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Feels like things are getting progressively more crazy and weird, and there is no normalcy left. Very unsettling.
>Does anybody else feel like things are going to start getting very bad.
Yes, I feel this overwhelming sense of impending doom like an ominous roar in the force going out from an unknown source getting louder and louder in a way that is painful and deafeningly loud to my soul. My spirit weeps and screams in despair and from the depths I call out to God "SAVE ME"

Every day I feel this more strongly.

I don't know what is coming- but I hope God comes first.
I hope there is some kind of rapture to repatriate the people who have already suffered enough and just leave behind the people who created this mess.
I can remember standing in the yard and watching the Aurora Borealis a few weeks ago and feeling a sense of dread. I took it as a dark omen and every day my belief in that is strengthened.
i feel like people have been echoing this notion for years and years and im not old enough to gauge, but it truly does seem that the degeneracy and ridiculous-factor of this all has boiled over the threshold. even normies started feeling this way. it just keeps accelerating. it has to reach a point
Religion has to be wrong, because it would damn countless innocents to hell, and bring many evil ones to heaven.

God is right, not humanity, not science, not religion.

please God, prove humanity wrong.

Please God. INTERVENE!
>I can remember standing in the yard and watching the Aurora Borealis

Localized specifically just to your backyard?
Not only do I feel it, I feel I must ensure it. Battle lines are drawn now. Let no man say he had no warning.
No pussy, no god.
The incels are the chosen ones.
All the rest will be wiped out from Earth.
Specially women.

Hail the Black Cube.
We will win, and humanity will be obliterated.
The /pol/tard can only cry.
It's the last days and the controllers are raging about it, so they're trying to maximize human suffering without making it too obvious.

>ominous roar
1 Peter 5:8
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”
There is only despair in life everything is bullshit and all religions are also bullshit what you are considering "bad" is the world waking up to the absolute hell hole that is this world. This world is a mistake and so is everybody inside of it. Everything shall burn.
This. I'm asking myself what is my role. God has been forging me into a true monster. I pray for strength to do what is necessary.
I have the opposite feeling. We are entering the final confrontation before victory. I feel like we're approaching the point right before the great tower of Barad-Dur collapses and the Enemy is destroyed forever. I feel like we're on the precipice of 1000 years of light, justice, and harmony. Soon every wrong will be righted, every tear will be wiped away, and all things shall be made new.
This is an underrated joke.
The air of 2019 is blowing, like the calm before the big storm.
Lay back and watch the Ego shitting its pants.
I think you guys would like this song.

There's a crack, there's a crack in the world.
Just fifty more years we're all gonna know.
Why, when, where, how, and who get's to go.
So let's all have a good time before the great divide.
'Cause things will start separating come 2025.
So look for the subtle clues
It won't make the front-page news.
That depends upon which side that you choose.
agenda 2030 is getting closer.
I will let you know God is preparing me for something, he gave me a gift and raised my senses and focus to heightened levels
It's all still a bit overwhelming as I adjust

I'm not sure yet what I'm to do with this but I know it will be useful in the time to come
time is a relative measure of events
time is speeding up as reach the end of days
The world already ended a million times over. The weirdness is from exploring realities that still exist, and these are getting increasingly more weird and unbelievable. Don't worry, there is plenty of timecube left.
The elite have a second seal to fulfill during this 33rd Olympiad. Expect Munich 2.0. Peace will be taken from the earth. If we interpret Revelation by the original Greek and ignore the Judeo-Christian version meant to deceive then everything fits where it’s meant to.
paranoid boomer moment, get off facebook and kill yourself old man
There is normal, it's called do things for the intrinsic value, authenticity and honor of it. STEM and art.
you ever just turn off your tv you phone and your computer? for afew days even, i cant help but think this question wouldnt exist for you if you had.
its happening in slow motion right now, only caveat is that no one remembers those who leave. hence the mandela effect.
Could you elaborate? In what ways, what was the process, how are you now?
What makes you think that? Just the Mandela effect?
Every 5-10 years there's a paradigm shift. Sometimes there's a lead up to it, sometimes not. Doesn't help that rose tinted glasses means it's easy to forget how weird the normalcy actually was. Try to roll with the punches
Fucking niggers are based


Shit gonna get wild

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