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This entire ceremony is a demand for you to die
what is blue man meant to symbolise?
You need to decide. You cant have all ;p
I don’t get regular tv so couldn’t watch it live anyway. They had live Olympics on YouTube channels but it was just showing the small crowds not the actual ceremony.
Dionysos god of wine.
you murricans are ignorant as fuck holy shit.
what the fuck dude, i also watch the entire thing on youtube, i saw the actual ceremony, learn to search channels, holy crap
it's a smurf

Ok schizo

Tldr the elite showed us the degenere present, once obscurity arises people die.
Few survive among the destruction and rubble, imagine starts playing, no countries, no wars, no nothing.

Pale horse runs for 15 minutes with dramatic music.
First part ends.
Second part we have supernature playing reminding us that it's inevitable and god is not on your side, moloch watches the ceremony as the Olympic flag is raised upside down

>you murricans are ignorant as fuck holy shit.
I had to hold myself from saying it
Yes, it was mostly the old world died and it's a fresh world reborn.
very fullness of needlessfull sayings, sir

i am from scandinavia
>i am from scandinavia
You are brown.
Their diversity part was specially cringe, it's like the whole circus broke loose, with a literal bearded girl in there and all.
But I liked the ending, after heavy dancing they all drop dead and stop moving and darkness covers them. Good riddance.
i'm just jesting
You don't get it, the degeneracy part is today, the couple doing traditional dances, the kids, the niggers, the disabled...

That's us dancing on the stage of a fat whore that's europe.
It signifies that none will avoid death, you included, it signifies that death shall come for all.

That was the message, disregard of the degeneracy, that was a trick to make you turn your sight from the message
So they wiggle these hidden messages in our faces? Sounds typical.

Ďęåťħ įß ċœmïňğ țö Éũřøpę - (((ķábàł ñ Čő)))
>So they wiggle these hidden messages in our faces?
Yes, just check 2012 Olympic ceremony.
The wiggling a message to our faces serves a purpose.
If the message is presented in a ritualistic way, like a ceremony, a lot of attention, a lot of emotions, will be poured into it, and it'll get in the back of our collective mind.
By watching and enjoying the ceremony an unaware watcher is subconsciously agreeing to the message.
Watching the ceremony has to be an act of pure observation without emotion to not be part of the ceremony itself.

By agreeing to the ceremony the ones in power are clearing their hands in the face of God, as they are not breaking your will, but rather bringing the common will into reality which I'm this case has been convinced to accept death.

Also why do you write in those characters?
Please don't become another retarded egomanic name or tripfag, or even worse a schizo preaching their disconnected through process.

If you meant to be ironic, yeah death is coming to Europe, that was the message, don't shoot me the messenger, i just interpreted it for the conscious mind
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>It signifies that none will avoid death, you included
can't be
they didn't include neets and incels
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I cant die, I D.E.I.!

Divest (my evil eye), Equalize (my heart and mind), Incorporate (perspective not my own).
The Nephilim look like clowns
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Took a piece of you, boi, command me again

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