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He built you out of LOVE
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God made me. Christ is my King. Demiurge certainly would like to be able to create things himself, but he can't.
Snibben Snabben! :DDDDD
i forgive the demiurge, we want the same things he has, we all wanna be god of a world in our own right. i just wanna do it my own way big dog
for himself, maybe
he has no organs stupid he can't bleed
SMTass neutral nigga
He has demonstrated nothing but hatred for me
Actually the One at the top in Gnosticism is responsible ultimately, just kicking the can of evil down a few aeons
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All I know is that I'm gonna kill Chaos.
bro chaos is the monad
you wanna kill the monad
that's based
you cant kill the monad, dumbass
you'll become it, instead
and what happens if you try to steal Knowledge from it, huh?
>Sophia speedrun
>He built you out of LOVE
He didn't build SHIT. I SAW the process of creation of human souls, and that POS was nowhere in the area. It is SOPHIA who does it. Yeah, I kind of wish she would restrain herself a bit. Even heaven is a bit full.
wisdom =/= Knowledge
Knowledge as in the ethereal substance
>we all wanna be god of a world in our own right
You are quite mistaken. I have no such ambitions. I just want to go back to my comfy home, being one with "GOD". (whatever name you give it)
Running a universe/world is heavily overrated.
yet the worship of millions of souls is so tempting
and you get to keep your individuality too as a bonus
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>It is SOPHIA who does it.
really? dumb whore
Yaldabaoth is not Chaos, dummy
>and you get to keep your individuality too as a bonus
The interesting thing about that is, you experience NO loss of individuality in becoming one with "the one". You retain memory of your experiences while sharing a thin border of identity closely with others who have undergone the same process. So that's a lot of work for very little benefit. I for one cannot be tempted by worship. Knowing my own weaknesses and foibles, worship (which I have experienced at least in simulation on a couple of occasions) the feeling of being worshipped made me feel nauseated. If you were aware of your own shortcomings, you also would reject worship. The real creator entities in the materium aren't interested in worship. It adds nothing because it's a low-frequency energy that takes a lot of effort to upconvert. Waste. Of. Time. Being LOVED is 10,000 times better than being worshipped. And that's free.
If she's dumb then you're dumb. You're made from an instance of her energy/awareness.
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sorry if you disagree but you CAN'T have individuality without EGO
being apart of the One immediately erases that facet of your being, only leaving your Knowledge
sure the Knowledge may be the very essence of what you are, but the ego is the one that makes it more than a meaningless mass
it is a beautiful gift that I will not give up on
>Yaldabaoth is not Chaos, dummy
You are correct, he just uses it as his favorite tool to control gluttonous, lustful, lazy humans.
>being apart of the One immediately erases that facet of your being, only leaving your Knowledge
The knowledge of dozens or hundreds of lifetimes piles up into an identity that is richer and more fulfilling than the false self of EGO. Surprisingly, the emotion remains. Emotions aren't an effect of the body. Our bodies, rather, were designed as capable conduits for emotion. That's just my opinion, having experienced what I'm talking about.
>He built you out of LOVE
he mocks me on a daily basis, he started doing this when i realized he's evil, started seeing repeating numbers too damn often, then i see a pretty fucked up message on gematrix with the same numerical value and now i see that same number everywhere like 40 times a day and only right after i finally forget about it

he's evil

i'd appreciate if you retards could stop giving him power by worshipping him
I find the eternity of conflict much more fulfilling than the stagnancy of the One
It, in comparison, seems like a boring existence, like being subjected to drugs forever and ever if I could use the the physical as an allegory. a numbing pleasure I say.
the conflict between the Souls of the world is something I find much more fun
sorry, we are simply of different breeds, I acknowledge why it may be painful for you, but where you see suffering, I see opportunity
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>I find the eternity of conflict much more fulfilling than the stagnancy of the One
>It, in comparison, seems like a boring existence, like being subjected to drugs forever and ever if I could use the the physical as an allegory. a numbing pleasure I say.
>the conflict between the Souls of the world is something I find much more fun
>sorry, we are simply of different breeds, I acknowledge why it may be painful for you, but where you see suffering, I see opportunity
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I'mma fuck him up.
do it bro
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there it is again
right after i replied
i hate this faggot so much it's unreal
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I don't care what you think, I just need to kill Chaos.
wasn't talking about you bro
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My bad. Wanna help kill Chaos?
sure bro
how do i help
Of course, love(libido) is the source of all creation, what else would it use to build?

You are the demiurge, and you create your own matrix out of the conditions by which you define love. When you free yourself of the conditions and see creation lucidly, unconditioned, you'll be free of the dyad's matrix.
you stupid cunt
Hesed (divine love) is not the same as Yesod (the foundation of physical creation, and also sex)
You're too stuck in definitions and symbolic structures. I'm not using libido quite so basely. It would be more accurate to take what I'm saying as life force, chi, prana, etc. The energy that creates movement and animates.
Technically, the loving Demiurge in Platonic thought just rearranges existing chaotic matter/energy according to ideals.

It's only the gnostic Demiurge that creates things and according to them he's kind of a dick. But then it doesn't explain why their "true God" decides to just fuck off to his own little realm despite being omnipotent and able to tell the Demiurge to fuck off. This is the part where Gnostics cope with their "knowledge/spiritual enlightenment".

Anyway, both theories are kind of low scale. Plato never explains where the chaotic matter comes from. Gnostics can never explain why people themselves need to escape / see enlightenment.
if God is omnipotent, then why doesn't he destroy the demiurge and take back what was his?
Love is the "binding" agent of unity. It's creates/is the substrate, acts upon it, moves through it. What one defines it as is what creates states of limitation. Kind of the whole point of creation and what we do here.
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We have to find Chaos first. But Google maps doesn't have signal out here.
if pure unadulterated LOVE is so good, then what is pure unadulterated HATE like? is it also beautiful?
you need a better antenna *wink wink*
Chaotic could be equated to unconditioned, pleromic, unmanifested. Plato wasn't anti demiurge, it was just a mechanism of existence downstream of the monad. It orders the forms and casts the shadows on the wall. Logoic in a sense.
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Just tell me how to find Chaos.
Exactly. Why do I need to use gnosis to "reach the True God" and his perfected realm. Being the divine higher power (which indicates omnipotence), he theoretically could just directly interact with Demiurges material universe, the higher forms that make us.

Exactly. Plato sees the Demiurge as a good entity that tries his best to structure the chaotic nature of matter based on idealized forms/concepts. The real question is where that chaotic initial matter even comes from. In deist/theist thought this is just characterized as "God", and its far easier to have a universal eternal perfect creator entity.
He built you because he wanted to fondle your kids
Lmao, these anons ruined everything for everyone else because they got too greedy and crazy.
Point and laugh at them.
Unconditional love is non-dual. Love and hate as you are speaking of them are both conditions. Limited definition that create individual perspective, the knowledge that causes the fall from the garden. After all, they didn't know good and evil until they ate the fruit. Why is that? They were in heaven until they made distinctions.
you don't know shit
I do, though.
Imagine snuffing out everyone else's opportunity at being Gods and proclaiming that you're just hurt little puppies.
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Come on, already.
Such vile creatures.
Can't even be demons correctly.
I do not cause intentional bad shit to happen to me, therefore there is an alien, malicious will at play and my mission is to fight it for however long it takes. Let's first expose some of its most basic level lies.
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Imagine giving imperfect entities, power meant for a perfect entity.
Again with the hurt puppy argument.
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What do you think the training is for?
Yeah, yeah.
If you wishh upon

> a star
stop fucking nonsensical posting in my thread, FBI
All of your dreamss

> will come trueee
Should've wished for better things for yourselves.
Instead of ill on others.
Boring shitpost
Yes I've seen better days
> I've been the star of many plays
Anon, quit with the nonsense.
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This is true. But the demiurge, being an imperfect being, and full of pride, created an imperfect world. At the end of time, he will finally comprehend and himself enter the pleroma: he will be its last entry, and the material world will vanish from existence like the carnal body at death shrugging off a shade.
Yes, Enki is good.
I am love. I am the demiurgea tool on reality. No one can hate the demiurge.
Love is based because the demiurge allows it

Gnosticism is beyond cringe
They said Jesus was cringe and the Romans cancelled him on an X.
>I find the eternity of conflict much more fulfilling than the stagnancy of the One
And that's an entirely valid POV. There is room for all possibilities. That's what freedom of the mind is all about.
Also, I wouldn't characterize it as stagnancy, since the One is having a great time watching us doing all sorts of crazy shit, as well as occasionally sending one of the merged ones back out into the fray because they get bored. Existence is a reprieve from the monotony of perfection, after all, and is itself (I would argue) a manifestation of perfection, when viewed as a whole. I once said that existence is what happens when the perfect oneness refuses to accept that it alone is enough. We are the children of the greed of the almighty.
>sorry, we are simply of different breeds, I acknowledge why it may be painful for you, but where you see suffering, I see opportunity
That's cool. No need to be sorry. I'm just tired to the core. It's time to go "back home, sit down and patch my bones, and get back truckin' on"
I'm not writing this experience off FOREVER. I just need a break. That is possible within all possibilities.
You're assuming that the demiurge has it (this world) without the tacit consent of the true One. If you could just see how absolutely small and incremental the one life you're living now is, you would laugh out loud. I mean a big belly laugh until your sides hurt. I made understanding the meaning of my life my absolute focus for 3 decades and the conclusion was this: This is not my first rodeo, and it's surely not going to be my last. What you call suffering is the resistance of dense matter to the shaping force of consciousness. Some have a weaker consciousness, and some have a stronger one, but we're all getting stronger with each iteration.
Don't take this shitty world too seriously, nor "the afterlife". The journey never truly ends. We just take breaks and rest and recuperate until we remember why we started this craziness in the first place.
>Unconditional love is non-dual.
that kind of love is infinitely close to indifference. It says "do what you wish and be what you like, and I won't get in your way". The pablum passed off as love in today's society is an INSULT to the highest form of love. Why do I call it the highest? Is'nt that just my opinion? No, it's not.
We all exist, and this world exists, because of our Creator's unconditional love. We can even trick ourselves into thinking we're forever cut off from the Creator and that we're damned to hell. And that will manifest, for a time. However, there's no denying the identical nature of your awareness with ITs awareness, and eventually deep calls to deep, bringing you back to the surface from the underworld... provided you don't game-end yourself. If you do that, you suffer agonizing embarrassment and consternation for a time, until you can forgive yourself.
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>You're assuming that the demiurge has it (this world) without the tacit consent of the true One.
Oh, so now the "True God" actually fully approves or at the very least acknowledges the Demiurge's flawed world? It seems like everyone is victimizing the poor gnostic souls on their quest ;(
Tainted Love
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Even worse, humans proved they we’re literally capable of living in harmony and being a decent society back in Babylon and this pissed off both god and the devils, so they’ve been fucking with us ever since. This is what the “mystery religions” all worship, the king of Babylon and his son who fucked his wife/ own mom, and then killed him. But probably not even, it’s probably just another demon like how every angel and saint has a demon assigned to mimick them.

Essesnally it’s all gay and it’s literally better to worship random things, for short durations.

There is a true religion out there, and it’s a lie.
Gnosticism is a psyop to distract from the true mysteries of Hermeticism and Qabalah. This board is infiltrated by feds who just like in pol brainwash ppl into believing the most backwards shit. Gnostic sects like the ones of the knights templar have done the most disgusting acts known to man all to go against Gods Will. These people are like children who do not respect their parents-the demiurge. When most people think of Satanists they are thinking of these people, the spiritually dark.
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Isn't it funny how everyone has their own reply, which is just as right as any other? Isn't it funny how everything just.. works?
discord gg/8YTRqwgpw6
it was more because of loneliness but ok

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