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Have you ever experienced a multi-year long dream?

When I was 7 years old I had a dream that lasted 7 whole years, now you must be thinking that it's impossible for me to remember that, but it's not me misremembering, I wrote down the details that I remembered of that dream and I was absolutely certain that it lasted 7 years.

The average duration of the Rapid Eye Movement phase of sleep lasts 90 minutes, this is the part of sleeping when you experience dreams if you didn't know.

How is it possible that during those 90 minutes, that I lived through 7 years of another me in another place?

It was such a long dream, I met a friend group and we went on many adventures, they're not really important and there were so many of them that I couldn't possibly remember them all, but at the end of the dream, after 7 years, they took my sword and banished me from their land, I don't remember what for. I started flying towards the sky and then I woke up.

I do not see how it is possible for the human brain to, in the span of 90 minutes, experience 7 years of happenings, it can't handle so much information and in fact it did not, I didn't remember most of it, but it is true that I had experienced 7 years of experiences during my sleep, so some part of my brain must've been involved in the processing of all those experiences.

I believe that it is possible that I wasn't dreaming during those 7 years, but I was in another dimension, say something similar to astral projection. I mean it makes sense for the banishing part at least, however I haven't thought up any theories that would properly explain this happening.

Has anyone else ever experienced ultra long dreams and can anyone give me any scientific or paranormal explanations of this?

P.S. Sorry if I didn't write something correctly, English is my SL and I'm trying to enhance my English knowledge as much as I can.
I wanted to write a better title, but it didn't allow me lol
>It was such a long dream, I met a friend group and we went on many adventures, they're not really important and there were so many of them that I couldn't possibly remember them all, but at the end of the dream
(,but in* the end of the dream)
at the end*
I guess you're right lol
This happens in the book Etidorpha - you should read it.
I just looked at the synopsis and maybe I am stupid, but I can't tell how it relates to my post

A similar phenomenon is when NDE experiencers are only clinically "dead" for a few minutes but report being gone for way longer.
>Have you ever experienced a multi-year long dream?
Yeah, quite often. The five minute naps I do easily stretch to hours of perceived experience. There are a group of entities that are very adamant about helping me to return to those metaphysical realms, even if I falter rather often. The help is appreciated; I hope they do not stop.

The idea of linear time-space is not correct. It looks correct from the perspective of someone living within its bounds, but on the perspective where probability and causality are easily manipulatable, time-space is easily moldable. I cannot substantiate this, as this is purely personally anecdotal.

As far as I know, there are three primary methods to perceive more time than was actually experienced within the confines of time-space.
>time dilation
This is pretty self-explanatory. You experience more in the same timeframe. That is what you're experiencing.
>time loop
Your scenario repeats at a baseline time-space reference. There is a very particular exit vector of probable, cause/effect actions that help you lead your way out. You may or may not remember all the cycles.
>multiple perspectives
You experience multiple time dilation/time loop scenarios at the same time, and can affect all of them. It becomes more mind bending the more your actions do not line up with your reference causal path. This will cause terrible tension headaches on your first few dozen runs.

There are side effects to frequent experiences. If you have too many, your waking life and your "dream" life will blur and you will begin to lose your sense of self, sense of time and experience. This is medically defined as dementia. The countermeasure to this is to know who you are. You must have a reference template that you take care of that you can return to so that you can add to your experiences rather than be torn apart by them. I also heavily advise against recreational psychoactive drug use for this. It tends to send people headlong even if unprepared.
Same thing happens when you just fall unconscious. I was knocked out for 5 seconds, but I felt as if 20 minutes have passed.
Your explanation makes a lot of sense, thanks
Yes… and multi-day as well multi-week dreams, where I go to sleep + wake up in the same dream… not sure wtf it means tho
But how does this time dilation occur? What causes it?

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