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I reject non-duality and oneness. It is stupid and garbage. I am not some guy in South Korea making television sets. I am not the homeless black guy in the corner. I do not share their experience and more importantly consciousness. I am not the people I hate and they are not me. I am a separate entity. Those who are strong can learn to impose their own order upon reality.
>I reject non-duality and oneness.
It's beyond acceptance and rejection
>I am not some guy in South Korea making television sets. I am not the homeless black guy in the corner. I do not share their experience and more importantly consciousness.
If you cannot take your own consciousness as an object and examine it then you have no basis to say that you don't share the same consciousness as them.
>It's beyond acceptance and rejection
That’s what all non-duality shills say
>fuck you I got mine

low frequency archon golem
That may be so but it's true
Gnosticism is for people who wanna be special and different but aren’t
>fuck you I got mine
Exactly you fucking hippie
Only if you’re weak. People who give into “becoming one with the universe” and shit act like their stronger and were afraid but the truth is they are weak and not willing to put up a fight and just let themselves die to the universes bullshit
good for you! im glad you are continuing to reinforce your identity against the world around you as everyone else does and is completely expected of you.
lol you will die regardless. goofball
Most peoples identities are impotent and are not strong enough to survive or even worth surviving
Not if the Three-Part Plan is a success
ai really do be cooking fellow shiz anon, it do.
The act of rejection is accepting the idea there is more than one thing. which is literally duality, idiot. There is no magical 3rd option. Which is funny for me to say as a magician. Your obtuseness is not the beginning of wisdom, or anything for that matter.
Its a binary choice. The only way to "reject" both is to beleive that death is annihilation and then to experiment based on that. In other words, kill yourself, moron.
Accept oneness and accept that YOU are also a tranny.
Common misconception. People poo poo spiritual teachings because they take it out of context.
Oneness is just a state of mind to use while meditating to get into an altered state. It works very well, especially if you are high. Obviously you can't go through life in the real world being all passive love everyone and light and time doesn't exist and oneness.
In meditation, you affirm "I am X", and then you psychically start learning about X. It's just a temporary tool, not a permanent identity.
Based individual
Look at it squirm.
This is actually so funny. It hates being called out!
Do you know crochet, anon? Have you seen it before? It is one long, continuous piece of yarn folded and wrapped around itself to make individual loops that you can build with.

I don't think you understand that the ALL is *all*. All of this. All of what is and could be. It's both the 0 and the 1 at the same time. You can look at individual parts and break it down into different categories, but our existence is a quantum state in and of itself.

You are seeing things as a horizontal line, where you can only go left and right and exist in one position or state of knowing or being at one point in time. However, what about all that is above you? Or below you? Behind you? In front of you? All of those are you, too, in different ways and states of being.

Let me ask you this- how could anything know absolutely everything about something without being that something? You can get pretty close, but only so far without actively being.
I also get that this is a big experience and lesson to learn, especially when literally NOTHING about our modern cultures prepare us for these ideas. This is done on purpose, and the fact of the matter is there are for-real threats to the tiny you's existence because you don't know about the truth and aren't able to defend yourself against it. Even people who know are entirely helpless to it, which is why we try to get the word out to others. It's like the blood returning to a limb. You questioning and wondering about stuff is a sign that the blood is coming back to you. The return of Christ, the second coming, isn't OF a man but of knowledge/awareness TO men.
>how could anything know absolutely everything about something without being that something
how could anything know absolutely everything about itself?

>All of those are you, too
based on what, lol? even if human beings or the entire earth were truly just dreams of the same entity, how would that prove that we'll never get to interact with any concept that isn't also this same entity?

>I don't think you understand
>our existence is a quantum state in and of itself.
That's too bad...
>I reject non-duality and oneness.
Good even the buddha debunked non-duality . Nonduality is a hindu teaching and the Poos are not holy.
the funny part is nobody has a clue over what gothama actually said because his teachings were spread via broken telephone for 500 years before anyone bothered to write them down
the overlapping portion of the various baskets of the buddhist suttas is the best we have and seems coherent. Then it's only a matter of trying honestly the method to see if it works.
Same here
And then you die and are forgotten...like everyone and everything else; almost like you were just another piece of the same nothing that makes up this entire shitty phenomenon. So much for your strength of will over reality, little ego.
>as a magician
Haha guys look the internet gave him all the skills and the hacks and shit everybody bow and give him all your shit he deserves it

But at the end of the day we're made out of the same subatomic shit made hy the same larping creator (God/Big Bang/Spurce/Universe/Whatever)

Cry About It.
OP is yet another yapping mouth in a sea of BILLIONS of yapping mouths

A tale literally as old as time.
I cant help but mention the irony of your ego having to point out that you are right.
>Cry About It.
Who asked you?
seems like a lot of self-hate there, guy.
>their own order
All you have comes from outside of you. Everything you believe, all your values, all your ideas about how reality should be are given to you. Not realizing this means that you are just as much of a puppet as any npc.
u can unparticipate... but like how much of it have you ever participated?
i mean like most of you see oneness in human traits or living traits or w/e and never thought of things beyond the typical thoughts.
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I am the most separate from others ITT. There are none like me.
npc or npc who know he is a npc is a npc anyway
Interesting. Do you use Blue Eisenhower November ?

Anyone that wants to separate from this world generally uses something like BEN if not BEN itself.

I trust the path laid by BEN, because it was made by one like you, here.
I agree you are not the people you see. The question is are you really you?
but you have had a dream about other people. Whats the difference? are those dream characters not you?
the whole "we are all one" movement is psyops so globo can implement their one world government.
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OP here. Very true.
This, the we are one fags are just the latest cargo cult

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