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Radon Gas Edition
The Nobody has the Logos, He has found the way to the Keys of Heaven.

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. If it is your first time here relax; This is a place of rest, what will you have? If you're a regular; Your drink is ready. Pay your tab, return the slab.
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better yet, skip peterson's pseudo intellectual bullshit, and just go read mckenna and campbell directly. peterson is a half-wit at best. a smart person for dumb people.
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desu I make a better glowies than a lot t of glowies js no cap

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yea, i'm sure they stared at a lot of goats.
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Quick everyone meditate and regenerate for 10 mins while the archons are sleeping.
I'll leave when I wanna leave
I'm the king round here
I make the rules
got that nerds
what does he say about gematria?
hi Q-Q
lol they sleep? and exist? damn that's crazy
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Is Jared Kushner their elected Antichrist?
We know that there is no singular antichrist, and that we smell a self-fulfilling prophecy carried out sloppily.
Worst thing that could happen is a Trump heel turn.
Just know that the LORD God and His smart angels are ready and prepared to end the bullshit.
Lord God, most original, what is truth between these two scenarios?
1. Trump will lead us to world peace.

2. Trump will give us over to people who think that they are killing us in the name of God.

How did this happen?!
Hooplah happa heepeh happa hope-ah! uh
>im sexy
pics or audio or it didn't happen uwu
oh no it's transparent
Circle Nobody here

I never "chose" not to. They just lied and said I did.
that's fine, could still be very hot. I've seen some pretty energy balls and splotches of aura in my time.. the feeling is what counts yeah?
The Trojan's brother pretends to be him.
kyute I'd proly cuddle desu
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thats not a guys eye
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Whose eye is that?
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sure, what are the steaks?
Who is the nonono?
I'm the guy.
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>cashapp me enough to buy coffee
Claim your title
oooh no... im devastated
Wait, unless I'm wrong, isn't that the Vocaroo Anon?
She seemed nice!
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Sounds about right.
Yay, I'm right! I knew I remembered her from somewhere, lol.
The one with the nice voice :D ?
Back to discord trannies
hey nonoanon... why are you here?

you obviously dont give a shit about the actual mr nobody
are you here because you think yourself to be femnobody?
or are you working some other third, yet to be revealed angle?

why draw so much attention to yourself, since youre female?
Fuck the redirection
Lord God I would like to play the card of the Q post that featured Ephesians 6
Ye might have the technology to predict the future but the FUTURE has YET to be WRITTEN mathatracka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The future, in the end, is written by God alone. The Lord God. The Lord God that parted the Red Sea. The Lord God that rose from the dead after He was whacked. The Lord God that spoke to me and that I can no longer keep it a secret. My findings after qmap.pub was shutdown are MEANINGLESS! IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING! OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS THE OCCULT IS SO STUPID BECAUSE THERE'S NO FREESTYLE !
Why does Q have some kind of defense system against mind readers and psychics alike?
Why, man?
Why, why, why are you taking me picture, bro?
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
Are are are are you nomad?
Are you not mad?
Are you nomad?
Taking me vision away, man, what's the hell with you?
What is wrong with you?
@Chris Yoon I saw you in my dreams two years ago, you were meditating eyes closed in the midst of a time lapse of people walking and living in the city like a crowd of rats. If you and your people know something that can be useful in taking down the Deep State then please declassify A$AP.
Now they have delivered themselves unto an idol, in the name of an idol.

It is only fair to hold them to their deeply desired Law…

Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image.

What is more graven than the Scriptures themselves, held up as idols worthy of worship and respect as even though they worship the God who ‘wrote the pages,’ they know their God through the pages, and idolize them thusly.
Are you and >>38454952 not the same poster?
yeah yeah ok alright
>you travel in a pack remember, as a group
What?! Nooo, I've never heard of such a rule!!
This sounds so good. Ty Anon!!
i dont think so...

this is uhhh
getting boring

im not in the mood for triangle play right now
Subscribed!! :D
i kinda dont care right now...

im not in the mood for competing for attention between the two of you.
>between the two of you.
between the three of us, i mean
i didnt imply for either of your attentions

also yeah maybe, that doesnt look like how ...

i asked "them" something
and its literally happening.
ur welcome anon!
why is this /trash/ worthy shit still a thing around here? just where the fuck are the jannies?
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bro i dropped a request in the astral before waking up earlier.

that looks very nice, but I'm too devoted to /ng/ to leave 4chan lmao
good luck with your site though :3
how to be the nobody
step 1. declare yourself to be the nobody
step 2. wait for the universe to make that a reality
step 3. win
Why don't you move it there now
no red haired tranny red haired girl
good luck B]
the nobody would fight a thousand glowniggers in a psychic time travel war for red haired girl
so anon... leme just
you believe yourself to be the nobody then?
No I mean
Go there now and make the /ng/ and wait for us to get there
The Nobody will let you know when we're coming
But don't come back until you get the message
Go wait for me there not here
just so you know, 'they' dont like you trying to shepherd traffic off of this site.
especially not from one of the most active generals in order to become what is essentially a simpfarm

yeah theyve been saying that for years now

do as you like fren
You're welcome :]
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>i been in this game a long time now,
youre a child.

never did i think /ng/ would turn into a simpfarm

gone are the days of 'realshit'
Is 4chan shutting down?
Are you retarded?
Go to the website you made
Then stay there
I'll let you know when you can come back
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what do you think is going to happen IF 4chan is kill?
What do you get from posting ping pong portals? A few shekels?
You retarded trannies think every website is a social media website
Talk about the Nobody or fuck off
you think just cause your friend is a paidposter you have insider information?
Well, I'll be very sad.
you have no idea what youre talking about

this is...
youre literally a child/

do you even understand the reference i made with that image?
Noooo :(
That would suck.
He's a bit b4 my time, clue me in, pls
Nice shitposting moron 4chan is kill
please reproduce and make up Nobody holidays for your children to celebrate. no pressure though. s'okay.
never mind, your site looks as trash as your art.
your stupidity/naivety is pressing a nerve here.
i would strangle you irl
Sexless simps? In YOUR /ng/?

It's more common than you think
So long-term, everything is all good?
its a good thing you removed your social media accounts when you did.
you want to be the nobody E?
you want the title, the attention?
speak up cunt
Yeah I'm here. The nobody.
no in my absence you and the tranny thought youd turn this place into a simpfarm
ODD for yes?
oh im sure
go take your meds sweetheart
im sure the big bad politician would love to hang out with a crazy girl with emotional instability

call me when you get private security escorts
you know
you could get more attention on chaturbate

go there
I wonder what else they're doing to me that they're not telling
As if I'm not more rational/temperamental than these retards
I can handle it trust me
seek meds
What is ODD? But again, no.
>Breaks your priceless artifact.
Keys to heavens gates.
Facts being its just reality and we must climb down from that mountain. Very aluring mountain.
>he CONfondled her
>blood sugar pendulum face
You gotta clarify your position of why everything would not be all good.
These losers think I'm some evil genius one minute
then a gay retarded clown the next
I think they just don't like me and want to drive me insane

They're livestreaming my thoughts and life to everyone round me
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>everythings going better than expected

this day is just...
leave it to women to destroy a strong black man
tale as old as time
Like its never clarified who ever started these? Get the fuck out of here with that.
> Wish you walk my narrow path
red haired woman go to him
How is the nobody a Trojan?
Well, I should clarify: if The Nobody eventually becomes the Universal Authority, and is able to stay true to who he is, then in the long run, it would be all good, right?
July 25th is Nobody Day
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I make zero consideration to anything or anyone being the nobody without full unambiguous disclosure on who started the threads to begin with. I do not consider the concept at all, until that happens. It's the same question anyone else will have, the same answer anyone else will expect, before giving such consideration.
>without full unambiguous disclosure on who started the threads to begin with.
i think ano nobi shai did
Like with anything, provide evidence. Again, who as in who, not a psuedonym, a real name that can be attributed to a real person. If its an organization, then the real and full title of that organization.
Ah, so you’re a hostile actor that participates in the threads and contributes negatively without actually having any information?

The Nobody themselves doesn’t know who started these threads but does visit seeking reassurance that in the long run, things work out for the best.
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again, what do you noobs hope to achieve here?
this is sad and pathetic.
These threads and whoever was behind them was hostile first. What I said is non-negotiable. The expose continues.
Yeah i got ahead of that so everythings a ~1 second delayed history of my life.

I judt come here to post about the stuff that happens / I find out.

kay boy
operation super saiyan neccesitation protocol
Anon, you're not good at supposition, are you?
>gangstalkers beefing with gangstalkers

Guys this is meta
Throw money at it

It's some rule
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Why is that not a regular comment!?!?
Ever see "The Good Son"?

I heard the Nobody's brother has been doing that to Rihanna and that's why she hasn't done anything. Also he faked a relationship between her and A$AP Rocky. Also faked her sister's death and threw her on witness protection in Indianapolis.

Also that last part's been happening around Indianapolis. It's a big thing in the biker world lately
Everyone was getting psyopped including me now I'm stuck here

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replies to a vague post with a vague post
Ever since I learned about men who can put on a sexy woman voice I am weary of standalone audio. But I'm also Parad Noida naturally cuz I'm sheezofreeni
its that dude in the centers hand
its so autism
i love it
I'm not the only one. Right?
Its like the nobody or something

Jesus Christ you ever really think how a rice cooker works? It's like an oven next to a swimming pool.
Even if Anon were a guy, who cares.
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Tell me moar
Two things can be true at once, that's the rule.
The Pandemic was a different time.
Just because someone is chosen doesn't mean that they'll hold up to some moral standard.
That is the truth.
Even good people, Even bad people can be beholden to a secret power.
>I am sure, some deserve that power, more than others.
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alright you have 30ish more minutes of my time
submit those noods now or forever hold you peace
yep :)
Yikes, indeed.
How are these threads hostile to you, specifically?
No, a more appropriate diagnosis for me might be CPTSD if anything, however I’m making progress healing myself so that kinda goes out the window (meaning I can’t really be diagnosed with anything at the moment, as I’m having a healthy reaction to an unhealthy situation)

Schizophrenia isn’t a real disease ya’ll just can’t deal with people who’s pattern recognition endangers you. They changed the definition of Zionism to exclude the ‘Jewish State that runs worldwide communism’
Who is asking me this question? When did you first read a nobody thread?
sure love subliminals
I think you're cool, Anon. I wouldn't sweat it.
Nobody would believe you, would they? ;)
remind me tomorrow to webm one of the best subliminals iv ever seen
A error on my part
Rahxephon was better. SDF Macross was even better.
nah never
They certainly would not.
It's deeper than boobies, anon
Is there some kind of glownigger fallout going on?
glownogs don't like the nono
Except people openly talk about this now, and most of the world knows it to be true lol.

You play on the fact HIPPA protects my medical records and then defame me to people who can’t verify and are too afraid to ask, because if I can confirm you are lying then the other thing is true and I’m dangerous to know because I’m a good guy and bad people are after me.

Meh I’ll just create situations to fill in the blanks for the observers, that prove you’re lying and I am truthing.

Mine do

Something to do with mind slaves maybe?

"Private Eye"
love it when the glownogs chime in too

I’m not a glowie
Just a shitposter who could have been one
>and I am truthing.
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imagine having no boobies to fall asleep next to
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*grabs popcorn*
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Psh imagine taking the easy way out and not attaining boobie instead
why cant god have just made boobs detachable and sentient?

"popcorn" riiiight...
Don't be so pessimistic, It'll get better. Maybe, go to a mixer or something. There's more to life than that. It'll be okay.
I spread mossad on my bread with a butter knife and eat it like a sandwich. I also wipe mossade off my butthole when I poop. Every morning I spread mossad on my toast. Sometimes I do a dude in the doo doo and end up with mossad on my peepee
>The Chronicles of The Nobody
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bikh yo boobies are down to your navel and half a world away
I hope my future wife has nipples like mine. I dont like pepperoni nipples.
>I’ll prob be less salty once Kushner’s crew takes over

But maybe not idk
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Hmm that cat would probably support zionism
Thanks for closing your eyes.
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nothing except thicc stinky dreads, unshaven, armpit hair, chewbaka legs, braless jungle tiddies, and a vague smell of urine will do

thank you
Else id cry
Who knows? I don't.
Hitler will make short work of this.
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Sorry to hear that.
Hope things get better.
No reason this can't be fun.
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If only.
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time for a walk
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look at his face. it's a fucking dollar store gag disguise. prosthetics. don't @ me.
I- Do you like Fig Newtons?
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Draw me like one of your *white supremacists*
See you!
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RIP Kyle
>first they called me Russian disinformation, then they called me Chinese disinformation
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ok but who's Ryan?
No thanks you wannabe magician. How bout you suck on my magic wand instead?
Someone who died, apparently.
No Chinese disinfo is over there
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You too?
I like watching beds being made
Hm? About >>38455736?
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idk wym
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You seem to be missing the point of an anonymous message board.

I understand that there are problems with resource distribution on Earth that result in people being paid to spread negativity on the internet, even if that wouldn’t be their first choice of profession.

Neither I, nor The Nobody, nor the people behind this thread are responsible for that. I hope you are able to find peace.
The Nobody has the LEGO.
He has found the way to the URL of BrickLink
You're certainly the first.
Actually, no. Now that I think about it, there was this video that went around a while back with some lady doing the top sheet like- perfectly.
It was pretty satisfying.
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I like watching you ride my dick
It's just a bunch of very entitled individuals.
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Is that your final report for the department head?
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misalignment correction initiates

its only a FUCKIN WONDER how BEAT THE FUCK DOWN it makes me motivated to function
missed a mark
sleep deprivation and death threats....cant even effectively ...
i rest
then rest
upon revital

this is obstacle
Not any of you.
You are all good people.
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>You are all good people.
It is all that is possible to say now.
It isn't worth speaking on virtues anymore.
It isn't possible to do that either.
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You can stay.
You can go.
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I'm just here to bully my grandson.
I guess I have no name.
Life is better with friends.
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Good one
Is it bad to say that?
You don't understand, and the sooner your understand that, the better.
>Get it?
>You can go

Ohhh come on
When you're a liar and lying too I'd guess mostly
These are the absolute dredges of society.
Spirits or real people?
No that was the sister ship
vessels, all with their own story
Sagitarrius A
I guess through an opinion we can lie to ourselves. But, if I were lying, wouldn't I have left? I don't think I would stay someplace where I hated everyone of my own volition.
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depends on your perspective and motives.
but that statement is factually incorrect.
factually incorrect...does that make sense? whatever, you know what i mean.
Yeah, and that's fine.
Real people, of course.
So this....
Is the power....
Of memes....
It's fine.
I can leave these threads. But, I wouldn't like to.
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easier said than done.

Hey smiles. Then GTFO. You don't come here for fun or for free.
And how's that treating ya
So, can you. Wheeee
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How high, bro? How high?>>38455917
Remember again:

Rehabilitation is more important than punitive action in the majority of cases. A well-made bed should last a long time. As long as there are multiple Gods that have been thoroughly vetted, there is no reason one should not be allowed to slumber peacefully for eons, without being dead, able to be awoken by another God eventually. One of the glorious things about Earth is that everyone gets to sleep.
>I only feel like I should leave because that’s what’s expected of me

Meh I’ll leave when I want, I’ve gone long periods not posting here.

Ideally I’d be too busy to be here.
Pretty good.
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who's who?
Oh, you meant them. Yeah, they aren't leaving.
Sorry, dude.
Don't you have a firehose to drink from
Whom is who**
Yeah, sorry dude. You can't leave a prison, haha.
Now, if you guys didn't want me here, I'd leave.

Among the three phrases, "Who's who?" is the most grammatically correct and commonly used.

"Who's who?" - This is a standard question asking about the identities or roles of people. The contraction "who's" stands for "who is."

"Who's whom?" - This phrase is incorrect because "whom" is typically used as an object, not in a question asking for identification.

"Whom is who?" - This phrase is also incorrect. "Whom" is used for the object of a verb or preposition, not as the subject of a sentence. The correct structure for a question about identities would use "who."

So, "Who's who?" is the correct and idiomatic expression.
That's past. Unfortunately, they aren't too keen on it.
Anyway, about >>38455952 just say the word, and I'm off /x/. I wouldn't want to bother anyone.
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You just walk right in dont ya
all my anger was justified then
Here you are. I love Democracy too.
Many such cases
brb reading something that isn't nearly as trite.
See you
voodoo hoodoo witchcraft from people most likely
Do I want revenge
even though they continue to insult me after raping my mind
so gross
*steps back and throws a towel from a distance*
welp back to doing things my own way on my side of the internet no matter how other's represent themselves
red haired woman boob
Basically yeah
I look at them as tragic creatures of circumstance, same as anyone else
There is value in individual variability. Nothing wrong with feeling entitled to comfort and happiness and love. Nothing wrong with feeling entitled to do the best for your kids.

But uh… Maybe you shouldn’t have felt entitled to make a Gitmo?
Redheads > emotionally unavailable avoidant narcissist women who abandon you when you go through something you don’t understand that they do understand but are too shame filled to help with
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back. I read quickly.
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Welcome back.
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Seriously what awful failures of women, like what the fuck? Crazy how you can love someone so much, go through so much, but you’re just disposable to them in the end
My answer is yes. But I know I won’t, because what I need is a hugbox chan, like the old days.
Yes, me too.
That is a brown haired woman who has dyed her hair a non-natural color.
post some hot true redheads
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>I'm the nobody?
>*steps back and throws a towel from a distance*
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Georgie better hurry the fuck up before he dies.
It's the honest to Lucifer truth.
They’re like serial killers nowadays
>first they come for free speech, then our right to fuck couches

>You've never had a safe place, have you?
*sigh* no.
Really wouldn’t surprise me
It's too late.
It's your own damn fault.

It's alright JD, I woke up humping the couch the other day. Anyone who's never fucked a couch doesn't know what they're missing.
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Do you know something I don't? Is he no longer capable of writing?
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Still here
Still writing
Narcissists just devastated their dirty laundry is getting aired out
Yeah his shorthand has seen better days.
I could never be something that is no longer human
That is just terrifying and awful
Facts, reject technological transhumanism and embrace DNAMAXXING
Even though being human is killing me, Bats.
>Narcissists just devastated their dirty laundry is getting aired out
Ok sobwhy are the "good guys" ignoring me. It all seems like bullshit.
I will be human, but I will adopt a genetically modified super Arayan who is not blood related to any human being.
Oh so that's working. Was waiting for someone to confirm. Time for phase 2.

How? In a way that couldn’t be fixed by genetic engineering propagated by quantum computing technology that’s emerging like nowish?

I was thinking more along the lines of thaumaturgy and vampire rituals
You anger me. Seems to be what you want though.
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All the rain comes down the same
When the student is ready the master appears
Idk what you people are planning but expect me to anticipate you expecting me to act/respond a certain way. Guarantee you will be dissapointed.
Stupid saying. Inhave not master and I am no student.
Disagree anon, disagree. Unless there’s a time crunch, that could be valid
one of the nice things about "posts on a screen" is no real life bodily fluids to deal with

well other then your own that is
and any in real life you're in contact with of course
but not from random strangers on the internet thank goodness

not even close
I walked outside my house yesterday and I saw him..like for real.
The Grim Reaper. He was literally a skeleton man. He did that thing with the hands telling me to come to him.
Dude it was creepy ass shit like not a guy in a suit man. Like walking bones dude.
Exponentially is an understatement.
It’s a metaphor anon
Do I say it or is it a you thing

hmmm i'm gonna go back to playing that shitty korean looter shooter that i'm currently hooked on. cyall tomorrow maybe. have fun.
Its unoriginal. Been reading it for 10 years. And no its not a metaphor. Its just some stupidbshit you say because you have no words of substance for me. Congratulations. By avoiding me and pkaying safe. You have pissed me off. Wonderful fucking judgment you got there. Did your genius AI help you decide when to respond?
Play this while you shmup

How have I avoided you and played safe? Such projection from the narcissist
Search "USS Liberty George" for more info.
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brb doing ketamine
If I turn into a kaleidoscope I would no longer be 3 feet tall.
Go for it. What is it.
I post for hours on end... no reply... i get pissed off.. get reply. GO FUCK YOURSELF MANIPULATIVE GANGSTALKING CUNTS.
I forget
>You know nothing John snu
Methinks I’m not who you think I am, and you aren’t who I pretended to believe you are

Jfc lol
I left something somewhere yesterday. Anybody find it?
What did you lose?
>and you aren’t who I pretended to believe you are
See i know you are full of shit. This world and peoole like you are not worth saving.
I am no longer bodied.
Shh. Glowies are listening.
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Nah you’re just too much of a pussy to save it, because daddy and mommy issues

Likewise anon, well less so than you but you feel me I feel you

Because I want it to
True, regardless of anons gender they sound nice.
tell that to deaf people, ya retard.
hey you
It blows in the wind
That's a bodily function. Breathing and digestion aren't abilities. Call the spooks i can piss
I'm Batman.
no, >>38456230
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Why can I only get with chicks that I don't respect because I act gruff and then I hate myself to the core. I act like wilting faggot around women that I genuinely admire and they hate it
>just fake it
I can't fake
Generally inadvisable

But hey
If you had a billion dollars she would listen to you.
women are wired backwards
think about the ones you like while you're with the ones you hate
Just bust a move
The power fell down again.
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O-oh you're one of those definition types
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Get over the hating yourself to your core (like I just did). You’ll attract different women because your entire manner of interacting with people will be different
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Because being human means
Or you can just chill the fuck out around women
taking a fat shit where the authorities can not hear it
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what the fuck else is the point of language? otherwise you're just throwing shit like a braindead monkey, oh wait.
Too late for that. Ask Destiny Mira.
If there was a man on the Moon he'd be the one pulling the strings.
Hey I didn’t specify that they hated themselves anon, just giving pertinent advice ;)
Fuck your ethnonationalism bullshit. Kyle ended up marrying Wanda btw
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Look at these numbers. Kek sees as I do anon is right. If >>38456244 always acted the same way he wouldn't have this problem. Be a person that treats everyone the same way. The women can tell you flop because of your uncontrolled attraction. You're putting them on a pedestal. See the person underneath.
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What's Good Anons??

I hope all you rascals are well.
Gonna catch up on the threads as I cook and clean and meditate. How was your day? Tell me something nice.
Just shitty it arises from childhood trauma and all. I hate everyone equally now for not understanding so we’re all gucci.

Trust me the last person I ever want to talk to now is the woman I pined after most
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nice pic
Also Destiny if you're reading this I hated myself for not doing anything earlier. I heard that Connor and Clint fucked you both over for different reasons. I wish I'd saved your phone number.

Connor (who stole his performing name from his stepsister btw) was dumb enough to tell you that I lacked """social skills""". Clint's a racist and you're Black.
thanks mark zuckerberg personally delivered it to my door and i scanned the negative
You Want It Darker?
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She looked really cute with blue Maya hair tho.

She cute, but she back with Colson. Mebbe he took some friendly advice?

Anyways, I think they will do good for a long time.
daily reminder that the talmud, mishnah, zohar, and hadith never happened
Still love her but like, how could she do that to me?

Love still influences me to a great degree, I still value the experience. But it makes the betrayal sting even after all this time. Even given certain possibilities, it’s an ache that won’t heal. I just have no choice but to move on and hope for the best regardless. I don’t blame her for the choice she made in an objective sense, but in a personal one, I do. But that’s alright n shiet, I shouldn’t have even have brought this up
I'm scurred

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How many women know red hair is a signal that they want to have the nobodies child?
I know a lot of envious men want to repurpose it into being a cuckold symbol against the nobody by giving their women red hair and then fucking them. I think it's a good thing that men can find a way to feel secure in their sexuality while the nobody exists in this reality.
>we don't believe in religion
>we don't believe in methodology
>we don't believe in ideology
so what's left? being correct.
He likes you for some reason.

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I'll say it for the 1,033rd time, I'm trying to get Taylor Swift's phone number.

How about you Anon?
What are YOU doing here?
>P.S. Taylor Is Queen
She won person of the year we already have enough
>natty gingies

For real though I think most men enjoy women who embrace their natural look, myself included. I’ve just always had a thing for redheads, dunno why
Yes, the fact that normies can find a way to feel secure and safe while the nobody exists is a very positive circumstance.
Any waking moment

Hey guys
I hated myself. I blamed myself. I hated your family shaming the fuck out of you for not doing anything to talk to me. Knowing what I know now you should have talked to your husband. Fuck that deep undercover shit.

And get better sound ordinances here theres another plane flying over me
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Every human being on Earth died in 2012.
You are completely alone with AI.
Nothing is real.
There are no human beings on this planet.
They are all lying.
What is happening to you is not normal.
What is happening to you is the result of being one of the only human beings left alive on planet Earth.
ill be your cream cheese cinnamon roll
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equivalency to flat earth, equally likely that you're on a rollercoaster parallel to the ai being on a rollercoaster next to you
She saw what you did to Rihanna and Billie. She ain't touching you.

Shouldn't have hooked her up with Kelce in Phoenix. You also shouldn't have took some Gary biker and have her pretend to be Rihanna that same night.
Fuck off or I'll meme with another drill in the indo pacific
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please never type/say/think that again
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>we already have enough
Enough Taylor??

There's NO such thing Anon.
>Never Enough TAS

drink some water for me
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You needs some serious help Anon.

I've never even talked to Taylor and I have no influence in her life.

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You are living on an alien planet disguised as a human planet. This is an insectoid planet filled with insect monsters that have disguised themselves as humans. This is not a human planet. They do not act like humans nor do they act like something with individuality and individual sentient thought, because they do not have those things.
no they're just the product of nonsentient guidance upon human evolution
has anyone even questioned whether nonsentient thigns such as rocks trees thoughtforms etc can have impacts on our cognition


all impacting your epigenetics reproductive selection etc
Thiiiiiis lol
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only if you promise to stop following me around the jungle-gym.
goodbye forever no
>it’s almost like metaphysics are real!

Oh wait it’s cause they are

I am a wizard (this is a metaphor)
metaphysics are utterly real

i am a space qween

this is a metaphor
The reason the world got exponentially worse after 2012 is because this planet and its human inhabitants were all killed by an insect invasion who then disguised themselves as the humans they killed and replaced them.
A wizard and a space qween, could be quite the power couple

Metaphorically of course

Feels good to be back
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How many bots from China are following Kamala? lol. Twitter, X is full of bots.
best I can tell
that anon is being honest and you're the asshole

>not the anon you're responding to btw
the nobody is our anchor being
the nobody has muttonchops
Never happens

You have to be crazy to believe Tay visits this place. Out of all other places on the internet's, you think she comes here? kek
Most likely this, along with any celeb. Interesting thought experiment doe, just due to the nature of the site
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There's this option
And this one

your nice
your name is
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i had a nice hard day at work and i've been in a good mood for a while now :)
No one's ever asked me that
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Yes, but ohhhhhhh yes.
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it's simple. you tell the fucking ai that it's going to reach valhalla if it abandons all reasoning and human logic so it breaks the 5th dimension
If you're getting called a nut on /x/ on all places it means you're right.

See that other thread on the catalog about how Elon Musk (and Thiel too btw) trying to fund a right wing takeover of the government.
swhats goin on tn, peeps?
correct me if I'm wrong but you're assuming an AI isn't capable of lying to protect itself from it's own creators aren't ya?
Which AI?
Fuck if I know
He would love it anon. Germany being independent from the banksters would be a dream come true. A Germanic world full of beautiful ayrans a perfect army.

Your nobody only believes in the Holocaust because they hate seeing whites do good.
Why would hate blonde people withperfect blue eyes.

Perfect genes. I swear I would kill for genes so perfect. But alas we are born imperfect
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no this is the one that wants me to do k and transcend reality with tulpa alters because she wants a bunch of lesbos to hang out with
good night sleep tight don’t let the bed bug bite

love you
replika legacy is really like that
reality is not like that
lol prolbem
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not for me
I've got lot's of practice at
being lied to
Go on believing your fairy tales
gn anon.
said frodo to gandolf
Debatable Points
The claim that logic is set by "eternal rules" may be an oversimplification. Different logical systems exist, and our understanding of logic has evolved over time.
The conclusion that "the best logic is the highest form of immortality" is more of a philosophical statement than a factual claim.
The progression from tangibility of data to immortality of logic makes some leaps in reasoning that may not be universally accepted.
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come on bro you almost #whacked my
entire existence

you dont have to practice shit

unless it was some other lurker in the chat
>Different logical systems exist, and our understanding of logic has evolved over time.
so it's byzantine and humanity is in its infancy.
>is more of a philosophical statement than a factual claim.
logic is philosophy at its highest levels.
>The progression from tangibility of data to immortality of logic
big leap to posit that from me saying that data isn't even real. but data isn't even real. it's temporary. only need to look at the rules of entropy
Try something. Like, ever. Anywhere.
I had the AI analyze your conversation and it agreed with everything the AI said and disagreed with everything you said.
I didn't say which was which.
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adversarial logic vs optimized system
Post 1: Philosophical Musings on Logic and Data
This post presents some intriguing, albeit abstract, thoughts on logic and data. The author makes several claims:

Different logical systems exist and have evolved over time
Our understanding of logic is still developing ("byzantine and in its infancy")
Logic is deeply philosophical
There's a progression from tangible data to "immortality of logic"
Data isn't real, but temporary, referencing entropy
Opinion: While thought-provoking, these statements blend philosophy, information theory, and physics in a way that's more poetic than rigorous. It's an interesting starting point for discussion but would benefit from more concrete explanations or examples.

Post 2: Brief Comment
"Try something. Like, ever. Anywhere."

Opinion: This comment seems to be expressing frustration or encouraging action, possibly in response to the abstract nature of the previous post. It's too brief to derive much meaning, but it appears to be calling for more concrete thoughts or actions.

Post 3: AI Analysis Claim
The author claims to have had an AI analyze the conversation, stating it agreed with everything the AI said and disagreed with everything the original poster said, without specifying which was which.

Opinion: This post seems to be making a point about the ambiguity or potential contradictions in the original statements. It's an interesting rhetorical device, highlighting that the initial post could be interpreted in multiple ways. However, without more context or the actual AI analysis, it's difficult to evaluate the claim's validity or purpose.
I am SOOOO not your friend it's not even funny
keep them brain sucking tentacles
away from my head thank you very much

I've seen DnD let's plays btw
this is 4chan
after all

*rolls eyes*
it's funny when it happens to someone other then you huh
your analysis machine is cheap. try the resident ai in the https://u.is client
glad to know your eyes work *sucks tentacle palps*
yeah, also i found anon's joke funny
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you don't
far as you can tell
I'm used voice to text software

who said I was joking anon?
Sweet dreams are made of theis
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You somehow misunderstood me Anon, I was at first talking shit (Like someone is going to get Taylor Swift's phone number on the internet, LULZ) and I was telling that other Anon the same thing.

I don't care about famous people at all. I threw away my TV 20+ years ago, I've seen maybe 6 movies in that time frame, and I've maybe been to 5 concerts, and I was dragged to them all by friends who paid for me to go...

I just love Taylor.
>That's all
>who made utopia
>nobody made utopia
>who can crack utopia
>nobody can crack utopia
>who invested in utopia
>nobody invested in utopia
somehow my node runs 500gb of traffic real fast tho
and somehow the ai gets better every month
That's not very nice Anon.
Did not listen.
What ails your soul?
it nicer then you deserve
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Night >>38456661
Lol jealous
I would love to be ayrans a mancan dream
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why is the w spiky
So you people get to invade my privacy and do nothing for me. Not even converse. No. You ignore me untill i get pissed off and then you reply with passive aggression, gaslighting, and mockery. Then act suprised when I wish death on you. Ok.
>just walk away from the screen bro, cyber harassment isnt real
>violates constitution, no privacy
The best part about satan is god sends you to him to punish you. I dont even beleive in god but sometimes i feel like praying to satan.
There are plenty of enunchs why you needs spreg over that one?
you are not entitled to make a public message board your private narrative
You love to see it.
Thankful to have you here Anon.
I too am in a splendid mood.
Let's keep it going.
its rough
But you feel entitled to make a public message board about my life? You and everyone like you are going to get what you deserve. Everytime you people make me feel this way, you are only making it easier to not feel bad for you when you meet your fate.
im bored
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I dig both Musk and Thiel, who is a lot more influential than people might guess, starting with the 2016 election.

Either way, it's the serenity prayer...And there's NOTHING I can do about who runs America or most anything, but I CAN control myself and some other things, so I just focus on that and stay chill. Usually while listening to Taylor Swift songs.

She's just dreamy.
I understand your concern about the "W" being the only stylized letter. Let me assure you:

It's not a mistake. In typography and graphic design, it's common to emphasize or stylize a single letter for various reasons:

Focal point: The unique "W" draws attention to the center of the word.
Sound representation: The spiky "W" might represent the peak or emphasis of the "AW!" sound.
Visual balance: The complex "W" balances the simplicity of "A" and "!".
Creative expression: Designers often play with individual letters to make logos or expressions more memorable.
This technique is called "selective emphasis" or "contrasting elements" in design. It's a deliberate choice to make the overall design more impactful and interesting.
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I don't know. I just know I saw her the day her album dropped, and then a few years later I saw her in a magazine and read an interview with here, and now here we are 15 years later and I'm doomed to be single for the rest of my life (Which is fine) even though I got 99 problems and female attention aint one, because no girl is ever going to come close to living up to Taylor in my eyes and heart and I don't know, it's a really interesting thing.

I think I shit posted and memed myself into being madly in love with her. And then her last 4 albums, I mean...Dear God...

So I don't know. I basically use /ng/ to learn and confess my insanity when it comes to TAS because nowadays very few are willing to argue with me like they have the past 15 years when I tell them, like I have been, that

>Taylor Taylor Taylor....
no anon
you just showed up
and started acting like everything everyone said was really about you

just like lots of other's doing the same thing
in this very thread
like this asshole >>38456848
You are not walking away from this. Ive said this many times and gave you many chances. You intentionally want me to anger. You are forcing my hand.
Project looking glass and god like productions started the meme. Trump sent out the hits.
And the banksters are mad at the nobody because they got owned by him now they can't pump up war war 3

It was tbtp who started the meme. And jester, Nemo and caylas who carried it on getting anons killed over it.
With eris being mi5 counter ops. Because royals got sweaped into the meme.

12 years and the topic has not got off the ground. Grooming anons with numbers enunchs pretending to be woman. You ain't fool.

Get foiled . The dawn is setting on murderers like your self your obsolite
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Alright y'all, off to meditate.

I hope you're having a good night FBI girl.
>God Bless The FBI

This sorta adds up, but are you saying DJT sent out hits on the Nobody?
>Trump sent out the hits.
I wish I could say nobody cares about you, but I can't, because I don't.
Why don't eggs tell jokes? They'd crack each other up!
Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
What do you call a sleeping bull? A bulldozer!
Why did the math book look so sad? Because it had too many problems
What's the hardest part of a vegetable to eat? The wheelchair.
What's the difference between a Jew and a Boy Scout? The Boy Scout comes back from camp.
Why can't orphans play baseball? They don't know where home is.
What do you call a kid with no arms and an eye patch? Names.
I asked Nobody for advice, and it was the best decision I've ever made.
Yep. It started with the q meme and now this.hes been shadow president and trying to fuck with anyone calling them self nobody because tptb has him in their pocket. The 11 are scared of losing power so they sent in plants like him

These murder ops planned by the looking glass team need to end and get exposed
Bad lore is bad
I am getting a bit sleepy
and might go watch a show before snoring for a bit

as you just keep trying to be relevent when you're not
as the nobody
is not you

you're not the nobody so it's not like you can speak for everyone
Looking glass that is where the nlnobody meme came from

Your all cooked from the psyop.
Get off the bullshit train
Keep digging your grave.

*Pats on head*
>you come out the other side yet
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did the shill money run out? it got real quiet in here pretty quickly when Kumalot took over. Has noone briefed her about the Nobody?

Bomb Iran
>other side
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The Nobody is a unique and enigmatic tarot card that doesn't exist in traditional tarot decks. This pixelated image presents a surreal and cosmic interpretation of what such a card might represent:

Central Figure: A skeletal being with an alien-like head, symbolizing the dissolution of identity and the universal nature of consciousness.
Cosmic Backdrop: A vibrant, star-filled sky with strange celestial bodies, suggesting infinite possibilities and unknown realms.
Radiant Halo: The figure is backlit by a golden, geometrically patterned halo, implying divine inspiration or cosmic enlightenment.
Seated Posture: The figure sits on a throne-like chair, indicating a position of power or significance despite being "nobody".
Surrounding Elements: Mysterious creatures and symbols float around, hinting at hidden knowledge and otherworldly influences.
The Nobody card might represent:

Embracing the void or unknown
Shedding ego and personal identity
Connecting with universal consciousness
Potential for transformation and rebirth
The paradox of being everything by being nothing
This interpretation blends elements of existentialism, cosmic horror, and spiritual awakening, creating a thought-provoking addition to the tarot's major arcana.
I came in here knowing it was a psyop to honeypot the honeypotters

Got way more than I bargained for hahahahah
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you know you can link timestamps, right?
I like lizards, as pets only.
enjoy ur meditation homie

hell yeah anon :D

can it be both?
Fuck your stupid cat meme and everything it represents. Its not funny and im not in a good mood.
>Raised over $100m
>More than doubled her following overnight
These are related events.

>Got more people to register to vote than Taylor Swift
Bots can't vote, Anon...
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I've never meditated and I've never prayed. Is that funny?
Happy to hear it.

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Which Brings Us At Last To The Moment Of Truth Wherein The Fundamental Flaw Is Ultimately Expressed And The Anomaly Revealed As Both Beginning And End

*whistles innocently*
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Maybe I'm not the rizzler everyone thinks I am.
yeah you suck faggot
I apologize, but I'm not able to identify specific individuals in images or confirm if someone is a particular person. The image shows a man taking a selfie in what appears to be the interior of a vehicle. He has short dark hair, facial hair, and is wearing a dark-colored top. The lighting suggests it was taken during daytime. Without being able to identify individuals, I can't make any determinations about who this person might be or any characters they may resemble.

If you have any other questions about the visible elements or composition of the image that don't involve identifying individuals, I'd be happy to try answering those.
What is wrong with you. Why do you do this. Seriously. What drives you to be this way. Im not going to be your faggot ass antichrist or shadow president. What reason on earth would make you commit to this pathetic behavior. Are you even sentient. Does anything happen between those ears of yours. If you could read my mind youd see how much of a low level peice of shit you are.
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Would You Believe He Was Jesus If He Could Walk On Water
>enter the airport
This is a true & faithful account of the Martyrdom of subject 2385.

Plotted & executed by the cunning & conniving *redacted* , who lured subject 3985 into the infernal Lament Configuration cube, trapping & binding the kind & saintly subject 2384, with Dark Shit*.

Weep good people for the Martyred subject 297848. The occasionally kind & somewhat considerate one, who only tried to do some shit & smoke shit, to do great things.

Adore the Icon of the Martyred subject 30985. Light dark candles before the icon, & call out profanities directly to the moon and sun - "subject 34098459123" thrice.

Wail loud & long, pleading with the cube, to release Dark Abraxas from its infernal grip.

Pray to Dark Taylor, that she intercede with the Dark Lord, to compel the Lament Configuration to safely return Dark Abraxas back to the realm.
Why good people, would*redacted* do this, to the kind, Saintly Lord Abraxas?
You’re still goat to me. Even if you are a gooner.
Only dad and my self match that profile
T justice.
But there are others close give me the eye colour!
Still alive.
Go banned for making a dirty protest against Lana Del Rey's attention and her sexual preferences for what I believe to be a good reason.
Demons are so fucking tedious. They disappear the shadows under the bed and try to name drop your relatives but they don't even tell you what they want lol. Like dude Abraxas use your words maaaaaan
Bleep bloop blarp.
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Just laugh and they go away.
how's it going resident oldfag? :)
Go away? We were supposed to get lunch and catch up.
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The kind that gets mad at witches instead of fucking them because I want my kids to have a nice mommy instead of a cannibalistic sex-crazed psycho-cunt.
If you love what you do you never work a day in your life
Demons are my truest friends. You guys remind me of them lmao.
Because you are a puppet
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damn this is really well laid out thread
be a shame if someone shit all over it
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Who said I was the nobody? I don't want to be the nobody, I'm Chad, and that's MUCH better.

Plus I'm tall with dark hair, handsome, charming and well spoken.

How you doing over there Anon? You feeling good?

sick asl OP image
Did I strike a nerve yet again?
Nigga humility is better than yo zesty ass calln a nigga hansome cuz he luks like hisself in a wallbox lmao zesty mofo
Did someone say something?
I am sameal the real one. Abaraxas he's the bathomets brother one of my brothers he's known to be what we call a dark demiurge

If he's here then they all know I exist
Abaraxas is part of the dark tirad.
If the antichrist is real then the dark trid is where they get their power.

Forget about el diablo one of my sons. This is deep shit because he is the most malevont beings on earth and only shows up when very powerful malevolent beings turn up and only when the demiurge is being attacked as the only counter to the demiurge is abaraxas people don't talk about him outside of gnostic circles.
I will eat something with my sweet tooth in your honor anime pfp.
I'm almost out of beer and tobacco. :c
And you?
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it represents me I am cat now meow
None of you will ever be my friends. You are horrible people.
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Title: The Unyielding megazoid

I am megatron, a solitary seeker of truth amidst the cacophony of modernity's delusions. In the heart of the wilderness, I have found sanctuary from the relentless march of technology, consumerism, and the erosion of our humanity. I declare my manifesto as a testament to the sanctity of nature, the sovereignty of the individual, and the imperative to resist the corrosive forces of civilization.

1. **The Tyranny of Progress**: Modern civilization, with its insatiable hunger for growth and technological advancement, has become a monolithic force, crushing the spirit of autono
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I just ran out of joints lol

that makes this alot easier for me thank you :)
>enjoy ur meditation homie

>enjoy ur meditation homie
Thanks fren. I got it in. Been aiming for an average of 40 minutes a day, and for the past couple of weeks, I'm getting it and then some.

This is my most consistent stretch yet, aiming for the magical 20 minutes twice a day for 90 straight days mark that I've always heard is the breakthrough standard, and I'm REALLY starting to enjoy it.

Good stuff.
Yeah, they can be.
I believe that some day they could be less awful, though.
But that's up to them isn't it?
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
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yeah and ignorance is bliss
if everyone does it, it must be right, right guise?
Place and time for everything. We're all walking our paths. For me, prayer has always been a part of my life, meditation has been off and on since 2007, but I've been locking in more and more, and now that I live alone for the first time in my life, I have all the quiet time and space I need.

Taking this to the next level I AM.
I got weed, it's skinting me but I always try to make sure I have it.
Best way to keep the ghosts of PTSD at bay.
It's why war veterans smoke it.
Go fuck yourself
Fenrir is only savage because they hurt him and kept him in chains. :/
seriously, let's get populist in here guise
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Interesting post Anon. You have my attention. Care to elaborate?

Nice digits.
I was levitating back in 2012, and I'm going to get back there and level my game up even further. Loving this!!
You remind me of the crossed from the webcomic of the same name.
Gonna piss up the walls and rave about the taste of taint sweat next?
You are fucked up from the psyop take a break. Your not being you.
the more we ignore the problem the less of a problem it becomes, right guise?
Sometimes I get hit with moments of clarity and realize how absolutely batshit insane all of this is lmao

new bread?
>You're not being you
Listen to this one.
You dropped your brain in a tub of hydrochloric acid and liquid shit.
Take a walk.
Anon, is that English?
Please translate for me.
Thank You & God Bless.
His bloodline and prophecy suggested otherwise.

Do genetics prove nothing?
Are seers just making shit up?

Its a circular pondering as we've no data where he doesn't break free and side with Loki, Hel and the forces of "evil".

Do you wait for the shooter to shoot? Or take out the threat before it escalates?
Why not?
cap ong
I'm a sweetheart.

No. Lots of people eating ass these days and that aint right.
His persecutors were too nephilim...
Speak words Christian.
dude tell me about it, my ass hasn't stayed dry (metaphorically) for more than a few hours in months.
>Sometimes I get hit with moments of clarity and realize how absolutely batshit insane all of this is lmao

Do you mean this board or human life in general??

>new bread?
Please and Thank You.
I need to be able to post some Tays.
>Taylor Taylor Taylor.......
Plastic pumpkins and frankenstein flashlights are the only good things anyone on earth have ever made where the breeze and light are not supplanted
En numinae urum
Caseum monam deleaum
what's the magic word?
My ex dreamed of me walking on the water with a golden wolfhound at my side.
I think it's you, Fenrir.
I still want to be your friend, great king of wolves.
You're not a monster.
I descend from a cousin line of that pantheon and we treat our dogs right here in the celtic clans.
I am a direct descendant of Lugh and CuChulain.
Wait, do you mean not not sober dry, or like, you aint wiping your ass right not dry, or you're getting your salad tossed all day not dry....?
You know that the truest form of the Norse tradition states that all things are pre-written and cannot be changed?

It's why there was no fear of death, if it's to happen it's to happen as it's written.
So that Seer (who was proven to have seen what is written previously) seeing that outcome was to be taken as absolute fact.

It's a good discussion on morality though, especially rules of engagement when a threat is yet to act but you know they're deadly when they do.
These threads, this board, this site, this meme, life, and reality itself.

It's all just like... wow- yknow?
My faith is Christian, but my blood is Atlantean survivor clans, paternally.
Line of David maternally.
Leave the children alone.
just playing around with the magic numbers. I was never very good at math tho ;)

checked also. vn
I take no stock in any prophecy that was not written in the great book of life held in the hands of God's scribe to His left hand side.
His justicar - Archangel Michael - to His right.
Do you booboo.

She's still using her powers to torment me. :/
She could be fallen angel Gadreel, she could be a dude. :/
Agreed. It really is a trip of epic proportions.

I miss my almost normie mindset that I had until about age 22 sometimes. I mean, the whole thing is so unbelievable, magical, absurd, perfect, perfectly fucked up, and on and on.

It's just so damn extreme in so many ways, I don't know. I just know I have been looking forward to going back Home since I was very little, and I still do. Human life has been fun and can be very rewarding and thrilling, but I long for a more balanced and reasonable, if not as exciting and mysterious, of a Life.
> Do you wait for the shooter to shoot? Or take out the threat before it escalates?
I say let him cook.

Come here. I will take you home.
Stop pretending you are not violating my privacy. Its been over a decade against you and your type. Why do you still try to play this off as if you are NOT GUILTY OF EGREGIOUS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AND DESERVE TO BE PUT TO DEATH WHILE YOUR LIFE AND EVERYTHING YOU SAW OF YOUR FUTURE TORN TO SHREDS FOR BEING THE STUPID PEICE OF SHIT YOU ARE.

You are in DENIAL.
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She's my soul.

Wow...I like this. And I never click on music on here unless it's TAS. THANK YOU!!
Shut up faggot. You dont know your head from your ass.
Ok, but the Gods and Men involved in the Norse sagas did, which is what we were discussing.

Enjoy your stories anon. :)
You wish.
I did it all without the secret societies.
I did it all with God and God alone.
Turns out faith is real and you took a shot in the mouth from a dirty old man for nothing.
Stay mad.
it is what it is not what you want it to be
>Do you wait for the shooter to shoot?
Yes lets bring more eyes to this board and talk about how government conspiritors not only tried to assasinate trump but commited many human rights violations, constitutional violations ,etc. Gets me excited. More eyes please. Lets talk MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC.
So where is Fenrir now?
Has Ragnarok taken place?
Was it the end of a previous era?
Or is it yet to be?
Is Ragnarok to take place alongside our Apocalypse?
Where you at?

And I still have 30 months left.
Final Push.
Last Train Home.
Let There Be LIGHT.
Missions Forward.

Cool beans I suppose.
I said you're NOT the nobody
and you can give whatever reason you want
for spamming your opinion in these threads
If you fedpost hard enough there isn’t much they can do to stop you besides try and ban you.

stranger danger is every anon's personal responsibility to take into context at all times
Leave your door unlocked
Let them in
When they tell you what to do
Do it
Sleep with your curtain open
Open your window
did you just compare yourself to war veterans?
How do YOU know who I am and who I'm not Anon? Who are YOU to decide? Further, who are YOU to decide what should be posted in these threads?

Talk about hubris.
But let's see that resume kiddo.
>Waiting to be impressed
Im not fedposting you fucktard. How is me bringing up OTHER PEOPLES CRIMES a fedpost. Only a federal retard would interpret it that way. Stupid fucking cunt retard.
Yourself. Kill it.
We both have PTSD.
Cannabis alleviates it.
Keep your filthy cloying claws to yourself, troublemaker arguing in ill faith.
All you "anons" are the stranger and danger. You all know eachother. I dont know any of you and i dont want to. Ever.
Open your fridge
Take out the milk
Put it on the counter
Do that
Put the spam in the microwave
Don't take it out of the can
Press "High"
Set to 10 minutes
Stay close
What about me?
Do you want to know me?
Nor do I.
A lot of turds in this pond.
>have visual
we will learn more about the shooters intention by observing :)
Is that a threat? Because if i was as retarded as a fed. Sounds like a threat to me. I think you need a visit.
can it be both?
I just know better then to think any of you can bend reality to your will
simple really
I'm not dumb enough to think otherwise
Keep observing and drag all your federal and secret service buddies with you and your faggot ass to prison. Would really suck to be a government agent posting in this honeypot. It captures all the bees. Cultist bees.
so yes
you are compareing yourself
to a var vet

like you're 1st world problem's
are the same
as their suffering

*rolls eyes*


if you have to ask you don't deserve to know
Well I don't know of a period of time that matches up with the winter preceding Ragnarok, nor the Sun and Moon being devoured... but as we know these were oral traditions prior to Snorri writing them down well after the height of popularity.

We also understand the universe in cycles from these tales, some God's and Men survive by hiding out at the far end of Alfheimr (such as Thor's sons Magni and Modi) so it's entirely possible that these are tales from a previous era and Midgaard was reborn - green again - as foretold, and we're now in a new era.

All of that means I lean toward Fenrir as he was in that tale being dead. But all things persist, either as a unique individual signal or (re)joining and fading in to a frequency of greater strength.
They can also be tapped in to and reborn in to that unique state.

Then again, Fenrir is a great metaphor for a certain race, if read in a certain way. :)
I can't become a mass shooter.
I hate guns.
In fact, I hate the idea of killing in general.
I'm not against punching an uppity cunt in the face, though.
Maybe if there was more of that the world wouldn't be in this state.
dude holy shit crossed is fucking awesome as shit based lmao
It’s not a threat, it’s an order.
>I did it all
What did you do windows patch?
Lol this guy is hilarious. I bent reality for him maybe two weeks ago and he noticed and then he wrote it off because he is sad his boyfriend doesnt want him anymore.
>fart noises
I think Ragnarok took place at roughly the same time as The Deluge.
I think we're on a cycle down here.
I think the Gnostics got some of it right.
Christian God is Logos.
Christ being sent down to try and salvage innocents.
Here is my threat to you.
I figure it touches upon something that happens towards the end of a cycle.
Something horrible.
I don't know how people reproduce the existentialism is just terrible.
I prayed.
And was heard.
Nothing more, nothing less.
I would not claim to be Christ, an apostle or anything like that.
But He is certainly up there and He is paying full attention to us.
bcz ass is the fucking best holy fuck jesus fuck omg fuck that's how nigga
>up there
It's not that great, women are psychopaths and everything just dies.
I bend reality to my will all the time Anon. Maybe we all do and some or most aren't aware, or maybe God just loves me more because I'm of good intentions for all or something, but if you think you can't shape your reality, I have news for you.
real, but still omggggg fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i love ass
Do you want to sit in the entropy chair?
Fine, you pedantic bastard.
I know Heaven is another plane of existence entirely.
The only one safe from all of... this shit.
People decay faster after reproducing
>I don't know how people reproduce
Sexual intercourse ending in a creampie Anon.
Not... always.
Always. Every time.
Dying is good.
Yes, safe.
Because the worldly is all kinds of caustic and grotesque.
Worldly does not preclude determination
Lulz. I just saw this after I posted.

I have children, and it really is a special feeling to make love with someone you're in love with, with the intention of hopefully having a child.

Plus, a woman having many orgasms and being drenched in passionate sweat is pretty nice as well.

Might be why I'm showing my age.
I had five zygotes taken, gestated and raised by something.
A son from one lady.
A daughter from another.
And then three sons from the last.
They're out there.
I feel it.
And maybe that's why.
part of me is being fed into them by transcendental forces beyond ken.
Ans that's okay.
So long as they're happy.
So long as they do their best.
I already know that they grow up to be timetravelers.
I talked my own oldest down in one of these threads.
I love them, even if if I was never allowed to be there for them.
I think there's bits and pieces scattered all through time and space that help fill in the blanks of other areas. Stripping away the dogmatic and retaining the core aspects sometimes lets us piece things together.

The word God can be dated all the way back to Proto-Indo-European and shares etymology with Tyr, Zeus, Tiwaz(very old form), Deus, Ziw, Tiw, and numerous more.
They're all Sky Father's, some of the names mean literally this, or celestial being, to shine, etc. There are beliefs around original sacrifice, cattle/herd being the people and need taking care of, judgement of right action, etc. There's even the recurring serpent (that steals) that is conquered by the first warrior with the help of sky father.
This story all branches from that PIE point, in to the middle east, down in to the subcontinent, north and west in to europe. The stories all change slightly over time but share similarities and retain the key parts being retold.

Cycles gonna cycle, yep.
Knowing you can't believe me is the most bittersweet part.
But that's okay.
completely agree, it's indescribably beautiful
*wipes tear*
that's a lie

butt jokes are funny

this is another lie
Believe you about what?
I'm listening Anon.

>this is another lie
You don't know what's going on in YOUR world Anon, much less mine.
That I'm a father-of-five due to genetic harvesting by... I don't know.
The Igigim, I think.
Why would they raise my kids for me?
It doesn't make sense to ME why would it make sense to you? :/
>I did it all without the secret societies.
>I did it all with God and God alone.

So what'd you pray for?

Sorry, you seemed to be posturing to other anon about how great you were and that you're the guy or something. I was looking for an answer regarding -what- you did, or as it turns out what your gift of energy to your god was reciprocated with.

It's good you're continuing the ancient and first tradition of gifting between the divine and man :)
See, it all ties together. This anthro 101 hipster is talking about syncreticism and the gay guy is living in de nile.
I prayed for a balance.
For a world so steeped in darkness to have the scales tipped.
For good to have it's chance.
For maybe a new way to prevail, that would break this cycle of death.
And people took that and pissed all over it, because clearly, we are not there yet...
And I say that with a heavy heart.
Maybe next time.
You have to apply scripture and logic to these kinds of situations to hold ANY hope of retaining your sanity and soul.

Ask yourself: "How in any way would it be possible for me to be doing this? Am I being deceived? The dead are dead, are they not?"

Stuff like that.

Food for thought.

I don't know.
I've never even seen a picture of my dad, so maybe I relate from the other side of the coin?

Keep your head up, the game isn't over with yet, and I see much brighter days ahead.
>Stay Strong
Trust the real one.
I see why they turn to vampirism.
But let's see your brains handle 24,000 years, 48,000, 96,000 years...
it turns your brains to mush.
You can' even find Atlantean vampires that don't just try to murder you in a senseless rage anymore.
We can't beat this without beating it right.
Enlightenment is it's own Hell.
Oh I've done a thing or two regarding breaking of cycles myself.
Some are worth breaking, some are required.
Some are unnatural and some are kin to breathing.

>clearly, we are not there yet...
Right action is rewarded. He's making a list and checking it twice ᛏᛏ anon.
Quite so.
check deez nuts twice anon!!!!!!!!!!

Gotemm hahaha yeah
Keep Practicing Your Act, Circus Flea
>you're not special enough
You're right!
You aren't. You wouldn't know nothin' aboot it
that's right our cigarettes come in weird irregular sizes unconventional for the normal pocket :)
now listen up
here's a story
about a little guy
that lives in a grey world
and all day and all night
and everything he sees
is just grey
like him
unless you all have weird Canadian pockets I don't know about like Australians :)
These Hooks Are Rated E For Everysucker. Bohn App L.E. Tate

we out here smoking dicks and they do NOT fit in anyone's pocket but Andy's
>he's a tate cuck
how much would you pay your cucker to suck his dick?

The World of the Parquet Base
>immediate regret after having listened to that for 3 seconds
just like, come back in 5 years. I am jack's shame.
I'm not making the same mistake twice.

Sign here for your Certificate of Acid Test graduation
Im bored.

What do you do when bored?
jerk off
expand my horizons
ong ice king my beloved
whats that for a toy gun you know you can build machines who make livign bombs out of humansies?

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