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is astrology real? and i mean real esoteric astrology not just
>oooo hes such an aries not like me im a cancer!!!
no, it's not
yes, it is
Why dont you read and find out?
i am currently reading Astrologia Esoterica by Lopez Rega
Define "real"
its real in that if you believe in it you will quantum jump into a dimension where its real
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Yes I assure you it is.
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Yeah it's just that most people are bad at it because what they want to be true doesn't line up with what the stars indicate. Not coincidentally, most people who do astrology are women. It works, but it takes work to understand and use well. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it.
Its real but you have to study for hundreds of hours to understand how real it actually is.

It's like if people said that "physics is a fake science" all your life, and then you have to take the time to read a physics textbook, and perform some experimentation on your own. It would take a lot of effort to prove that it works.
Anyone who hasn't put in this level of effort, won't really know, but just be taking it on faith.
Astrology is very real and extremely useful, however it is a complicated topic and because of that, vast majority of population do it wrong. That includes almost al of those who write horoscopes. Astrology is very useful, but only if you take your time to understand it, there is a lot more to it than just your sun sign.

That being said, don't confuse astrology with horoscopes. Although astrology has sound foundation, horoscopes mostly dont. Horoscopes are an attempt to "predict future using astrology" and most horoscope writers just want to get fast recognision and as many clicks as possible so they write those horoscopes in such a way. As such, almost all horoscopes are complete shit and you are best if you don't even read that crap (if you do, do it because you want to test your own astrology theories)

tl;dr: astrology has sound foundations, has been researched for thousands of years for a reason and can be very beneficial to you and your close ones
however avoid horoscopes at all costs, almost all of them are shit

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