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when deeply dreaming or astral projecting (I don't anymore because it was way too scary), entities that look human or are, very regularly face a wall or just show me the back of their head. If i try to look at them my perspective gets all messed up and I can't, they always face the other side. Once I got tired of trying to get ones attention and sit down, suddenly they have turned around and are staring at me and ask with an amusing friendly smile "wait you see me?".
Another time there was a room full of them, a voice begins speaking to me and after some dialouge it agrees it would be best if I leave this room.
what? They weren't black, they were white from memory, or possibly hispanic.
I've seen something similar.

I could never quite figure out what they looked like, but I could see where they were. They showed me things I shouldn't have seen.
Very good.

Post more about this. Are these recurring dreams? Do you take DMT? Do you have sleep paralysis? Do you take medication to sleep?
I've had encounters with these dream entities that you know are sentient. Or, at least, you don't control them. They're not all the same. Some are like the 'shadows'- minor level demons. Others are full on demons. Not to say that demon is a necessarily bad thing. But they are self aware. Try to look them in the eyes. The shadows aren't strong enough to hold up, but the real demons stare you down fearlessly.
The setting was too coincidental to be anything other than a person on the other end
Not a bad thing? A demon means a sinister spirit against humans. Why not just say spirit or entity then?
I have taken mushrooms, with a tryptamine similar to dmt. Once when I saw them during AP in a room I found them like this, I had found my way out of some large building for activities. I thought finally I'm outside but realised the same perspective illusion was happening. I try to walk and fly away but can't, so I make a "tear" in the "reality and just go inside, staying there not playing along. Suddenly some officer type being comes and takes me out, in the moment I sense that the perspective illusion was off, break through some type of invisible glass and there they are again. Just standing still in an eery dark room, not able to see their face.
My AP experiences almost always started out like this, I had to escape from some type of dome.
Once after one turned around a different entity also suddenly appeared (I guess because they knew I could see the wallfacer) and showed me a sort of guide document that held the names of these entities or other info, I can't read in dreams or AP but for some reason I could read the document. He was young and friendly.
>so I make a "tear" in the "reality and just go inside, staying there not playing along.
could you elaborate on this? what exactly is the modality to do this, just pure willpower? how do you visualize or perceive such a thing anyway?

>I had to escape from some type of dome.
quite interesting if you connect that with the perspective of prison planet kind of thing, how so many remote viewers / NDE'rs / psychonauts have corroborating information regarding shit like this. stuff about firmaments and some "net" that a malevolent faction placed around our "dome" that serves as a capturing device for consciousness
those rooms contain the dna fragments of reality, or at least the reality of your world.
Are you a christian?
Demon comes from an ancient word meaning 'knowing one'.
Besides, only christians have this demons vs. god larp.
Gods are demons. The highest. Your (presumably) christian god is a demon and your rituals are magick as much as any satanic or hindi ritual.
How do you know that it was a 'person' and not a 'demon'? Both have intelligence aside from yours. Both have a degree of self awareness. It could be a person, but i don't see the proof. If it's a person, then you must've pissed off some powerful warlock. I've never met anyone with that power.
I don't think they know how to break the dome and that's the mystery they're trying to solve. Not once have I seen a good account of it.
It was a person. A computer or synthetic version couldn't do that. It doesn't have the psitek. I know a bad actor when I see one.
I just sort of did, difficult to explain intuition. I didn't trust the building and there was nothing going on in the garden so I focused everything on that tear. I don't even really know why I went inside and stayed there, other than some non-aware part of me knew the weird almost robotic officer types needed to come and get me if I would. Maybe I was checking for them.
And yeah my small contained dome starts was one reasons I quit, made me exhausted and dehydrated irl after using these purely intuitive methods such as the tear to outsmart or protect myself from some system. I didn't have much of a positive dialogue trying to share my experiences with AP communities, was basically just told to fuck off or that I'm imagining it all so it's my fault somehow. Was not expecting that. I studied from reading Monroe and less so from online places.
Demon come from a corrupted version of the greek word daemon to my knowledge. Anyways I honestly don't know what you are babbling about or how it relates to what I said. You have someone rent free in your head.
I guess I'll note the domes I did manage to break out of were more like giant energy containers of sorts. But as for that weird perspective garden place I mentioned I guess I only broke into a hidden room and was still in that dome which I couldn't get out of.
You can usually sense if something is a demon, and other times some entities can just feel very off. Never felt that from the wallfacers, they could just look eery. Almost starting to think these wallfacers are just idle dream bodies or something like that.
A bad actor who can visit your dreams is very powerful. I'd look into it further if i was you.

Get a life, christcuck. The word daemon comes from even older roots. Greek isn't the first language. And, even then, the greeks used it similar to how i do. Are we done here?

Maybe you're right, but it sounds like you're using demon as a pejorative or a term charged with 'negative' connotations, which is inaccurate. Think of it as a self-aware entity which knows things you don't.
Why are you calling me a christcuck, again, you seem to have people living rent free in your head.
>using demon as a pejorative
Yes, because that is what people usually mean when they say demon, a sinister spirit. You are using a word differently than most without originally explaining how and getting angry when I use it in the culturally common way. Stop seething so much over a word and how people don't use it the same way as you.
Who is angry?
The pejorative use of 'demon' is 100% a christcuck thing, either religiously or culturally. Why should i care how the unwashed masses use a term? Do you ask the masses what is true and who to fuck as well? You are a thoroughbred serf.

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