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How are you doing TI Chads?

The glowies have been glowing bright for me recently, constant synchronosity shit and v2k shit.
Mine have actually quieted down a lot, just the same repetitive v2k drivel. I have come to the conclusion though that US intelligence may have little to zero involvement and the culprits may be entirely Mossad based. It would explain the 30 minutes of standing ovation for his "Excellency". US congressmen may very well be bending the knee for these kikes not only for money but because their absolutely terrified of this technology. It would also explain why the targets of "Havana Syndrome" hailed from literally just about everywhere on planet earth sans Israel.
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Dr. Robert Duncan was found dead.
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I just want to know how they do this shit so I can counter it.

They are using subliminal messaging or some sort of hypnosis, I don't really know.

But I'll hear seone say a sentence while I'm out walking or something, or I'll have a conversation with someone and they will say a sentence. The a few days later or even a weeks time I'll be watching a movie or playing vidya and that sentence will with be spoken or written down on something in the movie or vidya.

Thing is, that means they know I'm going to be watching that movie or playing that vidya game. So am I the one deciding to watch the movie or vidya I'm playing or is it them?

I don't plan on watching movies, I just look for something to watch and pick it at random. Vidya is different because I tend to play the same one for a few months at a time.

This happened to me the other day as an example of what I'm talking about
>you figure it out
>look at them through the astral
>they run off
It's a biker gang thing. Largely Hells Angels, Outlaws, and maybe Mongols.

One of them (a guy named Michael Allen Ward) was stationed at Edwards AFB and stole some computers on a visit to Area 51 in 1994. He got kicked out of the Hells Angels in 2004 for child abuse and is currently the president of the Outlaws Indianapolis chapter.

His thing was to run around Indiana (and sometimes Sturgis) and find people to shit on for fun.
Go raptors
I'm doing good. They don't really bother me in meat space anymore.

I feel that something big is coming. Could be their final play and they're not going to risk bothering someone without a part to play anymore (me) or it could be something else.

Either way, things are looking up.
I miss escapism sometimes but I'm tempering that day by day and trying to find "healthy addictions"
>figure it out
They keep saying this to me as well.
However several years later they are still telling me to 'figure it out'.

Don't you think if I could figure it out I'd have done it by now you dumb shits?

Just another one of their le ebic games that they are playing, that thrh think I'm playing but I'm not.
Why don't all the gangstalkees form their own gang?
Did you guys defeat 10 gangstalkers in battle or did you think I was joking?
They are the sacrifice to your alchemical experiments anons. You cannot surpass without blood. Now drink.
Give me a gun and tell me who the head glowie is who is targeting me and his location and I'll do the rest.

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