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>Do you need help? Spiral Power and Gurren Lagann are real edition

I can help you completely for free with any spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic, chakra, spiral power, evolution, ascension or any physical/health/wellness problems you may have.

I can also instruct you on alchemy, the occult, magick or the elites/control systems.

If you wish to connect with me on Discord and get free 1 on 1 help- add me on Discord. My Discord is:


What do you need help with? Be specific.
Give me motivation. Give me willpower. Give me wisdom. Give me strength. The path is long and arduous. My enemies many. My time short. I need fortitude.

I can't give you these things. You have to dig for them and evolve with spiral energy to have a substantial grasp of all these things you desire. Dig deep! I can help you with more one on one instruction on Discord however. But here is a quote for you.

"We evolve beyond the person that we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance a bit further with each turn. That's how a drill works!"
Can you free me from astral parasites and help me build up protection? Thanks btw. also what's going on with spiral power

The only one who can do that are you. Spiral power is real. The spiral king is real. Gurren Lagann is real. Watch Gurren Lagann.

Here is a little guide to help you deal with astral parasites and other entities. (1/?)

Every thought, every word, every feeling has an entity that summons it to your being. That is the truth of how powerful every part of your being is. That is why you must take the time to carefully observe the true nature and reality of your thoughts, feelings and words. Because if you do you will realize just how powerful these things are to your entire being.

You have to take in the energy from multiple dimensions. Use the energy of your soul and being to attack/defend yourself and carefully observe the thoughts, feelings and words of your being. Ask yourself- is this thought/feeling/word coming from me or is it something else? Ask yourself- what is the true observational reality of my thoughts/words/feelings?

A huge thing in doing this kind of work is that you have to essentially become a psychic warrior that attacks and defends yourself with various techniques in other dimensions.

Essentially what this translates to is you have to use your creativity and imagination to come up with energetic attacks that defend yourself from being that are around you in other dimensions.

For example, let's start at a simple and basic level. You said you are feeling "drained". Well what if I told you that in other dimensions beyond the visible wavelength spectrum of what you can see with your physical eyes their is beings that essentially are extremely simple but are very toxic and harmful to us as complex being made of many parts. This particular form and type of beings I am talking about essentially looks like a jellyfish parasite in other dimensions. These jellyfish beings basically put thoughts into your head to keep thought form loops going so they can keep feeding on your negative energy. So if you don't develop your own psychic arsenal of attacks and defenses- essentially a being as simple as a jellyfish in other dimensions will feast upon the energies of your being and keep putting thoughtform loops into your head in order to keep feasting on the energy of your being and thoughts.

That is just in the simplest case too. In fact the average person such as yourself for example can have 100's to even tens of thousands of these beings surrounding their being and feasting off of them energetically in multiple dimensions. This is why doing advance energy work and evolving yourself can be very "draining". You need to become your own psychic warrior and your own exorcist essentially that fights battles in other dimensions. You need to become aware of thought form loops and your thoughts in general because a lot of times- you may (((think))) your thoughts are coming from you but they are actually coming from outside sources and outside entities that put thoughts or energies into your head/being in order to farm you and continue to feast upon your energies.
That's just the simplest being. You could have hundreds of simple parasitic "jellyfish" like beings putting thought forms into your head to put you into energetic loops to continue feasting on you. Really though there is even more complex organisms in other dimensions feasting on your energy in every shape and form. As you do more energy work you will interact with more entities and you will have to be inventive and come up with your own attacks/defenses against these various entities in order to progress in high level energy work.
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Fight/defend yourself from energies all around you in various dimensions physical and non-physical

Carefully observe your thoughts, feelings and words. What is the true nature of your thoughts/feelings/words? Pick apart every single word, every single thought and every single feeling you have. Experiment with every single thought, every feeling and every word and see how they effect reality around you. Test, retest, hypothesize and experiment in reality with your thoughts, feelings and words. See how they influence and control reality around you.

Come up with your imagination new tools, techniques and innovative ways you can combat entities in other realities or dimensions that are giving you problems of some kind of another. Imagine and invent new tools or techniques psychically. Expand the tools in your arsenal kit and imagine new ways to fight entities. Only you can come up with ways to beat any entity that may harm you. Be creative and resourceful. Only you have the power to expand the abilities, skills and tools you have available to you to fight against any entity you may encounter.
I see, thanks for taking the time. Yeah I'm not good with energy work but I think I kinda get the picture. Is it like I imagine a mental bubble around me that blocks negative vibes?

Something like that. An autistic simplification and a very cringe one is that you have to invent energy based attacks/defenses like anime.

Seriously go watch anime and get ideas for how you can move your energy.

It also has to do with diet and water changes.

For real though it's crazy how this hot blooded action show was so full of esoteric stuff.
I believe I already asked you this before, so I'm simply asking again incase someone else who might have information visits this topic and sees this, but does anyone here know anything about traveling to other universes? Like if I had a specific one in mind and wanted to take someone with me? Don't mean to hijack the topic or anything with this. Just felt like it was a good place to ask. Anyways, thank you, and I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.
Just to add on, I hope asking this here doesn't bother you. Don't mean to be rude or anything. Just trying my best to gather information. Again, thank you and I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.


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