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Does anyone remember the Mamata/Mamamweya cult/group on YouTube? I only remember so much, but I'm pretty sure it lasted from 2006 until 2009. I remember them spamming "mamata" on tons of YouTube videos, and this one video where they showed the "mamata" crawling on the ceiling and for each different person who played the video it'd look like their mother. Does anyone else know? The thing I remember the most is going to this exact video (https://youtu.be/O8vfparwRjw) and seeing people spam the word "mamata". It was also called Mamamweya according to my friend but I'm not sure.
Update-- Mamamweya and Mamata seem to be different entities. Think of it a Mamata is the main leader and Mamamweya being it's sidekick. By the way. What is Mamata? Why does it give the appearance of our mothers? Is it a fake appearance? What is it's true form? So many answers.
I don't remember much about Mamamweya though. Almost nothing. Also, what happened to the Mamata cult? Why did they die in 2009? Their motive?
I don’t think I remember this from back in the day but maybe I just didn’t pay attention
Bumping because I want to know more
Same too. Have you had a experience similar to this?

Who is Egon Cholakian?
Its some kind of a PsyOP but by whom?

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