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how do i do active imagination properly? did jung literally just go schizo or is it possible to do this
it came on completely unexpectedly on jung, philemon visited and elevated him. you need to live your own life, not replicate others'
Based esoteric rollercoasterer
awaken your inner eye
huh? Carl Jung is the average bourgeois addicted to sex who sells spirituality to bourgeois whores.
>Think about something, anything
>Multiply that thought by millions, if you think of a dog, think of a million dogs
>Imagine it until you head hurts
>Your brain is a muscle so quit being a bitch and keep thinking it
>Rinse and repeat
>think about a pussy any pussy doesnt matter which one you choose just think about that pussy and focus on it keep thinking of pussy multiply it a million times so theres a million pussies and theyre all wet and horny for you
Now you're learning
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if you don't have money to hire a jungian psychologist to spank you, you just have to spank yourself i.e. think about the same thing (or things connected to it) all the time for at least a few hours days weeks
could be dangerous i.e. you dig too deep, become fascinated, and become what in common parlance is known as a crazy person obsessed with one thing
so it's recommend you seek out jungian psychologist... they will take care of you by cycling between stuff that you are interested in, so you become well rounded and not just an annoying autist
Yeah nothing described here so far is the real technique. I was taught this by occult author Gordon White in one of his private member videos:
1) meditate for 20 minutes lying down, focusing on your breath and relaxing every part of your body in sequence: using Headspace or similar app helps
2) set a 20-minute timer for the active imagination
3) with eyes closed, still lying down, say "Spirit of the Depths, show me your mysteries!"
4) watch what appears in your imagination very carefully and remember everything that happens: control your movements and actions like a character in a dream world but allow everything else to arise from the unconscious
5) write it all down
You can reenter the same space in your next session by beginning by visualizing the final moment of the previous session instead of a blank void when you start.
>Yeah nothing described here so far is the real technique
literally 2 posts above yours somebody said "focus on the same thing for more than usual"
that's a better description than your faggot shit
>gordon white
that shithead bases his whole identity around sucking cock and taking it up the ass i.e. LGBT
also he takes pleasure in being disgustingly abusive over live interviews
>private member videos
dear Mr. White did you know advertising and begging is forbidden in this sacred place?

tl;dr please fuck off and never visit /x/ again
thank you
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you guys are retarded consistency is the antonym of magic
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you are retarded because the thread is about active imagination, not magic
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this should be you
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this is actually you
Jung went schizo way earlier than that
>literally just go schizo
your understanding of "going schizo" will change over the next few months.
>where are my glasses?
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Jung could see spirits at like six years old.
Such an ability is usually something you are born with. But I guess it can be be cultivated with very deep monk like meditation, psychedelics could help but even then the entities aren't seen by most from my experience talking to people who have tried psychedelics.
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This is where many psychologists that competed with Freud, and Freud himself failed.

The higher senses can only be developed through experience and Lucifer aka error.

Understanding the snowball effect each action can take
Get over the idea schizophrenia is a real disease. It aint.
Schizophrenia, Autism and Shamanism are all essentially the same things. Allowing them to collapse all into one thing would turn society on its head, so there's a concerted effort to ensure that doesn't happen it seems.
Jung really liked magic mushrooms. He also based his Red Book off of his dream journal. So his book(s) is (are) written based on trip and dream reports. With that being said, he probably did use Jhana Yoga and really meditate and do funny pictures in his head, playing out the scenes and whatnot in his book(s).
>did jung literally just go schizo
Yes, but that doesn't mean what you think it means as mentioned before. Schizophrenia is indistinguishable from Theia Mania, Divine Madness, for normalfags. Does that help? He tapped into the Odin or Dionysus Magick.
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Sit in an empty box and role play?
It's "jnana yoga", you schizo fuck
This anon gives a good technique >>38458194
while this anon is right about the dangers of obsessing >>38454668.
Although, I am not a pro, I would analyze the last bright dreams I have had, so that I can separate out the topic which is most actual for the mind right now. Then, if it is available, I would pick up the brightest of the previously mentioned dreams and used it as a starting point for the imagination. This is an option if you experience problems with the beginning of active imagination.
There is another option: you sit down, meditate for 15-20 minute, calming down the mind. Then you ask out loud your mind to show you what is most important for you.
Also, it may help to you if you find yourself some kind of a sitter, who will just sit and listen to what you see. For some people, retelling their visions to other people somehow "validates" them, makes more real.
Of course, in both options there is a need in someone who may help you interpret the results though.

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