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As an energy worker and light healer, I tend to attract, or should i say become acquainted, with people who have had a heavy past, for example criminals and people with a record. Interestingly enough, it is equal in gender, for both males and females. Every single ex-criminal, who I dont immediately know is a criminal whether that info is revealed to me or not, I get a strong taste of "Familiarity" with them. Almost as if due to the way my senses work, it is as if I have met these "criminals" before. Even though most likely I've never met these people physically in my life. Reminds me of Jesus. With women, they see me as their "savior" and they start falling in love with me. Crazy sexual love. This is a combination of how I feel around them + What I see in their eyes. I'm a person that will rudely just stare at people, a lot. Staring down a criminal just makes me feel a "sharp cut" with a "shark like" feeling. They usually get irritated since I am helping them heal their trauma, unconsciously or consciously, by making them aware of it through my own honesty. You can say I am an unofficial spiritual healer/Therapist/Psychologist. Any anons have experience with this? "For a tree to go to heaven, its roots must bury deep into hell" - some wise geezer
just do your fuckin math homework, if you do we'll in life early on you won't have to make shit up to have some interesting days
I relate. I've had a taste of a lot in life so it has been easy to match energies and frequencies, especially destructive ones. Had to take a break tho, to recharge and transmute.

You're doing the lord's work, anon. Keep it up.
I always end up with women who have a fractured psyche from severe trauma. I am able to bring up their core persona and get them on the right track towards self worth/love. Their abusers(family) always catch wind of their transformation and reprogram them. Sad but whatever.
I have this power, but i don't force it on people. It's too much. I walk around like they're invisible. But, if they look at me, i look back. It's pretty terrifying for them regardless because my face is absolutely expressionless. I do wear sunglasses, without them people just melt. Nobody asks me to take them off- they know. Not even where i'm supposed to.
OP here. It takes me like maybe 1 or 2 seconds for me to fully penetrate into someones soul completely. When people stare at me without me staring back, they are mesmerized by it and they love it. When I stare at them, its uncomfortable because they see my demons and a reflection of their own demons
Yeah, i know exactly what you mean.
But i'm a terrible person, so it's even scarier for them. The law is the only thing stopping me from killing people who cross me without a second thought. So they get scared even without me looking, even with dark shades. Because they can tell i'm a stone cold animal. My eyes are like pits. People gasp, look down, sometimes they seem to melt when i make direct eye contact. If they're lying, sometimes one glance and they change their story. Only hardcore delusional narcissists and psychopaths can resist total domination from me- and i still see the fear in their eyes. I can also dig into them in 1-2 seconds, but i can also tell their sins and their lies just from their face, their body. I can tell who is a user, who is lying, etc even without eye contact. This is a rare power. I'd advise against staring people down for fun.
Replying to myself here, you might be thinking i'm a psychopath. And i am- but a secondary psychopath. Which means i still have feelings. In my opinion that makes me even more of a monster than regular psychopaths. And they know. The primary psychopaths can tell i'm worse than them. Narcissists can be very delusional though, and they have a hard time reading others until you make them feel fear directly.
>I do wear sunglasses
Thank you for affirming my disrespect for sunglass wearing faggots.
You're welcome.
I don't have to, and sometimes i forget. Then you pussies show me how terrified you are of me. I wear them so you serfs can cope with your double lives. That's why you lemmings NEVER ask me to take them off. You posers know you're terrified of being seen.
yea i've had to deal with a pretty big number of kikes in my life
it was disgusting
richard and adam levine, trash
emily yerkes, absolute trash kike
and then a bunch through my schooling who were in admin positions, a bunch of immigraiton lawyer kikes, etc.

absolute garbage, stay away
Judges when man flees to the hills we will be the ones to cleanse the herd.

Also criminals are literally just better people. When everyone knows someone will kill for disrespect, it makes people more respectful. Normies are literally niggers and say shit to your face that is unbelievable.
>poke sunglass nigger
>incoherent monkey screeching ensues
That was funny.
Yea bro, keep it up
It's normal, you're probably a changeling like me. It happens with blokes as well, so I've got no male friends. If anyone is around me long enough they want to fuck me.

ugga boonga gibs me dat
>esl nigger confirmed
Just relent, you've already demonstrated your low impulse control.
I'm having fun. I love exposing my darkness. You're doing what? Pretending to be better than me? Get in line, serf. I bet you couldn't look me in the eyes and say that.
Here we go again with that nigger babble, mixed with some emo nonsense. You should lean into the latter, it's more redeamable.
Just talk to the fucking dude Lisa. He's not going to hurt you.
Everybody feels that way all the time. You don't hear us gassing on about it.
Yes they're idiots.
Yeah. You start to gain mass following and allure, unless you deliberately go into hiding in order to prevent you from getting forcefully deified and sacrificed by normie niggercattle.
literally me
I feel the same way. That is why I'm so lonely: My sexuality is strong, everyone around me wants to fuck me. Its even more noticable in wonen. I can literally create a pair-bonding with women just by staring at them (so far it has happened 2 times). They wanna marry me, apparently lol
I feel exactly like that. If you do it right, you can become the most sexiest person in your whole country lol (literally Wilt Chamberlain type sex appeal)
I have that aswell, psychopath genes but I'm not a full psychopath. I am an empath. So basically a dark empath. I am very emotional in fact. I cant find my own people :(
I'm not technically a psychopath all the time, but it's the flip of a switch away.
So, it would be a lie to tell you i'm not a psychopath. But, hey- i still have feelings. I'll feel your pain as i kill you, if that makes you feel any better.
Take care, king. Don't trust the normals.

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