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The most American paranormal encounter I've ever heard. The man shot the damn thing within 20 seconds of seeing it. I'm devastated he didn't stop his car immediately and take a picture or part of the body.


>Be US government
>Get alien tech in exchange for letting aliens eat human adrenochrome
>Still be retarded but now with cool alien tech
>Genetically engineer a cool wolf human hybrid
>oh no, it escapes
>Don't know how it could with DEI guard Linda the genderqueer pansexual on the watch
>American shoots the damn thing
>Go and confront the man to tell him to shut up about it
>Mfw we confirm for people it wasn't a fucking unknown animal but something we were responsible for and too incompetent to keep track of.

what is pic related from ?
A book called Paranormal Planet by Jack Cary.
>Be me
>Like 16 years old
>Used marijuana sometimes but was sober for this
>At Grandma's apartment for some function
>I'm there to spend the night for some reason
>Grandma going on about weird shit happening in her apartment
>Everyone dismisses her claims
>I don't think much of it either
>Says random shit disappears
>Doorways being fucked with, broken locks and shit
>Random grease stains
>Go to sleep in living room on air mattress
>Wake up at the ass crack of dawn to a dark voice
>Can't make out what it was saying
>Open eyes
>Big dark figure standing at my feet
>Can't move
>Keep fighting and I break out of it
>Look around
>Place is calm and bright as if nothing happened
Thanks anon, never seen that pic before.

If you want some good Dogman eyewitness stories check out Dogman encounters radio on YT, also Martin Groves encounter is insane as well, not only did he shoot a Dogman but he ran over the Bigfoot that was there working with them.

Bump I want more cool stories
You had sleep paralysis as a part of withdrawals from cannabis.

I have been plagued by horrible dreams my whole life, like full-blown movies of being eaten by fish people or being placed in a radioactive labrynth and getting cooked as I search for the exit...shit like that went on until I found out cannabis prevents you from dreaming. I have smoked small amounts every day since I was 25, with breaks in consumption in order to pass work-relayed drug testing. The nightmares come back HARD after not using it for a few weeks, and I am haggard and stressed for lack of rest during these periods. A few years ago, I was trying to land an aircraft manufacturing job and went without cannabis for several months to get it. The day before the job interview, I had my first ever Sleep Paralysis, wherein a ragged old woman with glowing red eyes popped into reality right over my face. I could only move my eyes and felt a bony hand clamp down on my neck and this hag screamed the loudest fucking scream I've ever heard in dreams or reality. This all went down over the course of a few seconds and the sensation of choking and getting blasted by that scream bent my spine backwards and snapped me out of it.
Anyways, I got the job and was able to continue living away from my parents house and not starve, but I left the job after I found everyone in the factory was a lazy pothead or coke fiend and they all used fake piss or nepotism to land the job and keep it. The factory tested your piss if you got any injuries like a cut on your pinky, or if your machinery broke down. Some kind of legal insurance bullshit that made me feel like a piece of meat. Plus, the dreams were getting out of hand. Damn I wish I could work with cool stuff again, but sans the shitty employees and livestock mentality.

Anyways, Anon, thanks for reading my blog and take some time to consider drugs as a medication that DOES contain side effects. Whether or not you are a lazy pothead, sleep paralysis is real.

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