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What I mean is, are there a certain number of gays that exist in a population that under a certain percentage provide some kind of benefit? I have theory that gays in smaller numbers do serve a purpose of being a group of men who are somewhat immune to the negative influence of the pussy, as kind of court jesters who point out absurdities other men may go along with because of the power that the pussy has over them. Also they have no kids, so there is that angle as well. My theory is in small enough numbers they are beneficial but in large numbers and percentages they cause all of the problems that we see today, turning society into this gross gay fuckfest.

I also have the same theory for sluts, that in small numbers they serve a purpose of essentially containing the need for men to coom, so they don't ruin all the other women or go too crazy from lack of poon. Nowadays we have the same problem with sluts, every woman is a slut now.
Faggots reproduce by molesting other peoples children.
No, they do not serve any purpose other than being despicably evil.
This is a fair issue to raise, but it's unfair to say every fag is a molester.
>looks like we got us one of those self hating faggots
>but muh exceptions!
>ignore the rule what about muh exceptions?!
you argue like a woman
I'm not a fag
Logically, most don't fuck kids. It is a problem in their community. Being gay is a form of a sexual fetish for sure. It isn't good for the fag involved, I pitty gays really.
>I’m not a fag
Me doth think the fag protest too much.
Timmy boi is a modern day prophet, lamenting the evils of our time. Shout out to The Great Ray Kump as well, the Marcus Aurelius of podcasts
Not him but you talk like a faggy plebbitor so i guess we can chalk this up to projection on your end
>samefagging this hard
How are those bruised tonsils?
>a group of men who are somewhat immune to the negative influence of the pussy
Instead they're influenced by each other's penises, I wouldn't say that's an improvement.
I don't know, I usually have some awful rhetoric about gays that pops up from time to time but then I think about Freddy Mercury and I'm like naww they're cool

Also I heard some audio recording of Ru Paul giving some life advice that really helped me. Generalization doesn't really end up fruitful anymore.
logically we can assume most of them never get caught. now double the number of the convicted fags and you have the true number.
they eat the poop, like those bottom feeder fishes
Tim is the least gayest fag really and exists to be a fat caddy funny bitch

Nothing really exists for any purpose besides being
I don't know about the jester analogy, if you look at the bigger historical picture fags have had their fingers in too many influential holes, many of those in respectable positions within their cultural context. But about your question, i don't think it has a straightforward answer at all, homosexuality hasn't always been perceived the way we perceive it right now, it's had several different dynamics throughout history, to the point where there hasn't been a fixed, consensual metric or way of categorizing it, and sometimes it hasn't even been categorized, sometimes people didn't give a fuck.

But putting the societal aspect aside, if we're talking nature, i believe some people, no matter men or women, are born with certain predisposition to develop psychic frameworks of the opposite sex and turn into mental chimeras that have a higher degree of infatuation with the same sex. I think this degree would be cultivated and solidified throughout the early years and puberty. Those with a lower degree would end up dominating those with a higher degree, or even maintaining attraction for the opposite sex (bisexuals), and those with a higher degree would end up developing some of the opposite sex's dynamics and being dominated.
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Sodomy is never necessary. You can get the same positive results you mentioned with none of the negative ones by just being a Eunuch.
>incel detected
I think most modern gays are a defect of cultural influence and hormone fuckery. But I remember reading some theory that the biological purpose for homos was so that when we were in our hunter gatherer little family unit groups, they could help support the other males children without competition over women etc or something like that. And then if the father died they could still help support the women/kids.
Bullet sponges in time of war, send them in first
You have to go back.
Ah sweet, a chud thread!
Eunuchs are volcels usually
Looks like we have a regular ol' fag here

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