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So can we get a think tank thread going?

What I'm curious about is why does extreme autism lead to tranny outcome.. like if someone is autistic either about sonic, or about mathematics/circuit logic or electronics, there's big likelyhood they will end up becoming tranny. Why is this? Is the said person resonting with some foreign space ayy signal that not only feeds you information on said logic (like math and logic), reinforcing the pathways on your brain for that stuff, but they also feed you signal of "become a tranny", because they have some psyop to turn people away from their natural state, for whatever reason? I'm thinking this is done by soem aliens and forces, and no I don't think it's "lel demons", I believe there's some kind of space.

What I want to know is what is this phenomenon really... is it you resonating with a space ayy radio station that’s also sending ”bad stuff” for you? I’d like to know if there’s counter-signal from other ayy radio station that sends ”better” signal. Because to me it seems obvious that most things in this reality/current time line seems to vibe too much with the former signal, I want to find a ”counter-signal” to it, I want something that actually is closer to ”truth” than whatever abomination this is

Pic is related because this is what happens when you tune too much to those signals
relax anon you're not going to turn into a tranny.
well probably.
my solipsism is too strong for me to be easily swayed by these forced, by i acknowledge they're there, they exist.. it's like the chaos gods from warhammer 40k.. and something tells me that sooner or later, whatever has been protecting us from most of those forced, will that to get thinner, and the chaos gods influence over populace will grow. maybe that's when the hivemind ai will start to take stronger effect on populace
I'll give you a hint.
>IF HUMANS were mushrooms, finding a date would be much easier. Whereas we muddle by with just two sexes, the fungi have 36,000, all of which can mate with each other, in a mysterious process involving underground fronds.
I don't get it
It’s just a product of watching lesbian porn, and associating pleasure with a vagina, then thinking about fucking girls and they cumming, (all from just watching porn and gooning too much) coupled with frustration from no gf, makes you want to become the girl you want to be fucking.

That’s why being depressed and doing drugs is literally based, you don’t see emo’s doing this gay shit, but these faggots copy scene culture.

Also stimulant use and gooning
autists turn into trannies to get laid
I think there's more to it than that. Where does these signals come to our brain? What are the stations broadcasting these weird signals?
>autism lead to tranny outcome..
it gose like this, autistic boy hits puberty, wants sex, is ignored, masturbates to porn, conceptually sexualizes female traits well also hyper-desexualizing personal traits... seeks solution to no sex problem... become sexy by personalizing female traits.

a question to you then, what about autism leads to a lack of desirable traits?
I read somewhere that autists don't care so much about societal norms so are much more likely to embrace being gay or trans, or whatever, whereas normies tend to just hide their gayness and hook up with gay men/crossdressers/trannies, etc. on tinder or grindr. Tldr autists have no shame or care about what others think, a lot of normies are closeted gay/trans but don't act on it, sexuality is a spectrum not black and white
Earth is like a garden, it's for growing fruits
but there are species of aliens that cannot digest sweet fruits
so what they do is they turn the fruits "sour", by spraying stuff to make the fruits become less sweet, so the produce becomes more consumable for them once it's time for harvest
remember, don't sin and you're good
I think David Icke might have mentioned something about this in some of his video
You are correct, it is a signal, a paranormal one not a digital signal. In essence, a human's psyche or "anima" is already projected outward by us and requires little effort to induce a feedback loop of fascination upon the projection instead of the observing consciousness. Tl;Dr the programming exists but what makes it work on them vs you is they are spiritually persuaded to identify outside of themselves, which is the basis of all possession no matter the intention or effects. They even called this "body dismorphia" and made it a tenet of the transsexual journey to normalize the tendency of these people to notice they're not the ones piloting their body or making these decisions.
Imagine your an autistic world leader and know your biggest competitor is other autists. You'd erase the competition for eternity.
interesting.. I think I get it.. but is there some video that explores this concept more ?
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Sadly no, no 4 minute spirit science tl;dr. Mfw.
As an autist, my first question is...

what proof do you have that there is even a correlation between autism and tranny shit?
a lot of autists who are autist about something end up trooning for some reason.. and it's almost as if there's a connection, and that's what I made this thread for, to try figure it out
I mean some of these concepts require deep thinking so I was hoping some video would help with it, because i'm esl so some of the language barriers alone present issues
>being so gay and scared of pussy you pretend its seing a pussy that would make you gay
No its not, and theres a reason only underage virgin autists fall for such retarded idea, most men worldwide watch it fine and arent complete faggots
That bullshit is not only disproven nonsense, its also a cope promoted by Ncose shills like you and coping closeted retard deep south americans that cant accept you are not real men but just faggy bitches and try to project your faggotry in something else
>huuu I got turned into a faggot by seing a naked woman
No, youre a faggot because your BRAIN CHEMICALS are fucked, same reason youre autistic, seing or doing sex hasnt faggified any real man for a reason, stop blaming the outside for your faggotry and accept its on you, also kill yourself
>why do this type of RETARD person also turn into this other type of RETARD person, is being retarded connected to being retarded anons?
Theres no "connection" in the literal sense other than both taking a lack of shame, being a giga faggot and being autistic both mean youre brain has some issues, unbalanced brain chemicals etc, so youll see hyper retards doing both
Then you have the coping ones that try to blame outside influences (including literal retards who think if you have sex or sees it would make you gay, imagine how virginal and untouched by people the fat autist mongoloid would have to be to believe that) when its their own brain being damaged or working improperly to begin with.
also this
>if you see women cumming you become one
>defending emos, wich are also all gay fags
Thats how one can tell youre a massive homossexual finding excuses, kid, youd be bullied into suicide into any adult male friend group if you came with that, but your only human interaction is trying to touch your mother at night. Normal men dont wish to oust their manliness over enjoying fucking women or by "cumming to much" this is to both science and common sense what shoving knives up your face is to eating. Stop pretending youre a man like of us and off yourself like the other anon said, just like all the troons and autists who realize theyre just ill, so are you
But seeing how there are parasitic entities that get energy from negative emotions from people, be it in form of this masturbation, or other kind of pain/fear or whatever, would it be far fetched that some of these entities are broadcasting signals to try corrupt more people into sinning more? They use "knowledge" and "wisdom" they offer as a carrot, and as "karmic price" you have to pay it with debauchery or other form of sinning. And gradually they corrupt you.
autism and microchimerism are related

take the chimera pill
Aliens are involved in some form or another. I cease to believe it's all just "woooo demons". Because if TPTB can do some of this stuff with human tech, then the "spirit/astral" thing is probably done with some kind of tech too, just by more advanced tech and maybe not by humans. Just saying.
This is not paranormal. But here’s what happens, a child has a piss poor upbringing in an abusive and dysfunctional home with bat shit insane parents. Because of this, the child lags behind socially. The other children his age mock and abuse him and he is a social outcast. Now the child receives constant abuse and humiliation at home and at school. This child might become rather exceptional at computer programming or some other technical skill only because it gives him a solitary activity to pour his energy into as he has been rejected by his parents and peers. As the child grows into adulthood he will be rejected by all the females at the school. No one will be his lab partner, no one will go on a date with him, no one will go to prom with him. The isolation and rejection from childhood only compounds in adulthood. Eventually, severe depression set in, this is just your brain’s alarm system telling you “something is WRONG!!!”. But because people are bombarded by trans propaganda in today’s world, the lonely “autistic” incel thinks, “hey I know!!! I must be TRANS!!! That’s why my life has been so miserable!!! If I cut my cock and balls off and start hormones I can finally be happy!!!!” So they “transition”. Then the terrible realization. Now they are just social outcasts and rejects from society but also deformed freaks. They commit suicide soon after. Many sad cases.
nah mate I think there's something else going on. Even people with good parenting and upbringing end up both autism and trannoid. There's clearly some interference coming from somewhere else, affecting the psyche or the brains
No proof then.

In jungian terms, its a case of anima possesion on a mass scale, likely a prelude to something else rearing its head through unfortunate people with weak egos and sense of self (an ego is said to be built by being in the world and dealing with its problems, which many autists and troons dont do), for now manifested in unconcious manner
I am an autist.

I'm also your superior, morally, intellectually, and spiritually.

Maybe quit with your bullshit regarding what you imagine autism is like.

Tranny shit found its footing in the Wiemar republic under a bunch of Jews. Faggots and cross dressers have always been a thing though perhaps not so many.

Trannies tend in my experience to be very outgoing and by definition they're also deceitful. Not autistic traits.
Yeah I think it's something like this. Something is on the movie, and it seems that people with weak will are more affected by whatever is going on.
>kill yourself
>off yourself
how can such people pretend to have a moral high ground?
>What I'm curious about is why does extreme autism lead to tranny outcome
It's a condition of relativism and social pressure.
>I like to wear skirts.
>Only girls wear skirts
>Well I guess I'm a girl then.
It's about that simple.
>I like to wear skirts.
And where did that idea come from? Who put that idea there, why? You might say that it's a group of people, they do it to destabilize, but what if it goes deeper than that? What if there's some weirder reason all of this stuff is happening?
it's all so tiresome
Just wanted to say I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere. I believe you can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help you can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. Please reconsider any thoughts of suicide. I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.
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>I'm also your superior, morally, intellectually, and spiritually.
Never spiritually, and morals are just a weak mans cope.
Funniest thing is autists who think they're so above their condition, but are in their own way as myopic and narrowminded as someone like Chris-Chan. You see it even in the sciences or academia with the most brilliant people, they're basically retarded when it comes to anything outside their chosen field.
This is also the reason so many become trannies, because its essentially a psyop and they're actually even more susceptible to it than normies. Same reason 99% of the population of actual retards "debating" on /pol/ or engaging in culture war bullshit (left or right wing) are autists.
>if you see women cumming you become one
your reading is poor, what i actually said is that guys who get no interaction with women project the traits they find appealing onto them selves.
>Normal men dont wish to oust their manliness
....were not talking about normal men were talking about sexless autistics.
go ahead and tell us what a real man is!
That whole line is the logic counselors use to manipulate retards, i.e.: autitsts, into believing they are trans, for liking pink, or as girls wearing shorts.

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