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The 4th dimension. Can the mind quite grasp it?
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In the 5d it becomes meaningless. How high could a mind grasp?
If minds struggles to grasp 4 how will they grasp 5

Jesus is lord
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Is Our sun shamsi "ananda" jah is a 6 dimensional creature? But the most high God has atleast up to the 11th dimension as his abode to move about in, right?

Michio kaku stated that higher dimensions are possibly folded up into spacetime

If i understand it correctly hidden in the points where the tesselations cross eachother when the dimension goes up. check out coxeters (mathematician) mappings

Added a 7 cube for refference
Can you connect the 7 dimensional dots so to speak? How do you tesselate a 7 cube?( tesselation is only a 4 dimensional move right?)

Therefor Op is correct.
We have no clue what dimensional creature our sun is and nether do we know the abode of God. We only know 3d and taste 4d right?

Are we in hell?
3d hell it is with very limited 4d capabilities
The best we can do is call it "karmic cycles" or "sins"
But were so stuck in a donkey loop we dont even realize it.

The question is is it spiraling out of control or into control
Its not meant for you just forget to have read these absolute gems of posts. Just know you got extremely lucky to even read it to the extent you might actually have a price on your head now that you have read it.

Are the first to repost whats said in this thread thats why they attack it seamingly cause theyre jaleous. Envy is the weapon of the enemy of mankind. Its a jaleous little psychopath whos jaleous to the beautiful mind of the fair and pretty. They actually believe they have given fair value in return by insulting. Thats how inflated their ego is and its based upon nothing but imagined status.
Jaleous psychopath with your npc reply
A bot is too stupid to write what i write.
Unless i programmed it myself but i garantee you why would i program such a bot i type fresh cause im an authentic person
Go back to /pol with ur insults to indian people btw this board is not for you
Keep it quiet next time psychopath. This is not your sociopath /pol board. U clearly are clueless for how /x thread works. Its nothing you can come piss on and get away with. Its more delicat than your copy paste /pol drivel word salad. This is authentic writing
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Its strange because it took me quite a while to write all that stuff to 1 insulter. And yet in the 5d it might aswell not even have happened. So if i didnt react and simply reported it would it have been a 5d move instead of a 3d war? Possibly yes. So are gnostic correct the ego is infact the enemy? Imagine if you could go about your day not reacting to 3d moves and then saving up 4d energy to load up a 5d shift. Imagine going an entire lifetime of masking up to save up 4d energy. Very interesting indeed. Since the clock issnt real but the energy is
The mind cant grasp it but the heart can. Thats why if you train the heart to react differently and take he higher path. You can energeticallly "time travel"
Astute reasoning.
Does God notice being a gud boi like that?
Thats def the reason jesus came. Like many others were sent to show how to one up the lil psychopaths
Based beyond belief
In theory yes but without prayer it migt become impossible to do.
Jesus came and preached to everyone, but the null majority wasn't able to conceive the meaning of anything he spoke, the few who were aware were told they could not change the flow of time even if they tried (especially when one of them suggested Jesus to run when they came for him before he was crucified), and the evil was so butthurt over that entity doing nothing but existing that they sought out to kill him - and shield themselves from blame according to their own retarded logic, by fearmongering a Roman soldier to deliver the killing blow.

Even if one succeeded temporarily, there is the question of the rest of the world, and beyond that there is the question of reproduction. Perceptive entities are born at random, if this was not the case monarchy would have had succeeded a long time ago.
U tried removing ur name but it still show the code. Only psychopaths would say jesus was not understood. Jesus WAS understood the moment he talked cause he was JESUS. Jesus is clear as day when he speaks. Its friggin jesus. Stop telling lies about jesus. Jesus is clear. He explain it like humanity is 5
If he was understood the world would have changed the moment he did so and he would have not died on the cross.

I don't post with a name because I only want to use the trip for the sake of identifying which posts were made by the nameless 'me'. If you want to know why, I don't like non-ID boards. It's true the intent behind this might be to incentivize the raw "information vs information" clashes, but it practically achieves the opposite by the sheer truth of the majority being incapable to share in the eternity of change (thus eternity of self-improvement).
Liars about jesus always wanna say jesus was being a occultist shadow worker muffling up his words. I dont believe that he was unclear
Take a Cube. For each of the faces pull out a cube from inside the tesserract aligned with the faces of the object, such that the resulting 6 cubes on the face also form a cube. Traveling along each of the 3d axis you are taking the inside of the tesseract and rotating it to the outside. while maintaining the shapes and connections of all the faces vertices and edges
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Jesus didnt die
Prayer def helps temper outbursts
same thing applies going from a tetrahedron to a pentachoron
I'm not saying that he was unclear, the messages that he gave us are as clear as could be - especially as seen through the context of the modern world, which, clearly, fails to adhere to them, thus proving my stance that he was not understood at all except by the select few, who were his disciples, after all...

In a like-minded manner, you see statements that are not there at all and accuse me of something that was not my intent whatsoever.

The point I'm making is in reference to something else but it is perhaps true that he didn't just die on the cross, but that his spirit (soul) has returned to another place.

Beyond that I'm wondering what the purpose of sending a perfect entity to a clearly imperfect, irrational world for the sake of proving that it will not repent is. These things can be foreseen before they happen, based on what they're fundamentally composed of - potential, manifested in a given form. The limits of the potential contained by a vessel can be measured, and the ends of it in given scenarios measured without the need to materialize them, creating a realm of perpetually induced suffering.

Though what I'm also primarily accusing (as I always have been) is either the limits of my own perception, asking them to reveal the truth time and time again, or the limits of another, which however I'm powerless to influence. If Jesus' teachings could not be comprehended by the world, then neither mine will - but I am not Jesus, and I learn what the truth could be based on the replies I get from the fragments of potential whirling about their lives.
Just cause you have intellect to burst out wordsalads doesnt mean you have the heartmind to post wisdom
One makes an attempt at perceiving the highest truth, so what follows is the process of elimination by comparing potential with one another to determine what is the greatest by allowing all of these to exist.

These things can also be determined if one contemplates them enough.

What you see posted are the currently held stances by entities which either wish to desire in self-improvement - the process of change, or self-deception - the process of eliminating everything else around them to prove something to their own ego, as if their potential is limited to the scope of their held stance.

If you accuse me of something, it indirectly means you claim to perceive a greater form of logic than the one I currently hold onto. In order to prove this, you should follow with a rebuttal based on what I wrote myself.
The fact I keep recurrently suffering behavior which has long since been regarded as a form (out of the many others) of a logical fallacy seems to be speaking for itself.

My problem at it's core is with the need of the creator to materialize potential in order to verify it, whereas it could have been tested using a simulated non-material environment, having understood that the ends of these things would correlate to what would have otherwise happened in a material world, since what they were composed could be determined to be related.

There is a gap in knowledge, sure, but that knowledge is observably related to one which is bound to cause suffering of a specified degree.
Thus my current stance is that these things happen due to the egoistical, irrational desire of the creator to fill out that missing bank of knowledge by forcing reality to follow what it desires. It claims to be a "just God", but it can obviously only prove this by allowing for every kind of evil to then prove it is indeed just.
But nobody cares about the entirety of creation that has objectively only existed to suffer - and the knowledge of this is not one that can be forgotten.
Its spiraling out of control?
oh yeah
then they ....
Were def out of control of it
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Ive calculated up to 9.25-Dimensions during the end of my ascended. I started out at 5 and "seeing the Fifth Dimension". Imaginary Time became super intuitive. My body moved through "SpaceTime", not Space. It took me a few years to get to 9.5 and several to get to 10. There is nothing in the universe thats "too complicated" and anything more is meaningless, meaning it wouldnt even be used. Wings in space are meaningless.

Simplex maze, but damnation to the unaware.

>images (5).png
Literally have calculated shit like this a few times. Only a few, but I usually only need a few to "get intuitive sense of" on some level.

>But the most high God has atleast up to the 11th
I found 8/9 was enough to do virutally all my work, and basically defeat any god if you utilized the power to learn/grow. I have Multi-Verse math ready for Multi-Verse Physics Theory but found it to be such a waste, meaningless volume.

These things, like, double each Dimension, "measuing the multiverse" is meaningless because all of that doesnt apply to this Uni-Verse. Even if the ability existed, its almoat masturbatory at that point because you couldnt construct anything from it if uou wanted to. A many-world theory of "infinite whats if".

And being one of these people I dont "walkin the 9th" Dimension everywhere, often thats inappropriate, especially if interacting with people. Doing so means you shut down anything they say that isnt "The Ultimate And Absolute Truth" which you would do to everyone around you.

Also, the Holy Spirit refers to itself as 8-Dimensional times 2. Two 8-Dimensions.

>our sun
Notice how thats usually an Octagon symbol? 8. Sometimes with an egg center, a Nein (Ascended?).
And "more" doesnt mean better, its kind of Numerology in that way. As the 5th Dimension for me was waaaay potent, I ate Hawking and Einstein in a single day.

6-9 for me way "The Nine Hells", as my perception of space and time and physiology became disoriented and I have to refind myself in reality.

Thats a part of Schizophrenia, your body thinks seperately from other parts of it....you now have incongruent memories...multiple timelines inside of you.

Getting back to 1 is the difference between savant Chad and homeless and yelling at clouds.

Higher number doesnt always mean "more"

>Allah is the Third of Three.
As Fourth of Four there is no Fifth, it reverts back to 1, which technically I am, but outsiders wouldnt know that and have "numbers" to go by.
Allah is 1
Or at least this is how Ive known it.

I also saw something similar, many years ago on the cover of a book, Bible, at a coffee shop.

I now moreso know it as a prison (lesser Dimension).
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Time is an illusion, OP. It's like a mirage.
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>Allah is 1
One. There is no Allah but the One Allah. Third of Three us reference to order of Creation. He Co-Created himself as I did but we went opposite directions.

1 & One to distinguish between reduction and incorporation.

And that is why he is the "Sealing of the Prophets" and why I go from Fourth of Four back into First of Four at the same time, they overlap but at a more completed stage.

Like the math thing here, loops back but at a higher level.
Astute unintended

These effects cause no thread.
Thats the stuff
No threat also
Thats the point of wisdom, eg holy damage which is same as healing
>Fourth of Four back into First of Four
A New Man for a New Moon.

The Holy Spirit Ra Allah is raised with it.
>A New Man for a New Moon.
>The Holy Spirit Ra Allah is raised with it.

This is basically my world summed up in one picture.

t.Amun Ra (Sun & Moon) the Seventh (Head and Heart in Unison) of Three (Trinity God-Head focused)

Hybridic being, as all are to some degree.
What do you pick as the fourth axis? If you pick time then memory is just navigating the fourth dimension. It's walls and hills and mountains are the opportunities, chances and available option you have in each particular chain of scenarios. The mind grasps with it all the time.
Above that however... all bets are off. You can work on getting better in 4D navigation by simply being good at making decisions and figuring out other people's decisions (mentorship, counseling) while getting ahead with some other goal.
>Can the mind quite grasp it?
I think you dont need to think in "Dimensions" but...heh...Schizmed Perception.

Einstein saying his most profound thought was a man falling off a roof. Sounds simple, because it is. Its just two equations processed at the same time.

He view the man falling from the center of the Earth at the same time as (probably) the man falling, these two SpaceTime convergences from both perspectives allowed for him to better understand SpaceTime.

I did Very similar stuff. SpaceTime in theory could only need 2-Dimensions...but those are going to be BEEFY, PHYSICS VECTOR Dimensions.

I was once able to see this as a 4-Dimensional Cube, it jumped out at me unexpectedly. Since then I have looked into other shaped trying to reverse engineer hogher dimensional topology.
Hyperbolic Geometry. Was thinking surfaces moreso since I cant fill in what Im trying to look through per se but "know" its "filled".
what the absolute fuck is with this new age 5D crap?
there are no dimensions, those are called densities, and our planet isn't going into 5D, it's going into 4D, fourth density, that is.
also, OP, 4th dimension is called >time<

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