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File: west memphis three.jpg (248 KB, 2400x1599)
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Who really did it and why?
They did because Damien was a try hard edgelord
The stepdad or one of his friends.
If Damien did it then he’s the greatest most terrible magician on the face of this earth. From death row to stardom. There’s proof of work there. I just hope he got there through his rituals in prison and not from human sacrifice.
Damien, because he was a violent schizophrenic who worshipped the devil.
I've met Damien Echols IRL and he's genuinely a really nice guy, no satanic stuff - he's more of a self taught crypto-freemasonic christian.

Personally I don't think he did it. He's been trying to further investigate the brutal murders because there is currently evidence that Memphis PD doesn't want to reveal. The stepdad is of course the prime suspect, and he was friends with local police who are probably still trying to cover up for him to this day.
It certainly is interesting that Damien Echols is apparently friends with Johnny Depp, Eddie Vedder etc.
It's likely that the victims were killed by at LEAST three people. This is evidenced that three different styles of knots were used to bind each victim. It's also unlikely that if if was one perpetrator that two of the kids would obediently sit while their friend was being tied up and not try to run.

The problem with assigning guilt to the WM3 is that there is no solid case against them, and there is no solid case against anyone, but they and a number of other people all behaved suspiciously before and after the murders. The rabbit hole goes deep on this one.

Often cited as the most solid evidence is Misskelley's repeated confessions, one of which was given against the advice of his lawyer. However his initial confession was not tape recorded (against procedure) and the evidence he offered (claiming that a specific brand of whiskey bottle would be found under a bridge, which it was) is not the slam dunk people think it is, there was tons of trash under there and he could have seen the bottle at another date. However, he isn't "mentally retarded" as some like to claim, he tested in the low normal range.

Damien has lied repeatedly about so many things over the years he may qualify as a pathological liar. He once tried to gouge someone's eyes out during a fight, and he tried to manufacture an alibi for the night of the murders.

Jason Baldwin threw a knife into a lake after the murders, the knife was later found to have small nails on the bottom of the handle that once held a small compass, these nails were said to match perfectly with one of the victim's head wounds (although this is disputed and may also be snapping turtle bites).
John Mark Byers (stepfather #1) was a high ranking Freemason and a police informant. He was likely never been properly investigated. After evidence of bite marks was thought to be found on the victims (determined later to be snapping turtle bites) he had all of his teeth removed and gave differing reasons as to why.

Terry Hobbs (stepfather #2) had no clear alibi for the time of the murders, had once sexually assaulted his (adult) neighbor, and had shot his brother in law during an argument. However, the sole piece of evidence tying him to the crime is a near-microscopic hair fiber similar to his (but also similar to around 4 million adult males in the US population.

Damien's cousin was in possession of a "foul-smelling" box in the days after the murders, he was paranoid and would not let anyone near it. He later travelled out of state on an overnight trip in the company of an adult male homosexual to get rid of it

Damien's girlfriend was an admitted witch and blood-drinker who had learned it from her mother, she was the cousin of a producer of a devil-worshipping newsletter in L.A.

Vicky Hutchison, - whose young son Aaron Hutcheson claimed to have witnessed the murders - dated Jessie Misskelley when he was 18 and she was in her 30s, she also claimed to have attended an "esbat" at which Damien was present (Damien confirmed this). Aaron Hutcheson and first claimed that the murder was committed by several adult men, later claimed that the WM3 were present, and at various times claimed John Mark Byers was present. He was eventually discarded as a witness due to his changing stories. However it was a tape recording of Hutcheson saying "no one knows what happened there but me" that initially drove Misskelley to confess.
The Other Jason Baldwin - There was another man living in West Memphis whose name was also Jason Baldwin, and police notes sometimes confuse the two Jason Baldwins. It was this Jason Baldwin and his own cousin L.G. Hollingsworth (mentioned above) that Damien named as two people he thought could have committed the murders. He was also named by Vicky Hutcheson as someone who was at the esbat.

Mr. Bojangles - Black male with a cast in his arm who stumbled into a nearby restraunt the night of the murders, was disoriented and bleeding, locked himself in the woman's bathroom for an hour before leaving. Never identified, blood samples and the sunglasses he left behind both disappeared in police custody.

Ice Cream Man - Ice Cream man who knew all 3 victims and moved to California days after the murder, was questioned by police in California and he confessed but then immediately recanted.

"Lucy" - Leader of a Satanic cult in the West Memphis area, described by multiple independent witnesses (including Damien) as a heavyset blond man in his 30s who drove an off-white van and lived outside of West Memphis, because "occult expert" Jerry Driver never located him, he told people he didn't really exist. Adult woman in her 30s who schooled Damien in witchcraft also never located.
Other Oddities:

Ken Govar - Truck driver who told police that he has picked up a hitchhiker on the day of the murders and dropped him off in West Memphis. He described the man as skinny and having several devil-themed tattoos and claimed the man scared him. Ken Govar is the brother of federal prosecutor Bob Govar, who presided over the notoriously botched "Boys on the Tracks" murders in Arkansas (seriously).

Amy Childree murder - 14 year old girl who was murdered in a Satanic ritual in Arkansas in 1991, the murder was committed by several teenagers under the direction of an adult man, Damien Echols was questioned by "occult expert" Jerry Driver in regards to this case before it was solved (location of the murder not far from West Memphis).

Man who got out of a car to take pictures of victim Chris Byers as he was playing in his front yard a few weeks before the murders, was never located.

A woman and her young son claimed they saw the three victims, along with 2 other boys the same age enter Robin Hood Hills shortly before the murders, other 2 boys never identified.
only thing paranormal here is that mullet, got damn

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