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File: gnomepilled.jpg (59 KB, 570x422)
59 KB
How far do gnomes extend? need to find gnomes in vietnam NOW
All I can say is many many instances of small creatures being spotted in tunnels by American gis during the war
>A single fucking gnome could tank a skinwalker and MOG it in terms of sheer cruelty. Do you know 'Why' fay creatures compress themselves down to the stature of little people? It's to hide the sheer quantities of compressed mana and arcane providence they actually have. Which is a LOT. You're probably gonna end up falling in a void chasm for a million years. If they're feeling generous they might make you immortal only to fall back into the same spot you've been falling as if nothing happened with your memories shattered by the thousands of years fall. Maybe they'll have a tea party with you and when you turn around it'll be 5 million years into the future on an earth that (HOPEFULLY) is still yours. Gnomes. Gnomes anon. Are EVIL.
alien cave base task force
If you’ve ever taken dmt and or a heroic dose of psych you know they aren’t divined by physical space they can essentially be anywhere
How do i find the gnomes?
I keep having dreams involving gnomes every night. Am i already fucked
( . .)
( づ more bunny morre funy
the more bnnuy the more fnuy

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