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Let's say for sake of argument I decided I wanted to leave my material life behind and become a monk. How does someone even do such a thing? How do you survive? You see these temples full of monks in them but I assume it's very selective. Like a random fat American can't just show up at the doors of the holy temple of koombaba and demand to be initiated into the sacred circle, can he?
I'm assuming you are talking about an eastern Buddhist monk. From what I understand you more or less can just walk up. Monkhood is often temporary with them. You serve for as long as you feel like then you move on. There's a handful of permanent staff and the rest come and go.
>Like a random fat American can't just show up at the doors of the holy temple of koombaba and demand to be initiated into the sacred circle, can he?
You probably can, but it'll be a rough life where they feed you like one bowl of rice a day and expect you to meditate and work non-stop.
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people call me "the monk", it's a nickname I didn't ask for
it's according to them because I'm so calm and unbothered by everything

I happen to be an expert in martial arts too, and I guess that saying is true where you can't be peaceful unless you're capable of violence, if you're not capable of violence then you aren't peaceful, you're harmless.
also I dress like this

I suggest you start by learning karate and do daily calisthenics
monasteries usually accept anyone.
go live at one for a few months as a layperson to see how awful community living is. it cured me of wanting to be a monk.
Care to elaborate a little? Why was it awful?
You don't want to be a monk. When you've practiced Buddhism for longer, you'll realize it's a dead-end false religion. You have far better access to learning resources as a lay-person. Don't become narrowminded and trap yourself in a monastery and later regret it.
I wore a similar set of clothes one year during the summer. The entire neighbourhood called me Master Roshi until winter.
> You have far better access to learning resources as a lay-person.
Very true, but the point of a monastery is that you are forced to practice meditation, whereas a lot of people have trouble with this in the mundane world.

You won’t. Stop the larp and get a life.
I could see the atmosphere of a monastery being helpful for meditation. But the tradeoffs are massive and have to be considered. As for forced meditation, it's fruitless.
Monk here, how fat are you? Because we accept anyone,unless they are fat, the fat ones we kill and cook them
People become monks not because they are better than others but because they are such huge sinners that reclusion is their only option. At least that's what Dostoevski thought.

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