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Can anyone help me decode the occult symbols hidden in the logo for this year's Olympics?
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inverted (for reference)
theres a woman with hair and lips and upside down its a guy with beard and lips
i am also seeing 5 circles going into eachother
better decode tomorrow's inaugural ceremony.
soft disclosure of future plans if not interrupted by some false flag.

this will be the last olympics
>this will be the last olympics
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>this will be the last olympics
Well, there's obviously a feminine, gay face.
OP here, I realized that the inauguration date is also pretty relevant, 26 of July is 33, july is the 7th month so 26+7=33
Look at the logo, its just a flame.
Everything is will soon end and the earth will burn.

2 Peter 3:10
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
>its just a flame.
No, there's obviously a feminine gay face, like an emo boy (or a flaming dyke) with a floppy haircut and a gay smile.

This is by design and it's gay.
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somehow these seem connected.


Paris is code for fair arse rape? The logo looks like someone with fair hair. Hell is German for fair, so that is the flame connection.

Twenty - tot wed money
Twenty four - twyn rent fair lout
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It's a head on fire and you can only see the lips.
They are burning like many will.
>like many will.
Praise the Gospel!
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reminds me of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy logo from the catholic church made by the jesuit Marco I. Rupnik
astrological implications as of late equal to big shifts in the favor of FIRE, and AIR. something powerful and destructive is afoot
I think that Paris will probably 'burn' in some way. The city is always filled with rioting and is always a contentious and revolutionary place so it wouldn't surprise me.
>Everything is will soon end and the earth will burn.
I hope so. Gosh I can't take this existence anymore
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the official olympics started in Paris and will end in Paris? how poetic
guise will someone here watch the inauguration cerimony besides me
The first O in 2024 is symbolic of Goatse and the last red ring on the far right is symbolic of gay buttsecks
It make me horny praise allah
>anthropomorphic fire
>obviously fake and gay

I'll take Lucifer for 100.
lips fire par is 2024
rap(e) is 2+0+2+4=8
international raping of paris possible arsons and even bombs (((terrorist))) attack
I also see the woman's face with lips. It's so obvious I feel like it's an intentional reference to something French-related, but I don't know what.
in reality it's because globohomos have ruined everything with the ongoing assault on the very concept of national pride and identity, various countries are banned for judeo-political reasons, etc. the olympics have become just another platform for globohomo to proselytize "diversity" and reinforce acceptable good goy opinions and behavior, and you can't even hold the olympics in a "big" western city anymore without showcasing the third world shit hole conditions they've all become, so nobody really gives a shit anymore. Viewership has been in decline for decades for that matter; Olympics excitement over time is basically another correlative metric for when western society started declining (aka being flooded with foreigners) in general.
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Symbolism is pretty clear this year. They saved it mostly for the end.
>the dancers dying as the world burns
Basically the culling of the population
>singing Imagine on a piece of molten slag
The death will bring peace
>pale horse ridden by death
Just doubling down on the death metaphor
>the path to the flag splits, death takes the left path
In reference to the left hand path on the kaballah

Basically the great reset. The elite’s plan to kill a ton of people. They believe it will bring an eternal kingdom of peace. Alan Moore said it best in watchmen. “nothing ever ends.” Basically, he rightfully pointed out that you can’t just end human conflict. It will always exist. All you’re doing is killing a bunch of people.
And lo! a pale horse; and the name was Death to him that sat on him, and hell followed him.
fugg i'm gonna looshhhhhh
>small i
something relating to the ego
>something relating to the ego
Aww, yay.

Maybe I should go to France after the US.
>'Games wide open' is the motto for this year's Paris Olympics, which officially begin on Friday with the opening ceremony.

Is there any hidden meaning behind this slogan?
I don’t know how much crossover the choreography planners have with the slogan makers or the mascot makers. I imagine not much. All the stage stuff and theatrics would fall under choreography, and that’s where the occult stuff was happening.
>Paris literally on fire
>Guys is there something about the Olympics that's weird
>>Paris literally on fire
What do you mean
The entire thing got derailed by arsonists
It's all over the news
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What's moloch doing there? Why did they invert the olympic flag?
occultism and shitposting aside
that was a goddamn beautiful ceremony
You're kidding right?
The horse rider and balloon were kino
If you do enough proper research, you will come to the realization that life is recurring and eternal.
You want a way out, but look deep inside enough and you will know that this is ultimately a cope. Life continues, and you must continue living.
Just as real as the Fall of man was, so too is the Rise back to the heavens.
>2 Peter 3:10
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
And then we do the entire thing all over again. Last time it was the flood. Recycle upon cycle upon cycle.
smoking gun
I agree with you
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I am so fucking angry at whatever faggot mod or nigger janitor decided that MY HIGH EFFORT /FrOG/ - French Olympics General post was taken down but then shit like this gets allowed to stay up.
True, I also liked the Steve Reich style piece they did with the tool sounds.
The rest was abysmal though

"Games Wide Open" in the Greek Beta Code system equals 1273 (3+1+40+5+200+0+800+10+4+5+0+70+80+5+50), which reduces to 13, which reduces to 4
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As above so below
33th Olympics game.
Two related notes:
2012 London Olympics Closing Ceremony with occult pyramid building sequence for comparison to this year's events:


AND You may have noticed liberal CA suddenly announced it has made homeless camps and tent cities on sidewalks illegal -- this is because the next Olympics in 2028 are in Los Angeles and they figure it's going to take four years to clean the city up.
The first thing that came to my mind was eyes wide shut
The ying of ying and yang inside a crescent moon. Ying being only feminin part and the only sign of yang is that lips eg the mouth which is a female mouth too.
Thief in the night means - "NO ONE WILL KNOW WHEN" .

There will be no signs, no warning, no anything. It will happen at an impossibly fast rate that no one will have time to prepare for or escape from. Judgement will arrive when it's time, and no one can tell you when that will be. It will happen when we absolutely least expect it and it will be swift.

I fucking hope so I'm sick of this shit it's boring and a waste of time and money, and it ruins people's lives and whole communities waste billions in resources accommodating this stupid shit that does nothing to help further world peace. The fucking PGA has done more for world peace than the olypmics.
circle symbol looks like a woman head with "the rachel"/bob cut
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Paris will burn soon I can feel it
What's gonna happen is economic collapse. That's practically inevitable. The entire money system is based on printing money via the fractional reserve banking system, getting off the gold standard is the big mistake, we will be punished for our hedonism and unlimited spending and consumerism while destroying the planet in the meantime.
printed money is actually a small percentage of all the money in the system. money=debt
economical collapse will be a result not a cause. The cause will be too many boomers dying, not enough young people to keep the things running, too much browns invading without contributing etc.
Chwck average age of some occupations in your country.
taxi/trolley/train drivers.
Judges, policemen etc.
50 or more mosr of the time so the majority will retire and there'a not enough youngsters to replace them.
So gradually(unless some major happening) everything will keep becoming even shittier and more expensive. there will be no sudden invention to make people's lives better. they own the patents and keep them lockedon on purpose. Everytime someone invents some free energy device - dies in unexplained circumstances.
west is collapsing they have 15 more years untill everyone is brown fat and retarded, but they don't have such time. This is why all their agendas end in 2030-2040
It's literally just sitting there. I guess there's some other meaning but it all felt like the usual, elites causing confusion with these mass rituals to divide and provoke. While I liked it, the entire revolution part felt extremely on-the-face about the violence. The bull was just cherry on top. Even the balloon at the end felt unnerving, with the music and all. Not even gonna mention the schizophrenic themes: the same show had people planning a threesome, mocking of the Supper, and Minions.
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Anything goes anon. The Virus or fake therein failed to do what they wanted. The chemicals are not working fast enough. Guess the only thing left is...fire.
A closed game is played with your own group.

An open game means anyone can join.
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>the same show had people planning a threesome, mocking of the Supper, and Minions.

My friend, you have to understand these "people" are literally possessed by demons.

With this ceremony they're physically acting out what these malevolent entities from the other side fed them with all this time.
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>only thing left is...fire.
Yoga Flame.
Yoga Fire.
You're not one of us, you'll burn too.
You will taken to be a fiery body before God for your transgressions. We seek to purify, not destroy - our goals are not the same.
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>LARPs ME!!!!!
Dont ever talk to me or my bowl of sashimi again.

>before God




>sneer, become more resolute in delusion, LARP LOUDER

Duplicitious, serving two masters means you serve the good when it benefits you and Serve Satan instead of serving the Good Samaritin.

>You're not one of us

>My ways are not your ways. my thoughts are not your thoughts
>serve the good when it benefits you and Serve Satan instead of serving the Good Samaritin.

Loves the music, hates the musician...now he doesnt understand why Nasheed are playing in the halls.

Judas...betrays the heart, Ayaan Hirsi, without a care in the world...

BETRAYER...Clanging Gong, soulless automaton...
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Mirror up, down, left, right. No I don't know what it means schizopost needs schizo help.
Looks familiar.
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Hm, are they planing something?

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