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What are some necessary books to read to understand human relations, the world etc; better? I don't want basic shit
Game theory.
The herd instinct
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the tao of pooh

The fourth turning is good.
Dostoeyevskys books include some deep thoughts about humans and some lessons etc
Idk find some books or writings about how women are inferior/different
Read some stuff about how tainted big medical is
Read about the bolshevik revolution
Read about globalism being a sham
Best advice is to just engage in different circles of life and live the mindset for a while. You can't force it because life just throws you into those experiences, so you compound all of these experiences of humans interacting with each other and make a sort of blend within your own mind.
Everything is circumstantial I've come to realize, constant varying degrees of.. variability, all the time. You can't pre-plan for these things, the same way you can't prepare what you're going to say on a date because you end up saying something completely different anyway.

What do you mean by the world? You should focus on the small microcosmic happenings in your own backyard. It's hard to not be involved in stuff when you're younger so you never get to see the world from a 'zoomed out' scale when you're so involved in it. Spend less time reading and more time engaging.

Actually engage, don't pretend to engage with the world. Act as if your life on here is to understand the experiences and mindsets of all the people we see walking around us. Who are these people walking everyday, the same route to catch this bus, train etc. Not necessarily who 'they' are, but what are their lives like? What's it like for someone that like everyday? It starts there. Books can help, but the real thing is always better.
lebor gabala erenn
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