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Why are you on this board if nothing paranormal ever happened to you?
Everything that's currently happening in the world is paranormal at this point.
Because I'm a pathetic miserable normie and I must live vicariously through you anon!
High from hypocricy and mockery.
We clean.
But many paranormal things have happened to me
couldn't say!
none of you have told me where we are yet
>why are you interested in space if you've never been there before?
Absolute brainless take OP. And that's not even accounting a fair few of us have, which sparked the interest.
It did, but I won't tell you, you filthy cum-guzzling CIA dataminer. Aliens tongue my anus.
The wind spoke to me today, it was unintelligible though
isn't that suspicious though? not even once?
It did happen, silly
I enjoy reading the schitzo posts and all the occult shit. I don't believe in 95 percent of what is posted here. Sometimes there is a good conspiracy thread I will read. Also, some of my shit posts have been funny and I like to laugh.
I used to come here for short periods of time and thought it was funny to talk about aliens. I don't think aliens are funny anymore.
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i like reading skizo posts...also i am gangstalking most of you and need to keep tabs.
https://youtu.be/_vCiu9zeFD8?feature=shared :(
Synchronicity counts
Because i want it to.
plenty of paranormal stuff happens. its just not like the tropey stuff like vampires and werewolves. everyday life is paranormal, its extremely spiritual but its also so normal to the point where its not even considered "paranormal".
it did actually, i skipped a night when i was a kid. I was standing there, time to go to bed and then it was morning, a single second took me from night to morning, never knew what happened. It was incredible, my mom was in the same exact position, brushing my sister's teeth, but it was not the tooth brushing of morning before school, instead of the one before bed, it was like the matrix bugged out. I never knew what happened but always rememebered it vividly and told people.
I ask that to you, frogfag. Will you answer your own question?

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