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I’ve had 21 UFO/UAP sightings in my life, 4 of which were CE5s, where I projected my thoughts into a patch of sky and a UFO either appeared there or appeared from across the way and flew into that patch. ( I describe them here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHeqcFOSx50 )
Some of you may be aware of my research into NHI and their effects on belief systems, particularly a faction I’ve come to call the WOMEN IN WHITE, who appear as women wearing white, fly UFOs, transform into bovine animals and use 4 colours as a symbol of sorts. They have influenced belief systems across the world throughout human history. Here’s some links if you’re interested in knowing more.
I’ve always wanted to understand why CE5 works, why would these lights and craft appear to me just to reply to my thoughts? All I ever project is “hellohellohellohello-come to me-hellohellohello”, really simple messages, but it works (although only on cloudless nights - do clouds affect psychic energy?) 1/2
It wasn’t until I thought about my WOMEN IN WHITE research that things started to make sense, potentially.
The Women In White influence belief systems, they WANT us to be religious. It doesn’t matter what the religion is, they will promote your own local beliefs to you, they’re not all Christian or Pagan or Buddhist etc.
Why do this? Well, in humanities earliest days, it was our belief in “gods” and “great spirits” that inspired us to innovate and build amazing structures, to improve our technology. Perhaps religion is essential in the early days of a sapient species to help them evolve and advance?
So then think about CE5. What are we doing when we project our thoughts into the sky?
Essentially, we’re PRAYING. Our “prayers” are then being detected by local UAP, perhaps automated drones that can detect thoughts. If these craft are indeed controlled by the thoughts of the pilot, then it stands to reason that they can also detect thoughts OUTSIDE of the craft.
So, we pray into the sky, and these CE5 crafts and lights are essentially appearing enough to answer those prayers, to keep our belief in them alive, to fuel religions.
I imagine ancient people praying to the sky and occasionally having a CE5, which in their minds was a confirmation of their gods.
I’m still open to other theories, of course, and would love to hear other opinions on this.
Also, any CE5 stories welcome.
What was your best CE5?
Easily my 2nd, where a friend and I summoned 3 orange orbs in a triangle formation. They were very low, just above the trees near us. They appeared from nowhere, swooped down and did a twist, then each orb separated and vanished. I then saw an orange streak shooting up into space in the distance. My friend picked the time and place, because he didn’t believe me.
> If these craft are indeed controlled by the thoughts of the pilot, then it stands to reason that they can also detect thoughts OUTSIDE of the craft.
Oh shit I hadn’t thought about that… that makes a lot of sense actually
>do clouds affect psychic energy?
Yes, like shining a light through a mist, the light is dimmed.
I wonder what thoughts are made of if they behave like light, and do they have a speed limit?
its strange and hilarious how i just thought of mr xopha which cued my brain to visit /x/, and the first top post i see is from him. thanks for the work you do.. its greatly appreciated!!! :D

>The Women In White influence belief systems, they WANT us to be religious. It doesn’t matter what the religion is, they will promote your own local beliefs to you, they’re not all Christian or Pagan or Buddhist etc.
in regard to this, do you have info on if their views corroborate eachother? for example - across christ, krishna, buddha, ma'at, and others - it seems they all teach rather the same thing - cosmic dharma. curious to know how their stance changes, for example the extreme manipulation of christianity in support of distortions. would these women in white have a different opinion then? perhaps they dont care either, as any form pursuing this path is going to advance you in one way or another..

this is going to be a bit of a personal matter, but; i have been collecting alot of information over the last couple weeks. its alot, and im getting sick of it honestly. im sure you understand that pursuit of knowledge where it feels like you can never get enough. i want to know about the afterlife, i want to know about the degree of malevolent manipulation/false timelines(?) and protection modalities. i am a practical person and so i viewed this "phase" as just gathering enough understanding so i can pragmatically apply it to the betterment of myself and others. so far what ive got is just maxing out on protection techniques like the mer-ka-bah (seems to be a big one considering the implications of how you understand the craft to be controlled), following cosmic principals like dharma or related - cultivating "goodness"
from what i gathered, the more curious i get on the "spiritual logistics" of reality, the more questions i end up generating and the more confused i become. at times though - the illusion fades momentarily, the veil lifts and its as if it all becomes so simple and understandable. but that is ever so elusive, and its so frustrating.

im curious if you have seen this before and if you were to agree with the notion of it. its rehashed gnosticism but in a way that makes ALOT more sense considering modern terminologies. the person who made this is very skilled. with all of your experiences, do you align with this kind of worldview or am i asking a rather redundant question? thank you.
That’s some nice synchronicity you have there! Thanks for the kind words, I greatly appreciate you too.

In regards to your question, they always claim to be sent by or to serve “God” or a “great spirit”, and they always claim that there will be a new age where the believers will prosper and the world will drastically change, sometimes apocalyptically. They will sometimes give you new knowledge or teach you to pray in a certain way, like the White Buffalo Woman gifting the Lakota their first pipe and teaching them to use smoke to communicate with the great spirit. Some have foretold the collapse of the Catholic Church due to corruption, some have predicted political catastrophe and wars. Mostly, they don’t seem to mind your religion, as long as you have one.

Yes, I understand. It can be exhausting when you don’t know if you’ve already found everything there is to find, but you have to keep looking. If you need any help or have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks again!
Yes, I understand, trying to understand why the WiW turn into bovines was very frustrating.

I’ve not seen that before but I’ll check it out. From what I gather, it seems like it may be vaguely similar in nature to some of my beliefs, but I won’t know until I watch it.
In fact, a lot of this is very similar to what I found from my remote viewing research, so I’d say there’s a good chance I’ll agree with at least some of this.
>21 UFO sightings
WTF, seriously? You might be a star seed or something if that’s true
Ha, as far as I know I’m pure Human. I just look up a lot. I think I’m in a hotspot as where I live essentially translates to “fairyland”.
I keep seeing that CE5 thing here. Can you post a quick guide on how to do it?
I talk about it in here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHeqcFOSx50
but all you need to do is find a quiet spot, pick a patch of sky, and project. This will be different for everyone, but for me I am thinking the words as if they are being loudly screamed, HELLOHELLOHELLO-COME TO ME-HELLOHELLOHELLO, while imagining them coming out of my head as a string of words, a beam, that shoots into the patch I’m aiming at and explodes outwards. I occasionally switch to imagining myself floating in the patch and looking down at myself, trying to remember every detail of the area I’m in, then I’ll switch back to beaming the words. It usually takes a few minutes for them to appear. It doesn’t work every time though, so I assume their range isn’t infinite and they have to already be local to detect your signal. You also don’t need to keep doing it, from my experience it is like putting out a beacon. Once you have projected your thoughts, their signal will linger so you could go for a pee and it will still be working even though you stopped.
No need for any apps or to spend any money.
More like demonland, apparently.
I’m gonna try that, thanks.

What was your best NON-CE5 sighting?
I'm slightly jealous but I've witnessed 6-7 UFOs in my life (one may have been a drone but it had some strange circumstances)
A shiny black triangle that did a few loops at high speed before glowing bright white and vanishing. Fastest thing I’ve ever seen move across the sky.
That’s still pretty damn good! I’m lucky but I also always look carefully for them, so I’m usually in the right place at the right time. Keep going!
He's lying
>no I’m not
I keep a tally chart of all my sightings, broken down into types of craft/UAP
you glow, seriously you use ALL the glow negro acronyms
ps. read dune, swap the standard interworld space travel story for the single world time travel story the book actually tells, secondly add a competition to that single world, which ever blood line lasts to the end shapes the beginning in their lines image.
>always claim that there will be a new age where the believers will prosper and the world will drastically change, sometimes apocalyptically
thank you for your replies, something im curious about is how you feel in interaction with them - what your intuition says, do you feel safe around them? it seems they are in alignment with a cosmic dharma, "ye shall know them by their fruit".. that eases my mind a bit. perhaps they are militant warriors of sort, providing protection from other controlling forces on earth whom are out of alignment with this cosmic dharma.

sorry for bit of a personal matter but something thats really messed with me is the potential of malevolence and manipulation; how do you even have the nuts to cast out your thoughts expecting contact when your whole life could be turned upside down? do you do so with an intense faith/belief that you are to be protected, such as the law of assumption?

my family of occult lineage has had a ufo experience not many months after putting up 3 individual symbols onto the roof of the house they lived in. one was a symbol of a star/pentagram - each point of the star representing an element of the human - fire, water, earth, air and the top point being spirit. sadly the other 2 symbols were vaguely remembered, though one of them is similar to a P with a curve kind of thing going on... pic rel, something close to those. the other 2 symbols were symbolic for god, and the pact/covenant between god and humans.

the ufo was triangular, about the size of a football field; it moved directly towards the house in which it was observed through large windows infront. it flashed multiple colored lights, and then disappeared from behind trees. it had some kind of cloaking technology aswell, as the entire center of the ufo could not be visible at times, there was one person looking directly at it, the other was much lower than it was (1/2)
>the other was much lower than it was
- and they had to reach a certain elevation to be able to discern more of the craft and realize they werent just looking up at the sky.

>In fact, a lot of this is very similar to what I found from my remote viewing research, so I’d say there’s a good chance I’ll agree with at least some of this.
do you mind seeding some saplings for me; any links, information? i dont hold my beliefs to one ideology and am just trying to gather as much perspective as possible. lastly, have you ever visited the angels-heaven org website? its always intrigued me, there is so much there, just curious for your perspective
thank you!
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Ah shit, so when you look at them they're looking at you?
Ever done CE-5 inside a crop circle? ;)
You can even get this with stars. Chant ZIN-URU to a star (like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU8ulp-sKq8) and eventually you can get to the feeling that the star is singing through and as you
Have most of your sightings been during the day or night?
Keeping a tally of lies doesn't make them true
Hopefully I can answer a few things regarding these "manifestations" through information passed down and experience.

As far as I'm aware, from a metaphysical stand point, humans to some degree have various forms of latent psychic abilities which stems from our mental capabilities of imagery and the usage of kenisis as a catalyst to see things that normally aren't perceived by the naked eye. Regarding potential, that itself is hard to guage because we are forced to abide by natural laws of the universe.

I won't go into detail about what help the eyes have with all of this as I myself don't fully grasp the concept. But what I do know is that the eyes are an effective organ that helps provide growth and intense stimuli to the brain when you try to perceive certain things that otherwise, "don't make sense".

Apparently seeing the "unimaginable" causes a perfound change and rewires the brain to perceive things that otherwise wouldn't initially be noticed. The human mind can purposely regress itself fairly easily as a coping mechanism if one decides to choose to forget about the experience. But to those who decide to embrace it reach a certain level of "enlightment" or a more accurate term being, becoming "inspired"

When it comes to "manifestations" or prayer, as far as we humans are concerned, have literally infinite potential which nothing we have come across can match us in. This makes us very sought after as both a commodity and for research purposes which is why I typically avoid coming into contact with other worldly entities. Despite what others say, what we consider as EGO, exists outside the body, it is not exclusively a physical and human concept, so be warned. When it comes to projecting thoughts, as stated before, humans are unmatched and on this dimension, we own our domain which extends as far as the ort cloud, at least as what others recognize as ours. 1/?
Everyone in this thread that has triggered a "CE-5" event, whether in groups of as an individual, essentially broadcasted themselves out to the universe like a beacon which something is bound to notice and respond too. Its hard to guage motives behind ETs and OP's speculation of thought based machines is not far fetched and could possibly exist. I myself don't think that is the case but is with within the realm of possibility. Every single action and thought has some sort of effect, that includes mental energy. Most of our prayers are rarely ever directed so imagine if you will, a massive blast of energy going in every direction only to be picked up by something through happenstance. Its hard to explain the mechanics behind how something like this happens but despite time being irrelevant in higher dimensions, the "now" in these cases, much like space, is fairly empty. But since earth and its inhabitants are a rich resource, such projections are usually monitored and if something chooses to capitalize on the energy, they usually have to answer your "wish.

OP mentioned these white creatures that turn into bovines. I have yet to even hear mention of such entities that specifically choose to represent an animal such as a cow, willingly. Such an odd thing to choose and mimic when there are easier things to appear as.


What more can you tell me about these "woman in white".
The purpose of CE5 is to lure people to extend their thoughts into the astral plane where hungry entities lie in wait for vulnerable souls. Dr. Steven Greer did not have an NDE, he actually died. Something else slipped into his body so it could spread the good word about this amazing new mind expansion technique for contacting beings on other worlds!

Damn craft eldritch horrors from beyond the stars, man, I tell ya. Can't trust anybody these days.
As long as you're using phrases like "eldritch horrors from beyond the stars", you could stand to experience the overwhelming, mind-boggling Kosmic love from ET until you see how that whole idea is transcended and included in an embrace which is radically beyond human conception
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indeed it seems quite silly to assume there are no truly benevolent factions;

^ im this poster - that same website has its own protocol for contact in which you project your thoughts specifically through the heart instead of the ce5 modality of through the third eye or whatever, which is supposedly meant to serve as a filter for asshole/trickster entities.

i guess "the great work" or, the goal of the game is to end in a similar position to them. it would truly be beautiful.. despite all the schizo ramblings we've been hearing like
the thing is - just gauging off the entirety of that website its entirely factioned towards benevolence/dharma, the purification of our hearts and souls. that seems like a green light to me. its also basically an esoteric law that true intentions must be revealed upon request .. but who knows how it works
Think about it, anon, and I mean actually think about it. Some rando knocks on your door so you open it and immediately say, "I love you, man, peace and cosmic harmony, bro"?

With CE5 you're the weirdo going door to door. I can't even tell in this scenario which of you would be the bigger weirdo, though.
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when it comes to thinks like prison planet theory, or that the process of reincarnation has been infiltrated in that we dont get free agency anymore of leaving - we get sucked right back into the cycle through some alien tech , our best modality of protection is something like these guys, and they are aligned with faith of the highest degree
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The way I do CE-5, I visualise the Earth, then the Solar System, then the Milky Way, then the Universe, and then look around to see if there's anyone who's inviting me to hang out because they saw my signal. It's like going on Tinder and waiting for someone to match with you.
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Do you want to wind up as a statistic on Zeta Reticuli, because that's how you wind up as a statistic on Zeta Reticuli!
buy an ad faggot
I've been doing this for 10 years. I've swum in light, been onboard UFOs, hung out with ETs in dreams and the astral, have had changes to my brain which I can still feel... all of it was positive and all of it was done in the name of love. I hope the Zetas have statistics on me. It's more of a "notice me, senpai!" situation.
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>have had changes to my brain which I can still feel... all of it was positive and all of it was done in the name of love
I've had three sightings in the last year, the first was after i was sitting in my room and mentally reached out to the phenomenon and gave it permission to show itself to me, 15 minutes later my eyes get heavy in this almost trance like state and i feel this gentle compulsion to grab my night vision and head outside. i look up and see what looked like a distortion in the sky and then an orb appeared out of it at roof level of my two story house. during that sighting i reached for my phone but as i did i got what i assume was some sort of telepathic message which to me was sort of like a "no, this is important." the orb started flying away but slowed as i stopped reaching for my phone. second was three orbs in a triangle formation doing what looked like figure 8s above my head that followed my vehicle but stopped as i got closer to town and the third was actually a few days ago i wanted to see if i could make something appear and focused my intent on seeing a craft into a spot in the night sky and saw an orange streak flying exactly where i was looking, it could have been a meteor though.
Get ready this will seem schizo

>2019 saw 2 UFOs, orange balls of flame and followed them. This seemed to have been related to me "expecting" them there or summoning them.

>Same year, seemed to be hearing thoughts of family members and couldn't sleep. Saw a bunch of animals in my yard all gathered in a circle.

>Later, seeming telepathic experiences. Seeming TV shows talking directly to me and responding to my thoughts like some kind of Truman Show.

Other crazy stuff happened too.
Based God consciousness enjoyer
It is agreed universally on this board that calling upon the name of Jesus Christ makes ET experiences which the person using it would prefer finish, do so. ETs just back off as soon as He is invoked in a way which seems to them to be a form of banishment. This is because He is the Christ of this world, and they respect His authority.

I know this, and have known it for many years. I have contacted them in His name, also, and they were pleased and came for me. But as soon as you say something like "In Jesus' Name, please could you back off", they do so immediately.

I do not need to do this. My ET experiences have uniformly been positive and loving. I have invoked His name before when I needed forgiveness from sin, or when I felt I needed help with something, and He has always been there for me, healed me, and saved me. But with ET, it's always been so good that I always wanted them there and to do it more. If anything, I think they're too shy! I wish it would happen more than it does! But hey, sometimes you gotta do the work to get the results.
Respect your work OP. Godspeed.
I just contacted Jesus via CE5 and he said you're full of shit. I don't know what else to say. Christ gets really cranky when you wake him up at 3 in the morning.

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