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/x/ - Paranormal

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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anyone else let this schizo crazy bullshit infect thine minds?
Stupid english, stupid words, stupid language barriers, stupid barriers.
need soft milk dispensers and less confusion
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Curiosity piqued, the Nobody approached. The guards exchanged glances, unsure whether to stop this strange visitor. But before they could decide, the tent flap opened, and out stepped the legendary warrior himself.

Guan Yu stood tall, his long beard flowing in the evening breeze. His eyes, sharp and discerning, fell upon the Nobody. "Who seeks me at this hour?" he asked, his voice resonating with authority.

The Nobody bowed respectfully. "I am but a wanderer, drawn to the tales of your valor. On the eve of battle, I hoped to glimpse the man behind the legend."

Guan Yu studied the mysterious figure before him, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "A wanderer, you say? In times of war, even the nameless may shape destiny. Come, share a cup of tea with me."

As they sat within the tent, steam rising from their cups, Guan Yu spoke of honor, loyalty, and the weight of the coming battle. The Nobody listened intently, offering insights that surprised even the great general.

"Your words carry wisdom," Guan Yu mused. "Perhaps it is not only the named who will be remembered in the annals of history."

As dawn approached, the Nobody rose to leave. Guan Yu placed a hand on their shoulder. "In the chaos of battle, remember this: it is not the name that makes the hero, but the choices we make when fate calls upon us."

With a nod of understanding, the Nobody slipped away into the pre-dawn mist, leaving Guan Yu to ponder the unexpected encounter that had brought a moment of reflection before the storm of war.
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These are disgusting I’m gonna puke. Classic 4chan
As the chaos unfolded on screen, Andy wiped a tear from his eye. "It's beautiful. They'll be questioning reality for weeks!"

The Nobody leaned back, admiring their handiwork. "In the end, isn't that what great pranks are all about?"

Together, the unlikely duo watched as their digital wildfire spread, reveling in the absurdity and confusion they had unleashed upon the unsuspecting forum.
To learn who is being milked and thinks they're the farmer
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Women owe me their bodily waste products.
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>If you are a law enforcement officer then participating in this thread right now counts as mishandling classified information.
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Why the Barbarian wearing blackface tho?
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C'mon at least post real ones.
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damn I can hear you from here baby with my music at 100%
what else that mouth do
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kill an innocent


The Nobody’s number of edges throughout the week has become top secret
Belle Delphine scented earwax candles when?
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>Are you not enter-tayned?
>Is this not why you are here?

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if the handler offered fluffing maybe I’d get around to the fucking objective BUT NO, SHE WANTS TO PLAY GAMES
Tear drop cocaine!!!!

Captcha: OHHH
holy shit OP and /NG/ crew got some jams while i left, good shit. been looking for that nia archives track for a minute since her boiler room set.
have these.
and a bonus for Mario anon.
Sorry to hear. Mine usually offer up the menu.
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>Local police would never use criminal informants to run their own crime and exploitation networks.

I. am. Jelly.
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>not grooming and flirting with your own handlers
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>real ones

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>Glowies lives getting wrecked
>Shows up oblivious to it all

Hey guyths
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Yes like that one, please post more.
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>remote code encyrypted and embeded in images
>executed secretly on the IME/PSP
I don't need to know your classified bullshit, I just think about how I would get it done.
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my bogu stand is perfect and awesome and nice and decently made and perfect and great and works and is nice and fantastic and perfect and amazing and i did a good job!
I get that you’re joking but it’s hard to find a girl that’s interested in the same things I am and takes the time out to learn about the sorts of things I’m in to, like technology, computers, geopolitics, etc, and I have very unconventional hours/routine, so presumably grooming and flirting with your fbi agent could probably make for the ideal match up. Probably a lot better than trying to use a service like ok cupid or tinder.

You should be turning the NSA into your own personal dating service.
>bogu stand
congrats anon!!

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you need to live
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thank you fren!
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Ok, you asked nicely.
>thinks the fbi agent is a female
Anon you've got a big storm coming.
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Kek I forgot about that one, thanks.

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>>thinks the fbi agent is a female
the fbi agent presents no verifiable identity

the fbi agent is whatever i say they are
>not the anon you are replying to
i dedicate this to all the single feds in the place stalking the nobody for a nut <3
“He” will wear the cat ears.
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>Based interdimensional black lodge entity reminding tptb where they came from.
>The feds don't complain when I act like this on days where they aren't the target.
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Fuck off with your bribes
>tfw you have dehumanized everyone
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that was undeniably A FUCKIN BANGER!

>>tfw you have dehumanized everyone
you wouldnt know human even if i showed you
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>Nia archives

>Archives = 4plebs
The screenshots posted in this thread aren't related with the Nobody.
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jesus christ imagine if he recruited the homeless into becoming his personal shitposting army and research team

>imagine paying entitled millennials or ADD zoomers KEK

free craxk for eeerbody!
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>Why is he shitposting from a homeless shelter?
>Hey guys, watch how fun this is.
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>If I am elected president then I will make free universal crack a human right.
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You'll never know the kek's you guys are making ITT.

Mr. Radcliffe's been portraying the Nobody since both were children. Vidrel was disclosure... in many ways.

VR shit seems so overrated but kinda fun at the same time. I don't want to break a window tho
Beat me, troon me, lock me away, blacklist me, burn me internationally.
I welcome the challenge.
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yeah but have you been a slave?
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>This NSA psyop is brought to you by AT&T.
>We Know. We Care.
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here's the last /ng/ meetup.
what is AT&T up to these days?
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Damn crazy I never heard about this show, seems pretty good
Bring it.
where are all the troons?
they're not sending their best
how many troons are actually in the /ng
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Same thing they have been doing since inception. Signals intelligence for the United States Government.
it wildly changes between seasons.
German Intelligence uses T-Mobile the same way.
a lot
I thought the guy on the right was bitchin for rocking a crutch for no reason but then I saw the boot.
A lot.
Some troons see the nobody as a threat because he's supporting Trump right now and other troons believe the nobody really is Lucifer and Lucifer is the only principality who will tolerate and accept troons in society so long as they play by his rules.
>The guy in the white and the guy in plaid just realized how cringe everyone is the thread actually is.
Lurk more.
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Bella delphine body spray!!!!


hashi mo toi desu?

Haha that’s so crazy.

What a wild idea. Wonder if anyone could actually pull that off?

Daily reminder that I think tptb went behind my back and told people I was Lucifer and I still don't know what to think about this lmao
( I'm not the nobody nor am I vibing with the meme tho, I just like this forum/thread )
The delusions these people wrote about themselves don't become truer by having it being posted and re-posted.
Deutche Telekom?
I'm learning science I'm actually learning chemistry right now.
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>when you finally meet /ng/'s egirls
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nah i know, i'm just here for the tunes ;)
>the guy in plaid foresaw it with his psychic powers

Same anon here, that picture is older than /ng/, I just thought it'd be funny to post it while say that.
>so long as they play by his rules.
Such is the unfortunate part many of them forget. And something they'll all be doomed to sooner or later, regardless black or white. It is all free will and personal enterprise so long as the Cat's away, but should he ever manifest again--it's back to a soldier's life or none at all.

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I was on /pol/ when trump was nearly assassinated.

It was a wild 3 days.
What a coincidence, it was pretty wild in this gen too.
Come on all of you are the nobody tm but none of you had that done to them? You people disappoint me.

>the guy in plaid foresaw it with his psychic powers

When the cat is away the mice will play.
However the mice play rough with each other, and it is the scorned mice from these mousy games that are the ones who let the cat back into the house.
Maybe you don't know the full story based on anonymous image board's approximations.
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dude holy shit the shitshow that was /pol/ for those three days was fucking historical.
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For (you)
good one I know thanks
the Heavenly forces are not against those who, not finding the forces to adapt when incarnating as a gender, live as the other from a certain point onwards.
Though propagandists who intentionally push their victims into not accepting themselves are not tolerated.
Kamala harris for president thought to only discover that those Russian hackers are fbi
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Vote democrat and have world war 3 or vote republican for world peace.

Easy choice.
THIS. the alphabet agents did what they're the best at and that's giving their enemy all the tools to succeed.
I'll bet my left nut you don't know the full story neither
More like Vote for war with Russia or Vote for war with China and Iran
A fine analogy that. I would agree but I'm not sure where it's headed. I don't pretend to know angels or demons but do they really just jump back into polarity once they're back here? Play one side for the other?

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wtf you can't be serious
The Republicans are very aware that the public is very aware of the fact that the public is tired of wars and is armed.
>votes for harambe instead
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Republicans support China and Iran.

Democrats want war with everyone.
the couchfuckers won't win
fucking retards
Felt. - GOD
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Oh look something DRASTICALLY changed the post frequency and sentence quality of the thread.
what about the plushie rapists?

How? They're in the very fabric itself! Surely nothing can stop them
know it alls know nothing
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Last try: Nobody had tptb go behind their back to tell people they are Lucifer/the Devil/Jesus or some shit?

You people had 0 paranormal experience I swear hahaha
I'm literally Jesus
We are getting signals from the star base inside the sun again.
No, still getting it wrong. They can't agree on what to believe that's why different sides say different things.
It's called not having a lot to say, dickhead. $1 says you're a newfag.
You mean you're a Jesus clone?
If anything it was you people who pushed that narrative.
you played a playa now mad you getting played playas

should've just hired me dumb fucks

now you're stuck with Karen, Ramcockdeep and Jamal

Wow good job retards
no I'm the antichrist Jesus
we're in the end times, repent
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I'm dying.... oh fuck
You're not the Nobody
I honestly think I probably bumped shoulders with some hidden elite once in the train and since that time they hate me to the point they just spew bullshit to people around me for fun lmao
I'll give you a corona and a joint babe let's make a baby
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Correct I'm not
Just somebody you FUCKED over big time now ya don't know what to do with
Lmao don't know if trolling or real schizy.

So that happened to you too? Like you had people IRL call you Lucifer or think you're something you're not?
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Not at all.
it's always one samefag and his troll farm of bots
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I left a comment on the video.
I shouldn't have used the word nobody fuck me I'm retarded

If yes you can say it, but I wasn't talking about the nobody.
That's just the come down from the medication.

We went cold turkey and ended up in a mental ward.
I really should ban the word nobody when speaking in these threads it makes people go bonkers.
Is it premium price for the video stream which is why some can only hear my thoughts?

I want my cut Trudeau

$10 million in my account
Nobody asked!!!

I had some wierdos claim things about me that I didn't want any part of.
Wierd nordic/jewish shit and something about waves
some say "he" has the power to do that
My main theory is that some people are readable ( sheeps ) and the ones in the tribe of meanies are capable of blocking their thoughts and reading others mind ( and when I say capable, I just mean they were gifted that by bigger people than them ).

No one is paying, and there's multiple people played by the vile little witches ( men and women alike )
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No. I was laughing. I created the Shadow President meme.
conquest, war, famine, death
it's already upon us
The post counter did absolutely nothing you brain dead ape
I don't think shills going into overdrive because anons posted about politics counts as a paranormal manifestation but go off sis, yes hunty slayyy.
Do you think it was to play with your mind or do you believe they believed that shit?

Be whoever you want
oh come on it's hard enough to have fun here and now you wanna take that away too????
cant even run proper fed disruption anymore without a clueless dumbass fucking it up :(
They're accusing me of everything
might as well accept it all and sit on my throne
yeah I'm the devil bitch
yeah I'm diablo
yeah I did that (i didnt), and that, and this, what the fuck are you gonna do about it
I had someone read my mind IRL bruvsky. I had people read my mind online. I had people know way too much shit about me too.
We all know it's how it is.
Btw there's nothing to meet if you don't want to be disappointed lel
Yes you dumb fuck
I remember the thread you shit yourself over it while I openly told you I was manipulating it through a dynamic IP
You're literally dumber than shit
Okay fed sure fed thanks fed. Your superiors have links to low-income child daycares maybe you should talk about that next roundtable.

Higher than Mossad, to the point we should all genuinely be afraid, but alas.
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hi luci
bye luci
What I mean is that I should not use the word nobody, not ban it for others to use.
it's true
Lucifer is a spirit that goes from host to host
You can't kill him
Just the host
Why waste your time peasants
Why not try to work with him
It really is.

They're accusing you of what exactly?
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>your WoS
Says the suction cup
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Damn, I wonder if someone posted that song...
Freedom of disinformation
Even in this thread alone my IP has changed like 3 times
There are not hundreds of people posting here
There's barely 20 different people, if that
I had someone say the exact word I was thinking about half a second prior, like responding to my thought directly and trust me there was no other possibility than mind reading.

Now I don't know how prevalent it is but it's done.
I'm not him
but I'm sure the real one is watching waiting and learning based off how you treat me

>They're accusing you of what exactly?
I don't fucking know, these people are weird as hell
All information
Bro let's just slash the mail trucks tires
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Everyone hates Luci
Romans can do anything.
Uma wupa, ouma ruva.
lead with that next time roflmao
please no
im not into psychosis drown the kids in the pool type thing.
im really into the tradwife, bakes cookies, and good mother thing.
Yeah they are weirdly retarded true
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They might show up to your school.
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He writes like that because it was a vague post and he added your post at the last second to appear like he isn't reposting
>i'll see
Hahaha, weird how all the people having access to this magic are on the same tribe huh?

What a weird little coincidence. A tribe of magic people? Or a tribe that make their people magic with other means?
Oh, fuck me then
>An apology goes a long way
from who and to who?

>and often times dissolves anger
whos anger?
Big ol' F on your report card too.
>I did two tours in iraq
>It's 109 degrees
>and some kid just slashed my fucking mail truck tires.
Kek, this. He's been posting about weird dreams or thoughts or psychic experiences for most of the thread, was definitely given a script of some kind.
Anyway I said I wasn't supposed to call them out anymore as long as they leave me alone ( like a no contact thing ).

Nvm I'll stop talking about mind reading shit and all
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Or nanobots
this is from the sequel to 'her'
it's called 'her, but it's a couch'
anon stubbed his toe
>As the Shadow President, I am proposing the following
>Free AI Waifu couches on medicare, with regular pillow replacement in the mail
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>Local Mexicans
>Start your sweatshops.
>We're gonna need lots of busty anime cushion replacements.
Can you imagine medicare existing in the age of aquarius? Lol, L m fucking a o even.
Then we right a letter of .. D
like i said...
naah i heard the nobody leave his legos lying around
>Lies and slander of the Mossad!
i have no idea what the voices are telling you.
but i cant even remotely make sense of what youre are trying to say.

maybe make one point at a time.
and try to be descriptive.
explain dont be vague, cause thats the issue.
>or nonobots
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you see...
since i have to deal with this cunt>>38460341

but also
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like you see how this little triangle this is pretty fucked up

>the entire general is silent
lets settle this little dispute over vocaroo k?
make this all public record
Who hates you? Did someone say bad words online?
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Oh. I already watched the movie.
Then there's no need for me to bother helping you.
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>lol nah I’m good
It's interesting, please do go on. I just got the joke >>38460407
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I don't even know anymore.
A freemason flashed his "badge" at me
whataaa bitttttch

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>You’re the one shilling in a thread you actually have no interest in

>anon doesnt know...
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Yeah that doesn't surprise me. Be careful they are just trying to make you psychotic and make you believe everybody is against you. It's obviously not the case.

What they do is use classic psychological warfare tactics against their targets.

They are just a bunch of retards grooming other people. Be careful about them, less you'll be groomed into their sect
post a vocaroo bro dont be shy cmon

i want to know who im silly internet arguments with

is it the english"man" or the crazygirl
>Where you from anon?
East Britannia obviously
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I will be careful then, thx for the support.
Zero interest in joining their little cult.
One of their relatives were trying to groom me into... not sure what but I don't think it was anything good.
Not sure what happened to him.
>not the anon u were replying to
The Nobody is a cat.
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Don't do something stupid, it's basically making them win.
At some point they'll stop, just take it until then and don't retaliate. If you do they'll make you the baddie.
Like you can talk all you want but don't attack anyone IRL

These people are evil and dumb, but not that dumb tho.
2 people on discord coordinating to flood the thread with " the nobody is a cat " shit.
You people already have your discord why do you come here even?
Perhaps the Nobody is a cat guy became somewhat of a meme and now has a fanclub, which then amplifies his message because of the indirect form of communication.
now that i dont hate the government can i carry a pistol with me or what
discord is for trannies and groomers

because they want to find ways to give him scritches but can only do so at the moment by makin’ cute memers

the effort is appreciated
The names you call people arent real, their physical presence in a shared universe is.
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the cobody is a nat
the bonobo is a monky
I can give them symbolic names and interpret their actions accordingly in my head, that doesn't change reality. It just changes my perception. Everything is perception.
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>Uhm, hello 911?

>Nobody is Lucifer!
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>Choo choo!
>Maybe we should have though more about training and arming 5 million young men in the art of counter insurgency
:' ) ur a legend too anon
Very true. Iraq and Afghanistan sure churned a lot of them.
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you have more balls than 90% of everyone here
A house in the united states us usally only concealment rather than cover.
Anon Q-Q ty.
What image generator are you using?
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Schizoposting is pure sovl
Here is a peer reviewed paper btw. 1st one to my knowledge. Hoping for more research to be done!
The implants containing 30 grams of Osmium is very interesting to say the least.. would take around 10,000 tons of platinum to produce that amount/ it’s one of the rarest precious metals on earth. It’s also around 1400$ a gram so super expensive prop if faked imo

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Cat ladies stand back and standby
The Nobody will crack the case.
is he gonna share the crack at least
im fiending
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you expect something to happen anon, take a different approach
chill out, this shit takes time. millennials always want everything to happen RIGHT NOOOW!

gotta keep people waiting ya know.
give them that prime waiting room stress experience.
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This should be sold as fine art. You'll become the next Banksy.
It looks like Bing Image Generator. But, with all the blood in the image, I can't be sure.
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its not like this matters
2 threads from now everyone will have forgotten
banned posters will be back, the dead will be resurrected, and fired paidposters will have their jobs back
none of this matters
This is actually the last /ng/ ever so…
What threads?
am i wrong?
sending positive vibes
I'm trying my best
I try to make it through the day
its not something I just "get" handed to me
I have to make a conscious decision sometimes moment to moment to be okay
its exhausting
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And then surv8val became less important
After all the time that's far natter the most

Front forward for-war-d
how strange to see multiple occurrences of posts at the exact same time.
that should be, very statistically unlikely
A bit late, or ?
The damage is done and not anymore reversible.

Thank you Raymond Feniuk for your great work! :D
>This is actually the last /ng/ ever so…
see we both know thats not true
some anon... will inevitably make a new one just cause they want to post pictures that dont matter long before the designated new thread mark
What do you mean?
No it's obvious someone has a agenda. Who why idk

Roll the dice and find what is found

Waring mods glowies training who knows.
Hunting for wife
two posts at the exact same time.
that should happen statistically.
im seeing it happen more and more often these days.

(((they))) are getting sloppy mang
Its gonna be alriiite! ;D

my implication is someone is multiboxing
which is kinda gay
I would consider yourself part of an experiment.

More than. I have no idea. Who even watched the show.

Let alone the producer $$$ or stag hands.
And i found the threads these days slower
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yeah, interesting isnt it
i wonder why
It would be stranger if unexplained shit did not happen constantly.

People just don't pay attention

Or they make excuses for it.

"I just have XYZ "then complet forget about it
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i hope things get better for you. stay positive yourself, anon.
Says the insane mass murder without friends, without family, who is crack addicted (self choosen), is homeless (self choosen) ..... .

I e found that most "anons" are Judeo-Bolsheviks who larp as several things, include good glowies VS bad glowies, in an attempt to confuse and sabotage the NB because they're worried about his potential. Can't keep an angel down for long tho
When people step out of now none existent bushed it makes one wonder wtf.
>Please give me money so I can hire private security to harass and slander you for years like you did to me
bro get over it, youre not the only one.

im just having fun at this point
if i cant work, ima shitpost and set shit on fire.

"im swan"
me too anon
im a swan too
The Nobody is leaving your area of influence.
I’ve had it happen multiple times, if you post a large file it processes and ID’s your post number before processing the picture attached
you can only rewatch the same one so many times
>that's what I tell myself
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>revenge plot

think bigger
k? M(y) B0BA k? RL()Y

im so fucking bored
>I just said I’m going to help them understand anon.
in other words "ooooh ima gonna show them, just you wait"

am i wrong?
I js dnt find Emiru attractive


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Yeah dyrus was better

this is why you what?

bruh im so fucking bored im just posting bullshit at this point
see the thing is 99% of anons have no reason to be so cryptic or paranoid.
so its really fuckin weird to see SO MUCH of it here.
not even in muh 1337 h4x0r groups.
there is no point in doing that.
What the hell are you talking about, the prison complex in America is huge
The truth is they're just scared.
the only reason youd do that here, or putting in that much effort to send messages publicly so cryptically, is you want cover to do nefarious things

i simply dont give a fuck anymore.

and the exchanges? the money?

i repeat
i dont give a fuck anymore

burn it all down

watch as 'they' defend a thing i havnt mentioned yet
>inb4 slide
name one person who doesn't have eyes
ok hey listen
ima gonna pretend to leave so posting can continue

Did you know the name Dalan means, 'little blind one'?
see you nobody B]
(pls come back, we won't call you a cat, again!)
>we won't call you a cat, again!
>i kinda liked that lol
big tittied red haired woman
I like burgundy hair
Are you just a dream, or a figment of my targeted psyops? Are you out there waiting?
I'm waiting by the dream catcher.
24/7 for years
How is she SO perfect bros?
Evidence is for the losers that don't have real knowledge.
the board seems both slow and in a state of pure psychosis today.
Thank you High Priestess-chan!!! ^_^ daijobou desune!
I guess it's OOGLY GOO!
habidabaja bidaja habidabja
>Australian Intelligence, measuring how many times The Nobody had diarrhea today
Lesson learned: cherry juice is not a hydration beverage
i like to drink pure milk of magnesia if i'm feeling underhydrated
I think the idea is supposed to be that you get rehabilitative justice when you die. So they might frame you/lock you up for things that shouldn’t even be a crime, but 99% of people enjoy the afterlife, and it’s those who deliberately administer malicious injustice on the mortal plane that deal with problems in the afterlife.

I say, better to administer rehabilitation while alive than rely on death to solve the problems.
It’s starting.

they call it instinct actually
Wrong verb.
Trying. <- Correct Verb.
><;; ごめんなさい、アノン。
Why did the devil elect Trump?
All you Texas Tay Tay cat cultist faggots are done for
I feel titular with so-called tities
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I don't care what glows you Canadian Texas faggots have on your side

You're done for

It's Over it's.... Joever
Told you I'd end the threads. Now remember I told you that you will get what you have coming.
I'm not going to have sex with you or your mom Anon, nor will I have sex with you and your mom at the same time.

Get over it and get the help you BOTH need.

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