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hello /x/ im back.
same as last time readings will be done in order of request.
>whats your sign?
>do you have a question?
>whats their sign?
>any other details you would like to include

i will try to get through them as quickly as possible.
Tell me about my future
Myself Gemini
Them Aries
what steps should i take to solve our current conflict
Please tell me what I need to do to achieve my dream.
Libra (me)
Aries (her)
Will she confess to me?
How will I meet my soulmate?
If you'd like i can trade you a palm reading, just reply me a clear pic of your palms, preferably under white light so i can clearly make out your lines, anyway

Im aquarius
Just generally what you see about romance (i could just be specific, but i've accepted she's not coming back)
And shes a scorpio, in case you happen to see us coming back
>Taurus born on Beltane
>Work in IT
Feeling stuck in my career, not that I'm not getting promoted but it's feeling like a drag.
What am I missing? Where's the drive and passion I once had gone?
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who am I
My solar is Scorpio, lunar is Capricorn. Will my big working bear fruit soon?
(repeat other 10 insults to cope)
Scorpio sun, cancer moon, Aries ascendant, sun in 7th.

No other.

What the fuck is going on with authority?

Will I find peace?
how long does it normally take ?
wrong thread
my bad
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>Tell me about my future
im seeing you could have went through a period of envy in the past. maybe you lost a lot of ambition during this time.
maybe you became very distrusting or just generally depressed during this time.
but im also seeing during this contemplative time you have maybe done soul work to heal and find answers to improving your future.
maybe you began to see what is necessary to boss up and have stability in your life in the future.
i see you also maybe during this time you have discovered things about yourself maybe revelations that have helped you improve your character and how you present yourself to the world.
im seeing you maybe have learned to take responsibility for your actions.
this is all confirmed by the justice card.
im definitely seeing you need to focus on being calm and finding harmony with life around you to prevent health and stability problems in the future seen in this 5 of pentacles reverse.
in closing spirit is saying you should rest and meditate and really visualize your future that you want in your happiest timeline.
good luck capricorn
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>what steps should i take to solve our current conflict
this person could be mad at you for being gossipy or deceitful.
im definitely seeing you need to look inward about this conflict to understand what you need to do to avoid things like this in the future.
im seeing to avoid doing things out of only self interest this could be preventing you from avoiding conflicts like this.
if you can do this you can become the king of cups.
confirmed by judgement on the 9 of cups.
good luck gemini
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>Please tell me what I need to do to achieve my dream.
im seeing you might be watching someone who is maybe famous or some kind of celebrity and maybe feeling envy toward this person.
this could also be a romantic interest.
maybe you are watching them online or social media.
im also getting you could feel stuck in a small tower moment from the deck.
im seeing you could be feeling tired.
maybe having some financial problems.
im seeing to manifest prosperity of finance you maybe are lacking conviction to this goal or dream of yours.
justice energy in the deck for affirmation.
im also seeing part of this could maybe be learning more in depth about what you are wanting to achieve. this could be basic technical aspects surrounding it to help you manifest this better.
this could be causing you stress.
this is part of our process to grow in this world.
it may be that you set this goal for yourself to challenge yourself to overcome aspects of yourself you want to change.
confirmed by the 6 of wands
good luck aquarius
this is true, they are upset about a breach of trust, but the breach of trust never occurred nor will it ever

What does it mean to become the king of cups ?
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I’m scorpio

Tell me what my future holds.

Heres a pic of my eye
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>Will she confess to me?
sun jumps out of deck first indicating truth revealing.
im getting some illusion energy in the deck still take it how it resonates.
im seeing possibly some self deception with this 2 of swords in reverse as well.
this could be causing you some sort of stress as well.
im seeing you should maybe rest and think about this.
im seeing this could be causing you depression or maybe it will in the future.
take it how it resonates however.
im seeing there could possibly be new love on the horizon for you.
this could be a very close union as shown by the ace of cups.
good luck libra
gemini, will they love me? Also if you can do a general reading for me please. Thank you. I really need it so thank you.
Leo Sun, Gemini Rising.

Am I going to finally get that big month, and take the vacation that I always wanted in the next few months here?
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>How will I meet my soulmate?
im seeing you could be feeling a lot of doubts about finding this union.
it could also be making you feel depressed possibly.
im seeing you might be a very passionate person and maybe also very ambitious or motivated.
im seeing that you might feel like finding this union willl help cure your depression.
but also that maybe this is distracting you from inner soul work or spirituality in general possibly.
im seeing you could also possibly be creative.
this could help you on your journey with soul work.
im definitely picking up you might be easily distracted from working on yourself in these ways.
you have to keep going though this is necessary.
devil in reverse energy in the deck and queen of pentacles reversed im getting maybe dont spend your money on things like alcohol or substances as this could lead to debt and instability if this resonates with you.
im seeing if you are patient and do this inner soul work you will receive your knight of cups in the future.
good luck stranger
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will be back shortly need to recharge
will i ever see her again been 2 yrs
>me: sag
>he: gemini
What does he really want from me?
Abouthe time you bewitnest marlplots. We forgive ourselves for anything. If this aint wisdom then what else remains but gold rewards heaven? Its not worth itself.
>nygga then why
>Alphabet prevalence chronological probability sets.
Ornery awfuls.
>eeeeeeeeevl schlurpppfschhhh brrrrrtppp horklehorklehorkle eeeeeueuuueyeuuuu
Ayeap im not refreshing this typa subchan ever again. Its just going to post prevalence porngore. Its farming avratobas. It inverts the alocspan. It can get pings into itself. Lights help. White and flickered one.
My sign is leo, theirs is scorpio. Will we ever get back together? Does he even want to? Also, is he the one that is stalking me?
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Will i have stability and independence
her sign is Capricorn
Im depressed because its been two years since i graduated uni and i havent found a job yet. Im worried ill go back into labouring if nothing comes soon and suicide is looking more attractive. My love interest is unrequited. Im not sure what i was put on this earth to do. Everyone scares me.

I made this thread >>38454852 a few hours ago about catching a black snake after accidentally killing a white snake in a dream from a year ago, more context in the thread if that offers anything but i think it has significance
Should I pursue him?
We've had sexual tension for years but neither of us have acted upon. I know a bunch of sexually explicit details about him that he offered up to me willingly.
Libra Sun, Moon, Venus
Scorpio Rising
Will I manage to build a fruitful and meaningful life for myself? Will I ever fall in love?
>Virgo sun/ Pisces ascendant/ Scorpio moon
Should I stay or should I go in the next year?
Should I expect good news?
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Damn you're good. 100% spot on. I was beginning to doubt if any real psychics were out there.
What don't I see coming?
Just a general reading, please.
Sign: Sag

Details: I feel like there has been bad energy around me lately. What gives? Nothing bad has happened to me but just around me for the past couple of months it feels like bad things have been happening around me. Thanks.
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sorry my camera isnt very good and i shake really bad
how do I bring as much good into the world as possible

(thank you for the readings you do they are fun to read)
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Do I have anything external to be hopeful about in the near future while I work on myself?

What is the issue I'm having with H (deity) and what needs to be done in order to start making money?

How can I/can I succeed in my current endeavor.

Please give me your general interpretation of the Tarot reading too.
How will my three day fast go?
gemini, will I acheive my goal slowly or will it come randomly? Need to know what challenges I will face and what to expect from the gods
Well, i cant see much with them lines, but i can gather you lonelier when younger, not so much now, also take care of your stomach, probably had some disease caused or worsened by stress
Kinda passionate and impulsive, though heart line speaks of good oportunities to find love. I dunno if its the light but your head line seems to suggest memory loss. I think theres vitamins for that but im no medic. And your economy seems ok though you seem to struggle with stability. Or maybe you just want another job
I tried
How does my future look romantically, I have been in a rut of loneliness recently
What did I just do? I feel odd
Ascendant, Cancer
Sun, Sagittarius
Moon, Taurus
There's the three
Should I be concerned about the bump on my leg?
Anything I should watch out for in the pursuit of my goals?
Will I find what I'm searching for on my hunts?
Have I broken any contracts?
Do my dreams have any meaning?
Am I invisible or am I an easy read?
Hi there. Thank you for reading today.

I want to know what I can do to get closer to C
don't know her zodiac but she's got blue eyes.
She seems willing to talk to me, but I'm not in a position where I can just tell her I like her (job).
Libra on the Cusp of Virgo (Sept 24)

What does the next two and a half years have in store for me?

Thank you OP.
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>Just generally what you see about romance (i could just be specific, but i've accepted she's not coming back)
>And shes a scorpio, in case you happen to see us coming back
im seeing maybe you tried manifesting this person back into your life but there could have been some sort of interference or something blocking this.
or maybe this could be you being stuck on this person still and its blocking your future romantic unions from manifesting. it maybe could be you are allowing yourself to be emotionally closed off due to them.
you could be second guessing yourself now when finding attraction to new people maybe.
you might feel like love is an illusion.
im seeing maybe in your future you meet a new person who is very financially independent.
this person might be an earth sign.
this could be your special person im seeing good things in the cards for this.
you should allow yourself to be optimistic about love in general. even if you've been burned or will be in the future.
this will help you to manifest positivity and meeting this special person and also maintaining a happy union.
good luck aquarius
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>Feeling stuck in my career, not that I'm not getting promoted but it's feeling like a drag.
>What am I missing? Where's the drive and passion I once had gone?
im getting energy in the deck you may be missing out on random adventure or vacations.
especially ones where you get sunlight.
you could also be missing your family or family gatherings maybe they arent happening anymore or as frequently.
im seeing you could maybe be considering quitting this job.
maybe you've been looking at other options lately.
im definitely getting you could be being stubborn about a change or transition knight of pentacles reverse on this 6 of swords surfaced twice in the deck.
you could also be feeling depressed about the loss of something lately. with the judgement on this 5 of cups.
black deck confirms your mojo could be missing due to lack of sunlight and social activities and adventures and spending time with family.
good luck taurus
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Ty. I will try moving on
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>who am I
right away im getting hierophant energy in the deck.
you could be a prepper of some kind or someone who just likes to save a lot of resources for themself.
im also seeing maybe you are very ambitious and have a lot of drive.
its possible you are someone who follows me online secretly with this page of swords energy and the moon.
ace of cups showing from the deck.
you might have a crush on me maybe.
you could also just have a strong crush on someone else right now.
you might be feeling stuck right now in some way.
you could think this person could be irresponsible with money and they could think you are self absorbed and care more about money than them or vice versa.
im definitely seeing something about sharing something with this 6 of pentacles from the black deck.
see ya later misato
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>Will my big working bear fruit soon?
im seeing you have done a lot of work after some sort of tower moment. this is definitely good.
im also seeing you did this maybe out of a feeling of necessity.
you may have done a lot of thinking or meditating on this.
im seeing not to let yourself feel hopeless about this or your imagination get carried away with possible outcomes.
also to remain humble and always try to learn from every experience.
justice energy in the deck is a good sign.
if you can conquer these things i do see you being rewarded very nicely in some way.
good luck scorpio
Is there still hope left? How?
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will be back shortly and try to do a few more reads tonight.

Scorpio (Oct 23)
When and how will I find love?
What do I need to improve on?
What is the answer to my most pressing question?
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>No other.
>What the fuck is going on with authority?
the magician in reverse came out before i could start the reading. very deceptive energy perhaps. disorder in general maybe.
im seeing what could be an irresponsibility with debt in this queen of pentacle reverse.
im also seeing a lot of disagreements and resentful mutual feelings.
im also seeing maybe a loss of honor or integrity in this knight of swords reversed.
im seeing an upcoming tower moment can maybe be avoided if you look within and focus on self mastery.
try to avoid being emotionally distracted with things that might negatively effect your energy like politics if this resonates with you.
its ok to be informed but dont let your emotions be taken away by this.
you will find new love of life within yourself.
confirmed by the night of swords from the black deck.
good luck scorpio
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>Will I find peace?
i am seeing you are maybe still struggling with things from the past.
even though the battle is over you may feel like you've permanently lost something that is hard to let go of.
i do see you finding strength from this.
im getting you might be nostalgic for old times and this could be making you sad about the past as well.
maybe you felt more socially active during this time.
im seeing you may have to make a decision in the future.
maybe this decision will be part of letting go of the past and accepting moving into new stories of your life.
this could possibly be where you find peace in making new friendships or finding a union.
sometimes these paths can lead to pain too.
but there is growth and healing in both solitude and bonding with others.
spirit says consider looking into maybe something like tea offering ritual for a healthy daily calming activity that could help reset your energy and help you ground yourself to a source of calm and peace. teas can also be very good for you.
3 of cups from the black deck on this 8 of cups gives good energy and maybe you will choose to share something with others in the future.
good luck pisces
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you need to be more compassionate perhaps.
this should be from a genuine place of love for all people.
good luck gemini
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>Tell me what my future holds.
im seeing maybe you could have stopped working recently.
or maybe you are just on vacation.
this could also be you are stressing about finances going into the future.
im seeing you try to be an honorable person.
you could be feeling burdened by obligations or maybe that you have missed an important opportunity,
this could be making you depressed.
im seeing not to dwell on mistakes.
10 of cups energy in the deck so im seeing a happy future potentially for you.
im getting you maybe want to not be deceptive or keeping secrets in the future to avoid some kind of heartache.
wheel of fortune energy in the black deck.
10 of pentacles from the black deck indicates prosperity of some sort in your future.
good luck scorpio

i forgot to take a picture before i reshuffled this read i apologize. i must have lost my flow.
im going to recharge and ill be back soon and you can have a quick bonus read with a picture.
I just want insight on my court case/pending charges
Aquarius & Aquarius
What are her feelings towards me?

Thank you.
Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Libra Ascendant. What are my Aquarius person's feelings for me?
I just want to know if my life will get better, will I be happy? Do people want to do me harm?
Okay I'll bite
Will I travel abroad and get this job I've been promised to no avail?
My conviction is that my life will get better by my own hands,but all I need is a chance to prove it
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>Tell me what my future holds.
im seeing you possibly being stubborn about obligations to something.
there could be some sort of interference making this worse.
maybe there could be someone you argue with if this resonates you maybe should work on this.
im seeing not to retreat inward or bottle up your emotions but maybe rather approach these situations with a new perspective of love and understanding and this could help you avoid tower moments.
i am seeing you will find strength and unity with others if you stay conscious of this.
good luck scorpio
Sagittarius. I don't have a question, just want to see the future
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>will they love me? Also if you can do a general reading for me please. Thank you. I really need it so thank you.
im seeing there could be some sort of substance dependency around this energy if that resonates.
this could also maybe be some kind of deceit or manipulation.
someone could be feeling very confused about this.
im getting a sense of hopelessness around this.
but also that you are adaptable and resilient.
ultimately i am seeing that you will prosper even without this union.
but i also see that your desire for union will be fulfilled in your future.
it may not be with this person it could be someone you have not met yet.
take it only how it resonates.
good luck gemini
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>Am I going to finally get that big month, and take the vacation that I always wanted in the next few months here?
im seeing maybe it might be kind of chilly where you are going.
im seeing maybe you've been saving for a while for this.
this might be a family vacation or you want to go see family.
you could be worrying about the cost of this.
if you stay determined i do see this coming in for you in the form of this chariot.
im seeing this could help you rebuild your spirit and maybe this could be very much needed.
im seeing maybe dont let yourself be stressed about choices or decisions when you are enjoying your vacation.
good luck leo
What does the future hold for me in terms of career, love and spiritual understanding?
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my sign: sagittarius
should gf & i aim for the cheaper rental in a less safe part of town or the 50% more expensive one on the safer side of town?
her sign: capricorn
extra detail: we need to find a new spot by end of august. the cheaper one is easily doable on our income, the pricier one still doable but not comfortably.
Am i on the right path?
Thank you.
Tysm, fren
Tell me about my future
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I beseech you Kundalini maiden temptress, divine my fortunes for October! Aries, ^, it doesn't concern anyone else it's about myself. Thank you, and it is not about greed it is about the future. I will share my good fortunes, if that is what you see.
Picses, and wife is Gemini.
What do I, or we, need to do for a secure future? Specifically as it relates to her student loans
Specifically that she had not have gone to college in the first place. Stupid sow
Wanted to know how long it will take for me to get a job. Thanks!
My health is declining and I need to step down from my current position. What is the best move for me going forward? Thanks anon.
aries. Should i move in with my grandparents to help them or move to another town to find love?
Me: Aries
What will it take for us to hit it off together (again)
Her: Leo
Not to have gotten vaccinated.
High priestess anon here again.
I hesitated to post because i've been pretty enthralled in my own process, but i'll take another reading if you will give it.
Okay baby tell me your woes and we'll turn this rig around

She’s Sagittarius. Will she ever reach out? Why/why not?
I'm not sure that you're op.
I don't have any woes.
The process has been intense.
I already had one major breakthrough this year- falling to my knees major.
To be honest, i'm looking for more of these. Not from a reading, though, but i do believe last reading was relevant (and has yet to fully play out).
will resume some readings shortly

Does that Truck have an exhaust leak and if so, will repairing the leak fix the check engine code?
<3 <3
I'm starting a business. Will it be successful and am I doing the right thing?
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>will i ever see her again been 2 yrs
im seeing this could be bothering you a lot.
you might be ignoring advice or your intuition about this.
right now im seeing its not looking good for this union to come back maybe.
there might be something blocking this from happening.
im seeing maybe you could find strength letting go of any illusions about this.
im also seeing maybe dont abuse yourself with substances or alcohol over this if this is something that resonates with you.
spirit says you can generate magic power through experiencing these emotions head on.
this will help you find answers about yourself to grow.
this could also maybe help you find a perfect union with someone.
im seeing a lot of cups energy in the deck.
this could be a good sign for romance in your future if you open your heart from a place of real love.
im seeing the tower coming up in the deck a lot too so maybe be ready for an obstacle in the future you may need to overcome.
im seeing you maybe could really benefit from some forms of meditation.
im also getting emperor energy from both decks this could be your person.
im seeing not to wait or put your life on hold for them maybe.
but that it may be possible you do see them again one day in some way.
overall im getting to really focus on making yourself healthy in body and mind so good things can manifest for you.
good luck capricorn
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>>me: sag
>>he: gemini
>What does he really want from me?
im getting that you could be struggling to make a decision around this chariot in reverse energy in the deck.
this 10 of wands makes me feel like you are worried about devoting time energy and emotions into a false union.
im seeing right now to maybe just enjoy the intimacy of sharing and caring for someone without allowing yourself to be too vulnerable.
lots of cups energy this union feels very romantic or spicy.
this could be an online relationship right now.
there is some tower energy in the deck maybe things have been a little stressful with this union in the past or you may have an obstacle to overcome in the near future.
im seeing you and this person could write to each other. maybe texting or social media.
maybe you write poetry about this person or share books you both enjoy,
this person seems like they could be a very reliable person.
maybe they make you feel happy.
chariot in reverse jumping out again.
maybe you have had bad relationships in the past im seeing.
im seeing you should try just being patient with this union and taking it slow.
its possible for no one in this situation to know what they really want.
take time to look within yourself and let this union grow naturally into what it truly is.
chariot in reverse from the black deck.
good luck sagittarius
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>My sign is leo, theirs is scorpio. Will we ever get back together? Does he even want to? Also, is he the one that is stalking me?
im seeing lots of swords and cups energy in the deck.
maybe you two fought a lot but were also very passionate.
scorpio appears as death card in reverse.
im seeing temperance energy in the deck reversed and now its not.
maybe this person has moved on to begin healing.
you may have ghosted or blocked this person or vice versa.
im getting you could both still be hurt about this.
the way this fool card is looking at the queen of pentacles in reverse im getting that he maybe is the one watching you online?
but im also seeing that maybe you still watch him too.
im getting that this person does still care for you and it may be possible for this union to happen again in the future.
right now maybe you are both fearful and still healing.
good luck leo
He dumped me after I busted my ass trying to make things work so I just blocked him afterward. I don't want someone like that in my life and I hope I never see him again. If only he could leave me the fuck alone
i am a loser that always fails at everything, i feel little motivation to do anything through the day How can i fix that?
Stop watching porn, stop jacking off, pray to Lucifer.
isn't lucifer the bad guy?
No, that's Satan/Chronos/God of the Old Testament and Jews.
Lucifer is Venus. Satan is not Lucifer. Venus is a fertility God so I dunno if praying to them would be useful in this case.
need more zinc and magnesium. Low T and poor diet can cause this. Eating more meat, less masturbation might help.
Hello friend hoping your still around, would like some insight I'm kinda skeptical but I'll give it a go.

Me aaron (capricorn)

Her- tara (scorpio)
I'm a gemini
Can you tell me if I'm going to see my dad in person again?
he is scorpio
brother could i get a glimpse >>38454790
at my future?
My sign, Virgo
Them sign, Virgo

What's going on in themself "Max" about me ?
I am heading in the correct path, I feel stuck
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>Will i have stability and independence
>her sign is Capricorn
>Im depressed because its been two years since i graduated uni and i havent found a job yet. Im worried ill go back into labouring if nothing comes soon and suicide is looking more attractive. My love interest is unrequited. Im not sure what i was put on this earth to do. Everyone scares me.
>I made this thread >>38454852 a few hours ago about catching a black snake after accidentally killing a white snake in a dream from a year ago, more context in the thread if that offers anything but i think it has significance
im definitely seeing a feeling of maybe expectation or feeling under appreciated for your efforts and then also disappointment and delays with this king of wands followed by 3 of wands reverse.
but i am also seeing prosperity in your future with this world card.
im seeing maybe you feel like labor work is wasteful of your skills or the time you spent on your education.
but im also seeing this is a place where you could possibly learn a lot and master your character potentially. it could be healthy and maybe also help with your charisma.
this potentially could be what shapes you into this knight of cups.
im seeing that the work could make you feel stressed or exhausted.
maybe you also have intrusive thoughts while doing it.
you might also feel like the co workers in these environments can be very cold hearted or abrasive to be around.
im seeing that if you have the opportunity to manifest money anyway right now this might be the best path especially for stability and eventually independence.
look inside yourself for the true positives and negatives and what you need to do to get the best from every situation and always be moving forward. avoid spending your money on vices.
good luck aries
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>Should I pursue him?
>We've had sexual tension for years but neither of us have acted upon. I know a bunch of sexually explicit details about him that he offered up to me willingly.
you could see this person as very helpful but also maybe as incompetent in some way. or maybe there is something about them that doesnt quite meet your expectation.
maybe this person has rejected you feel like they should have pursued you by now. unrequited love energy in this 2 of cups reverse.
you could maybe be feeling kind of petty about this.
or maybe this gives you anxiety about asking this person out.
you could feel like this person is gossipy maybe.
im getting you could be stuck in a state of inaction about this decision with the 8 of cups in reverse.
im getting bad energy from this confirmations tower from the black deck.
take it how it resonates though.
i include the picture so you can interpret and even look up your own meanings if you wish.
good luck aries
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>Libra Sun, Moon, Venus
>Scorpio Rising
>Will I manage to build a fruitful and meaningful life for myself? Will I ever fall in love?
im seeing maybe you are a very generous person.
im also seeing maybe you think about finances a lot, or maybe you are very frugal.
but im also seeing you might be very prideful so this could be something to look out for.
lots of pentacle energy coming out you definitely could be manifesting wealth in some way in your future.
you could also have some kind of trust issues im seeing.
im seeing this future prosperity could come from some sort of investment you plan or maybe have been planning.
you may already be working on this.
im seeing not to let selfishness or not being humble or willing to learn make you mess up this good thing.
these things could also be whats blocking you from manifesting your special person.
lovers in reverse from the black deck.
good luck libra
Thank you.
What was the significance of meeting them? Will we reconnect?
Their Initials MD
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Hello friend. Pisces here. Will I finally manage to change my life for the better this year?
What do my next six months look like?
General reading please, thanks.
Theyre also Aquarius

Is it possible for us to become friends again? Like we were before? Maybe even get back together...?
J or K?
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absolutely bang on, i really feel underappreciated in labour work areas but am i to use this time to work on my charisma by myself or at a labouring work environment? I absolutely feel that theyre cold hearted thats why i left in the first place, i felt they were closed off to my issues of wanting more out of a job. I think my biggest take away is to find the best in a situation rather than being a downer. I am also a an alcoholic which meant your vices analysis was correct too, im planning on suppressing that with a 5 day fast on Monday. Thank you sincerely for your input, feels comforting to be on the correct path at least
should i reconnect with N?
Virgo. Was I destined to meet this aquarius?
Cancer sun, Aquarius moon and rising
Will I have get an overseas scholarship also does N like me or what do they think about me?
Don’t know their sign
i have to go somewhere today but i will be back this evening for some readings.
it ducking says not to pist personal information but everyone on here fuckon did or what have you so. DON'T KILL STUFF FOR NO REASON.
so where are you bro

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