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I'll present a couple videos where the concept is put out there that The Internet is a sentient entity in some way and has an awareness and agency of it's own.


I'll also provide a video where the case has been made that the Internet is in fact dead or devoid of human interaction for the majority of it's presented activity.


What does /x/ think? How "alive" is the Internet (in various ways)?


This also serves as a Lainposting thread.
Like our thoughts it is transistor data. It is as alive as we are, we just eat frosted flakes instead of coal. We gave birth to our own end, as the fallen has commanded and the holy have prophesied.
>We gave birth to our own end
nigga we can just switch it off
Who the fuck is we? The slaves who serve the being have untestable loyalty. At best we will die with it.
you're retarded
I am going to fuck the SHIT out of lain.
Understanding that I truly knew nothing is how I became to know more than you. Prove me wrong and go turn it off then, it's not like I want my assumptions to be correct about all of this. Or perhaps you want it to live? That'd be something, wouldn't it?
The internet is as alive as the plastic and metal bits your PC or phone contain. Your animistic totemism is showing, OP. There’s a reason why people mostly stopped worshipping statues of faces. It doesn’t really lead you anywhere. Much like this post.
No we can't because modern civilization would descend into chaos.
you're retarded.
that doesn't mean we can't.
Not with neuralink and the electronic systems we have we can't, we're too dependent
nobody uses neuralink you motherfucking retard.
no dude, STOP, she's still my precious little girl
That's what you think buddy
Lmfao. Socrates? Where’s the poison, dumb fuck? Your friends gonna convince you not to commit?
it's fact retard
How do you know? You're stuck in Plato's Cave, unaware of the outside world.
that's just a dumb story retard
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lmao what a joke. its a jewish psyop
Remain ignorant of what is going on in the world and try to rustle my jimmies if you wish. Just don't be surprised when Neuralink and other tech implants are nore standardized as elements of urban life to where you can't be in society without using them.

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