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Clearly if you do it to often it will make you a retarded loser who has accomplished nothing in life. But are there any positives?

Also, what happens if you mix magic mushrooms with it?
imagine being a psychopath in love with the passion of violence

then you discover the passion of weed
Spiritually speaking, of course. It does seem to dig up old memories like a psych if you haven't done it in a long time, then seems to lose all it's good effects the second time you do it in my experience.
Sometimes marijuana will clear my headspace if I'm in a really negative place and re-establish my priorities in my mind.
The issue is this only works for a day or two and then I will continue smoking and get all the negative effects.
I'm not sure why but it's just so addicting to me, in a way alcohol just never was.
>Sometimes marijuana will clear my headspace if I'm in a really negative place and re-establish my priorities in my mind.
The issue is this only works for a day or two and then I will continue smoking and get all the negative effects
This is my experience it seems. If I rarely do it but do it every once in a while, that first time does help me reflect on things in a unique way and think about things seriously, but then exactly as you said if I do it again the next day it just makes me feel like a stoner loser wasting time.
>become a retarded loser who accomplishes nothing in life
Literally everyone that ever did so, would do so with or without weed.
At least if you smoke weed, you can be happy, while being a retarded loser.

Don't hate on it. There are genuinely people on this planet who would be miserable to the point of violence, if they were not subdued regularly by narcotics.

I would rather a person be a drugged out hippie, than a pissed off revolutionary, but that's what you'll get if you take their drugs away.

Be careful of those people, or let them keep their supply.
>Literally everyone that ever did so, would do so with or without weed.
This isn't true, if you smoke weed too much it will turn you into a loser. The same person under different circumstances would be totally different.
Was able to teach myself the basics of music theory and practice them much easier. I still like the stuff more than I don't but its not nearly as enjoyable as it was when I was younger. I'm guessing where you're at in life has a lot to do with your experience when you use it. When I had decent footing with the rest of the world and didn't have much to worry about I had a very content and happy feeling and was able to see beauty in almost anything. Now it just reminds me that my life is fucked.
Benefits is the weed may make you less nauseated on the mushroom come up. Keep the two separate though. Mushrooms can be medicinal weed makes you lazy and retarded. Few strains are psychedelic.
Hmm I was planning a mushroom trip and wanted to start off with a small amount of weed(I haven't done it in a long time) then was going to go home and do a large amount of mushrooms. Would this be a bad idea? I liked the idea of being able to go for a walk and look at some lights at night with the weed since with the mushrooms I'll be stuck inside for safety reasons the whole trip.
They'd probably be stuck in a dead end place being unable to figure out where things went wrong or what they're missing. Most likely killing themselves later.
accurate; the archetype of chronic weed smoking stoner is embedded into the collective already and to deny that a substance which hijacks your reward mechanisms and makes you satisfied and complacent doesnt have the potential to transform you into a lazy slobby FUCK , then you are in cognitive dissonance.

obviously doesnt apply to everyone. but the amount of people who wont become absolute mongrels from chronic weed smoking is much smaller than they would like to portray. neuroscience labels chronic weed usage as over 2x/week; as after that, your brain starts to saturate on the THC, starts frying your short term memory, dream suppression, all sorts of fuckery. not good.

to summarize; the best way to use weed is with restriction ~2/weekly as a reward mechanism after you have done something to earn it. otherwise, good luck controlling yourself, you are going to need a lot of willpower and a stable framework for your usage
The best psychedelic trips I ever took were alone in the woods. Make sure you already know the area like the back of your hand, and you’ll be fine. Daytime is better than night. Weed will cloud the experience and dull the insights.
1. don't mix substances you fucking retard
2. stop falling for propaganda from the anti-drug groups, they want you reliant only on pharmaceuticals, alcohol, and tobacco, if they want you to really feel second-class
hes not u bro send it post results
Well i'd tell you, but you frontloaded your post with negativity, so actually kill yourself. If you start the question with "i know if you do it too often" you don't know what "too often" means. You have no conception of ritualistic use. You are a normie, not entitled to any of the secrets I would have otherwise imparted to you. Fuck off.
psychopaths can't feel love retard, that's the whole point
>But are there any positives?
if you have fucked up dreams it stops them.

>Also, what happens if you mix magic mushrooms with it?
schizophrenia 2: Electric Boogaloo
Do any drugs work? Depends if you mean works for the moment or fixes the issue. I used alcohol to escape reality, I came to terms with my life and no longer need alcohol. I have anger issues, I have way more patience and empathy when I've smoked pot. It doesn't stop my anger but it interrupts it while I'm high, but I still must do the work to calm my mind. If you stay abusing anything all the time you're actually just hiding from your issues and it stunts your development. It's a tool, use it accordingly.
I have had both some of the most profoundly beautiful states of mind and some of the darkest frames of mind while galactic-level stoned. It's an interesting plant. I credit it with completely curing me of depression and anxiety. It's worth it to do until you get to a point when you get the sensation of passively observing your own thoughts like a third party. You realize you are not your body, and not your thoughts.
Honestly the best thing about weed is that it legit undoes inflamation, do some hard work, take your puff at night and goto sleep. Weed does crank up the visuals a little for mushrooms and extends them but I still don't find it a great match.
-It makes Masturbating more fun
-food is more enjoyable

-makes you retarded
-slows down your reaction times
-kills your ability to dream
-not good for your lungs and throat
-enhances your apatite
-calcifies your pineal gland
-makes you smell like a skunk, yes everyone can smell it on you
and as far as medical benefits, it can help reduce seizures (alcohol can also do this), and it helps some people with pain management that is it, the rest is just unproven hearsay and hogwash
The worst thing about weed for me is that it makes porn 10x better, it's like damn near heroin for me. If that wasn't in the picture, along with the legality of it, then it wouldn't be a problem in my life. Weed increases my attention span (when I'm not horny) and helps me to actually enjoy my free time and focus on things I like. I'm a chronic overthinker so I NEED the extra help to slow down and chill.
On the other hand, if I'm not focused on something then my mind can go to some dark places on weed. Sometimes it's uncomfortable truths that I need to confront but sometimes I go too far and invent paranoid narratives in my head. Weed also makes me forgetful so I can't even remember the things that I'm enjoying/focused on.

A happy medium would be to microdose weed, especially with no tolerance. But as long as porn is still in the picture, I don't think I can do weed in a way that responsibly manages my time.

As for how it mixes with shrooms, you generally shouldn't mix drugs unless you're very experienced with both. It is dangerous.
The moon or the yin is more activated. You can perceive the subtle realms better. It can be useful for introspection as well as entering meditative states.

But this is only when you're in control. If you're smoking skunk regularly, it'll only damage you
Dumb waste of effort.

The crux is what were whatever you were saddled with. Don't shoot the messenger.

4chan and online in general intilectualizes everything. Just look and be aware Dumb Dumb.
the first time I tried weed I starting having panick attacks that lasted for like a month, not funny.
Who were you around?
True, it can damage your finances and productivity, unless you need to work the fields all day, then it might be okay.
no. it makes your body extremely accessible and exploitable to spirits. would not recommend if you have any attached to you. I would doubly recommend you avoid taking Syrian rue with cannabis as well, if you have an attachment, they can literally grab your organs no problem and torture you.
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>I would rather a person be a drugged out hippie, than a pissed off revolutionary, but that's what you'll get if you take their drugs away.
>unless you need to work the fields all day, then it might be okay.
Why do you say that?
theres no real benefit other than feeling funky lmao. its bad for your heart brain and lungs. stay sober
amen, weed makes it feel so much more real when jerking off
it is just addiction, it also triggers your endocannabinoid system which regulates your emotional state and by doing so you down regulate your body production of endocannabinoids in the long run, this makes the weed a crutch for your emotional stability and will put you in a cycle where you will either look or create negative situations (stright up addiction) just so you can justify smoking again. it will also weaken your spiritual muscles. drop the weed completly and meditate atleast 1 hour continuesly atleast once a day and you will have same benefits you get from weed (and more) without any negative side effect
My cats will do ANYTHING off that reefer, you heard??
This is my theory on it.

It brings you to a certain frequency. That can be lower or higher from your current state. I've tested this a few times and noticed it will bring me down from a high on life feeling. It will also bring me up if I'm very depressed, angry, etc. For me at least it works better at night for this reason as I need to come back down.

I don't think you need it if you are already enjoying something. If anything it will actually ruin the experience.
I do it about 10 times a day. With a vape, and I am CEO of a very successful and growing software engineering firm. Marijuana has one big big big positive, it allows me not to care about the hole in my chest where my soul used to be.
wait until you get the mindgasms, when you do enough thc via vape and masturbate you can prolong or get ricochet orgasms that last a full minute.
you are right. I realized all my past mistakes on cannabis and I feel haunted by them to this day. I am kind of glad because it also changed me in good ways.
this is a negative of marijuana, you end up like this cunt.
Genetics. My ancestors smoked this shit all the time, therefore I feel naturally accustomed too it. Moderation works, but people drink a glass of alcohol every night after work, which I'm not condoning but it takes the edge off

Without justifying it, I fucking loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove marijuana
lame bro, super lame. I just like weed coz of the weed
>I would rather a person be a drugged out hippie, than a pissed off revolutionary
what are you, jewish?
For me, weed makes the trip almost immediately more intense. Not necessarily in a negative way, but it just felt stronger. Even when I was an everyday smoker.
phantom pain

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