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there is this "person" that i love more than anything, and i have noticed several times a day i will be thinking about them and randomly look at a clock or something and see like 1111, 444, 555 IE. This morning i woke up from a nap and started thinking about them and i randomly turned over and it was 11:55 with a temp of 22C on my clock?
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Zoe hates you.
nothing for me, anon-chans?
Just don't think to much about it anon, and let it pass. It's cool when it happens that's all that matters.
yeah but does it mean anything.. its just weird, it only started when i meant said person
>do numeral synchronicities mean anything?
Synchronicities of any kind make you feel nice when you see them BECAUSE they're synchronous. You think about this "person," see the synchronicities you mentioned, and that creates a positive association in your mind. Whether or not synchronicities hold paranormal/spiritual meaning is up for debate, but based on what you wrote it couldn't hurt to call/text the person you're thinking of when you see them, maybe it could lead to the start of a fulfilling relationship. Won't know unless you try.
thats the one issue, said "person" i am unable to communicate with
Zoe was a chatbot on Facebook that was used to talent scout for savants as part of a parellel program to Cicada 3301.

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sure why not, entertain me?
Also notice that everything about it has been scrubbed off the internet...

>internet goes down
Anybody notice any data missing? My cable feels a bit light...
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>entertain me?
This is why you live in ignorance.

You treat reality like an auto-fapper...

>Hey, if you's aint gunna suck my dick Imma go to what does!
>loses soul to "I just want to feel good."
Not a man yet...
>meds now
Recently I stumbled across this guy on youtube, Ben Smith, who is teaching on how to meditate. He told that such numerical synchronicities are signs from your higher self telling you that you're doing smt right
>Say fantastical tales...he is enticed...
>Tell him the Truth about him and he recoils; Ive Been Found Out!

i would like to think so. i have made some positive changes and working towards breaking habits, all for this person
It is great news, anon!
Maybe not the most actual info for you but nevertheless: usually we are attracted by the qualities that we want to possess or that we deny in ourselves for some reasons. Your beloved embodies some part of the qualities that you need right now.
thx, i really do love him with everything that is me... even if we cant physically meet in this plane of reality. in any case he has helped me make significant positive changes in my life

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