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Ok, una más.
This is how the play ends

Don’t get in, don’t huy girls, don’t help, don’t do anything with me.
When you get in, you do a buy you always get humiliated by either an obese rich man, a transexual lizard or a betoid who can’t even geta director to make his false autobiography.
I do not owe you sex
I do not owe you help
I do not owe you shit
You are not a fucking feminist, you literal taliban.
Fuck off, draw the line, I don’t want to see cops smiling at me, or cops or anything. You’re not a fucking savior, you’re a career ender at best.

Now, today. After a month of training the protection, plus all the work magic, all the karma and the brutal runs I could have you gen’ly karma’ed. In 2 months killed, In 6 months have your show ended a little bit.

Draw the line, you can’t even get married and you want to “fix” someone who has already fixed your manlet beta ass incel fucking attitude a million times.

Everytime I am attacked or stalked, you pay for it so I can have more return than stolen.

I will be the very best without you and all my own prophecies are coming to life.

You get mad? Not my fucking problem. I don’t have to be respectful for weak little men.

Same with all the rest, difference is the lucifer regime pays for everyone.

And to fatboy slim, i bet my life that your fat fuck loser ass will be acting all loosey goosey during the coming days, this is not a collab this is a venue invasion colonization humiliation, you’re a fucking joke and you got literally no one by your side, i warned you

Am I always right or not

And yes, always a giant. So what? You’re just jealous

Now you see I was always right? Why I didn’t pick you? Why I went through the fire for rejecting you?

Haven’t I been more right than some “readers”

Whoever I bet my life on will win.

I was always right about you!

I am the fucking prophet, I will be the number 1 A of my fucking generation and I will fucking bury you if you come near again.
Pussy bitch.
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Watchu talkin' bout Willis
So are you ever going to clarify who these messages are for or are you just going to shit up the board with your schizo rambling every other day
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These gay ass AI bot posts bore me

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