Instructions for All The Degrees):
this is just a comfy hand position. I didn't know I was doing a masonic gesture all along...
shut the fuck up faggot larper
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Kurt Caz goes to haiti to perform a voodoo ceremony
Seen that video already, but how does that tie into Freemasonry? (Besides the Voodoo Aspect).

Can anyone tell me the reason for Freemasonic and Voodoo Parallels?
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> A catholic cross
> an ox (Aleph)
> two pillar
it's a symbol of unity with God.
More than a symbol, a ritual would be better.
You know why there is only 13 parts and not 14? Official he lost is dick in the Nile, but that part is a myth. The real reason is because it's masonic. (the secrets are hidden in the structure : they are internal.)

> pic related
72 means 7 parts/trial to balance so technically 7x2 = 14 judges.
But the last trial it means the 2 become 1, so 6x2 = 12 + 1 = 13.
>The real reason is because it's masonic.
How so?

>72 means 7 parts/trial to balance so technically 7x2 = 14 judges.
Numerologically speaking with a Theosophical reduction...
Square and Compasses in the bottom to...
>my thread stayed up for a week
>Jannies nuked it
based newfag
So you’re a Steiner follower. That’s not mainstream masonry.
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If someone were to make a Meme Magick Book again like Saint Obama MomJean's Meme Magick series they should include Onions Kabbalah Mysticism in there...
Here’s a start, should take a few days to get through the basics: https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA093/English/RSP1985/TmpLeg_index.html
The meaning of the word "Mason" is a builder who hides his secrets in the structure of the Monument and achieves immortality on earth through his works: like a Monument, a book, a painting.
An you know why the square is on the bottom? Because the Compass (creative or right brain : Sky / consciousness) has higher value, than the square (Logic or left brain : Earth / Ego).
Most of you aren’t aware of the basics. Take this one, for example: https://archive.org/stream/Rosicrucian_And_Masonic_Origins_-_Manly_P_Hall/Rosicrucian_And_Masonic_Origins_-_Manly_P_Hall_djvu.txt
So that would make Ptah a Freemason Also...
Manly P. Hall didn't fully reveal things in his books and actually hid a lot of information, he is a good source but not 100% reliable...
Yes, he hid what he thought would be harmful if it got out, like animal alchemy.
Just shove em in your nuts
I wouldn't really say Harmful , however i am aware some secrets of practical
Alchemy may be dangerous to amateur practicioners...
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Kek, imagine CERN changes the timeline again and we end up seeing all Masonic historical leaders on portraits with their hands on their nuts.
>Le hidden hand of history
I’m so bored and tired of Christian fearmongering, bigotry, superstition, and prejudice against anything that doesn’t seem “sufficiently Christian”, including basically all forms of esotericism, or spiritual teachings of other cultures.
It's a fine line to walk, on one end of the spectrum we have Christinaity which opresses the individual to much, and on the other side of the spectrum we have Luciferianism which liberates to much leading to toxic indulgence...

One must transcend both and be at harmony with everything. Not White or Black, but Grey...
That is a good point. I in fact was thinking of that after my post, that I should’ve stressed I don’t at all like aberrant cults or teachings that turn into worship of black magic, Satanism, or Luciferianism either, whether from the edgy roleplaying (LaVeyan Satanism, apparently monotheistic and basically Nietzscheanism + some libertarianism draped up in edgy symbolism) to whatever even actually darker and more genuinely transgressive orders might exist (like the O9A). I feel that I learned much from the Gospels and New Testament, and Christ’s teachings themselves generally (or maybe I just arrogantly like to imagine that). But I also see a benefit in having a sort of universally-open-minded consciousness. After all, this is what some even speculate Christ did in the so-called “missing years” of the Gospels (went to the East and/or perhaps other locations to study spirituality). Besides the likely truth that both Jesus and John the Baptist studied under the Essenes or even were Essenes at some point, Essenes themselves teaching a form of Jewish mysticism with scholars finding many parallels in it to Pythagorean teachings and practices, suggesting a line of influence from Pythagoreanism to them.

It just seems like a bias to me to limit the concept of a Divinely inspired or reformed consciousness to one person or one sole teaching, when the Divine, by definition, is universal.
> LaVeyan Satanism, apparently monotheistic
apparently nontheistic***, as in, they’re just using Satan as a symbol.
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Aleister crowley studied all religions and though each religion had a fragment of the truth, and that everyone was telling the same story but adapted to different cultures...

Historically Jesus was most likely just a Mystical Prophet who preached spiritual ideas about a Unified Conciousness in the East during his 20's.

The Bible has it's wisdom but it seems to have been tampered with over time, with the original manuscripts locked behind numerous Vatican/Swiss vaults or in private collections...

From my time studying Freemasonry i've learned that Freemasons don't deny the existance of Jesus Christ as a person, but they do deny him being the literal son of god, saying Jesus was just an enlightened man who preached that we are ALL the son of God, he was no more the son of man then you or i.

When he said he was the son of god, he meant that we are all the sons of god. We are all god, split experiences of the unified consciousness.
Memphis in Egypt was founded by the Sumerians and was the first "city" of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Enki became Ptah when he led his flock out of Africa into Egypt around the time of the flood.
I'll explain this to you anon, voodoo religion was heavily influenced by grimoires and occult books stolen by niggers from French libraries at the time of the Haitian revolution, from there it changed the Easter African folk religion & spread onwards.
Also, this ties into the Annunaki. Native African languages were similar sounding to phyrgian/Hittite/Sumerian civilizations.

One african word for water: wata
Hittite word for water: wata
One african word for mother: Mama/Mata

There is no creator god or grand architect you stupid boomer losers.
>I wonder if the Skull is an actual real Skull or a cup imitating one...

It's plastic

You can order one here: http://www.southernregalia.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=34&products_id=2113
how are my skull and bone bros doing this fine evening
bush jr spoke to me in my dreams again
>Memphis in Egypt was founded by the Sumerians and was the first "city" of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
Nimrod moved to Egypt and became Osiris.
Interesting, i've heard Memphis Misraim members also say they studied Sumerian and Mesopotamian mysteries, but i never knew the context of that within the Egyptian Rite until now...
Ah i see, i was already aware of the grimmoires part with books like "The Grimoire of Pope Honorius" that were brought to French Caribbean colonies which became the foundation of the region's literary magical tradition but i never figured they were stolen...

So basically they mixed French Grimmoires with African Folk Religion, but interesting how many Ve-Ve's bear the masonic square and compass, meaning many of the books they stole were from masonic lodges or masons themselves, or the masons themselves made the Voodoo religion as a tool of power to control them...
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Depends on the lodge...

Look up sons of Haiti I did a quick bit of research again and during the colonial era in Haiti the French freemasons there did not disallow blacks from becoming freemasons.
>animal alchemy.
Is that like making a platypus?
This is unrelated but can someone explain free masonry to me? My friend at work talks about it sometimes and it sounds like a group all about bettering yourself, maybe I've misunderstood what he was saying
Yeah i can see that, check out this Youtube channel to see Haitian Freemasons, they also use Martinist Rituals.
Freemasonry is an old Fraternity that preserves old mystery religions and teachings from ancient civilizations.

A continuance of philosophical concepts brought to Europe by Plato and Pythagoras who where initiated in Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools.
will you let me join ?
This isn't a recruitment thread and i am not a Freemason, but if you really want to join try contacting your local lodge.

But i will warn you, it's a huge commitment and they expect total submission, it will also cost you a lot of money...
This thread is just for general thought provoking discussion about Freemasonry, it's History, Practices, Mysteries and so on.

We also discuss all related Esoteric Masonic topics such as Alchemy, Hermeticism, Pythagoreanism, Platonism, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Ceremonial Magick and so on...
What are some good books/sources on pythagoreanism that aren't academic normie trash or schizoid grifter nonsense?
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-The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall.

-The Life of Pythagoras Iamblichus.

-Plato's and Neoplatonic Works (Plato Studied under Pythagoras and a lot of Knowledge was transfered from Pythagoras in Plato's Works)

-The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library: An Anthology of Ancient Writings Which Relate to Pythagoras and Pythagorean Philosophy

Pythagoras also studied Phoenician books about the Transmigration of the Soul (Reincarnation) under his teacher Pherecydes of Syros.
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-Golden Verse of Pythagoras by Fabre d'Olivet

-The Theology of Arithmetic by Iambilichus

Here are also some useful video resources regarding Pythagoras:

-What They Don’t Teach You About the Most Famous Scientists:

-Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land (HD)


Hidden Knowledge in Plain Sight... Divine Mathematics?
> So that would make Ptah a Freemason
> The Djed scepter
is the lower Egypt, the Vow in YHVH and symbolize the spline / heart and soul of Man.
> The Ankh scepter
is the higher Egypt, the Yod in YHVH and symbolize the sky / awareness (or personal consciousness) and spirit of Man
> The Was scepter
is the Nile, the Shin in YeHShoVaH, the flame, the holy spirit / Christ consciousness, the universal consciousness flowing inside like a stream, like a river.
Ptah is universal consciousness and trinity in Christianity.
I see, any reading material on this?
>it will also cost you a lot of money...
Like how much?
I cannot say precisely as each lodge has varying annual dues, but it's not just the lodge annual dues you'll have to worry about, but also the costs of the initiation fee, regalia necessary, literature and so on...

There is an initiation fee that ranges from 100$ to 300$ (depends on lodge) and anual fees which are about 100$ a year.

Regalia is also expensive with aprons and collars ranging from 28$ to 150$ plus all the respective literature of each degree, that adds up to the thousands very fast, and if you are doing the 33 degrees of scottish rite freemasonry it's even worse...
imagine paying money to wear a loin cloth and be a slave
Are Gnostic people Gniggers?
That really isn't much. I mean, if they have a solid system of magic and meditation, that's a pretty small investment. I thought you were gonna tell me it was like the Mormon Church where you give them 20% of everything you make.
Imagine being any member of western society and existing in a state of servitude except you think you are free. I really don't know why people hate Masons. The more esoteric texts I read, the more I'm convinced they are on a decent path to the truth. I'm sure you can levy criticisms against them, but you can criticize any human institution and argue that the minority's actions are representative of the majority. Anyway, decent thread.
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false veil. kill yourself. you have no power here, stonemason.
Bump for more light

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