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>Welcome back anon!
>What an underwhelming life
>Looks like you need to go back
>We only have indian or a black people ready to go.
>We promise this is the last incarnation
what do?
You dont incarnate in a different race, anon.
The race you born into is a reflex of your own soul.
To born in another race, you have to change your soul in a way that fits the other race, adopting its culture, language and mannerisms.
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People with as much proof as you have said the opposite. I was going more for this non stop reincarnating bs. I'm going to get good at astral projection and leave this trap for good. I'm not having kids. I'm not interested in the lessons. Demiurge, archons or reptilians can sock me.
Well, they are wrong. If they did incarnate in another race, it is because their soul wanted to be in that race, that is, there was a tendency, inside them, to born in that other race. One common instance is a white guy who like to listen to rap: if the tendency increases, after some incarnations he will be born black. Or a black guy who listens to heavy metal, and in its turn will end up as white.
Usually, reincarnation is in the same time/space position. You just go back to the date you have been born and restart all over again, but reality will be changed by variables present in your memory when you died in the previous playthrough. If these variables includes racial dissociation, the variable will be increasing exponentially until a iteraction happens with another race.
This is the cringiest looking cosmic council ever. If they're in charge of my reincarnation, I'm not sure what to say. How many eons do I have to make up my mind?
Also, can I be the awkward looking chick with glasses on the end? That might be interesting.
Wouldnt the goal then to be genocide your own race and ensure the gay cycle of reincarnating on earth stops?
You'll just reincanate into the closest ayy then. If you want to be born white you'll need to stop shitting in the streets, jeet
Kill them all.
The cycle stops only when you cross the Styx.
This is a personal endeavor, not collective.
The collective is just contingent.
>wake up in front of a bunch of HR people
Yep I'm in hell
maybe dem jews was onta sum
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Then I'll annihilate the whole fuckin universe, how about tg2ynh8hat?
Reincarnation research suggests that there's a bias toward the familiar but it's not this rigid.
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Annihilate them with my astral glock.
Leave the dimensional board room.
Start actual life.

Its over, its finally over.
Just walk out and ghost them. You're not accountable to them, just 360° and walk away.
But they have supreme powers beyond your own
Then you would be walking right into them, retard
Start stabbing. A lot.
"I have free will and you can't make me reincarnate if I don't want to."

It's that easy.
in this scenario you obviously don't have free will...
Do I get to keep my cock size
I LOL’ed
not according to R Steiner. You do reincarnate as a nigger first, and then as you progress and master your development, you get to reincarnate as arabs or asians. He did mention that a lot of souls from Atlantis did reincarnate as white europeans.
You reincarnate as whatever the fuck's available. The cycle of saṃsara won't stop existing just because your race does. There can be preferences towards your own race/genetic structure/family line/etc. but it is what it is. You're going back on that wheel, whether it be as a nigger or a kike.

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