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The mark of the beast already came and is still being applied.

>They were the mark, along with the VCRs, and potentially tested industrial meat.
>They contained parasites, hydra eggs, and black goo
>The first beast of revelation is the original hydra that is hyper-intelligent, telepathic, and is basically transhuman himself.
>Diatoms were most likely designed to keep this hydra down
>The second beast of revelation is a radio tower, basically the EMF frequencies, that will allow the hydra and the government to keep you controlled and track you. The second beast along with weather manipulation technology caused the Miracle of Fatima (Miracle of the Sun). This is why some couldn't see it, the ones who couldn't were probably out of towners who didn't eat or interact with anything in that town prior to it.
>It isn't a choice to worship the first beast, if you have been marked with anything you took you will worship it unless God steps in
>The second beast does make all get the other part of the mark, you can see it growing in untainted blood. It needs those frequencies to do so.
>This is why it says go to the wilderness, to avoid these modern day Asherah poles.
>The first beast will most likely stay contained in whatever body of water it is in until a solar flare kills the diatoms trapping it (Most likely in Russia since there is a species of diatoms endemic only to that lake).
>The tribulation is going to be a time period where everyone marked with his cells/eggs will make an image (Aka a bust, meaning they will sprout hydra tentacles out their head) to him and become mind controlled. You can see these structures already growing in the dead marked.
>I recommend heavy metal detoxes and getting as far away from civilization as possible for both the marked and unmarked

Good luck, pray, and repent.
VCRs aren't real.
did you know that disclosure is what actually ushers in the apocalypse? Christ is King
ok OP, what do you mean by "they"
is this a lake baikal serpent below the brine reference?

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