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Five nights ago, I couldn't sleep. Just kept trying my best to fall asleep.

At some point I got a ton of flashes and presences, figured it was just some delirium from not being able to sleep, kept ignoring it and turning like im playing twister until I felt something soft randomly hold my hand.

Some more time after that and similar friendly and unhostile feelings, I'm over here wide awake drawing this fucking thing and I got several flashes of like, tarot cards, all involving this skull headed fucker. The High Priestess, The Moon.

Live near lots of forests. Feel more creatively focused but now it's just towards whatever this muse wants drawn involving it.

Nobody come here to tell me that it's not a wendigo or that I should fuck it- I'm not doing either of those and I'm aware it's not "your muscle mommy". Have native ancestry but not part of a tribe. Telling folks to see who has the ancestry.

Nobody recommend killing or banishing this thing, I want to understand what it is or might be and why it's here. If it gets to that point, I know enough to handle that. Everything else, I'm a fucking noob.

Current ideas from previous thread are Leshy, The Horned God, The Fae, or some forest guardian. Slavic gods.

Thread archived and retyping, my pet cat is sleeping on my face.

New tarot cards, Strength, The Star.

I tried meditation. Burned up candles, set music and got to trancing myself in preparation for sleep.

When I got in bed I put in my earbuds and just let go. Left my arm hanging over the bed, and then the cats came to sleep with me. They usually fight, so the thought I had was that I didn't want them to fight and that there was room enough for all of us. hand hold again. Five minutes there's a downward pull on my arm, like a tug. Then more visions. Was this for twenty minutes.
Went to bed. No dreams, but woke up with earbuds wrapped around my right thigh.
No terror this time. Remember some words. Again with the ear nibbling/whispering.
Thread too long fucking uhh
I'm gonna have some more cereal and give some more accurate replies. General advice wanted I guess
Are you like 21 or something?
I didn’t read any of that but I can honestly say OP is a faggot.
and sleep deprived
That one anon with meditation advice come back
bump, sucks the original thread died.
did this thing not get named as muse 3
Anon here. Did you try to talk to it while in that meditative state or not yet? Again man, I advice you to be assertive to it and let it know not to cross boundaries, that stuff needs to be set in stone. Firstly as a ways of protecting yourself but it's also unfair towards it to expect it to just know how to interact with humans in a constructive way. You as a human need proper rest, and it shouldn't interfere with you resting at the very very least. To be fair I have to ask what you are getting out of this 'relation', cause to me it sounds like it's just doing whatever and you are simply subjected to it. Healthy interaction aside, I'm failing to see what it contributes to your progress in life with what you wrote. I'm not saying it can't, but think of yourself in this one please?
I told you to kill it.

But I also fucked up a lot of my guesswork and timeline assumptions, but it seems we did alright, ya mknow.



But yeah, the veil is wicked thin right now, are you jacking off? Semen attracts these things, or repels them, did you burn tobacco or pine?
Oh shit. It's you.

Yeah, fuck I didn't actually type out the whole thing did I? Of course not, I kept having to rewrite this damn thing.

Trance writing seemed to not do much, some phrases just repeat or get blended together and I think it just sucks ass at writing, for someone who's been shoving thoughts in my head damn nonstop.

Anyways, I'm not expecting it to know anything, I'm just trying to understand the purpose of it all. A motive. And for that I'm always frustratingly slow. We're both ironically like cats waiting for the other.

Managed to communicate. Poorly, but somewhat. It's showing up in my peripheral again, but I think we've made an agreement that it's interference isn't welcome unless explicitly invited. Hence, the open hand.

Downside- that was roughly it. I fell asleep. Exhausted, nothing really propping me up then etc etc.

As for what I'm getting out of this? An absurd amount of creative and chaotic energy and motivation, that when I'm not completely paralyzed by the latest artwork just manifesting into my head, I can actually harness to get off my ass and do things. Assertiveness, witty conversation, all that or whatever. But that's more of just me being tired, I think.

1:18 PM. Going to close the door, heading to bed. Probably going to do something stupid. There was someone who mentioned it being a demon. There any demons that fit this description or M/O?

On the off chance this ain't a troll, no to tobacco or pine.
Mild annoyance for every post inferring it as a demon, but still, curiosity and shit.
You know you can hide threads right, you mongloid? Go complain on the general threads, at least this is novel instead of thirsty fuckers wanting a waifu, divination about wanting to have a gf, etc etc. the fact OP isn't a coombrain like the vast majority here already makes it orders of magnitudes more interesting.
Ok that sounds like some progress. Yeah I can see them giving creative energy, just make sure it's an untied energy and not just about creating art of itself ok? There is a major difference. One is a gift of kindness and the other like 'giving' fuel to your car. I hope it does start to understand your need for proper rest with this. If it does show it starts to compensate for your needs, then you could try to interact with it a little again, but it should be made clear thats entirely on them. And yeah no, its not a demon. Its very clearly a nature spirit.
If you’re not going to take any good advice, you need to stop making this thread. You don’t need to learn how to ignore people you don’t want to deal with and not reply to them.
You could have still been using that first thread and not keep making new ones.

You will discredit and not use any help you receive here.
I ain't a common whore, if they want my fucking cum they can fucking earn it
The Olympic spirit of Saturn, Aratron, looks like him when I summoned him
don't worry
from the sounds of it she/it doesn't think you're a whore either
you should try and play checkers with her/it
who the heck is this guy
Hey, you mind elaborating a bit? I'll do some of my own digging, but would you mind sharing some of your experiences?
Burning incense tonight after another shop run. Not intending to chase them away just yet. I do have some church incense I'd gotten at a cathedral, if anyone would be able to explain what I'd bought. I assume it's some type of myrrh resin.
On a side note, I think today I was able to bring it to the coastline. Spent an outing out there, was sunny and bright but not particularly burning. I don't think it really cared much for the water, but it followed along anyway. So, might be rooted more in the plants and forests like someone else said.

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